Chapter 667
Whether Morgan is willing to submit or not, this will not change Bai Yuekui's control over the aborigines in this world.

Of course, as a cold goddess, Bai Yuekui had no interest in managing the city, so he handed over the management of the city to Morgan.

Although Morgan created a cult like the Church of Light and Shadow, it was all to suppress human emotions. Now that you play as cannon fodder, there is no need to suppress emotions anymore, so Morgan announced on the spot that the Church of Light and Shadow was disbanded.

Charles was dumbfounded for a moment, what the hell, announced the disbandment of the Church of Light and Shadow after finding the Lord of Light and Shadow?
What will he do?
Morgan said he could be his own son.

Charles:  …

Although Morgan was telling the truth, he felt very angry.

What made him even more angry was that his power was gone, but Mark's power was still there.

According to Zhang Chen's idea, Bai Yuekui asked the players to build a city of their own around the NPC. The players readily agreed to this. After all, only by protecting the NPC can they enjoy the game better.

The new Xiazhu City Lord is still Wang Duoyu, the Deputy Lord is Wang Qi, and the secretary is Sui Ying, Mark, Ran Bing and so on.

As for Wang Duoyu, who was aggressively looking for Bai Yuekui's theory, after a lot of fighting, ah, no, after arguing with reason, he finally got a benefit, he could buy Yuan Lingshi from the inner city.

The so-called Yuan Lingshi is actually a mineral produced by the gathering place through reverse research on the flower of Mana.

To put it bluntly, it is to turn passive into active, inject emotional power into the water through a special instrument, let the water condense, and finally form the emotional stone.

This is also an excellent material for Zanpakuto, because these powers have emotions, which can make the player's Zanpakuto more psychic.

Players used to be able to upgrade Zanpakuto by devouring souls, but now it is no longer possible. They can only upgrade honestly, and then learn Shijie and Swastika. They are essentially matured, and there is no way to be like the Zanpakuto in the hands of a real death god. Pakuto has its own will like that.

Not to mention that Zhang Chen didn't intend to let them have their own will from the beginning, what if they rebelled?
Although it didn't affect him, the players must be dumbfounded. After playing around, Zanpakutao ran away, so they still played with a hammer!
But the lack of will does not mean that they have no sensitivity. If they are more sensitive to the player's emotions, the control of Zanpakuto will naturally be more convenient.

Not to mention that the player's Zanpakutao is full of strange things, such as Zeng Xiaoxian's screaming chicken. When you pinch it, the enemy will be furious. It is very useful for attracting monsters, but it is not so easy to deal with intelligent creatures. Use Yuan Lingshi to strengthen it. The effect will definitely be better in the end, it is estimated that it will be so popular that I can't wait to raise Zeng Xiaoxian's ashes.

This can be regarded as a special product of this world. To some extent, it is similar to the spirit food in the world of corpses and souls, but the effect of these spirit stones is better.

As for allowing the players to produce Yuan Lingshi by themselves, let's not talk about whether they can sit still, but just talk about their emotions. I'm sorry, how can a group of dark-hearted guys have pure emotions.

"This Bai Yuekui is interesting."

Zhang Chen nodded, and said to Esdeth with a bit of resentment: "Look at him, he knows how to trade with special products from his own world, how about you? You know how to fight and kill all day long."

Estes:  …

Is it her fault?
Players will be the entire "cut!All the dangerous species in the world of Crimson Eyes have been exterminated, even if she wants to breed dangerous species, she can't do it!

And doesn't she have a fashion doctor under her command?You can't pretend that he doesn't exist just because you don't want to see him!
Zhang Chen casually mentioned something, and immediately felt that this could be done, just like in many novels of trading between the heavens, each world has its own specialties, and they can exchange what they have.

Then he started to think about what he lacked...

Wait, I don't seem to be short of it!
I'm the boss, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine.

Having figured this out, Zhang Chen immediately waved his hand and said, "It's okay, if you lack anything, tell me, you followed me earlier than Bai Yuekui."

Estes thought for a while, fixed his eyes on Zhang Chen, and said with bright eyes: "I lack a man."

Zhang Chen: ...

This is a bit difficult, where can I transform you into a man.

Ah, no, I can indeed create one, after all, the Lord God can create people with unlimited common sense.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but think of the time when he was in "Cut!In the world of "Red Eyes", the players fawn on Esdesh one by one, and then Esdesh turns them into sand... ice sculptures.

"For things like men, the emphasis is on resignation, and there is no rush."

Zhang Chen persuaded, it is impossible to bring Tazmi here, Tazmi has a wife.

"I think fate has come."

Estes laughed.

Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes, who is the Chinese cabbage in my house?


Although this guy is strong, but he is a dead house, and he is also bald, Esdes should look down on him.

Hiruko shadow Yin?

Although both he and Estes are perverts, Zhi Ziyingyin is gloomy and does not conform to Estes' aesthetics.


The difference between this guy and Saitama is that he has hair, forked off.

Zhang Chen gasped, and said, what is Esdesi's courtship request?

Purposeful, gutsy, living on the frontier, younger than her, with a pure smile.

Fuck, all up to the mark!
I didn't expect, I didn't expect, Genos, you are this kind of person?

"That's fine."

Although Zhang Chen was a little upset that his Chinese cabbage was being bullied, he still respected his subordinates and nodded in agreement.

Esdeth's eyes instantly became extremely hot, and he walked directly to Zhang Chen, and then sat in his arms.

Zhang Chen:? ? ?
What the hell, what are you doing?
Zhang Chen looked at Estes in astonishment, and suddenly realized that I treat you as a tool, and you actually want to sleep with me?

Feeling the plumpness of Sister Yu in his arms, Zhang Chen couldn't help but fell into egg pain.

Although he really wanted to push it to Estes, the problem is, his face is blue now!

If he really slept with Esdeth, who would be to blame then?

Is blue dyed green me?Or am I green and blue?

"Ahem! Wait a minute."

Pushing Esdesi out of his arms gave Zhang Chen some headaches.

Although he often used Nilu and Hestia as pillows, he just felt that holding a sister in his arms was cool and comfortable, and he didn't think anything out of the ordinary.

Because this is different from the behind-the-scenes boss setting in his heart, after all, only a boss that is not exposed is a good boss.

But after getting along for so long, it must be nonsense to say that he has no feelings. If he doesn't like Estes, why let her follow him and find a way to satisfy her strange XP.

"Wait, why do I think I'm a BOSS?"

Zhang Chen suddenly thought of an extremely critical question. Why does he, the savior of the multiverse, the terminator of the doomsday, and the scavenger of the universe, consider himself a BOSS?
(End of this chapter)

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