Chapter 682
Jin Enjun began to suspect that the reason why this dungeon wanted to help Zhang Junbao find a wife might not be that Zhang Junbao was God's own son, but that Zhang Junbao probably would never find a wife in his life.

Zhang Junbao taught very carefully. It is not that he had never thought of teaching Shen Rong some kung fu before, but practicing martial arts is not an easy task. Like Shaolin Temple, it takes more than ten years to practice carrying water and chopping firewood. This is still a basic skill. I can continue to practice.

Furthermore, what he learned in this body originated from Shaolin. Although he was expelled from Shaolin by Jue Yuan, he is still very grateful to Shaolin Temple, and naturally he would not spread Shaolin Temple's exercises indiscriminately.

However, the martial arts of Quanzhen Sect are gentle and peaceful. Ordinary people may not be able to achieve it overnight, but they can definitely strengthen their bodies and even prolong their lifespan year after year.

Zhang Junbao's martial arts is not high, but he is very talented. After comprehending the "Jade Heart Sutra", he quickly transformed it into "Tai Chi Sword Art".

Of course, it is said to be "Tai Chi Sword Art", but it is actually a grassroots creation. There is no such thing as using softness to overcome rigidity, but left yin and right yang. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it "Yin Yang Sword Art".

Shen Rong also listened very seriously. Although she is a weak woman, she is also a woman with a heart. What's more, because she is a weak woman, she wants to protect herself, at least she will not be arrested again and become Mrs. Yazhai.

Jin Enjun felt drowsy when he heard it. He was not the main character, and he didn't understand the gossip, let alone "Tai Chi Sword Art", he didn't even understand "Jade Heart Sutra".

"Brother Yang!"

"Brother Yang!"

Jin Enjun opened his eyes in a daze, only to realize that he had fallen asleep.

"Brother Yang, the rain has stopped, we can go."

Zhang Junbao laughed.

Jin Enjun nodded and stretched his waist. It has to be said that sleeping in the game is great. The only thing that is not good is that he has not finished a copy task yet.

Now it’s not like before. In the past, he only needed to slash monsters desperately to upgrade. Now there are no plot points, so he has to be stuck at level 10, and he can’t even upgrade.

Shaking his head, Jin Enjun cheered up, then got up and said, "Okay then, let's go."


Zhang Junbao hesitated, but Shen Rong said directly: "Brother Yang, we are being hunted down by Chen Youliang's people, it will be dangerous for you to follow us."

Shen Rong and Zhang Junbao are not gloomy people, but Zhang Junbao thinks that since Jin Enjun can carry martial arts cheats with him, he should be good at martial arts, and he might be able to help them.

Shen Rong's thinking is much simpler. Although she is a rich lady, she has been staying in the boudoir all the time and doesn't know anything about the world. She doesn't think that Jin Enjun can be as good as Chen Youliang's elite soldiers and protect her well.

"Is there such a thing?"

Jin Enjun's eyelids twitched, did Zhang Sanfeng have any grudges against Chen Youliang?Could it be the hatred of taking his wife?

Well, that's not the point, but how can he miss this kind of adversity to see the truth, this is a rare opportunity!
Jin Enjun immediately said with righteous indignation: "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. Miss Shen, don't need to say too much. It is my duty to be a chivalrous man in the martial arts. Don't worry, I will protect you well!"

Zhang Junbao suddenly felt that this Yang Jian was more and more similar to himself, maybe he was his own brother. To be honest, he regretted that he didn't make a vow with Jin Enjun.

After the rain, the three of them walked on the somewhat damp grass, leaving footprints one by one.

After all, it was ancient times, and the roads couldn't be so smooth, but even the spoiled Shen Rong, although faltering, still took one step at a time.


Suddenly, Shen Rong let out a coquettish cry, and leaped forward, Zhang Junbao hurriedly supported her, preventing Shen Rong from falling on the ground.

"what happened?"

Zhang Junbao was a little anxious.

"It hurts!"

Shen Rong frowned slightly, making Zhang Junbao feel even more distressed.

"Sit down now."

Helping Shen Rong to sit down on a rock, Zhang Junbao was not polite this time, and took off Shen Rong's shoes directly, and found that there was no bleeding, and realized that it was a sprained foot.

"Be patient."

Zhang Junbao held Shen Rong's foot, twisted it twice, and caused Shen Rong to exclaim a few more times, then put down his leg, and said in relief: "Okay, it's all right, just find a doctor to apply the medicine for you after you go down the mountain Alright, let's go."

Hearing such a straight man's speech, Jin Eunjun completely gave up. If this guy didn't have his help, he would never find a wife.

Although the bones were straightened by Zhang Junbao, the muscles still ached. Zhang Junbao could only step forward to hold Shen Rong's right hand, and helped her to continue walking, not even daring to hold her hand.

Jin Enjun couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Zhang Junbao: "How long are you going to go like this, that Junbao, please carry Miss Shen on your back."

"Is it inappropriate?"

"no need!"

Both of them are a little embarrassed, after all, men and women are not close.

"Don't forget, you are running for your life, is it time to take care of this?"

Jin Eunjun hates that iron cannot be a steel road,
Shen Rong and Zhang Junbao looked at each other, Jin Enjun did make sense, but they still wanted to feel embarrassed.

"Come on!"

"Search for me!"



Jin Enjun's eyes lit up, and he said anxiously: "Jun Bao, hurry up and leave with Miss Shen on your back, I will stop them!"

"Here, let me stay!"

Zhang Junbao was also in a hurry, he felt that it was a bit too much for him to risk his life to save himself since he didn't know Jin Eunjun before.

"Stop talking nonsense, I can get away, but it's hard to get away with you and Miss Shen."

Jin Eunjun was speechless, why does this guy have no eyesight at all, back!

Zhang Junbao gritted his teeth, a princess hugged Shen Rong, and then ran away quickly.

Kim Eun Joon: What the hell!
Although the princess hug looks very loving, but firstly, it is laborious, and secondly, you can't feel the girl's armor, and you can't make the girl shy. How can you pick up girls?

Resisting the urge to go back and kick Zhang Junbao over his hands to teach him to carry his wife, Jin Enjun stopped in front of the pursuers.

"I saw her, chase after me!"

"Don't run!"


Jin Eunjun was dressed in a moon white robe, but was ignored by the pursuers, and even the pursuers planned to run into him directly.

"It's a pity that I have no experience."

Jin Enjun sighed and took out a grenade from his arms.

It’s not like before. In the past, you only needed to kill monsters desperately to level up. Now there are no plot points, so he has to be stuck at level 10. No matter how many monsters you kill, you will be given luck coins at most. If you are lucky, you will explode It's a bit of a waste of copper and iron, after all, the level is there, the mobs that can be dealt with at level 10, the drop rate of good things is not high.


An earth-shattering sound made Zhang Junbao and Shen Rong's eardrums hurt. They couldn't help but look back and saw the pursuers in front of Jin Enjun fell to the ground one by one, howling, blood flowing like a river.

Zhang Junbao and Shen Rong fell into deep thought as they watched the pursuers who were killed and wounded.

So, why are we running?
(End of this chapter)

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