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Chapter 689 Be honest, put your head in your hands, face the wall, and squat down!

Chapter 689 Be honest, put your head in your hands, face the wall, and squat down!
"Be honest, put your head in your hands, face the wall, and squat down!"

Ten minutes later, nine men and one woman squatted by the corner of the wall with bruised noses and swollen faces, looking aggrieved.

"Crying, why are you crying, weren't you very arrogant just now?"

Jin Eunjun snorted a few times, that's great, I can't beat you anymore!Women are amazing, I beat up men, don't you know that men and women are equal?If you don't hit you, are you worthy of the nine men who were beaten?
Playing games, what you pay attention to is unscrupulous, what you dare not do in reality, what you can't do, can be realized in the game. He is now a president, and he considers himself a Confucian businessman, so he always speaks but does not do it. In the game, you can vent as much as you want.

Of course, players can beat white-named NPCs, but they must not be disabled, and players are not so boring to trouble NPCs. The person who was beaten was still crying.

Not to mention that white-named NPCs sometimes complain to famous NPCs, and the group of NPCs who issued tasks to them will not give them tasks. They probably have to kneel in front of white-named NPCs and beg them not to die.

"Scholar can be killed but not humiliated, kill us if you have the ability!"

The person who spoke was a handsome young man. Although he was flattened into a pig's head, he could vaguely tell that he was a handsome guy.

"Hey, do you know what happened to the last person who talked to me like that?"

Jin Enjun raised his foot and kicked the young man: "I'll humiliate you, you bite!"

I can't bite!

Jin Enjun's black panther suit is a BUG in this martial arts dungeon, and any magical weapon will not be able to cut it, let alone the broken copper and iron in their hands.


At this moment, there was a squirm on the sack brought by the group, which attracted Jin Eunjun's attention.

"Don't be too arrogant, you know I'm..."

The young man was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jin Enjun: "But your uncle, you want to divert my attention, do you want to be beautiful?"

As a businessman, in the business field, intrigues and intrigues are inevitable, and he could tell at a glance that this kid wanted to divert his attention.

"I can't see it, are you traffickers?"

Kicking Xiaonian again, Jin Enjun took out a dagger and cut open the sack, and then saw a red name.

It was quite red, so red that it was purple, and Jin Eunjun stabbed it with a knife.


This unknown man was already tied tightly by the young man, so he was naturally speechless, he could only stare at Jin Enjun with a puzzled expression, what kind of hatred?
[System Announcement: You killed Prime Minister Boyan and obtained [-] luck coins. 】

He had no experience, but he was given a lot of luck coins. Jin Enjun turned his head with a happy face, and saw that the hands and feet of the ten people who turned their heads secretly to peek were cold, broken, and met a murderer.

The young man glared fiercely at the big man holding the Yanyue knife, he was just passing by, why did you provoke him?
The big man looked aggrieved, isn't he afraid of being seen?They arrested Prime Minister Da Yuan, and if they were found, then the ten of them would be here.

"Crazy Yang, let's finish eating."

Zhang Junbao walked out of the ruined temple with Shen Rong in his arms, and said in a bad mood.

I have to say that getting used to it is an extremely terrible thing, because Jin Enjun has been forcing him to carry Shen Rong on his way these days, and now he goes out very consciously.

As for why Jin Enjun's address changed from Big Brother Yang to Crazy Yang, Jin Enjun knew this well, so he didn't care about Zhang Junbao's title.

"Jun Bao? Miss Shen?"

The young man who peeked sideways saw Zhang Junbao and Shen Rong, he was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed, and immediately stood up, it turned out that they were his own people!
Jin Enjun kicked over again, and said angrily, "Squat down!"

The young man looked dazed, but under the gaze of the man in the black panther helmet, he finally squatted obediently by the corner of the wall.

"Brother Zhu!"

Shen Rong was also a little happy, and then saw the posture of herself and Zhang Junbao...

Zhang Junbao also realized in an instant, and put Shen Rong down hastily. It wasn't that he thought Zhu Yuanzhang was green, but Zhu Yuanzhang knew them very well.

Zhu Yuanzhang also reacted. Seeing Zhang Junbao and Shen Rong hugging each other, although it was a bit tasteful, he didn't take it seriously.

She has no interest in her children's affairs, otherwise she wouldn't feel that Ma Zhilan being a queen would be boring, so she chose several concubines to be her companions.

He did save Shen Rong, but like Zhang Junbao, he only met a few times, not even as much time as Shen Rong and Zhang Junbao. What he wants to do most now is to make contributions, so he has no time to pick up girls.

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's misery, Zhang Junbao couldn't help but said, "Crazy Yang, this is me... This matter has nothing to do with these strangers, let's go."

It has to be said that Zhang Junbao finally learned to lie under Jin Enjun's vicious beating.

Just kidding, Shen Rong was tossed like this by the other party because of her relationship with him. If Brother Zhu and the others also joined, it would be very lively.

But Zhang Junbao is smart, but Jin Eunjun is so smart, the young man called Zhang Junbao's name directly, obviously the two knew each other, so he lifted Zhu Yuanzhang up, patted the dirty shoe prints on him, and spoke kindly : "Young man, what's your last name?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was a bit generous, but still poised his neck and said: "If you don't change your name, you don't change your surname. I, Zhu Yuanzhang, what happened just now was just a misunderstanding. I think you killed that Prime Minister Boyan just now. You think you are a righteous man. Why don't you join us?" Red Scarf Army, overthrow Yuanren!"

Zhu Yuanzhang?
Jin Enjun blinked, this guy is Zhu Yuanzhang?
Didn't you say that Zhu Yuanzhang is a shoehorn?
This kid is as handsome as I am!

Jin Enjun looked suspiciously at Zhang Junbao, seeing his distraught expression, his smile gradually distorted.

"Zhu Yuanzhang, how is Zhu Yuanzhang!"

Jin Enjun chuckled, put one hand on Zhu Yuanzhang's shoulder, and the other on Zhang Junbao's shoulder: "To be honest, my brother Zhang Junbao wants to dominate the martial arts world and dominate the world. He just needs a dog leg. I think you are very suitable."

"No, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Junbao played a set of three consecutive denials.

"You have, you must have, you must have!"

Jin Enjun also gave a three-companion, first glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang, then at Shen Rong, and finally stopped at Zhang Junbao, the threat was beyond words.

Zhang Junbao: ...

"That's right, I want to dominate the martial arts world, rule the world, and marry Shen Rong and Xue Ying!"

With tears in his eyes, Zhang Junbao spoke of his 'dream'.

Jin Enjun asked strangely: "I didn't seem to mention Shen Rong?"

"Ahhhh... I'm fighting with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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