Chapter 145
Ezio, who is only 17 years old, is the unluckiest man right now.

He originally had a happy family-a mother who loves him, and a father who is serious but caring about him.

There is also an elder brother who takes care of him and an obedient younger brother. All of this is so beautiful, but just a while ago, everything was shattered.

He couldn't forget that he gave Uberto the letter with innocence evidence that his father confessed to him, and Uberto also expressed that he would defend his father.

He couldn't forget how Uberto suddenly changed his mind at the execution ground and ordered the killing of his father and brother.Not to mention the unwillingness of his father Giovanni and the tragedy after their death.

These have been haunting him like a nightmare, never stopping.

At only 17 years old, he has experienced pain that countless people have never experienced. At the age of 17, Ezio can only watch his father and brother being hanged.

The rage of vengeance burned within Ezio, and he swore that he would take revenge!He swore he would kill everyone who killed his family!

Ezio was very lucky, maybe God didn't want to see Giovanni's last son die, or Giovanni was blessed by God.

Fortunately, with the help of Giovanni's friend, a thief, Ezio escaped the soldiers chasing him, and hid in a brothel run by Paola, a relative of the Maid in the Auditore family, and retrieved a Life.

And during the time he stayed, he learned a lot, such as how to hide in the crowd.

Of course, Paola did not tell Ezio the fact that she was an assassin, but she wrote to Mario in Monteriggioni, which contained what happened to the Giovanni family.

At the same time, he also helped Ezio contact Leonardo da Vinci.

Needless to say, Da Vinci is a great genius.With his help, Ezio spent some time repairing his father's severed Hidden Blade. This deadly weapon hidden in his sleeve gave him a lot of confidence.

Although some troubles were encountered during this process, such as Da Vinci was almost captured by the guards, Ezio still handled it very well.

After burying the bodies of his father and brother with the help of his lover, Cristina Vespucci, he embarked on a journey of revenge.

His first target was that damn Uberto!
This so-called ally of the Auditore family, who held a grudge against his son for being fired by Giovanni, was actually one of the instigators of this conspiracy from the very beginning.Ezio already knew a lot of things.

Uberto is actually a typical representative of the struggle history of a small person. He is a well-known lawyer-although his legal skills are mostly self-taught, he still wins most of the lawsuits.

However, he had actually hated Giovanni for a while, and it was unimaginable earlier.

When he was a lawyer, Giovanni, the manager of the Medici Bank, expelled his son, which filled his heart with fear and revenge for Giovanni and the Medici family.

Although to a large extent it was possible that his son had done something wrong, the result was unbearable for him.

So he came into contact with the Templars, who promised to do what he wanted in exchange for his cooperation.Uberto agreed to cooperate, often plotting operations with them after his election and entering politics, and developing ties with the Medici family.

Afterwards, he became even more successful. Under the joint support of the Medici family and the paladins, he became the consul of Florence and a member of the holy jury!

But he never forgot his hatred from beginning to end, he wanted to avenge his son!

The deaths of Giovanni and the Ezio brothers were just the beginning.And this is also the beginning of Ezio's revenge. After obtaining Uberto's whereabouts from Paula, he followed Uberto all the way to the Holy Cross Church, where an art exhibition is about to begin.

Ezio is very calm, even though the anger of revenge has been burning in his heart, he didn't rush directly at the first time.

He knew whether he could kill this guy without saying this, but he was definitely dead, so he decided to get rid of the patrolling guards first.

Relying on the skills learned from Paula, Ezio successfully hid in the crowd, and then slowly approached Uberto.

It's a pity that the crowd seemed unwilling to block Uberto's direction, so Ezio could only find a corner and sit down, observing everything quietly.

He was observing the patrol pattern of the guards, and finally he didn't know how long he waited. He found that the guards had just walked out, and he knew that the opportunity had come.

He didn't intend to suppress his anger, stood up, and Ezio walked directly in the direction of Uberto, who was chatting with the nobles who flattered him.

"So, tell us what it's like to be a hero etc?"

"Please don't call me that. As Consul, this is what I do to ensure that Florence maintains the indicators of justice. As long as I am in power, corruption and vice cannot take root here."

Uberto was dealing with those nobles with a smile, but the next moment he suddenly saw a man in white with his face completely covered under the hood walking towards him.

At that moment it seemed to him that he had seen Giovanni dressed in such a way that he had often seen him before when he met Giovanni.

But he knew it was definitely not Giovanni, because that person had been killed by him long ago!He guessed at the first moment that this person should be the same assassin as Giovanni, or simply Giovanni's only surviving son-Ezio.


Uberto was very shocked, he wanted to shout but found that he couldn't shout any sound at all because of the excessive shock!

He could only watch helplessly as this mysterious man walked in front of him, and then witnessed the Hidden Sword suddenly appearing from under his palm, stabbing fiercely into his chest!

Pain, severe pain along with the Hidden Blade constantly piercing his chest, Uberto felt his life was passing by rapidly.He slowly fell down behind him, and the assassin helped him to squat down slowly. At this moment, Uberto finally saw the assassin's face clearly, and he was Ezio.

"In order to save your loved ones, you will do the same." As if explaining something, these were Uberto's last words before he died.

"Yes, I would. And I already did!"

After killing Uberto, Ezio wanted to cry very much. He was avenging his family.

But he knew that now was not the time to shed tears, because what he had done had made the nobles in the venue scream, and at the same time attracted the attention of the guards, he knew he had to leave.

But before leaving, he still angrily yelled at the nobles who regarded his family as traitors: "The Auditore family is not dead! I am still alive, right here! Me! Ezio Auditore! "

After pulling out a letter from Uberto's arms, Ezio fled the place immediately.The whole process was safe and sound. Although he became the most wanted criminal in Florence, he didn't have any regrets. He avenged his brother and father!
In the following period of time, while hiding from pursuit, he began to plan to leave Florence.And the place he chose to escape is Monterigioni, where his uncle is now, a remote town in Siena.

However, because his wanted level was too high, Ezio had to take some measures.

He took the initiative to bribe some heralds with the stolen money. Although the process was not very peaceful, and he even encountered some strict or greedy guys, it was a relatively good result.

Those heralds who accepted Ezio's bribes began to modify Ezio's appearance and other more obvious features intentionally or unintentionally, which greatly reduced the possibility of Ezio being caught.

At the same time, with the help of Paula, Ezio continued to tear up some wanted warrants.

This approach seems very naive now, but it was a very effective approach at that time.

In this way, Ezio spent nearly half a month, feeling that it was enough-because he walked past a group of soldiers face to face when he went to the street, and was not found.

In fact, Ezio was very nervous at the time, and he could also see that the soldiers were looking at him very vigilantly.

However, after the captains of those soldiers took out a portrait for comparison, they let Ezio go. While Ezio was relieved, he also felt that the time had come.

At sunset that day, Ezio took his younger sister and his mother who was still a little sluggish, and got into the carriage leaving Florence.All of this seemed to be going very smoothly, even if he was stopped and interrogated when he was out of the city, in the end there was no danger.

Florence is not far from Siena, and even a carriage ride only takes a few hours.

The journey went very smoothly, which also made Ezio's nervous heart a little relaxed. He knew that it would take some time for them to reach Monterigioni, which was his uncle's territory.

But what Ezio didn't expect, or he overlooked one thing, was that guy named Vieri!When they were galloping on the road, Ezio suddenly discovered that there was a group of soldiers chasing after him on horseback, and the leader was Vieri!
"Damn it!"

Ezio was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

The opponent has too many people, and although Ezio has killed people, his fighting skills are actually no different from fighting with bear children. Faced with this situation, he can only choose to run away.

But unfortunately, maybe God made a joke.They were riding in a carriage, and it was impossible for them to run faster than the other party riding a single horse.Soon their carriage was overtaken and stopped, at this time Ezio had no choice.

Either he and his mother and sister will die together, or they will resist.

As a man, Ezio knows how to choose. Even if he is unarmed, Ezio must protect his family. Even in despair, he will try.

Looking at the soldiers rushing towards him, Ezio was ready to fight to the death.

He roared angrily, and planned to sprint towards the soldiers, but at this moment a ghostly figure suddenly appeared, and the sprinting soldiers fell down before they could react.

This is when everyone noticed that between Vieri and Ezio, there stood a man in a black robe, with several corpses lying at his feet. At this moment, this mysterious man saw It looks like a god of death.

Moreover, he also wore an iron eagle mask on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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