Chapter 245

Josh didn't feel much about easily solving an opponent.

So far, the opponents that Josh has encountered are basically not too strong, that is, the strength of around the fifth level.

This is really nothing to Josh. Even if Josh didn't advance, his strength completely surpassed these guys, not to mention that he is now at the sixth level.

Ice elemental magic Josh felt that he was almost the same, because he discovered through continuous learning in the next few days that this frost magic was really different from the novels he had read before, because they used The result was not as good as Josh expected.

It can be said that frost magic has completely inherited the characteristics of water elements, but their attack strength is higher than that of water elements, but it is not much higher.

During the battle, Josh found that he might not be strong enough, so it was difficult to play the situation of directly giving the opponent a second.

That orc prince Josh doesn't even know his name, but his level is actually not weak.

It's just that he wasn't familiar with Josh's magic, so when he was attached to the ice particles with Josh's magic power, he didn't evaporate them immediately, which gave Josh a chance to give him one directly. Frost Mausoleum.

Josh doesn't think that other people can't find such a thing, especially when Josh detonated those ice particles, the orc prince also had the same magic fluctuations as Josh.

This information will not be forgotten by anyone who has watched the game, so it will not be very good for Josh to put his mark on others.

Of course, things are not absolute.

The sensation caused by Josh's casting of the Frost Tomb is still obvious, and at the same time, those players who have not yet played against Josh have to be extremely vigilant, at least they dare not be touched by Josh's magic power at will.

Even if you want to attack, you have to arrange some methods and magic on your body or directly possess it with fighting spirit.

If they are accidentally touched by Josh's magical ice particles, I'm afraid their fate will be similar to that of the orc prince. For Josh, it's not too big or too small to be careful.

After Josh's big game, he left directly, but the next day he honestly ran to the arena.

There is no way, there is his brother's game today, and Josh may not care about others, but he still wants to watch his brothers' game.

But to be honest, the result is not very ideal.William and Liszt are at their ages - excluding Josh, Tier [-] is no longer considered weak, but their strength has basically reached Tier [-], so William and Liszt were naturally eliminated.

Their opponents were a dwarf and an elf.

This dwarf, Josh, has seen before. He is Dennis' elder brother. I heard that he is about the same age as Kane, and he is still a good friend with Kane.So when facing Liszt, the attack is very serious.

He got to know Liszt first, and finally defeated Liszt. When he was about to leave, he didn't even forget to ask Kane to buy him a drink or something.This made Liszt dumbfounded after the failure, but he still agreed to his request.

As for William, luck was not so good.

Although the Elven Empire has a good relationship with the Augustus Empire, and William and Ian also know each other, even their familiarity is much higher than that of Josh. Familiar with.

But unfortunately, his opponent is not Ian but a ranger named Jonas. This elf Josh has also seen it, and he happened to watch one of his matches during the previous qualifying match. Josh is very concerned about this The guy's offensive style is still very impressive.

And the result is self-evident, this elf named Jonas is a fifth-level ranger, while William is only a fourth-level ranger.

Although William resisted for a long time, he had nothing to do with the ranger, and the final result was naturally that William was eliminated.

For this result, Josh felt that was the case. Besides, neither William nor Liszt looked too sad, and they themselves knew exactly how strong they were.

Being able to get to this point is already blessed by God, and they naturally have no dissatisfaction.

For other games, Josh had no idea of ​​continuing to watch. Kane's match was in the afternoon, so Josh simply asked them to go to the bar to sit together. Liszt and William directly agreed, but Kane refused. Said that he had to think about how to deal with the opponent in the afternoon.

"Actually, Kane can't beat him at all. If it's me, I might as well just come to the bar and sit down."

This time for drinking, Josh didn't call anyone else, but the three brothers.

Liszt took a sip of a glass of malt wine, then shook his head as if he was not very satisfied with the taste of the wine, but he didn't say anything but talked about Kane.

"Speaking, why are you so pessimistic? Kane's strength is not weak. By the way, who is his opponent?" Josh also took a sip and asked casually. He really didn't know who Kane was going to fight.

"Hey brother, what's the matter with you? Don't you even pay attention to your brother's game?" William muttered angrily.

Josh rubbed his nose a little embarrassed: "Well, I don't think there is really anything to pay attention to. The two of you are only at the fourth level. It is already very remarkable to be able to reach this step, and Kane can break through to the peak of the fifth level at any time. Tier [-], so I think as long as he doesn't encounter any difficult opponents, he should be able to advance without any problem."

"What do you mean? You look down on the two of us so much?"

"You are indeed weaker. If it's not luck."

"That's because they are all about the same age as Kane, what can I do!"

"I'm younger than both of you."


William and Liszt really stood up and beat Josh violently, but considering that their younger brother is a four-element magician and has also advanced to the sixth level, even if it was a two-on-one fight, they would not be opponents, so they had no choice but to give up. idea.

Indeed, although this year's Four Nations Invitation is also a competition for young people, the age of the participants is not too young.

In the Muya Continent, it is recognized that professionals have a long lifespan. Even though Kane was in his 30s, it was just the beginning of his life journey.

He can even participate in the next four-nation invitational competition. He will not have the opportunity to participate until he is over 50 years old.

And William and Liszt are about the same age as Josh, and the other is not yet 30 years old. They can be regarded as super young in the Four Nations invitation.

That's why Josh caused such a big commotion when he easily defeated those Tier [-] players.

After all, human beings are not dwarves and elves. The talents of dwarves and elves are exaggerated, especially the race of elves. This is why Dennis and even Ian are fifth-level, but they seem to be taken for granted.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you, you are simply a monster."

Liszt is too lazy to say these useless things to Josh. Josh's amazing talent really makes them a little jealous, but thinking about what happened to Josh in the past, if it wasn't for his luck problem being solved, I am afraid that he would have to carry it with him for the rest of his life. The title of trash, this is not a good thing.

"You really don't know Kane's next opponent."

"Nonsense, know that I will ask you?"

"Well, Kane was very unlucky. He lost to this person four years ago. I didn't expect them to draw together again this time."

"You mean Wesson?"

Josh was stunned, but he quickly realized it.

Kane was the last runner-up. He only lost one game in the end, and that was in the final to the free contestant from the Elven Empire, Wesson Silvermoon of the Three Great Elf Families.

And as far as Josh knew, this Weisen seemed to have reached the sixth level four years ago. Although it seemed a bit difficult for him to defeat Kane, the ghost knows whether he was trying to maintain the relationship between the two empires.

The last thing Josh knew was that this guy was a wind element magician with strong attack power.

Liszt sighed: "Isn't it this Weisen? It can only be said that Kane is unlucky this time, and his luck is really bad this time."

"It seems so."

Josh nodded. Kane was really unlucky this time, and actually met the previous champion directly.

Maybe it would be better for Josh to meet this guy. After all, Josh is also at the sixth-level magic level. Josh may feel uncomfortable when confronted, but at least he won't be suppressed too hard.

But Kane is different. The gap in stages makes them not on the same starting line at all.

To be honest, although the gap between the fifth level and the sixth level doesn't seem so scary, in fact, the strength of the fifth level uses more than ten of the same magic, and the power achieved can only be compared with that of the sixth level. I dare not be afraid of you.

Are you fighting for consumption at the fifth and sixth levels?Are you kidding me?Are you awake?
Josh himself has a deep understanding. When fighting Dennis, although he suppressed his magic power fluctuations to around the fifth level, and he was not proficient in using the ice element, but Dennis was a little bit of a little bit to Josh. There is no way.

At the end of the fight, Dennis almost lost his fighting spirit, while Josh was still very full at that time, and the gap in it can basically be seen.

You beat me for a long time and I didn't respond, but when I almost hit you, you couldn't do it anymore. It's just hopeless.

"It looks like Kane is doomed, should we cheer for him?"

"Josh, aren't you talking nonsense? Although he was destined to lose, he didn't give up. You have to learn this spirit. And he is still our big brother. No matter what the result is, we have to cheer him on."

"I understand. It just so happens that I'm going to see Wesson's level. If I can, I will avenge Kane."

It was rare for Josh to take it seriously. To be honest, Kane’s fighting spirit is still very scarce in Josh. He is a typical character representative of a dog who jumps over a wall when he is in a hurry, and a rabbit who bites when he is in a hurry.

He needs someone to force him to work harder. Although there is nothing wrong with him now, what about the future?
Josh touched his chin and shook his head decisively.

After taking a sip of malt wine, he sighed slowly: Let's talk about the future, for now, let's go and see how good that Werson is.If possible, I will definitely find a way to defeat him.

Of course, it's fine if it's too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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