The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 387 Are You The Boss?

Chapter 387 Are You The Boss?

Looking at Loki with a big shoe print on his face, Josh suddenly felt that this guy was a little pitiful but very funny.

It's really funny. Although Rogers also saw the beam of light, he couldn't stop it at all, and then by chance, he kicked directly on Loki's face and caused such a funny scene.

There was nothing Josh could do about it. Rune Imprisonment only locked people down but had no mechanism to protect them.

Of course, if there is such a broken mechanism, Josh will not learn this magic.

This is not intended to kill people, this is simply a thing to save lives and heal the wounded, just like the cheating Li Qing, Josh said that he would not learn such magic.

Fortunately, although Josh's Rune Imprisonment has soared in strength now, it makes him feel like watching a poisonous milk CG when he uses it, but the effect has not changed and the effect of the imprisonment has become even stronger.

Loki also seemed to feel ashamed of being kicked by this kick, so he seemed very silent all the way.

This kind of silence made Fu Rui and Coulson feel that this guy was arrested on the eighth floor and looked very depressed, but they didn't think about whether there was anything suspicious about this guy.

It was relatively silent all the way, Loki had no desire to speak at all, and Fury was too busy reporting to the safety committee to pay attention to Loki.

But Josh Josh felt that it seemed a little strange, because why hasn't someone come yet?Could it be because of his own reasons, or because he was beaten up by Galen for a while and didn't plan to come?
"Josh, do you think that guy won't come?"

Galen also found something unusual. Logically, this guy should have come after Loki was caught on the plane, but he hasn't shown up until now, and Galen himself was a little dumbfounded.

"How do I know this question? I said what did you do last time?" Josh also touched his head helplessly, he was also quite puzzled.

Could it be that Galen did too much before and left a deep psychological shadow on others?
"It's nothing, I just couldn't understand how this guy was dragged after his strength was sealed, so I taught him a lesson. Then his four companions came, and I was also disgusted when they saw this situation." It took a beating, and finally Loki came."

"Don't talk about it, do you mean that all the people from the fairy palace were beaten by you?"

"more or less."


Josh really wants to boast that you are really a talent, but Josh really can't say this sentence no matter what.

In the end, Josh could only roll his eyes to express his respect. After all, not everyone can achieve such an achievement, and he also beat others so that they dare not come to Earth.

Shaking his head silently, Josh propped his chin and began to think.

There seems to be little difference between Thor coming and not coming, but the problem is that it doesn't feel right to kick Josh away with an Avenger like this.

He is indeed a plot destroyer, but now he finds that Galen has also evolved in this direction unknowingly.

And he did a better job than him, at least Josh didn't think he would beat up this group of people violently.

Sighing, Josh felt that he should take a step forward, otherwise what else could he do?He ran to Asgard and dragged the son of the god king Odin, the first heir to the throne, Thor, the authentic Asa protoss, and yelled: Your brother is making trouble on the earth, what are you doing?
Just as Josh was thinking wildly, thunder suddenly filled the sky, and Josh and others with mysterious powers felt that a guy was flying towards here.

This could not help but make Josh and Galen look at each other. It seems that they are not absent but late.

"Fry, open the rear hatch."

Fury, who was reporting to work, suddenly heard Josh's voice in his ears, which startled him immediately.

But soon he calmed down again, looked around and found that Josh did not appear in this place, at this moment he realized that it was probably Josh's magic method again.

Although he didn't know why Josh asked him to do this, Fury agreed to what Josh did when he couldn't answer at all.

First explain the situation to the Security Council, and then directly notify Coulson to let him open the hatch of the sky carrier.

Coulson was a little puzzled, but agreed to the decision.

At least Josh is here, so you don't have to worry about the consequences of opening the hatch, because this guy's strength can easily solve all the bad things that may happen.

But what Coulson didn't expect was that a bolt of lightning directly blasted in the moment the hatch opened.

This startled Coulson, but he was relieved when he noticed that a person was coming with the thunder and lightning.


"Your Excellency Egalen."

Although Thor looked very imposing when he came, but when he stood on his heels, he heard a familiar voice.

It is impossible for him to be unfamiliar with this voice. He has never been beaten by anyone since he was a child, but he was beaten up once he came to the earth. Not only he, but also his four partners did not escape. .

This guy is Galen. When he lost his strength at the beginning, he thought this guy was an ordinary person. In addition, he was in a bad mood and was very unfriendly to Galen who wanted to come up to help.

However, after he regained his strength, he discovered that this guy is not from Earth at all!

Although it is not clear which planet this guy is from, his life level is really not useful for people on earth!

And the strength of this guy also made Thor, who was almost invincible before, a big loss!
This is completely unilateral crushing, which made Thor realize how bad his previous attitude was.

Suo Xing Galen seems to just want to beat himself up and has no other meaning. Probably because Thor himself knew that he had a bad attitude before, so he didn't say something too arrogantly: "You wait for me" and so on. if.

Thor is not a fool either, the earth is regarded as the area ruled by Asgard, and Thor, an outsider who suddenly came here, naturally wants to figure out the situation.

So he asked his father Odin. Originally, he thought that his father might have to struggle with whether to talk or not, but Odin told him everything very directly.

"Guardian of the Earth, member of the Hidden Alliance?"

The guardian of the earth is easier to understand, Thor just ignored the past.

But what is the League of Mystics?Thor has never heard of this organization!But in later inquiries, Thor understood that the organization of feelings is so terrible!
The members of this organization are all magicians and the like, and of course there are some more unusual fighters.

There are two leaders of this organization, one is Earthling Ancient One Mage, the strength of this Ancient One Mage can completely compete with his father Odin!
And the other one is even more mysterious, because that person can enter different worlds!

Thor knows how big the universe is. If a complete universe is regarded as a world, then Josh's ability is too terrifying!
And Odin also told Thor that there was an infinitely terrifying power that spread throughout the universe. Although it took a short time, as long as the powerful people felt it.

Thor only took this matter seriously, but when he knew that this power was also created by the magician named Josh from the Hidden Alliance, he almost collapsed.

Who are these Nimas?

A guy who can produce such strength will definitely not be inferior to his father, and may even be stronger than his father!

Soon he regretted it, why did he treat a person who showed him kindness with that attitude before?In the end, because of his attitude, he offended such a terrible organization.

But then he was a little relieved, because Odin told him that he had always maintained good contact with this organization, and he had also provided a lot of advanced knowledge to this organization, so the relationship between them was still good.

To be honest, if he didn't know this, I'm afraid Thor would not be very willing to run to find Loki this time.

Now that he's here, I'm afraid the actual purpose of saving Loki is greater than dealing with Loki's mistakes.

"You're here too? To solve the trouble Loki caused?"

"Yes, Sir Galen."

Thor is very honest, and he doesn't have the attitude of pulling to the sky like last time.

He had already suffered enough from the last lesson, so naturally he would not make such a mistake again, and this time he came with absolute kindness.

The earth is likely to usher in a war, this is the information he got before coming.

His original intention was to take away both Loki and the Space Gem directly. Without the Infinity Gem to open the portal, the Chitauri attracted by Loki would not be able to directly appear on Earth.

Of course, if these Chitauri people are determined to attack the earth, they can also come to the earth through a long voyage from the universe. However, in that case, they must first defeat the army of Asgard, one of the guardians of the earth.

And even if Asgard's army simply let them pass, I'm afraid they will have to face the terrifying alliance of the hidden ones.

It is not impossible for a person to destroy a planet by himself, his father can do it completely, and he can even do it very exaggeratedly.

Then there are two magicians on the earth who are not weaker than his father, and may even surpass his father. How could they not be able to do this?

However, things like war still need to be prepared in advance, and no one can stand being caught off guard.

"Your Excellency Galen, it's like this, Loki's purpose for getting the space gem is"

"Okay, don't talk about it. We all know it, just tell them later."

Before Thor could speak, Josh interrupted him directly, and judging from his posture, he planned to introduce them alone.

Josh thinks this is completely unnecessary. If you talk to other people, they need to understand these things.

"Are you...?" Thor was naturally a little upset when he was directly interrupted, but he was not angry or anything, but asked curiously.

"Me? Just call me Josh, nice to meet you, Thor."

"Hello, Joe! Are you the boss of the Hidden Alliance?"

(End of this chapter)

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