The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 406 What Do You Say?

Chapter 406 What Do You Say?
To be honest, it is really not difficult for Cobb to recast the dream again.

To put it bluntly, Cobb's situation is because his wife committed suicide in front of him, and then caused him a permanent mental trauma.

Such a trauma is easy to say, but it is not so simple. Is it difficult? Josh has a simple and rude way to solve it.

In fact, if Cobb lets Josh fully understand and learn the results of dreaming and the meaning of deep dreams, I'm afraid his situation will get better naturally.

To put it bluntly, the easiest way to heal this matter, without him gaining everything he had lost, then naturally his wounds will be healed.

Another method is very simple and rude, that is, Josh directly let him forget this memory.

Although Josh doesn't have the Mind Stone now, what Josh learned through the Mind Stone is also very profound and practical.

Using the things learned in the Mind Stone, there is no difficulty at all in dealing with a different human being who can no longer be ordinary.

Even Josh can guarantee that Cobb will not have any sequelae, and Josh can completely restore his memory when everything is over.

But Josh also knew that this didn't seem like a very good solution.

For any person, forgetting the past is tantamount to betraying oneself, unless it is not strong enough or the injury he has suffered can no longer be overcome, otherwise few people will choose this way.

Cobb is similar, although he was very moved after Josh made this suggestion, and even Arthur almost chose to agree for him.

But in the end, Cobb still rejected Josh's proposal. He managed to accept that he had forgotten Mel, and he couldn't forget the mistakes he had made, even if it was only for a few days.

"If I complete these tasks, including the ones you gave me, then I think I can recover, don't I?"

Cobb shook his head, then said to Josh very seriously.

What he meant, Josh also understood, was nothing more than helping him bring Mel back to life at that time, then all his problems would be solved naturally, and there was no need to add superfluous things now.

"But Dom, if you can build a dream." Although Arthur didn't know Josh and the others, he still agreed with Josh's suggestion, and he planned to persuade Cobb.

"Needless to say Arthur, isn't that little girl doing well?"

"Okay Dom, this is your own business. By the way, you haven't introduced these two to me yet?"

Arthur knew Cobb's character very well. Since he had clearly rejected it, it would be useless to persuade him.

What's more, that little girl is indeed very good, he really has never seen a few people who can cast a dream so comprehensively for the first time.

Probably no one but Cobb.With such a talent, Arthur felt that as long as she was taught well, this girl would definitely become an excellent dream builder.

Of course, Arthur didn't forget the other two people in the studio. These two seemed to be extremely good men and women in terms of temperament and appearance.

"They are ours." Cobb hesitated as soon as he opened his mouth. He didn't know how to introduce the two people in front of him.

"Hi Arthur, my name is Josh, and her name is Elvira. As for us, you can regard us as another employer. Of course, because of our special nature, you can treat us as companions." .”

"Companion? You mean, you want to enter the dreamland with us?"


Josh's affirmative answer stunned Arthur for a while. He never thought that these two people were actually tourists!
In their line of work, the most annoying thing is probably the 'tourists' who can't do anything, and then follow them to make trouble. Arthur doesn't like these people very much.

But now Cobb actually agrees to wear two tourists?
Arthur really couldn't understand what these two young men gave Cobb something he couldn't refuse, letting him gamble with chips that he could go home. Arthur, who knew Cobb well, knew very well that Cobb How much he wanted to go home and reunite with his children.

"Dum, can I talk to you alone?" Arthur ignored Josh and the others, but turned to look at Cobb directly.

"Okay, Arthur, let's go talk." Cobb directly agreed to Arthur's request, and then walked out with Arthur.

All of a sudden, the already empty studio suddenly became even more empty, and Josh took Elvira to wander around in it.Anyway, there aren't many things in here, and Josh isn't worried about making a mess.

"You seem to be very familiar with everything here." Elvira watched Josh look left and right, and could tell what these things do from time to time, so she asked curiously.

"Well, because each one is probably the same as a book. I was lucky enough to see the story of this book in other worlds, so I know more about the things here."

Josh shrugged and replied naturally, and then he pulled Elvira to find a comfortable place and sat down.In his opinion, since Elvira has experienced two world shuttles, there is no way to stop in the future.

What's more, Josh himself knew that he did have some small thoughts in his heart, otherwise Natasha wouldn't have dragged him to play like crazy for a month before throwing him back.

Since Elvira may be his companion in the future, Josh would be happy to ask her to explain his understanding of each world.

"Then what about our world? Is it the same in Muya Continent, maybe it's just a world in someone else's story?"

"Who knows about this? At least I haven't seen it until now."

Josh said indifferently, and then his expression became a little more serious: "But even our world, even us, are just other people's stories, but we are all living people, we have our own lives and our own stories. thinking, so why do we think so much?”

"Yes, but it's interesting how serious you are. I thought you couldn't be serious."

Elvira froze for a moment after hearing Josh's words, obviously she knew that Josh knew what she was thinking.

But thinking about Josh's words carefully, she had to admit that Josh's words were correct. They were all living beings with their own thoughts and judgments. So what if it was a story in other worlds?What's wrong with being happy with yourself?
And not to mention, Elvira found Josh's serious look really interesting for the first time.

In her impression, Josh seldom seems to be very serious, because many things don't need to waste much energy for him, and this young human being can easily settle it, so what else is there to be serious about? ?

"Please, I've always been very serious, okay? It's just that there are some things that don't require me to pay too much attention, okay?"

Seeing that Elvira seemed to understand very quickly, Josh was naturally relieved.

And Josh felt that the girl Elvira was actually easier to deal with than Natasha and the others. At least Josh didn't think that this girl could meet the 'same' self in other worlds.

"What you have to do now is to enjoy every world, instead of thinking about the meaning of my existence in this world. If you think about these messy questions, I'm afraid you won't understand even when you think about dying."

"Of course I know." Elvira smiled: "Thank you, Josh, for allowing me to have such an unprecedented experience."

"Do you know that your sentence is very ambiguous?" Josh spread his hands, and suddenly noticed something: "Speaking, I thought you couldn't laugh. I remember when I met you in Shiguo Invitation, but I just met you Like an ice cube, um, cool as ice."

"What about now?"

"Although it looks like an ice cube, when you smile, it feels like the ice melts and everything comes back to life."

Well, in fact, Josh also felt that what he said seemed to be developing in an uncontrollable direction, but Josh didn't care that much.

Because what he said was indeed the truth. To be honest, Josh always had an inexplicable liking for girls with long silver hair, such as a certain dragon's, or someone who was almost as good as himself and could run around.

Natasha seems to have noticed these things a long time ago, especially after gaining her own memory, Natasha also asked herself if she wanted to dye her silver hair.

At that time, Josh refused him. Of course, it is better to have natural hair color. Josh may not like it if he piles it up forcibly.

While Josh and Elvira chatted in a very harmonious atmosphere, Arthur also had a good discussion with Cobb.

But to be honest, Cobb made Arthur wonder if he was in a dream, or Cobb had some strange thoughts implanted in his brain?

There is no doubt that Cobb's information made Arthur completely unbelievable, because it was too nonsense!

If Cobb hadn't told Arthur that his spinning top had fallen, he didn't have simple Mel and any passers-by formed by his subconscious mind, and Arthur's own dice also played a role, I'm afraid Arthur would have doubted whether he was in a dream up.

Arthur swallowed, and asked in a low voice: "Did he really do this? You left the earth in an instant, and then showed you Mel's soul?"

"Yes." Cobb sighed, and finally said in a low voice: "I just brought that girl to dream, he didn't participate in it, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter. Wait a minute? Could it be that Mel really stabbed you with a knife. No, he stabbed that girl?" Arthur reacted very quickly, and he suddenly thought of something and asked immediately.

"Yes, the girl used a realistic scene to arouse my subconscious automatic defense. Then Mel appeared, and she pointed a knife at the girl's stomach."

Having said that, Cobb doesn't need to say anything anymore, and Arthur also fell into silence.

Even in his dreams, he couldn't imagine that things would become so weird and weird. A person who claimed to be stronger than Odin and Zeus could resurrect a person?

What exactly is this?Is there really a god in this world?

"What should we do now?"

"What do you say?"

 MMP, after get off work is called a meeting, which makes people helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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