Chapter 416 Implantation
"I said, you are too unlucky, aren't you? There is one less person in a blink of an eye?"

Just when Cobb yelled at Arthur angrily, saying that he hadn't investigated the specific details of the mission at all, Josh suddenly appeared beside them.

This also made the quarrel between Cobb and Arthur had to stop, but Arthur's face was obviously so good.

Speaking of which, this is indeed Arthur's problem. It is Arthur's job as an outpost to detect intelligence.

But this time he did make a huge mistake. He didn't discuss and find out the specific situation of the target person--Fisher had received training in anti-theft dreamers!
This also caused Fisher's subconscious to launch an attack on them. As a result, Saito and the original were shot.

God knows how unlucky this guy Saito is, why he still encountered such a tragic thing in the end, I'm afraid it's really uncomfortable to see Saito's state now.

"Mr. Josh, you are here."

After stabilizing their emotions, Cobb and others greeted Josh.

For such a mistake, they are also very helpless now. Although they are not worried about not being able to complete the task, the degree of trouble they face may be many times higher than what they imagined.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with Saito, is he?"

"Just give him a shot and he'll come back to life, but he's not willing to do that."


Josh was also a little speechless, what the hell is this Japanese thinking about?
Are you willing to suffer here, but also to see the task completed with your own eyes?
Josh really didn't understand such an approach. If it was Josh's terror, he would have chosen to go out and wait.

But Josh still has some way to understand this guy, this task is too important to him, so important that he has to make sure that this task is completed!

Joining Cobb and the others suddenly posing their own hand, the implanted idea is to tell Fisher the truth of everything, and at the same time protect Cobb and his group, then Saito may really explode.

The spirit of contract is indeed the main form of expression in the West, but the principle of supremacy of interests is valid there.

Although commercial espionage must abide by their own contract spirit, but there are better and safer choices, so why not make better choices?
Saito didn't dare to take such a risk, so he wanted to persevere even though it was extremely painful. Anyway, if he died in the dream, he would wake up naturally, and it was no big deal.

What's more, as a former stolen dreamer, he also has a unique feeling about the transformation of his identity into a dream thief.

This kind of feeling also made him unwilling to leave here so early. This kind of experience is really special.

Even if the current experience is not so good, what's wrong with knowing more about your future competitors?
"Forget it, what are you going to do next? Since this guy is on guard." Josh shrugged and asked.

"My plan is to enter the next level of dreamland, and then use Mr. Charles' method." Cobb thought for a while and said.

Josh nodded, and it seemed that they were still doing the same thing as before.

The so-called Mr. Charles method is to approach the target and tell the target directly that you are dreaming, and then make the target believe that you are his subconscious mind, and those subconscious minds are the real intruders, so that the target will fight against his subconscious mind .

But this approach is also very risky. Once you tell the target that you are dreaming, it will naturally attract the attention of the mapping.

Cobb and the others tried this way in their previous missions, but they were discovered by the target and the dream was shattered, and they were also torn to pieces.

Fortunately, the amount of sedative they used that time was not very large, so even if they died, there would be no problem.

In the original book, Cobb already had nothing, and he was already gambling with all these things, but now it is different, because his sense of responsibility to his wife makes him dare not take such risks.

So even if the mission failed this time, the worst thing would be to wake up and be discovered by Fisher, and he would not be lost in the chaotic domain.

So when Cobb proposed to use this method, the resistance was not as great as in the original book.

"Okay, you guys hurry up. Also, you don't need to worry about those reflections, I will deal with them. Hurry up and enter the next level of dreamland, I will go and see with you."

"Understood, Mr. Josh."

After getting Josh's promise, they quickly turned Fisher over again and stuffed him into the car.

Then let Yousef drive the car to the predetermined place and start to enter Fisher's dream. Josh still did not enter the dream immediately as before, and waited outside for a while.

Since they had promised to dispose of these images, they would naturally do what they said.

In fact, Josh didn't have much to do. He just slowly radiated his magic power with his spiritual power, and the whole dream was under Josh's control in an instant.

I have to say that Fisher, the rich second generation, did a good job in the dream defense project, maybe his own learning ability is not bad.

In the whole dream, he has a lot of subconscious images, and they are all well-equipped guys, which are enough to guard against ordinary dream stealers.

It's a pity that in the original book, he met Cobb who was desperate and omnipotent, and this time he even met Josh, an eighth-level magician!

It can only be said that Little Fisher's luck is really bad, and Josh doesn't mean to be polite to him, just like killing viruses, the magic power is swift and concurrent.

In an instant, a silver ripple covered the entire dreamland visible to the naked eye, and with the movement of this ripple, all the subconscious images in the dreamland disappeared and evaporated without leaving any traces, as if they had been there before. It doesn't exist.

After doing all this, Josh slowly turned his attention to Cobb and the others who had fallen asleep.

As soon as his mental strength moved, Josh and Elvira appeared in a hotel room in an instant. At this time, Cobb and the others had once again fainted Fisher.

This made Josh feel like he was always late, which is not a good feeling.

Of course, if one considers that the proportion of time in each layer of dreamland is larger than the proportion of time in each branch world based on the Muya Continent that I set as the base point, then there is nothing surprising about all of this.

"Am I late again?"

"We have gained his trust, and now we are going to enter the final step. That is, the third layer of dreams, and then inject that thinking into the deepest part of his heart, so that our task is basically completed."

"Okay, you guys do it well. By the way, how is this guy Saito doing now?"

"I can hold on for a while, but it doesn't matter, even if he dies now, he just wakes up on the plane."

In this case, Josh has nothing to say. Anyway, he has been late so many times and there is nothing worthy of his attention.

Without the interference of strong sedatives and Cobb's inner phantom, they did succeed.

Except for Saito's accident, everyone else completed their tasks very well, and even Mel seldom expected to play a role in it.

As Cobb's wife, she is also a very great dream builder, and her ability to structure dreams is not much worse than Cobb's.

It's just that she was cheated by Cobb in the original book, which made it impossible to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

But it's over, isn't it?

Josh did not follow them into the dream again, and Josh observed their activities in the dream directly outside through his mental power.

After seeing Little Fisher take out the windmill in the photo from his father's safe, the key points of each layer of dream structure are all connected together.

It went deeper and deeper, injecting this thinking into Fisher's subconscious, and even made him feel that 'the reason his father is disappointed in him is because he wants to follow his father's old path' is what his father let him know!
Then it became his belief to disband the company that his father had devoted his life to!

Finding his own path instead of living for his father has become his goal in the future!
Josh didn't know what this goal would become, but Josh hoped that this guy would succeed.

"I have to say, it might be better if Cobb and the others switched to psychological counseling."

Touching his chin, Josh suddenly smiled.

Although what Cobb and the others did was not very moral, they seemed to have done a good thing, which was to ease the relationship between Fisher and his son.

"However, it seems that from your memory, the money you can get from psychological counseling is completely incomparable with being a commercial espionage."

Elvira also smiled. Although she doesn't pay attention to these things, she also hopes that Cobb and the others can succeed.

From a certain point of view, Cobb and his group really gave her some good teachings and an unprecedented experience.

That experience is the deep friendship between friends, and the undying love between husband and wife.

"Okay, Elvira. This story is over, and I think we can get out of here too."

"Leave the dream, or leave the world?"

"what ever."

"I think, let's go back. I need to sign a contract with you, and I also need to write a letter to my father, at least to make him less angry."

What Elvira said also made Josh nodded seriously, indeed he must sign such a contract with Elvira.

If there is no such contract and protection, although Josh believes that Elvira will not speak out, but Ilka can explore the memory through her mental power, then everything about Josh will be exposed.

As for writing a letter to Ilka?

This Josh doesn't matter, Ilka is still reasonable, and with his relationship with Black, it seems that it is not unacceptable for his daughter to stay in Augustus for a while, right?
"They went out, do you want to say goodbye?"

"Go, anyway, we've been together for a while, haven't we?"

(End of this chapter)

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