The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 419 1 Years of Time

Chapter 419 A Year's Time
One year really changed Rivendell a lot, and this change made Josh very happy.

Probably because the influence of the first Specter began to ferment, and I don't know how many people were attracted to Raven.

At the beginning, there were some nobles. These guys belong to the category of people who are richer and have more time.

When they came to Rivendell, they were immediately stunned by the architectural style and cultural environment here!

Is this a fucking human city?I'm afraid the city of elves is like this!What's even more unbelievable is that they really saw many elves living in this city!
Although it is not uncommon for elves to live in the Muya Continent, it is very unusual for elves to settle in groups in unexpected cities of the Star Empire!Forcibly suppressing the surprise in their hearts, these nobles slowly experienced it in Rivendell.

I have to say that Rivendell's urban planning was done well in the hands of Berbice and others, and these nobles immediately felt a different living atmosphere!

Especially the artistic atmosphere and magical atmosphere of this place made them obsessed!
For example, in the area of ​​the Art District, you can watch various opera performances.Because of the phantom, many musical theater groups from across the continent came to Rivendell to contact them, but musical theater groups still needed to make money anyway.

So Frank rented all the song and dance theaters in Rivendell to them, and let them set their own time to perform.

Residents of Rivendell are still relatively well-off, especially since Josh has engaged in so many projects that need to be built, so ordinary people are naturally required to do some relatively low-level jobs.

The terminators that Josh got were all dismantled in the end, and of course they were all robots made of liquid metal.

So the hand strength seems a little nervous, but fortunately, Josh is not so short of money after he returned from the invitation from the Four Kingdoms, so he can hire more residents in the territory.

This is also a good thing for the development of their territory, and Frank and the others naturally knew it, so this matter was settled like this.

Residents with affluent lives will naturally find ways to fill their spiritual life after they are satisfied with their material life.

It happened that the people from the song and dance troupe came, which also gave them a good choice.

By the way, the basic population of Rivendell has also tripled from the previous 1 people. They are all residents in Josh's territory, but they didn't know which small place they were hiding in before.

With so many residents watching the performance, these song and dance troupes are naturally happy to wait here to negotiate with Frank and the others, while making money to perform and increase their popularity.

So when these nobles come, they will naturally feel that the artistic atmosphere here is extremely strong.

These are nothing, when they went to watch Specter, which was still popular even though it had been released for an unknown amount of time, they immediately became a little bit out of their wits.

Especially after they watched the Specter, they went to listen to a supporting performance of the symphony orchestra, which made them want to stay here permanently.

Of course, Rivendell is not only the artistic atmosphere that makes people linger, the magical atmosphere here also makes people feel incredible.

For the first time, these nobles found themselves so close to magic, because magic filled their lives here!

For example, after many nobles came to Rivendell, they simply chose the best hotel because they felt that their status was not bad.

As a result, they almost exploded when they learned that living here for a day actually cost a gold coin. Of course, they could only hold their noses and admit it after learning that it was what Josh meant.

Although there is a saying that good things do not go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

However, Josh's identity destined that people like him are definitely one of the focuses of the entire continent. It only took a short time for his performance in the invitation of the four countries to spread throughout the entire continent, and immediately let everyone know that this How terrifying is the youngest prince of the human empire!
Based on such strength and status, these nobility, no matter whether they are the nobles of Augustus or other small countries, dare not have any dissatisfaction.

In their hearts, they basically thought: Forget it, just send money to this future strong man.

With such a mentality, they all stayed and entered, but they were all stunned by all the facilities in the hotel on the first night!
Because all the equipment here seems to have some connection with magic, and it is extremely convenient to use!
For example, if you want to drink something, you can directly notify the service desk through a gadget called a magic phone, and they will bring it to you.

Or there is a thing called a magic refrigerator in the room, which keeps a variety of drinks that are very characteristic of Rivendell.

There are also lights and so on, all of which are special lighting objects controlled by magic, and there are no candles or the like at all.

They only need to press a button, and the light will fill the whole room, and they can even adjust the brightness of the light through that button!
Not to mention, even the temperature of the whole room can be controlled by some small buttons!What kind of lifestyle is this?
Even in the headquarters of the Wizards Guild, it is impossible to enjoy such a life, right?

Now these nobles no longer complain that a gold coin a day is too expensive, and they even feel that this is the life that a noble should really enjoy!
Many aristocrats plan to buy a batch to go back, and enjoy this kind of life at home.

There are even guys who are not bright-minded, and seem to have found a good business opportunity.

So they found Frank quietly after waking up the next day, and expressed their hope to buy these magic props in large quantities for sale.

Frank has long been mentally prepared for such a thing, because Josh has always had the idea of ​​selling his products.

But Frank wasn't too impulsive, he remembered Josh's saying that selling products is not as good as selling brands, and he also believed that Josh's decision was right.

So Frank did not hesitate to temporarily reject these nobles, and said that a similar auction would be held in the future to auction the right to sell in the future.

In the end, Josh's name was even brought out, and then these nobles were dismissed, otherwise God knows how long Frank will be annoyed by them.

Although these nobles were very disappointed, they did not dare to show any temper.

After enjoying Rivendell for a period of time, they left, and those who stayed here continued to stay here. After all, it is impossible to bring so much travel money, right?

However, those who left introduced more nobles to come, and soon these new nobles were also attracted by everything here, and the number of people in Rivendell was increasing again and again, which also made Rui Wendale is getting more and more prosperous.

Of course, apart from these nobles, some professionals also ran over because of the phantom and heard some news.

Most of these professionals are mercenaries, or other free personnel. Although their arrival will make Rivendell look a little confused, Josh's army is not a joke.

In terms of strength, with Kane and Galen, two guys who are above the sixth level, watching, this group of mercenaries really dare not make any troubles.

What's more, these guys also know who the owner of this territory is. They just want to come here to see if there is any way out, so they are relatively honest.

Needless to say, when they came to Rivendell, they did bring a lot of different things here.

For example, the business of bars and some small hotels has improved a lot, and the income of Moying has also increased a lot because of them.

As for their own life problems?Josh had already thought of a way, so he asked Alexios for his opinion.

This guy is an old mercenary. Although his strength is not very good, his experience is definitely worth learning from anyone.

As a result, Alexios' opinion was to simply establish a guild, and then formulate the corresponding rules and regulations here.

This will not only allow these mercenaries to have work to do, but also facilitate their management.

This idea immediately caught Josh's eyes, and it was really a good idea.

Although the mercenary guild exists in the Muya continent, the mercenary guild is basically a very loose organization without too many constraints.

Josh thinks that Josh should do it himself, not only can regulate the behavior of these mercenaries, but also get a lot of commission from them!

So Josh left this matter to Alexios and Frank, and Josh still trusted the abilities of these people.

And Alexios and Frank also dealt with it very well. These two guys spent several months cooperating with Kane and Galen to act together to deal with these mercenaries.

Then, in conjunction with the guild form and the task reward mechanism, they were severely attracted, and more mercenaries wandering around flooded into Rivendell.

This might be the only place that gave Josh some headaches. If it weren't for the fact that the Shire place hadn't been completed and there were not enough management personnel, Josh really wanted to throw all these guys there.

There is still a long way to go to cultivate talents!

But Josh didn't bother to think so much. At worst, he might just find a lower-level world in the future, and then dig some people with good political acumen to help him.

Of course, these things are not to be done now, he has more important things to do now.

"I said Natasha, and Elvira. Are you all right? Don't let Stephen wait for me too long."

"It'll be fine soon, don't worry!"

"Today is the premiere of the new specter, don't make those bosses wait in a hurry."

"We know, we'll be fine soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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