The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 422 This killer is not too cold

Chapter 422 This killer is not too cold ([-])

Not long after, the entire theater was packed with people.

There are too many people paying attention to this premiere, and there is no need for Josh to pull the army people over to support the stage like last time, the entire theater is already full of people.

"Hey buddy, hello, I'm Norton from Zekaxi, do you know what kind of performance this time is?"

"Hi, I'm Baggio from Derek. Actually, I don't know very well. I just think it should be the same as before, right?"

"Is that so? I heard that this filming has a certain cooperation with the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe? I hope it will be as real as before, and not make it as fake as a musical."

"I wish, who wouldn't?"

Because the phantom hadn't started yet, the nobles sitting in the theater began to communicate in a low voice.

They also know the basic rules in the opera house, so no one dares to make a loud noise. What they are concerned about now is what is the content of the phantom this time, and how is the quality of the phantom this time.

Because of the lack of acting talents, and Josh's intention to cooperate with those more famous song and dance troupes to promote his fame.

So under the reasonable work of Frank and Spielberg, they quickly chose a musical theater group that is not bad so far.

That was the first Tulip Song and Dance Troupe that Josh expressed his hope to cooperate with. This song and dance troupe still had a pretty good reputation in the Muya Continent.

In addition, their attitude is also the most serious, so Frank and Spielberg will choose them in the end.

And in the specter this time, their people participated in the performance, and the little girl Matilda was the role Josh gave them.

As for the other two leading actors, they are starring Josh’s other soldiers, one is Cassar, and the other is named Hughes.

Casal has always performed very well, and directors like Spielberg have a good impression of him from the last cooperation, so this time they invited Casal again.

Of course, they wanted to invite O'Bayern before, but unfortunately they were clearly rejected. Fortunately, Casar agreed.

As for Hughes, this guy happened to be the enforcer of Josh's patrol.

Hesitating about his similar identities, Spielberg took the initiative to contact Hughes, and auditioned for him after getting Hughes' consent. It has to be said that these soldiers are all dramatists.

Of course, this is not to belittle and ridicule, but to praise them.

If you are facing failure on the battlefield and you want to live to pass on information, acting is your best choice!

After Hughes got the script, he read it several times, and then he directly expressed the crazy effect that Spielberg wanted!

This can't help but make Spielberg full of emotions. Sometimes he also thinks that if all the rookie actors in Hollywood go to the army of this world to wear them for a period of time, maybe all of them can almost win Oscars!

After everyone had arrived, Frank went up to the stage in person, gave a brief introduction to the rules of the theater, and then went straight down. Then the lights of the entire venue were turned off.

This time, the movie premiere was unexpectedly concise, which made many people who attended the premiere and watched Specter for the first time feel a little uncomfortable.

"And here's the start? No other show?"

"Of course, don't you think there is a song and dance show just like a party?"

"Is not it?"

"Do you know? Even when the Guardian was first released, it was almost like this. Besides, didn't you find that His Majesty the Elven King Ilka and His Majesty Augustus Black didn't have any opinions?"

As images slowly began to appear on the big screen, everyone fell silent.

What soon came into view was a street that was very familiar to them. People who had stayed in Rivendell for a few months were basically familiar with it, because this is a block in Rivendell!
Accompanied by the melodious music, looking at the citizens passing by from time to time, many people were surprised to find themselves!

What does it mean?Could this be Rivendell's own story?And did it happen recently?Soon the camera enters what looks like a grocery store.

There are two people sitting in this grocery store, and their dress is also very friendly.One guy was wearing very common Augustus-style clothes, while the other was dressed like a mercenary, and this mercenary was recognized by many people at a glance—isn't this the guy who delivered the letter?It seems to be called Casar?

"How's it going? Leon."

"pretty good."

"Okay, let's talk business."

Just when the audience was wondering what this meant, the conversation between these two guys broke out in a cold sweat!

This is a deal, and it is a deal that kills people!

As for what business they were talking about, this made the audience suddenly have some bad feelings.

In Muya Continent, there is a magical plant called Scarlet Nirn Root.

This thing is not a product of a game that Josh once played. Although the name is the same, their effects are completely different.

This thing is a variant of the normal nirnroot, and it only grows in places with a strong magical atmosphere.

Once you spot them, it means you probably have powerful magical creatures around here, and they will also glow faintly and buzz to let you know of their presence.

The shape and size are similar to the normal Nirn root, the difference is that he is red, he has bright red leaves with clear yellow veins, and the alchemy effect is stronger than ordinary ones.

Normal nirn root alchemy produces a drug effect similar to paralysis and psychedelic effects, but scarlet nirn root has infinitely increased the psychedelic effect, and people who take it for a long time may even experience strong dependence feel!
Once you leave these things, people who take it for a long time will go crazy in a short time!

It is precisely because of this that the Scarlet Nirn Root is completely listed as a prohibited alchemy item by the entire Muya Continent.

But there are still a lot of curious people, and there are even more people who take risks in order to obtain huge benefits.

So even if it is completely banned, there are still a lot of people secretly selling it. This kind of thing is not new in the whole continent.

But now what is the prince's reason for bringing this matter to the table?
These viewers couldn't figure out what Josh meant, and they didn't bother to guess something. All they had to do now was to watch this latest movie!

Soon the scene came to the time agreed between Leon and the employer, and following the scene, all the audience finally saw what these people were trying to trade—just as they had guessed, those alchemists banned by the entire continent thing!

At this time, Leon quietly came to this hotel, his goal was very clear, that is to kill the fat man called Poor Death and all his subordinates.

Quietly passing through the ventilation duct, Lyon's fighting spirit exploded and directly strangled one of the gatekeepers, and also dealt with the other guy!
"Wow, is this phantom telling the story of a killer? Isn't this so interesting?"

"It's really cool, and it's very exciting to watch! Are all killers like this?"

"Shut up, okay, why do you men like to watch such bloody things? Don't you know that the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe is also participating in it?"

"Ma'am, the phantom of His Royal Highness Josh has always been like this!"

A short shot of less than 1 minute has already made many people seem to see the feeling when they watched the Guardian.

It is still so real and so bloody, but some people are not very satisfied, such as General Alderick is not very satisfied.

"What is this? Doesn't His Royal Highness Josh know the virtues of real killers? What is his purpose in filming this phantom? To praise those damned killers?"

Of course, General Odrik didn't say it out loud, he just talked to a young man sitting beside him.

This young man is O'Brien's older brother Freyro, who is currently serving in the imperial capital, and this time he is the one who accompanied Odrik.

"Grandpa, I don't think His Highness Josh will make such a low-level mistake. I think we should take a good look."

"hope so."

The scene was still going on, and Leon had already sneaked out of Jones' room.

At this time, there was a guard at the door who seemed to be looking for someone, and Leon knew that he should be looking for the two guards who had been killed by him.

There was no nonsense at all, and Leon's hands exuded a faint luster.

He suddenly sped up his speed without giving the guard any time to react. At the same time, he raised his right hand and a silver dagger visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared, piercing the guard's throat directly!
Immediately the audience was stunned, what is that?
The nobles present had more or less contact with those damn assassin organizations, so they all knew those assassin weapons very well, but they had never seen such a thing before!

"What the hell is this?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"God, this Leon is not an important member of the Assassin Organization, is he? Such a powerful weapon is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

"Stupid donkey, didn't you realize that this Leon only has the strength of Tier [-]?"

The audience murmured and argued, and they also worried about being kicked out.

And after Leon easily killed a person again, his whereabouts were also exposed, because Leon noticed that the damn door was actually open when he killed this guy, and his actions were noticed by everyone. Saw!

But Leon was also considered to be very calm, without a trace of panic at all, perhaps in his view, all of this was a normal thing.

When the fighting spirit broke out, Leon didn't give these people any chance to react at all, he just rushed forward by himself, and there were continuous screams in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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