Chapter 432 Universe
After fooling Black and the others again, Josh took them to observe these dragons honestly.

To be honest, Josh really can't say that the third-tier and fourth-tier gadgets are called giant dragons.

In the end, these things that Josh asked someone to 'bred' them were named Rivendell Pterosaurs. Josh thought the name was okay, so he had no intention of objecting.

As for Blake and them?That's the idea they came up with, how could they object to it?
Speaking of which, Ilka is really an expert in zoology and warcraft, but after such an expert encounters this kind of pterosaur that combines multiple genes, the whole elf is a little confused.

He has never figured out what this thing is - except that these things have the blood of a dragon, other things are really not so clear.

To be honest, such an interesting new unknown creature, or the dragon race, really interested Ilka.

For this reason, Josh really almost gave him one—because of the unclear relationship between Elvira and Josh, Josh was a little passive.

To put it simply, I don't know which bastard spread the news about Elvira in Rivendell.

As a result, this matter has been fermented for almost half a year, and nobles from various places who have participated in the invitation of the Four Kingdoms came to verify it, and then this matter basically became "His Royal Highness Avella and His Royal Highness Josh happened during the invitation of the Four Kingdoms." Got feelings, now they live together in Rivendell' so the message went.

Although Josh and Elvira didn't care, even Natasha didn't seem to care, but Ilka did!
If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't get away, Ilka would have gone to Rivendell to make trouble.

Of course he couldn't come here, but he also sent people to look for Elvira. Unfortunately, the people he sent were sent by Elvira to Josh, and Josh sent them to Frank and the others directly. The elves who came over thought they 'knew' Elvira's thoughts, and went back helplessly.

Now that Ilkana is talking about things, Josh really has no reason to refute. Who made Josh really have a ghost in his heart?
In the end, he reluctantly agreed to Ilka's request, and then sent away Ilka, who seemed to be a bit of a daughter-in-law.

"Dragon Knight, it's a pity that they are all sub-dragons, why are they so popular?"

After leaving the barracks, Josh found a random place by himself and planned to go quietly.

As for the distribution of the pterosaurs, Josh had already arranged them, all of which were given to those guys who he thought had high loyalty and good strength.

For example, the kid Casal, he got Josh's trust and assigned him a pterosaur.

There are also some hidden deals in politics, for example, that guy O'Brien also got one, which can be regarded as a face for General Alderick.

In the end is his brother Kane, who also got a pterosaur that is also the strongest in this batch of pterosaurs.

This made Kane very happy, and it also made Liszt a little unhappy. As a result, when Liszt came to find Josh, Josh blocked him with a word.

"Please, you are here to learn management, not to be a soldier."

"But, who doesn't want to be a dragon knight?"

"Then wait until these guys reproduce, isn't time meaningless to us? Of course, the premise is that you have enough potential. Don't you have no confidence?"


How could Liszt have no confidence?
As the second child of the Augustus family, although he is not as strong as Kane, he is not weak, okay——as for Josh?When he knew that Josh was at the seventh level, he automatically excluded this guy from the range of 'reference objects'.

As for Josh and Galen, the two of them also said that they got the dragon they wanted, and they had already signed a relatively high-level contract, so they would not compete with them for these pterosaurs.

This can be regarded as a way for Akatosh and Hosdner to move freely in Muya Continent, but Akatosh is not so grateful.

In his opinion, it's too embarrassing to run around while staring at the name of a dragon, and pretend to be the same as a mentally retarded.

So this guy would rather pretend to be a young dragon and not come out at all, rather than run around with those pterosaurs, and Hosdner is similar.

"Hehe, didn't your brother named Liszt already tell you the answer?"

Since no one was around, Akatosh was also willing to float out and talk nonsense with Josh.

In the meantime, a silver light shrank from Josh's body, and a small dragon appeared on his shoulder, and then looked at Josh with a disdainful look, very worthy of beating.

"Hey, it's just a group of sub-dragons, but it's really depressing to attract Black and Ilka here."

"Didn't you think of it a long time ago? What are you still struggling with here? What an idiot."

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you about these things, I have some questions to ask you."

"Quickly say, my uncle's time is very precious."

Uncle Ben?Have you read too many Japanese comics in my mind?

Josh really wanted to give this stupid dragon a try, but after thinking about it for a long time, he decided to forget it. What should he do if he was beaten into a mentally handicapped thing and was given knowledge by himself?

"It's about my current strength improvement. To be honest, I was really scared last time. To be honest, what is the essence of the world? A universe-like structure, or a complete universe?"

"Didn't you already say this answer? I find you really funny. You obviously know everything and still look like you don't know it."

"It's just not sure, because what am I to do this? God of Creation?"

"Hasn't someone already done this in the novels in your head? You just need to continue like this now."

Akatosh's words made Josh's face a little bitter, continue like this?

Please, although I think I will be very powerful in the future, I never thought that I am not even a god, and I have not even reached the stage of a demigod, so I will do such a thing!

In fact, the troubles that Josh encountered were indeed beyond his imagination, especially after the growth method of his strength and the fact that he was no longer relying on magic power to improve as before.

After Josh and Wella made an oath in the name of Kamasia, Akatosh continued to obtain the scattered laws scattered in this world through this contract.

These laws are an important part of the essence of the world, and because Josh reshaped his own magic surge method through the world rules, he also relies on these things very much.

Probably because Josh had made sufficient preparations before, the power of faith he had absorbed had greatly improved his soul, and it was no problem for Josh to realize these 'super-class' things.

In this way, Josh's strength has made some good progress in just one year, and what this progress brought to Josh at first was not joy, but complete fear!
Because in Josh's huge vortex, a huge amount of energy emerged, and these energies were destroying Josh's body just like when Josh used the peak power of Akatosh!

At that time, Josh was really confused, but after learning a lesson, Josh calmed down a lot when encountering such a thing.

First use the power of the world's rules to restrain these violent energies, and then when Josh tried to integrate them into the rules, the strong sense of repulsion made it impossible for Josh to do anything.

Faced with such a situation, Josh could only call out to Akatosh.

Josh really regrets accepting the power of this guy's peak strength. Although Josh himself knows that he can't grow so fast without that guy's strength, every promotion is the same as a girl coming to that thing once a month. Who can stand this.

"You idiot, haven't you noticed that there is a ball on your vortex? Why don't you try to compress and condense the power until it is completely solidified into a ball, and then choose a suitable trajectory to let it go up? "

"Is there such an operation?"

Although Josh was a little unbelievable, he could only try it now.

I have to say that Akatosh was really reliable at the critical moment, when Josh spent several days compressing the power in his body that originated from a small part of the law, and chose a trajectory that fit the power of the ball After putting it on, Josh found that he was all right?
Not only is it all right, Josh can also feel that the power overflowing from this ball and the previous ball has significantly improved his heart and brain!
This is improving your body!Does Josh have power?No, the power in Josh's body has reached the ninth level!

What Josh has is a body that perfectly uses this power!But now, Josh actually found that his two important organs have also started to improve. How could Josh be unhappy?

While being happy, Josh also checked the situation in his body, but Josh was dumbfounded by this inspection!

What the hell is this?In the past, Josh simply felt that the power system in his body was like a vortex, but now Josh discovered that this so-called vortex was not at all!
Those arcs constructed by the power of the void, that is, the ripples of the vortex are actually not visible at all, they can only be felt by feeling!

What is this scenario?After carefully observing the two spheres built by Josh's power, isn't this Nima a planet?
If it wasn't for the fact that this thing really emitted all kinds of power to supply Josh, Josh might have thought that he had come to some universe after the destruction, or a new universe!
"My body is actually a universe? What kind of operation is this damn?"

It is a happy thing to have a universe in the body, because Josh remembers that the detached people in those novels basically have this thing in their bodies.

But when did others have it?It's all after becoming a god, and even becoming the overlord of one party!

What kind of rotten fish and rotten shrimp is he now?
Strong power doesn't mean that the sooner you get it, the better, it also depends on your endurance!

Obviously, Josh doesn't feel that his current strength can bear this thing!

(End of this chapter)

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