The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 435 Developing a Game?

Chapter 435 Developing a Game?

Although Tony couldn't understand what going to a world full of pirates had to do with fishing, he understood what Josh meant.

Even Tony, who is more familiar with the Muya Continent now, knows how far the ocean of the Muya Continent is from Augustus.

It can be said that wanting to eat some seafood in this ghost place is an extremely luxurious thing, not to mention the degree of danger of the sea is beyond his imagination.

So it is unimaginable to want to eat seafood here.

For a moment, Tony wondered if he could acquire a seafood company in the Marvel universe, and then export seafood to this world?
"This idea is really good. You can operate it. As for going to the pirate world, you still have to go. After all, some sea creatures in that world have magic."

"Okay, I see, I'll get it when we get back."

Negotiations with Alexios were also very successful, or Alexios had no intention of objecting at all.

Although I don't know how dangerous that world is, but my sister's talent is very good, and now she has reached the third level, so there should be no problem in that world.

Even if there are any problems, or if they encounter major troubles, they can travel back directly, can't they?

In this case, he has nothing to worry about, and even Alexios said that he can follow along to see, after all, he used to be a captain.

For such a request, Josh thought about it and agreed. First of all, Alexios is indeed a good captain.

Secondly, Rhine University is currently on vacation, and even Jonathan, the elf that Josh abducted, went to travel to Shire, which is about to be built.

Alexios is on the loose right now, so why not let them go together?
Not only can he go, but Josh thinks it’s better to let the whole family go to have fun together. Alexios is now a fifth-level fighter. pose a threat to them.

Just when Josh was about to send them there directly, Josh suddenly thought of something.

Then this guy looked at Alexios with a weird expression for a long time, and Alexios, who was provoked at the end, was a little uncomfortable before slowly looking away.

"What's the matter, Your Highness Josh?"

"Well, would you lay hands on a man? I mean you should know, that is, uh, sleep with him?"

".Why are you asking this question?"

"I've heard something about you and Alcibia Addis, um. In the pirate world, there is a man similar to him, of course not as clean as him"

To be honest, Captain Jack didn't have much affection for Josh. It was just because this guy was named one of the sexiest men in history that Josh had to be careful.

Of course, if Alexios really likes this tone, Josh really doesn't care.

Alexios had a black line on his face, he didn't expect Josh to understand such a thing.

This had to make him swear in the third that he had absolutely no problem, so that he dispelled Josh's eyes. He and Alcibi Addis did have such a story, but this Alexios refused all of them. That's all - probably.

After sending away Alexios and others, Josh and his party will naturally follow.

Josh's purpose this time is very clear, that is to recruit a group of good people for Galen first, and then take Daenerys Targaryen and her three eggs away.

He was still very generous to his friend Josh, at least he wouldn't let Galen have such a tragic start like "a dog at the beginning, all the equipment depends on picking up".

As for what kind of power Galen will vote for, it depends entirely on the situation.

Speaking of which, Daenerys Targaryen's family is quite sad. Her father is the last monarch of the Targaryen dynasty-Aerys Targaryen II, and her mother is her father's sister, Queen Layla Targaryen , Dany was born at the end of the Usurper's War.

When her eldest brother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, was defeated and killed at the Battle of the Trident, the rule of the Targaryen family was in jeopardy. For safety reasons, the pregnant Queen Leila and the five-year-old second prince Wei Siris Targaryen was escorted by Sir William Darry, the coach of the Red Castle, to the ancestral fief Dragonstone Island for refuge.

As a result, King's Landing fell shortly after they fled. Robert Baratheon seized the Iron Throne. All members of the royal family who did not escape were slaughtered by the rebellious Lannister family army. Rhys became the only survivor of the entire Targaryen family.

Of course, the ill-fated Daenerys became the final winner in the end, at least she took back everything that belonged to her family and sat on the Iron Throne again, didn't she?

Thinking of this, Josh probably knew what he was going to do, which was to make a mess.

There is no psychological pressure on Josh to mess up this kind of thing. Anyway, in Josh's eyes, those barbarians are just an important boost to Daenerys' rise.

Rather than giving it to a woman who is destined not to be their master, it is better to hand it over to Galen directly.

After thinking about all this, Josh directly activated the magic, and a silver void gate appeared in front of Josh and others.

When they stepped through this gate, they immediately felt the limit of this world.I have to say, this is too different from the world of Lord of the Rings.

As one of the founders of Western magical fantasy novels, although the world presented is indeed more similar to the Lord of the Rings.

But the upper limit of this world is only around the fifth level, but in Josh's memory, there seems to be no one in this world who is stronger, not even the fifth level!

"Maybe the so-called fifth-order in this world is the three dragons? It's still a very weak dragon!"

Not only Josh felt the limit of this world, but everyone who came with Josh felt it—probably Tony only felt the existence of the 'ceiling'.

This world is really weak enough, there is no challenge!

"Josh, this world feels so weak, and I feel that my strength seems to have become even more terrifying here."

Elvira frowned, and said that she condensed a wind blade casually - a simple wind blade was built according to the normal magic power output and normal magic power structure, but this wind blade immediately blew them away like a hurricane. Fang was swept away!
"It's nothing strange, the limit of this world is very low. But your strength is beyond this world, so it's not surprising that such a situation occurs."

"Is that so, so it is."

"Galen, it seems that you may have to be more cautious with your shots this time, don't cause a lot of casualties as soon as you make a shot, that is wasting your chance to exercise."

"I know, what's my plan?"

Galen nodded, how could he not feel how low the upper limit of this world is?

What's more, he has long been prepared to restrain himself, just like what Josh said, once he makes a move, it will definitely be ruined!

He has still not been able to forget that he once went down with a sword and almost buried them alive.

"The plan is very simple. Let's go to the free city of Pentos and find Illyrio Mopatis, the rich merchant governor who took Daenerys and the others in."

"Is it time to find someone? Although I don't know what timeline we are in, but if it really is a certain timeline, Daenerys is only 13 years old now!"

Seeing the slightly wretched expressions of Galen and Tony, and Natasha and Elvira's displeased expressions, Josh immediately glared at these two guys.

What the hell is this? How did you get those three dragon eggs if you didn't go to Daenerys?joke!

"Fake squid! You two bastards! I've never been a lolicon, otherwise Natasha was so young at that time, wouldn't I have done it long ago, please! Be more normal!"

"Really? Why is your mind full of the idea that it's more interesting for a loli to become Yujie?"

While Josh was arguing, Akatosh also appeared suddenly.

After saying this sentence, Josh's expression froze again. Why does this bastard always appear at such good timing?

And every time you can find your own vital points to bring up?

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"Of course, but your expression now is as if you have done something bad and been exposed. In fact, you don't need to hide it at all. Isn't Natasha just a loli raised by you? You should be proud!"

"To shut up!"


This guy Akatosh always made Josh helpless at all. After quietly taking a look at Natasha Josh who seemed to have calmed down, he decided not to bring up this topic again.

God knows what nonsense the bastard Akatosh is going to say.

It was as if he was very interested in girls with long silver hair, and it was this bastard who helped spread the word!
Fortunately, Elvira didn't seem to care about anything—or she seemed to have some hazy meaning, but such a thing is definitely not an assist, and Josh doesn't need any assists!
"Okay, don't talk about this, we'd better confirm the location first before we start."

"But how can we confirm that there is not even a passer-by here?"

"Tony, didn't you bastard bring some unmanned small reconnaissance planes? Hurry up and let me out and find someone nearby, and then we will go there!"

"Okay, Professor."

Tony shrugged and ran away decisively.Galen also ran away from the scene. Of course, he could see that Josh was unhappy, and Natasha was even more unhappy when she was calm. They are not stupid, and of course it is better to give them the time now.

Seeing that Galen and Tony had left, Akatosh also felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he quickly turned into Josh's body.

At this time, Natasha suddenly showed a strange smile: "So you like to play with cultivation? What do you think of my cultivation?"

"Ah, you are the most perfect."

"So, what about Hermione?"


"Oh, by the way, you like girls with silver hair or close to silver hair, so what about Elvira and Wella? And, what about Daenerys?"


(End of this chapter)

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