The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 441 Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 441 Multiple Choice Questions

"What do you guys want?"

Drogo feels cold all over his body now, and Drogo's physical fitness is not so afraid of the cold.

But now he felt that his blood was about to stop flowing from the cold, and he swore that even those mysterious existences like witches would not be able to give him such a shock!
The man in front of him, Drogo didn't even see what he was doing before he found himself bound and floating!

Then when his soldiers were about to save him, they all turned into ice sculptures!This has completely surpassed Drogo's understanding, and even beyond the understanding of everyone present.

At this moment, the strongest warrior of the Dothraki, the man with the title of Kayo, began to feel a little scared in his heart.

He never thought that such emotions would appear on his body, but at this moment he did feel such emotions clearly.

The unknown is the greatest fear. In Drogo's eyes, Josh is not only unknown, but also synonymous with mystery and danger.

But Drogo still forced himself to calm down, he knew that he had no way to resist facing this mysterious guy now, he could only see what this guy wanted to do.

"You have two choices now, one is to submit to us, and your army also belongs to the person I designate."

"This is impossible!"

Before Josh finished speaking, Drogo directly denied Josh's words.Let the tribe you lead belong to an outsider who you don't know at all?What a joke!Not only did Drogo disagree with Josh's words, Viserys also firmly disagreed with such a thing happening!

In his opinion, although Josh is mysterious, he is not impossible to deal with.

He has calmed down now, even though the countless pieces of broken ice mixed with corpses on the ground made him still fearful, but his desire has forced himself to overcome these fears!

If Drogo belonged to this mysterious man, wouldn't his sister marry this barbarian for nothing?

Without those [-] cavalry as bargaining chips, could these damn barbarians also weave Targaryen's blood?Fortunately, this barbarian has not lost his mind, at least he still knows how to refuse.

Drogo's refusal was completely expected by Josh, but Josh didn't care about his actions at all.

Josh had already decided that since he wanted to establish faith in this world, it was naturally impossible to do it slowly like in the world of assassins. What Josh wanted was to directly shock everyone with thunder!

Of course, if Josh goes crazy and directly destroys the world, then everything will be over.

Josh can't do this kind of stupid thing, and he has long thought that this world is for Galen to "play". As for how to play it, it is Galen's own business. In the process of gaining, build up faith.

Finding a decent unit for Galen is very important.

To be honest, Josh really took a fancy to these Dothrakis at first glance. Although these guys are all a bunch of savages, their combat effectiveness is really good. If Daenerys didn't have this army It is impossible to be so good in the early stage.

Josh still has some understanding of the characteristics of the Dothraki. They worship the sky and respect the strong.

Drogo is the most powerful of the Dothrakis. Josh didn't bother to think about whether he had blood, but it was true that he ruled this tribe.

"You seem to be a little anxious. You haven't heard me say the second option."

"No matter what it is, my answer is impossible! Even if I die!"

"Really, I'm sorry my second option is, if you refuse, take your tribe to hell with you. Now that I know your answer, I will satisfy you now."


Josh's understatement directly stunned Drogo, not only him, but also the other wedding guests present at the same time.

Does this young man have any other preparations?The young man's words had already surprised them. He actually planned to make Drogo's entire clan surrender!

Now they are even more surprised, even a little frightened.

If he really said so confidently that you will all die together if you are disobedient, then he definitely came with a large force!So does this mean that they will also be in huge trouble, even life-threatening?

"Your army. You want us all to die?" Drogo gritted his teeth and looked at Josh.

"Military? Sorry, if you still need an army to deal with you, then I think I should commit suicide."

Josh smiled disdainfully, as if on purpose, he suddenly shone with a faint luster, and the next moment Josh and Drogo disappeared directly in place!As if it had never appeared before, it disappeared without a trace.

"What is this situation?"

"Seven gods, do I have hallucinations in my eyes?"

Josh's actions directly confused everyone present, even Viserys was also confused about the situation!
But after Josh disappeared, Viserys and the others slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Although these people who stayed here also gave them great pressure, at least they didn't feel as strong as Josh.

Josh was standing here, as if they were facing a divine mansion, the pressure from the heart almost suffocated them.

It wasn't until this time that Viserys suddenly noticed that among the people staying here, there was a guy he was very familiar with - Illyrio.

Looking at the fat figure who fell at the back of the line, Viserys was very curious, how did Illyrio get mixed up with this group of people?
Seeing these people walking towards the outside after Josh disappeared, Viserys quietly followed. His actions also reminded other people present that they followed these people out quickly.

"Your Excellency, may I ask who are they?" Viserys leaned against Illyrio, asking respectfully and in a low voice.

Although Viserys disdained to communicate with people like Illyrio in his heart, he also knew what he should do.

Although he is very self-centered, he also knows that after so many years of miserable life, even if he doesn't like it, sometimes he needs to be patient.

"They?" Illyrio glanced at Viserys, then shook his head: "I don't know, but I know one thing, that is, the more you know, the faster you die. This is what they gave me. I now pass it on to you, Mr Targaryen."

The more you know, the faster you die?Viserys' complexion suddenly sank. In his opinion, this was just Illyrio's rhetoric. He had no intention of telling himself the mysterious identities of this group of people!
It made Viserys grit his teeth, but he dared not lose his temper.

Glancing back at Daenerys, who was worried but also came out quietly with a hint of curiosity, Viserys finally held back his temper.

If it was normal, he would definitely have vented his anger on Daenerys, and he would not feel any guilt about it.

The silvery luster shone, and Josh brought Drogo into mid-air. From where they were now, they could clearly see the Dothraki tribe below!
To be honest, this dense crowd of people, which looked like a large area, really shocked Josh.

But what's the use of having more people?Josh's shock was only fleeting, he just hadn't seen so many people.

After the strength increases, this dense crowd of people is actually the same as seeing a large group of ants in the forest.

"Are there still many of you?"

"What do you want to do?"

Drogo swallowed, the height made it seem like he didn't have that much difficulty breathing.

And the feeling of floating like this is not very good to be honest, even if the Dothraki worship the sky, they may not be willing to fly so high!

And now Drogo's vision is very good, so he can see clearly at such a high height.

He was very surprised where Josh's troops were. He didn't believe what Josh said at all. He could destroy his entire tribe by himself. Even a dragon in this world couldn't do such a thing!

"Look well, boy, you'll know. Yes, you can stop me anytime you want."

Josh didn't give Drogo an answer, but seeing Josh's eyes slightly closed and then quickly opened, his eyes had already changed.

At the same time, Josh stretched out his right hand slightly, and in the blink of an eye, a pale golden rune appeared between his fingers.

"Have you ever experienced despair?"

"What do you mean?"

Josh didn’t speak, but pointed upwards.Drogo suddenly had a bad premonition, he raised his head stiffly, and almost fainted when he saw something in the sky!

On the ground, many of the wedding guests who came out with Galen and his party were so frightened that they lay on the ground!
"Seven Gods! Is this God's punishment?"

"It's over, damn it! It's dead!"

Viserys was also so frightened that his feet went limp, he tried hard to rub his eyes, but when he opened them, he found that they were still the same!
how can that be?what is happening?Viserys wanted to run, but he knew he couldn't escape no matter how hard he ran!
"Your Excellency, what exactly is this?" Suddenly, Viserys remembered something, and he immediately grabbed Illyrio's hand, as if Illyrio was his only life-saving straw.

"It's just magic, don't make any noise." Galen probably felt that it was too noisy, and he yelled directly without waiting for Illyrio to explain.

His voice was choked at the scene, magic?Can magic make this effect?
But they also knew that this man was with that guy floating in the sky, so they didn't dare to talk anymore!

Looking up at the huge flaming sphere, they could only pray in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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