Chapter 445 Ciri
"You mean you were planning to go to the Wizarding World to watch a football game, but the girl came out when you opened the Void Gate?"

"Yes! I swear! It really is Natasha!"

"Are you sure you didn't go to the wizarding world? Why the hell are you a wizard again?"

"Um, can you call it The Witcher [-]? Or Wild Hunt?"

The silver-haired girl was lying on the bed drowsily, and suddenly she heard some movement around her, as if someone was talking.This situation immediately made her sober, but she didn't move.

She kept her current breathing so that she looked the same as before, which was not a difficult thing for her.After that, she slowly opened her eyes slightly, carefully observing the current situation around her.

She is very careful and careful, and she starts to investigate the things closest to her first.She really couldn't understand the conversation she heard before. It didn't seem to be the language of her world at all. Although she had experienced many things like this, she had to be careful.

"This bed is very soft, and it doesn't look like it can only be owned by ordinary people. And this bed has a fragrance, it should be lavender, and it must be changed every day to have this smell."

The silver-haired girl thought silently, and at the same time gently touched the sheet and the quilt she was covering: "It's very smooth, it looks like it should be silk, or other very expensive products. Come to think of it, I should be a nobleman, Or rich people saved it."

The silver-haired girl's mind is very meticulous, and she has been to many other worlds.She knew that just some things on this bed could tell that the owner of the house was very rich or powerful.

These things are not affordable for ordinary people, even in her own hometown.What's more, the silver-haired girl knows what her hometown is like now, and she doesn't think those nobles are in the mood to make their beds so good.

Pretending to turn over, the silver-haired girl adjusted her 'sleeping position' a little so that she could better observe the situation in the room.Soon she noticed that this room really didn't seem so ordinary.

The unique style plus various special decorations and overall color distribution make this room look simple and solemn at the same time.And there are no electronic products in this room, but a series of magical magic items instead.

The silver-haired girl could feel the faint magical fluctuations, and now she was basically sure that she was definitely saved by a nobleman, instead of going to a very strange world full of technology as before.

Also, the absolute status of the nobleman who saved him is not easy!Not every world has magic, and not every world for a magician is as miserable as his own world.

But to use magic items majestically as daily necessities, unless the magic in this world has become so powerful that it is unattainable, or the user itself is a noble existence.

The silver-haired girl is more inclined to the second type, because the silver-haired girl is very clear about how difficult it is to learn magic.The silver-haired girl has magical powers herself, so she can understand the value of these items.

After adjusting the direction of her head, the silver-haired girl saw several people talking not far from her bed.

A handsome man who looked about 20 years old. He was wearing a black magician's robe, but even ordinary clothes gave the silver-haired girl a distinctive aura.

Such a temperamental silver-haired girl has never been seen before, even the elf king who took medicine and killed himself did not have such a temperament!
The silver-haired girl was a little puzzled, who the hell is this?

And beside this handsome man, there are several girls who are so beautiful that she feels unbelievable, and two of them have the same silver hair as her, which makes the girl feel a little kind.

Silver hair is actually quite rare, at least the only ones she has seen so far are her adoptive father and herself with silver hair, and the others are rarely seen.

Of course, except for the elderly.

Just when the silver-haired girl was thinking secretly, she suddenly found that handsome man with blond hair walking towards her, which immediately made her a little vigilant.

She doesn't know the language of this world at all, and she has no idea who these people are. As a girl, it would be abnormal if she was not cautious.

Josh didn't know what the girl in front of him was thinking, but he probably guessed who the girl was and that the girl had woken up a long time ago.

Has long silver hair and can travel through space?There is indeed one such woman in Josh's memory, and that is Ciri, the adopted daughter of Geralt the White Wolf, who is known as the sorceress Piledriver.

It's just that Josh has no way of determining whether this girl is the well-behaved girl in the game, or the... ahem, more unrestrained girl in the novel.

It has to be said that games and novels are not everywhere, and the world that Josh experienced before has almost such problems.And the Marvel Universe is similar, but the Marvel Universe is a little different from movies and comics.

However, no matter which version of Ciri it is, it is not a problem for Josh.This is not to say that Josh has good teeth, but that Josh doesn't have much idea.

To be honest, he felt sorry for this girl, and Josh was also very interested in a certain experience of this girl.

For example, in a certain future world she had been to, Josh waited for the Polish jackass to cross over and never saw that world!
"In the future, find a world with "Bosser Punk 2077" to see, otherwise it would be a pity."

So after a sentence of emotion, Josh also began to think about how to communicate with this silver-haired girl.

Because there was no way to determine which world this girl came from, Josh didn't know how to use language.

If it is the world of novels, it will be a little troublesome, because the language used in the novels is their specific language.

But the game is different. The game uses English (default), and Josh has fully mastered English.

Let's try it. Josh, who has no choice but to act like a dead mouse, just try to communicate in English to see the effect.

"Ma'am, I know you're done, can you understand me?"

"Well, I think so."

The silver-haired girl, Ciri, immediately opened her eyes and sat up when she heard what Josh said.

She looks a little embarrassed now, after all, it is really not a commendable thing for her to pretend to be asleep and be found out.

"You speak our language?"

"Yes, I do speak your language."

"How come? Have you ever been to our world? Or, it is still here"

"No, this place is called Muya Continent."

It seems that Josh's ability to speak English makes Shirley feel very incredible, which makes Josh a little strange. Doesn't the Bossepunk world speak English?

impossible.But Josh didn't bother to pursue these things. He was very curious about how Ciri got here through his void gate?
"I'm very curious, how did you come here?"


Having said this, Ciri immediately became more vigilant.It is a huge secret that she has the blood of the elders. This blood can allow her to use magic power to travel through various worlds, and even go to some worlds that she has never seen before.

For example, she has been to a world full of metals before, and those metals can actually fly in the sky!
As for why he came to this world, Shirley thinks that the eighth floor is the reason for his own bloodline, right?
But soon Ciri remembered something again. She remembered that she seemed to have cast a spell while avoiding the wild hunt, but this time she encountered some big troubles.Because her bloodline seemed to be attracted by a huge and profound force.

This power was something Ciri had never seen or felt before, it was so powerful that it almost suffocated her!

The moment she was pulled by this force, she seemed to feel that she was about to be torn into pieces, and the severe pain made her lose consciousness at this moment.

When she woke up again, she found herself lying on a strange bed, listening to some languages ​​she had never heard of.

She, who was still in a daze from waking up just now, suddenly realized something—she seemed to have said something she shouldn't have said just now!

The handsome blond guy in front of him knew that he was not from this world, and he even admitted it!And this world is called Muya Continent, which is not the world I used to be at all. The most important thing is that this blond guy can speak his own language!

"Who are you?" Ciri was very vigilant, and she even began to slowly think of a way to escape from here.

"There's no need to be nervous, because you're not the only one who can enter other worlds at will." Josh naturally saw Ciri's nervousness, so he could only shrug his shoulders to comfort the girl.

"You can also enter other worlds?"

"Of course, I originally planned to go to another world to watch the game, but inexplicably you ran out of my void gate, what do you think? Also, the language you use is actually not that unusual. using this language."

The gate of the void?

Ciri thought about it secretly, and soon realized that this might be the method used by the blond man in front of him to travel to other worlds.

As for language, Shirley also has a deep understanding of this. At least he entered that world full of metal, and the people there use the same language as himself!

Inexplicably, Shirley suddenly had some intimacy with the man in front of him.This kind of intimacy probably comes from the reason that they can also freely enter other worlds.

"I'm sorry, sir. I"

"Okay, don't talk about this, you should have a good rest first, and wait until you are almost recovered. By the way, my name is Josh."

"My name is Cilia."

(End of this chapter)

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