Chapter 464
"Actually, it's the most normal thing for you not to go back, Ciri."

"What do you mean?"

When Shirley briefly told Josh about her recent situation, it also included the fact that she couldn't use her blood to cooperate with the magic.Josh calmly told her an answer she didn't really want to hear.

To be honest, Shirley even wondered if Josh had really done something to her, because she knew that Josh could also use similar magic.

But after thinking about it, she felt that Josh really didn't need to do this, and she didn't seem to pose any threat to Josh in any way.

As for why Josh will fall in love with himself?
Well, Ciri doesn't think she can be compared with those women around Josh at all, and even Daenerys, who has a very good relationship with her, feels that there is nothing to compare with—after all, it's not a game, but here There is no beauty mod.

Josh didn't lose her appetite either, and quickly explained the reason why Ciri had been wondering: "Because the limits of the world are different, and the rules of the world are different, so you can't use your blood magic."

"World limits? World rules?"

"Yes." Josh nodded, and then said simply: "The limit of each world is different. You can regard the height of power that each world can accommodate as the number of floors of a house, and the limit of this world is the ceiling. .”

"Your world limit is very low, there is no need to doubt that at all. I can feel it from the fact that you still have some memories about your world. I can tell you this, a fifth-level guy here has gone to You can be a god in the world!"


Ciri turned pale with shock. After staying in this world for two months, she already knew the strength structure of this world, but she had never seen these professionals go all out, so she couldn't get an intuitive comparison.

But now that she heard Josh say this, she really didn't know how to evaluate it. In one word, she was frightened.

"There is no need to be so surprised, and there is no need to doubt. I have been to many worlds. When I was relatively weak, I was already regarded as a god by many worlds. This is nothing surprising."

Josh shrugged casually, thinking that was indeed the case at the beginning.

I must also thank Muya Continent for having a high enough world limit, which saved Josh a lot of trouble - at least he didn't need to pretend to be a grandson in other worlds, he always looked like a grandpa.

"As for why you can't use the power of your bloodline, that's simpler. Because the rules of each world are different, and the more advanced the world, the stricter it is. For example, we have such rules here-below the god level It is the power that does not allow space."

"Then why can't you already have."

"No, I'm special. Because I gain power, which surpasses the setting of this world."

Josh knew that Shirley would ask this question, and after thinking about it, Josh simply gave her a relatively correct answer.

Anyway, this is the truth, Josh doesn't think there is anything to deceive people, especially for people with similar abilities as himself, Josh doesn't think it is necessary at all.

The power of the void was originally something so miraculous that Josh himself couldn't describe it in words. After inexplicably returning to an unknown age, after watching the void revive, Josh was even more in awe of the void.

For the time being, Josh couldn't find anything comparable to this kind of power, so Josh directly put the power of the void first.

With the power of the void, the number one power for the time being, is it strange that he behaves a bit special?

"So...can you take me back?" Ciri bit her lip, and finally asked with some hesitation.

"Of course, because I originally planned to go to your world."

Josh said without any hesitation. To be honest, Josh originally planned to go to Ciri's wizarding world, but Josh was worried about Ciri's physical problems before, so he didn't make a decision.

But now, after almost two months of treatment, Ciri's injury is almost healed.

So now Josh can naturally go to their world for a stroll, especially when Josh was still thinking about where to go to play just now.

So Josh agreed to Xili without saying a word, and at the same time Josh planned to ask Xili some questions.

"Shirley, I want to ask you a question. Are professions such as magicians and warlocks a bit difficult to get along with you? Also, if I plan to invite your adoptive parents to come to my place, do you think they will agree? ?”

"Eh? Why do you ask this?"

"Because I'm accepting magicians to work for me on a large scale, not for any bullshit royal power wars, but to get more manpower in my territory. Also, I know something about you demon hunters, It is very suitable for us to engage in some investigation careers, such as tracking down murderers or something."

Josh didn't mean to hide anything, and directly expressed his thoughts.

Indeed, in Josh's opinion, the magicians in the world of The Witcher [-] really have nothing worthy of Josh's attention except for some specific tricks that are more attractive.

With such strength, if they really want to participate in some kind of battles like 'kingdom power', I'm afraid they are just low-level cannon fodder.

Not to mention that Josh didn't have any thoughts in this area at all, even if he had Josh, he wouldn't look for them. Josh's purpose is very clear, that is, to find Geralt and the others to set up an organization similar to the police.

By the way, learn the knowledge of their magic transmission there, and then how many magicians who don't want to be oppressed can be summoned to leave there.

As for others?Josh, who didn't intend to think too much at first, thought of one thing, that is, although the world of The Witcher [-] has a very low limit, it seems dangerous enough.

Can I connect to this world, and then send some people with relatively low strength but worth cultivating to that world for a good exercise?

Needless to say, once this idea appeared in Josh's mind, he couldn't stop at all.

"It's like, I let Galen stay there to mess around in the world of ice and fire. I also want to find some suitable places for my men to exercise. Obviously, this is definitely an excellent training ground! "

Josh rolled his eyes, not to mention that this place seems to have some flavor.

Because of politics, there are all kinds of wars, and there are so many strange beings because of the "celestial sphere convergence". Why doesn't Josh build a place in that ghostly place where his young men can exercise well?
"Why don't you set up a mercenary army there, and take on tasks like Geralt did to solve all kinds of supernatural troubles and exercise their abilities."

The more Josh thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with it, and he even forgot what he was doing now.

But fortunately, Josh's reaction was also very fast, but he came back to his senses all of a sudden, and glanced at Shirley who looked a bit puzzled, and Josh coughed lightly.

"Didn't you promise me that if I help you solve the problem of Wild Hunt, you can do something for me? I have already made my request."

"Invite my adoptive parents to come to this world, and then help you with the investigation?"

"To be precise, it's about maintaining law and order. I heard that you have been to a world of technology. Do you know what the police do there? I hope Geralt can come here and do the same thing."

That would be much easier to say, Ciri nodded silently.Although it is not clear where Josh heard that she has been to the technology world, she did not refute these questions.I even feel that my adoptive father has really done something here.

During the two months in Rivendell with Daenerys, Ciri basically visited all the unimportant areas of Rivendell.

I have to say that this place really shocked her. Whether it was its prosperity or its civilization, Ciri liked it a little.

She even went to watch the phantoms and concerts made by Josh. She had seen these things in the technological world, but these things still attracted her very much.

Of course, Shirley also noticed something special, that is, there might be some problems with the law and order here.

There are too many people from outside, especially those mercenaries, so naturally there will be no less trouble.

Rivendell is very calm now, but it's hard to say what will happen in the future. At least according to the current development speed, it will definitely be a central city in the future, so the population will definitely be larger by then.

With a large population, there will naturally be various problems that have not been encountered before. Whether it is caused by professionals or supernatural events, it will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

So it was indeed a good idea for Josh to invite Geralt and the others over.

Of course, the most important thing is that she learned some special information from Daenerys, which must not be disclosed.

That is, there are a lot of people in this city from other worlds, and even most of them have been reused!

It's just that this information must never be passed on, otherwise everyone will be in big trouble.

Ciri is naturally not a talkative person, and after she found out that after she knew these secrets, there were always some looming figures behind her, she swore to herself that she would never tell these secrets.

Since people from other foreign worlds can gain a foothold here and live so well, why can't their adoptive parents?

Shirley couldn't be more clear about what his own world was like, and what his adoptive parents' reputation in that world was like.

It's so peaceful here, and you can get in touch with higher powers, so why not come here and try it?

What's more, the manpower that His Highness wants to recruit will definitely not be short, so can Geralt's good friends also be brought over?

After thinking about this, Shirley basically acquiesced in Josh's thoughts, partly because of her promise, and partly because she really thought this place was good.

"I can try to convince them, but when do we act?"

"Five days later, I need to do something else. For example, send a few people back to the world for vacation, and resurrect a few guys, and finally throw the spoils I got in the last world to the people in the laboratory. What do you think? Sample?"

"It's a deal, Your Highness Josh."

(End of this chapter)

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