The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 478 More Attractive

Chapter 478 More Attractive
The reason why Emhyr could 'kneel' so quickly was not only because of Josh's strength, but also because of Emhyr's own factors.

Emhyr is a smart person, but the smarter a person is, the more he can see clearly how big the gap between himself and others is.

If this gap is still a manageable range, then this can stimulate the idea of ​​​​these smart people to catch up.

But if the gap is so big that I can't fill it even if I try my best for the rest of my life, or even if I try my best, their 'kneeling' speed is much faster than that of ordinary people.

Of course, there is also a part of Josh's reason here, because Josh doesn't want to make too much noise and cause those wild hunts to run away.

So he has always controlled his strength within a suitable range. This range gave the wild hunters the illusion that 'one-on-one' can't be done, and they must go together.

In this case, Josh must use some special means when dealing with Emhyr.

This method was not too subtle, but Josh cast an illusion on him very simply and quietly.

This kind of illusion is similar to creating a dream, the difference lies in whether the other party is awake or not.

This guy Josh has already been familiar with his abilities for a long time, and this level is not difficult for him at all, especially since Emhyr is still an ordinary person.

To lure his subconscious a little bit, to make Emhyr subconsciously feel that Josh is definitely not someone he can deal with, even if it is futile to use the power of the whole country, Emhyr directly chose to 'surrender'.

Of course, it was similar in fact, except that Josh didn't want to let Wild Hunt get away.

Otherwise, according to Josh's normal approach, at this moment, a burning meteorite with unparalleled destructive power should have fallen from the sky and stayed above the palace.

It's not the first time Josh has done this kind of operation, but he is relatively skilled and professional.

Emhyr, who had been 'kneeled' by Josh, and Josh didn't have much to talk about, he just wanted to confirm Josh's actual situation.

At the same time, what he was most concerned about was where Shirley was now, since Josh had come here, there was no reason why Shirley wasn't here.

"You will see her, because you have crossed the timeline and entered an earlier timeline, the current Ciri should still be in this world, so the future Ciri will appear only after the current her leaves this world .”

Of course, Emhyr knew the reason why he wanted to find Hiri Josh, but Josh didn't take this matter to heart at all.A Queen Ciri and a Demon Hunter Ciri, Josh would choose the second without hesitation.

As for other things, Josh didn't talk to him too much in detail. For example, Emhyr hoped that Josh's mercenary army in this world could be established in his country. Josh didn't express any opinions on this, but He just said: 'Let Vesemir handle this matter', and skipped it.

Of course Emhyr knew who Vesemir was, and he could only sigh that Josh could find this old man to help Emhyr, especially after Vesemir returned to an extremely young state, Emhyr was even more envious.

After discussing all these matters, Emhyr planned to leave with Geralt, but at this moment Josh suddenly asked, "Did you ask Geralt to help you find Ciri?"

"Yes, but it doesn't seem necessary now."

"No, Geralt must continue to look for Ciri, otherwise there will be unpredictable troubles."

"Is it because of the timeline you mentioned?"

Both Emhyr and Geralt reacted very quickly. Although they had no access to time magic, they also knew one thing very well, that is, to change things on the timeline arbitrarily, and completely changing what has happened is not what a good thing.

Of course, the most important thing is that they don't know that Josh himself doesn't know any time magic at all.

Time magic is even weirder than space magic, and even some powerful existences can't change the past - because as long as they try to kill young enemies, they will be backlashed by the long river of time.

Probably only the detached ones, and those creatures in the void who have no concept of time at all, can ignore these things.

"So, Geralt is still going to look for Ciri?"

"Of course, and in order not to cause too much trouble, I will seal some of his memories. After Ciri leaves this world and reappears, the magic will be invalidated."

"Wait, you want to use magic on me?" How could Geralt not hear Josh and their conversation?It's just that he didn't expect this matter to fall on him in the end?
"Of course, in case you already know you're safe and you're in trouble if you don't work."


"Okay, Geralt, this magic won't do you any harm. To put it bluntly, it simply makes you forget that Ciri is safe now. After you meet the 'real' Ciri, this magic will naturally It will be resolved, don't worry."

Josh interrupted what Geralt wanted to say very unceremoniously, and of course this guy didn't forget to emphasize the word 'real' Ciri.

Josh wasn't going to leave out a guy who could transform into anyone, and Geralt was cheating on it.

Because Josh didn't intend to make Geralt forget that he cast a spell on him, which was also a motivation for him.

He knew he was casting a spell on him and how to undo it, and he remembered everything except certain things about Ciri.

This kind of operation is a test of the spellcaster's ability. Although Josh has never been a micromanager, he can do this kind of thing with his own strong strength.

After Josh's explanation, Geralt had no choice but to accept this fact.

In fact, Geralt didn't mean to refuse at all in his heart, because he was saving his daughter.

It's just that the thought of being cast by someone else's magic, no matter who it is, will feel a little uncomfortable, especially Geralt who has lost his memory due to the wild hunt.

After some spellcasting, Geralt felt that nothing had changed in himself.

It seems that there is no problem except that he can't remember what happened to Ciri now. This result makes Geralt extremely relieved. At least it proves that Josh has not lied to him, doesn't it?

"Thank you for what you have done, Your Highness Josh."

After specifically asking Geralt about his memories and details, Emhyr nodded and stood up: "I plan to let Geralt meet Yennefer, and then let him go immediately, what do you think? "

"Let's rest for one night. We can use griffins to travel or simply use magic. We still have plenty of time. And I think Mr. Geralt must have endless things to say to Ms. Yennefer ?"

"I ignored it. I'm sorry everyone. Have a good night's rest. If you need anything, please tell my guards, or tell me."

When Emhyr heard what Josh said, he naturally wouldn't force anything, and knowing the situation, he wouldn't order anything indiscriminately, especially this guy Josh.As for those dead guards?

Although Emhyr was very distressed, he would not continue talking about this matter.

"Very well, thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty."

Watching Geralt and Emhyr leave, Josh stretched himself.

He casually threw the book on the shelf—under the control of magic, the book quickly returned to its original position, and Shirley also walked over at this time.

When Emhyr and Geralt came together just now, Ciri immediately turned into a mute.

She didn't care about what Josh talked to them at all, but she still had some complaints about Josh performing magic like Geralt.

"Why did you have to cast such a spell on Geralt?"

"Because I'm worried that he will ignore a lot of troublesome things when he knows about it. At the same time, don't you also know the style of the demon hunter? I'm worried that he will keep a high price when he takes on the task when he knows you are safe. It doesn't fit the setup when he asks for help from others."

Ciri frowned, but she soon calmed down.It is indeed very possible. Geralt must know that Wild Hunt is looking for him, so it cannot be ruled out that Wild Hunt will form a team to follow Geralt quietly. If Geralt's way of doing things is a little abnormal, then it may really be cause some trouble.

Sighing, Ciri no longer bothered about Josh casting magic on Jieluo, she asked with some concern: "Then there will be no problem with your magic? For example, sequelae or something?"

"Please, it's just an illusion. It's spiritual. I just gave him a hint. What trouble can there be? The way to undo it doesn't even require me to do it. He just needs to see you and he can undo it. Well, including you who may still be in this world."

"What did you say?" Shirley looked at Josh with some dissatisfaction: "Don't you know how to distinguish between the past and the present?"

"Sorry, I don't think that's necessary, because it's all the same."

"Ha, you really are."

Ciri shook her head helplessly, then turned around and stood next to Josh, propped her head up and looked at Josh: "Can you undo my current transformation magic? Every time I look in the mirror, I feel very strange."

"Okay, okay, okay." Josh nodded, and Shirley returned to his real appearance in the blink of an eye.

Josh was a little lost looking at Ciri's current appearance, but he quickly recovered: "I have to say, I think you look much better in this way."


"Because you know Daenerys's current personality. Her appearance matches your personality, which makes me feel weird. But the real you is even more attractive."

(End of this chapter)

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