Chapter 87

Ke Zhou said with a serious expression: "Since you have mastered the iron fist and learned the refining technique, it's time to start maintaining the weapon."

Ouyang Ruyu was startled: "Nursing?"

Ke Zhou said "hmm" and led her to a small house.

Pushing open the door, a burst of swords and swords shot straight at her face!

The pupils in Ruyu's eyes shrank involuntarily!
Inside this house, there are all swords!
These swords are all well-made, and when you look at them, you can feel the cold light coming from the swords!
"This is?"

"Most of the weapons here are made by me, and a few are bought." Ke Zhou said in a deep voice.

"In the past, the maintenance of these swords was done by Sun Zhong, because you have just been trained, so the maintenance work is done by myself.

Now that you have practiced iron fisting to the point of proficiency, those swords feel the breath of iron fisting on your body, and will not emit sword light to deal with you. You can take over the maintenance work. "

Suddenly seeing swords all over the room, I have to say, it was quite shocking at first.


Master, you always leave the work of maintaining the sword to me, and I am under a lot of pressure, okay?
Ouyang Ruyu asked cautiously: "Do these swords have to be wiped every day?"

She, a tenacious and brave warrior!

Ever since he became the chief disciple of Ke Zhou, he went to bed later than anyone else and woke up earlier than a chicken, which was hard enough.

Now, is God going to attack this poor little girl again_(:з)∠)_?

"Wrong." Ke Zhou said lightly.

Ouyang Ruyu's heart relaxed.

Sure enough, God still takes pity on her poor \(^o^)/!

Ke Zhou said: "Not only do you have to clean them every day, but you are also responsible for oiling them to keep them shiny."

Ouyang Ruyu: "..."

She was wrong.

She thought, she finally understood how the two big dark circles under Sun Zhong's eyes came from.

This is not a human life at all! !
Practicing boxing every day, leading apprentices to forge iron, and handling materials is already tiring enough, and the time can't be arranged.

Now not only is there an extra daily training task, but also these swords have to be maintained every day!

Ah, it hurts so much, the cat is already crying.

Ouyang Ruyu's face was stiff, watching Kezhou demonstrate the movements of maintaining the sword for her, and then mechanically repeated Kezhou's movements.

Then I got a satisfied look from Master Kezhou.

And then, Master Kezhou walked away leisurely.

Only Ouyang Ruyu stared at the room full of swords, choking speechlessly.

What else can I do?
All I can do is roll up my sleeves!
Ouyang Ruyu cheered up again, and wiped and oiled the swords one by one.

Every time she touched a sword, she would unconsciously observe the material and structure of the sword.

Gradually, she became intoxicated and attracted by these elite weapons.

Time passed silently, and when she came back to her senses, the moon had already climbed up the branches.

Ouyang Ruyu put down the last long sword she was wiping in her hand, and was about to leave.

Suddenly at this moment, she heard a faint sob of a woman.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Ouyang Ruyu frowned slightly, and looked up at the wall.

Ke Zhou only asked her to take care of the long sword on the table, and she specifically said before that the long sword on the wall should not be cared about.

And this sobbing sound came from the wall.

Her heart trembled, and she walked over slowly, the sound of sobbing became more and more obvious.

In the end, she stood in front of a long sword, staring silently.

The woman's weeping sound came from this long sword.

In her eyes, she could see a person in the sword.

"Who are you and why are you in this sword?"

The sobbing stopped suddenly, and a wisp of soul floated out from the sword, looking at Ouyang Ruyu in a daze with red eyes from crying.

"Can you see me?"

Ouyang Ruyu nodded.

The woman opened her eyes slightly, and pointed to herself: "Can you really see me?"

Ouyang Ruyu nodded again, "You are wearing a red dress, with jade on your hands, with a long bun, and a beauty mole under your right eye."

The woman wept with joy, "You can see me, you can see me!"

Her soul has been bound to the sword for thousands of years, unable to leave the sword, she can only say excitedly on the spot:
"I beg you to save me out, let me be free!"

It's not the first time Ouyang Ruyu encountered this kind of spirit body, she said very calmly: "Tell me your story first."

She felt that since she entered the Wanjie Museum, she was completely different from ordinary people.

In the past, even if she had a special constitution, she couldn't see these spirit demons.


One look at one accurate, one finds one accurate.

She didn't need to look for it specially, those things were like sitting and eating fruit and fruit in a row, waiting for her to solve the problem.

Alas, she must be too good-looking, not fierce at all!

Talented, intelligent, talented, and loved by everyone is so sad ╭(╯^╰)╮.

"My name is Zhou Yanfeng. I am the youngest daughter of the person in power of the weapon family thousands of years ago."

The woman in red shed two lines of tears, sadly telling the story of thousands of years ago.

"My father was the most outstanding member of the weapon family thousands of years ago, and the most talented soldier builder.

He once obtained a mysterious meteorite from outside the sky, and by chance, he used thunder to polish the meteorite so that it could be melted for forging.

The entire Zhou family guarded the meteorite forging for three days and three nights, and finally forged a magic weapon named 'Batian'!
As soon as the divine soldier came into the world, it triggered another round of thunder. "

"In the end, the magic weapon successfully crossed the tribulation, and my father took this magic weapon as the treasure of my Zhou family, and no one can borrow it from outside.

At that time, King Wen was very obsessed with the magic weapons, and repeatedly asked the Zhou family to hand over the magic weapons.

My father naturally refused, so he decided to take out the meteorites left over from that year, restart the furnace and cast a magic weapon. "

Zhou Yanfeng's eyebrows were dark, every word was like a phoenix weeping blood, every scene of the past was very clearly remembered!

She can't wait to kill the treacherous villain who framed the Zhou family, and die forever!
"My father failed in the end because there was a traitor in the Zhou family, who extinguished the fire at a critical moment, and even attracted the thunder to other people!

After that incident, all the skilled craftsmen of the Zhou family died, were disabled, and were injured.

Even my two sisters, one died under the thunder; the other was disfigured, delirious, and insane all day long. "

Zhou Yanfeng had tears in her eyes, "After this, none of the Zhou family can do anything.

After counting and counting, it turned out that it was my youngest daughter who didn't go that day, who became the highest seniority among all the people. "

"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled to Batian being taken away by King Zhou just like that!
The Zhou family is gone, all my parents are dead, and all the uncles and brothers I know have left me.

In the Zhou family of Nuo Da, I was the only one left in the end! "

 (I almost forgot to update _(:з」∠)_ On the second day of Wanchang, the front row sells rewards, herbal tea, recommendation tickets, melon seeds, monthly tickets, lunch boxes, and character comparisons, all in bowls o( * ̄︶ ̄*)o)

(End of this chapter)

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