
Chapter 466

Chapter 466
Wu Mei suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a huge black shadow moving in the distance, followed by the sound of rumbling horseshoes, which was very shocking.

Another cavalry came, who could it be?Wu Mei looked at that direction from a distance, could it be that her husband came to save her mother and child?
But how can such a powerful force as Long Qi break through easily?Wu Mei's face was full of doubts, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse.

At such a time of despair, Wu Mei sincerely hoped that these sudden cavalry could bring a glimmer of hope, and then she smiled wryly, maybe it was just a bit of extravagant hope!

The sound of horse hooves not only surprised Wu Mei and the others, but also Xiang Sheng. How could such cavalry suddenly appear here and now?From the sound of horseshoes, it seems that there are quite a few people. Could it be that Long Qie led the army to support him?There seems to be only one plausible explanation.Now in the land of Huainan, it seems that only the Chu army has so many cavalry troops.

As for other troops, perhaps there is a possibility that Hengshan will send troops, but this possibility seems very small?If Wu Rui had the guts to send troops, it would be impossible to delay doing so until now.And it seems that Hengshan Kingdom can't come up with such a cavalry skill, so after thinking about it, this possibility is still relatively small.

It was precisely because of this thought that Xiang Sheng was a little negligent and only made a basic defense.Many Chu cavalry also thought they were cavalry of their own country and were ready to welcome their companions.Sometimes a negligence that is taken for granted can be fatal.

The soldiers of the Western Chu Kingdom did not expect that it was not their own robes that greeted them in the dark night, but arrows filled with feathers one after another!

Enemy attack!

Only then did the Western Chu army realize that it was the enemy who came to kill them, and this time they remembered the warning.But it was too late, one after another, the crossbow arrows were very dense, and they were fired from beyond their expected range.It is obvious that the other party has already made preparations, doing calculations intentionally but not intentionally.They can clearly feel that the speed and power of the foresight are very strong, beyond their expected range.

For a moment, the Western Chu army was suddenly attacked, a little caught off guard, and a little confused for a moment.

Seeing such a situation, Wu Mei couldn't be sure who was killed, but it is an indisputable fact that her mother and child were saved.At the most critical moment, reinforcements came, such good luck that she couldn't help crying.If not, she really didn't know what to do.In just a moment, she even wanted to kill her son and commit suicide...

The Jiujiang guards were also very excited when they saw reinforcements coming. They gathered more than a hundred remnants of soldiers and guarded the queen and the prince by one side, waiting for the end of the battle over there.If they ran around now, they might be in greater danger. Moreover, judging from the current situation, the reinforcements seemed to be stronger. They were waiting for the end of the battle.

It was a bit late when Xiang Sheng found out that the situation was not good. They were attacked by the enemy without any precautions, especially since they were all holding torches and they were in the dark and they were easy targets for others.When the first round of crossbow arrows came, the Chu army killed hundreds of people in an instant, which made Xiang Sheng very angry.

It was too late to find out who the other party was, but he dared to violate the majesty of the Western Chu Kingdom and snatch the credit he had already obtained. This was absolutely intolerable.Xiang Sheng immediately ordered the soldiers of the Western Chu State to prevent effective resistance and wanted to save the defeat.

The opponent's cavalry was in front of him in an instant, and it was only when the soldiers were fighting hand-to-hand that Xiang Sheng realized that the opponent's troops were not too many, only about a thousand.Although I haven't lost hundreds of people, I still have 4000 generals who can fight the opponent, and the battle seems to be in my favor.

But when the two armies were fighting together, he realized that something was wrong. The opponent's cavalry were few, but they charged very ferociously.The weapons used seemed to be slightly different from their long swords. Every time the weapons intersected, he could feel the powerful slashing and impact of the opponent's cavalry.These people seem to be very powerful, and the long sword is not an opponent at all.

Soon, almost all the soldiers of the Western Chu Kingdom felt this, and they seemed to be inferior to these people.Looking at the opponent's sword, the powerful force can't be resisted with one hand.If they had two hands, they might be able to barely resist it, but it is very difficult to clamp the horse's belly by relying on the legs alone, and not fall off during the running and fighting, so they must have one hand to hold the reins tightly.

As a result, they did not have enough strength to resist the opponent's violent attack and slashing. The Chu army was quickly rushed to pieces, and many of them were injured and fell off their horses.What's more, some people found that the long sword in their hands was cut off by the opponent.God, what the hell is going on here?Who are the opponents?What kind of magic weapons do they have in their hands, why are they not their opponents at all?

The army of Western Chu was defeated quickly, the situation was a bit serious, and there were many casualties, Xiang Sheng was shocked to find that even with four times the number of people against the opponent, it seemed that they were not opponents at all.This is a very scary thing, if it continues like this, the situation will be very serious.What should we do now?To continue fighting, or to evacuate?

If he just retreated like this, and the credit he got just flew away like this, he was very unwilling.And just go back like this, let Yingbo's wife and children go, Long Qi will definitely punish him.Besides, I haven't figured out who the other party is?It didn't seem appropriate to just leave in such a disheartened manner.

But if he didn't leave and continued to fight like this, he might end up with the whole army wiped out, and a difficult choice lay before him.Xiang Sheng was very helpless, and soon he discovered another situation. The opponent was very familiar with night battles, and this was his weakness.If you continue like this, you will be very miserable.

Almost half of the cavalry under him had been lost. These were the elites of the Chu state. If they were ruined like this by him, even Xiang Yu would make trouble for him.

What's more, the identities of these enemies and their miraculous combat power, these important news must be reported to Long Qie and Xiang Yu as soon as possible.The existence of these mysterious people will be a very big threat to the Western Chu Kingdom, and we must make good defenses and countermeasures.

In desperation, Xiang Sheng had no choice but to give up and continue fighting, and led the troops to retreat rapidly.As expected, these mysterious cavalry did not pursue and kill, it seems that their purpose was only to save people.

Seeing the soldiers from the Western Chu Kingdom evacuate, Wu Mei couldn't help but burst into tears. It was really good luck that someone rescued them at the most dangerous time.It's really pitiful, she doesn't care what the other party's status is now, as long as he is an enemy of the Western Chu Kingdom, she shouldn't hurt herself.Of course, he was very interested in finding out who these benefactors who came to the rescue were.

She thought that the other party would come to see her as soon as possible and reveal her identity to herself, but in fact it was not the case. Wu Mei looked at the other party suspiciously, but she did not expect that the first thing the other party would do was to clean up the battlefield.

Needless to say, it was the Vietnamese cavalry led by Du Shang who came to rescue Wu Mei's mother and son.Before that, Yin Xu had thought about placing a cavalry team in Jiangbei, which would have unexpected effects at critical times.This task fell to Du Shang. The thousand cavalry that Su Jiao had recently trained were brought to Jiangbei by Du Shang, and they have been lurking in the mountains and forests.

Today, because Yingbo's family members were killed, Du Shang saw that the situation was urgent, so he came to rescue immediately in order to complete the business entrustment.They held a crossbow designed by the King of Yue himself, and jointly improved by Mrs. Luluo and Mr. Zhu. The speed of fire and power were greatly increased, so they finally dealt a heavy blow to the opponent when the Chu army was caught by surprise.

Moreover, these cavalry are equipped with stirrups, saddles and ring-shoulders, which are a batch of equipment that Mr. Zhu has recently created.A cavalry team of only 1000 men, if they want to make great achievements in the face of strong enemies in Jiangbei, their equipment must be superior.Now the combat power of the cavalry in Du Shang's hands is second only to the guards of Yue King Yin Xu, and it is already very powerful.

And they have a characteristic, that is, they are proficient in night battles, and they have been hiding in the mountains and forests for a long time. In the enemy's territory, night operations are almost a regular thing, so this point must be extraordinary.

It is precisely because of these reasons that they were able to deal a heavy blow to Xiang Sheng unexpectedly and win unexpected victories.

As soon as the battle was over, Du Shang was busy with other things, and that was to clean up the battlefield immediately.What they care about most is undoubtedly the stirrups, Takahashi saddles and ring-shoulders. These are the treasures and secrets of the Vietnamese army, and they must not be lost.Therefore, they must be cleaned up as soon as possible. After counting, they killed more than 100 people and injured more than [-] people, but the injuries were not very serious.

Fortunately, the Chu army retreated due to the rapid defeat. The stirrups, saddles and ring swords were not lost, and there was no possibility of leaking secrets. Du Shang breathed a sigh of relief.Dawn is approaching, and the earth began to shine a little more. After many people died in battle, the war horses wandered around.After Du Shang saw it, he smiled in his heart, it seems that this trip was not wrong.

At least [-] war horses were obtained in this battle. Now the most lacking thing in Yue country is war horses. This is undoubtedly a great supplement.Immediately, he ordered his subordinates to clean up the remains of the Vietnamese army, and to drive the horses quickly to the river.After returning to Jiangdong, these well-trained war horses will be put into training, and the extra cavalry from the Yue Kingdom will make [-] elite cavalry, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Where will there be enough navy ships waiting for them, their actions must be fast, if the Chu army reacts and chases them, it will be troublesome.But here is not far from the river, and the time is still lush.After finishing his work, Du Shang came to see Wu Mei. The king of Yue secretly ordered Yingbu's family to be taken to Jiangdong, and he had to obey the order.

(End of this chapter)

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