
Chapter 484

Chapter 484
In fact, Fan Zeng's back gangrene had attacked earlier, and this was an old problem of his.It's just that this period of time was eventful, and Fan Zeng had been patient all the time, healed secretly, and never told Xiang Yu about it, just because he was afraid that he would worry.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly broke out today, and it broke out more severely than ever, which made Fan Zeng very worried.

Worried about his health is one aspect, and at the same time, he is also afraid that this matter will affect the Chu army's expedition, so he hides in the house and does not come out.

Unexpectedly, when Xiang Yu got the news and came to visit in person, he revealed his secrets!

Xiang Yu was also very helpless. At the critical moment of the war against the Han army, his number one think tank, Fan Yafu, turned out to be a criminal with gangrene. This is really a very serious problem.In this way, a counselor and a person in charge came, and the impact on the morale of the generals of the Western Chu Kingdom after it was spread was immeasurable.

First of all, the influence on Xiang Yu himself had already been produced at this time, and the overlord of Western Chu felt a little heavy.

Especially when he saw the bright red blood stains on the quilt and Fan Zeng's underwear, he couldn't help but feel his eyes moisten. Fan Zeng is so old, even if he is seriously ill, he still helps him to make suggestions.This friendship and devotion is really...

"Yafu, why didn't you tell Yu'er earlier? If Yu'er hadn't seen it today, how long are you going to keep it from Yu'er?" While speaking, Xiang Yu couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Fan Zeng smiled wryly and said: "It's okay, the old man is still healthy, don't worry, don't delay the expedition."

Xiang Yu shook his head and said, "No, nothing is as important as your body. Yu'er cannot live without you, and Western Chu Kingdom cannot live without you!"

"Xiang Zhuang, please get a doctor for me!" Xiang Yu roared.

"Yes!" Xiang Zhuang saw Fan Zeng's illness and knew the seriousness of the matter.

When he was about to leave, Fan Zeng shouted: "Xiang Zhuang, don't worry, go quietly, the old man's illness must not be announced!"

"Oh, I see!"

Seeing that Fan Zeng was still thinking about himself at this time, Xiang Yu felt even more emotional.

Fan Zeng said: "Don't leak the news about my dispatch of troops. We are going to go out now. Don't affect the morale of the soldiers."

"Yafu, you are so sick, you are still thinking about Yu'er!"

Fan Zeng shook his head and said, "Oh, it's really not the right time for the old man to fall ill, so I can't follow you to the front line for the time being!"

"No, Yafu don't think about anything, just stay in Pengcheng and recuperate!"

"Hey!" Fan Zeng sighed softly: "Okay, the old man will stay in Pengcheng, and handle things on the front line carefully, Yu'er!"

"Yes, Yafu just don't worry, Yu'er will take care of the war in the Central Plains, take care of your illness and don't worry me."


Xiang Yu sighed, dried his wet eyes, turned and left!

Then the Chu army made a big move and launched an attack on Xingyang and Chenggao in the Central Plains.


Xingyang, temporary Han Palace!

"King of Han, the Chu army is dispatched!" Zhou Bo came in a hurry, bringing Liu Bang the most heart-warming news.

Since he was assassinated in the hometown of the Western Wei Dynasty last time, Liu Bang has kept a low profile and his mood is quite low.

But after coming back, he lost some enjoyment, and started to prepare in time to face the Chu army who might kill him at any time.

So it is not surprising to hear the news of the Chu army's attack at this time, and his performance is much calmer than before. It can be seen that Liu Bang has almost recovered from the previous fear syndrome.

Liu Bang asked: "How many people did the Chu army dispatch? Who led them?"

Zhou Bo replied: "Xiang Yu personally led the army to the west, and the total strength reached 10!"

"10 people, that's a lot!" Liu Bang sighed lightly, knowing that all the elites under Xiang Yu's command were dispatched, so they should not be underestimated.This battle can basically be said to be a battle of life and death, and cannot be ignored.

"How is our army's defense, food and grass, and other preparations?" Liu Bang immediately asked about the preparations for the war.

Zhang Liang replied: "It's all done. According to Marshal Han's suggestion, our army has adopted a complete defensive position. Except for setting up some defensive points along the border to the east, the main forces are all concentrated in Xingyang. There is Luoyi nearby. As for grain, a lot of grain from Ao Cang has already been transported to the city, and it is very sufficient, so there is no need to worry about grain and grass.”

Liu Bang nodded: "Very good, Mr. Zifang, can you see if there is anything else that needs to be prepared or strengthened?"

Zhang Liangdao: "Our own preparations are already sufficient. Don't worry. What we need to do now is to stand firm in the Xingyang area, confront the Chu army, and give Marshal Han time to conquer the princes of Hebei. Of course, apart from our direct confrontation with Chu In addition to fighting with the Chu army, external forces must also be used. Especially Peng Yue, we have been in touch with them all the time, and now is the time to use them. It would be very beneficial to us if there is always a team behind to attack the Chu army's flanks and rear !"

"Well, good! The widow will write a letter to Peng Yue and ask them to send troops from behind to harass Xiang Yu!" Liu Bang nodded.

"do you have anything else?"

Zhang Liangdao: "After Tian Rong and others were defeated, his clan brother Tian Heng did not die in battle. It is said that he fled to the coastal area of ​​Jiaodong. Now, taking advantage of the loosening of the control of the Western Chu Kingdom, Tian Heng and others have already started to fight. The move wants to restore the rule in Qi State. We can consider supporting it. However, Tian Heng’s current strength must be incomparable to Tian Rong’s back then, but it’s always good to have more people behind him to contain Western Chu State.”

Yin Xu nodded and said: "Okay, this matter is very necessary. As for the matter of supporting Tian Heng. We will send someone to contact Tian Heng ourselves, but we still have to leave it to Fan Wenke and the others to take care of the specific support staff!"

Zhang Liang continued: "Yes, and the other thing is to let Marshal Han speed up. Only when the princes of Hebei achieve great results can our pressure be relieved. To be honest, I am really worried, and we will fight against Western Chu head-on like this. Time After a long time, we may not be able to resist the attack of the Western Chu Kingdom all the time, so the progress of Han Xin is our chance of winning!"

"Well, what's going on with Han Xin?" Liu Bang nodded, very concerned about the war in the north of the river.

Zhang Liangdao: "We are using troops against the Dai Kingdom. The Dai Kingdom has a large number of troops and it is not easy to deal with them. Han Xin is now thinking of a way!"

"Well, let him as soon as possible!" Liu Bang only answered four words. Although it was plain, it also contained a lot of anxiety.

After the others left, Liu Bang immediately asked, "By the way, are the spies in Yue country ready?"

Zhang Liang replied: "It has been arranged. Taking advantage of the influx of refugees from Hongdu, they went from Huainan area. These people have undergone strict training, and now they have been properly settled in Hongdu. It was easily discovered. They will try their best to spy on the situation of the Yue Kingdom, and if they have news, they will send it back to Xingyang as soon as possible. Now that the Yue Kingdom has officially moved its capital to Hongdu, it will be more convenient to spy on the news."

"Very well. The Yue Kingdom must not be taken lightly. There is also the Linjiang and Mianshui areas. These places are closely related to our safety, and we must also place spies to report the news at any time."


"Is there any big movement in Yue country?"

"Oh, there is no big news, that is, Yin Xu officially moved his capital to Hongdu!" Zhang Liang replied softly.

Liu Bang nodded slightly, noncommittal.

Zhang Liang remembered another matter ordered by the King of Han, he hesitated to speak, "King of Han, Hongdu has a rather interesting thing recently!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Liu Bang was more interested in the affairs of the capital of Yue.

Zhang Liangdao: "Many people in Hongdu are betting now. The reason is that the two wives of the King of Yue are pregnant at the same time. The people of Yue are all guessing who will give birth to a boy and a girl? It is said that the Queen's position is also involved at this time." Let’s fight for it. Later, Yin Xu issued an edict saying that among his concubines, the husband would confer the boy’s title as queen, and now the gambling in Hongdu City is getting more lively.”

"Oh?" Liu Bang asked with a thought, "Which two ladies are pregnant?"

Zhang Liang was also wondering, what happened to the King of Han?At first, he was interested in the heirs of the King of Yue, but now he is concerned about which concubine of the King of Yue is pregnant, which is really strange.

Confused, but still respectfully replied: "One of them should be the princess of the Qin Kingdom, and the other is Madam Yu, a native of Fanyi, and Yin Xu's childhood sweetheart!"

Panyi people?Liu Bang sneered in his heart, isn't it the woman Zhao Zier and Mrs. Guan told him, she seems to be called Bo Ji.However, it has another name in Vietnam.

Now that the woman is pregnant, will she give birth to a boy?Is that child really, as the legend says, the destiny of the Son of Heaven?Liu Bang's heart throbbed.

When Zhang Liang left, Liu Bang lifted up his robe, and there was a very obvious scar on his thigh.This was left on his leg by the assassin on the day of the assassination in the Western Wei Dynasty. There were originally three moles under the scar, but they are gone now.

In other words, the 72 moles on my legs are incomplete now, so can this so-called great wealth be fulfilled as promised?Liu Bang was already very worried, but now he happened to hear that the woman who was said to be able to give birth to the son of heaven and who was the mother of the world was pregnant, and was about to give birth to a child for Yue Wang Yinxu, Liu Bang suddenly became even more uneasy.

A strong resentment surged in my heart, fate wouldn't favor Yin Xu like this, would it?It seems that we need to pay more attention to the results of the speculation about the birth of boys and girls in Yue Kingdom.Liu Bang prayed silently in his heart, hoping that Li Yuniang would never give birth to a boy, so that he would have more chances.

Now that Xiang Yu has launched an attack on himself, Liu Bang knows that if he wants to be truly safe, the biggest reliance is Han Xin, and he hopes that his nervousness will be smoother.

Liu Bang raised his head and looked towards the far north, wondering what was going on with Han Xin?Eyes full of anticipation!
(End of this chapter)

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