Chapter 1 Soulmate
The city's overpasses extend in all directions, looking like a messy chrysanthemum from a distance.Under bright sunlight, these immobile giants fill the eyes of passers-by.During rush hour, heavy traffic moves slowly, exhaust fumes rain from the sky, and the noise is maddening.But when the night lights first came on, everything seemed to be enchanted again, and the overpass became one of the most beautiful scenery in the city, you can see it in any tourist brochure.Under the interweaving of countless car lights, street lights, spotlights, and neon lights, the heavy pier disappeared, the thick concrete disappeared, and it was lightly lifted into the air, becoming a well-deserved symbol of the city.

First ring, second ring, third ring, fourth ring...

Have young people living in the "ring" ever thought that a large part of their happiness is defined by these overpasses?
He Caihong lives under a [-] million-meter-long overpass on Jixiang Road.

She felt that the real city was under the bridge.Full crowds, crowded streets, gray trees, taxis scurrying around like cockroaches, advertisements posted on telephone poles, temporary walls erected due to infrastructure, parked in rows Dense bikes...

As Caihong’s mother Li Mingzhu said, the cars of the rich walk on the bridge, and the legs of the poor walk down the bridge.

"Is the world equal? ​​Political equality is not equal to economic equality, economic equality is not equal to legal equality, and formal equality is not equal to substantive equality. Oh, when you are naked, you are equal when you take a shower, but when you wear clothes, men and women are different. When you sleep Equality, there are good and bad dreams..." Whenever disputes arise, Caihong, who graduated with a master's degree, has never been an opponent of Li Mingzhu, who only has a technical secondary school education.If you don't have a deep knowledge of the world, theory is not as good as practice.From childhood to adulthood, a large number of facts have proved that Li Mingzhu's judgment is correct.

Every day at work, He Caihong has to jump over several big pits to wait for the bus under the bridge.Compared with the brand-new overpass, Jixiang Road looks very old, like an elderly cardiovascular patient who has a blood clot every once in a while.Almost every month, the municipal authorities have to dig up the roads, exposing the city’s viscera: pipes of various colors are dragged out of the soil, repairing water, electricity, gas, etc., there is really nothing to repair, and the roads will be widened and dilapidated buildings will be demolished , Adding pedestrian bridges, municipal projects are endless.

The No. 10 bus took her slowly up the bridge like a beetle that appeared at regular intervals.Rainbow decides to devote the time she spends each day stuck in traffic to contemplation and introspection.Three and 10 minutes later, the car got off from another exit and continued to walk for [-] minutes to enter the quiet campus of F University.After graduating from graduate school, Rainbow worked as a "school drifter" for half a year, and finally drifted into the Faculty of Arts of F University as a teaching assistant.There are many universities in this bustling city, tens of thousands of graduate students graduate every year, and there are very few teaching positions.Those with excellent grades like rainbows would not know where they would have drifted if they hadn't been pushed hard by their tutors when they graduated.

After working as a teaching assistant for a month, after the National Day, Rainbow took a group of sophomores to visit the rare books and ancient books department on the fifth floor of the school library to familiarize themselves with the bibliography.

Rainbow stayed here for ten days when writing his graduation thesis.She knew that Old Man Cai, who was in charge of rare books, was the father-in-law of the school leader. He only had the most superficial knowledge of ancient books and the most perfunctory patience with readers. His favorite sentence was: "This classmate, there is no doubt that you are such a If you are an expert in this field, it is better to go to the library to find this book yourself.” The regulations posted on the door are clearly written: the administrator is responsible for finding books and putting them on shelves, and readers are not allowed to take books without authorization.Most people are in a hurry to ask for books, and they don't bother to care about them.Only Caihong screwed him once, and that was after she heard that a precious Song edition book had been lost in this library.She stubbornly asked Lao Cai to act according to the regulations, but in the end, she waited for two and a half hours, and finally Lao Cai returned empty-handed: "It looks like the record is in it, but I can't find it. Why don't you try it yourself?" There is no more to say, this gentleman went back to the table to read the newspaper and practice calligraphy, which made Rainbow half dead.Therefore, the rare book library is not a place to stay for a long time. After a brief introduction, she decided to go with the 36 measures, and said to the students with a smile: "Do you have any questions? If not, just dismiss the get out of class."

Among the crowd, a decent-looking student raised his hand.

"Student, please speak."

"Excuse me, teacher, is there "Jin Ping Mei" here?"

Rainbow blinked, then took a breath and said, "Well... I think there is."

"Where? Can we see it?"

"Oh—this book is only for associate professors and above to do scientific research." Sensing the teasing intention in the student's tone, her expression froze, but she still kept smiling as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Xiaozheng didn't buy it at all: "What age is this still not allowed to read? You think we are rare? It's everywhere on the Internet. I just want to see what the paper book looks like!"

"Hehehehe..." There was a buzzing resonance, and ambiguous eyes passed among the crowd.For a moment, all the youthful faces looked at her with half-smiles.

It has long been heard that students in this department have a tradition of teasing new teachers.When Rainbow was still a student, he also made things difficult for his teacher. He once forced an old gentleman to tell everyone the "meaning of life". As a result, the old gentleman recited the famous quote of inspirational expert Ostrovsky verbatim: "People A person's life should be spent like this: Looking back on the past, he will not regret because he wasted his life, nor will he be ashamed because of inaction; when he is dying, he can say: "My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated To the most magnificent cause in the world—the struggle for the liberation of mankind.'” The words were impassioned and cadenced.At the end, he asked back with a smile: "Little classmate, this is the meaning of life, do you agree?"

God!Could she disagree?

there is always a solution to a problem.Rainbow relaxed his expression, and said in a gentle and authentic tone: "You may not know that when the People's Republic of China was founded, the book "Jin Ping Mei" was only qualified to be read by high-ranking officials like the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. This student wants to read paper books. May I ask what you are studying? Is it printed? Here is the Chongzhen version of "Tongjian Compendium", which definitely represents the official engraving level of the Ming Dynasty. Lao Cai, please give me a copy for everyone to appreciate."

Lao Cai lazily stood up, blocked by the student, and said, ""Tongjian Compendium"? What do I read that for? The Ancient Books Department doesn't even have the Four Great Books. How dare you call it the Ancient Books Department? Books are not allowed to be read, are you embarrassed to call it a library? How about changing the name to the Confidential Office." The little student asked restlessly.His skin was very fair, and when he got angry, the pimples on his face were all red, and they looked like they were about to pop out, one by one onto the ground.

Rainbow looked at him, wanting to laugh but didn't dare, so he could only perfunctory: "Hmm... that's a good question! Please remember to report it to the principal."

"But we really want to read it, we are very curious, even if we just flip through it!" Another student chimed in.

There was another hum.

Rainbow was a little embarrassed, and Qian Lu took a look at Lao Cai in a poor way, and found that Lao Cai was looking at her gloatingly.Of course there is this book. She wanted to borrow it before, but she never got it.Even if some were borrowed, she dared not take them out, because they were "holograms" with many illustrations.At this moment, a shadow floated behind him.In an instant, all the students who were smiling brightly stopped laughing.

A student yelled embarrassingly: "Teacher Ji!"

Rainbow turned around, and there was a stranger standing behind him at some point.

The stranger spoke Mandarin with a foreign accent: "Pan Junjie, do you know the ordinary ancient books library on the third floor?"


"Go there and find "The Complete Works of Li Yu" published by Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House in 1991. Volumes No. 12 to [-] are the paper books you want to read."

Rainbow hurriedly said, "It's not Li Yu they're asking about."

The man's face was originally gloomy, and his eyes froze, not only looking fierce, but also impatient.He looked at his watch, turned around and wanted to leave, but seeing Rainbow still staring at him, he had to say: "These three volumes are "Newly Carved Embroidered Portraits Criticize Jin Ping Mei."

That classmate Pan dared to ask again: "Teacher, is that... a full-length book?"

"Abridged version. I believe that your interest is definitely not to watch pornographic content, but to study the politics, economy, culture and popular literature of the Ming Dynasty, right?"

Strongman, who dares to say "no" at a time like this?
"Yes, yes. Thank you teacher!"

It's really watching people order dishes.He will not give up on female teachers, pursue and beat them fiercely, but bows and bows to male teachers with a flattering face.


The students dispersed, and He Caihong also breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to ask He Fangshen, the angel who rescued him, but when he looked up, that person had disappeared.She hurriedly asked Lao Cai, "The one just now was—"

"do not know."

After exchanging pleasantries with Lao Cai for a few minutes, and flipping through a few books, Rainbow looked at his watch, and it was still an hour away from lunch time.She felt extremely thirsty and planned to go downstairs to find water.While waiting for the elevator, he glanced at the notice board next to him.It turned out that there was an academic conference on this floor today entitled "Bakhtin Studies and Sexism", which was jointly organized by the Russian and Chinese departments of two universities in this city.There is a note under the column: Coffee, tea and desserts are provided at the meeting.

He Caihong slipped in grandiosely, poured himself a cup of strong and fragrant Max's coffee at the door, took a mahjong-sized almond cake, found a seat in the back row and sat down quietly.Her purpose was to leave after eating, but she found that the voice in the microphone was a bit familiar. She stared and saw that it was Mr. Ji who was speaking, and she couldn't help but look at him carefully: it was a young man in his 20s, of medium height , wheat-colored skin, thin build.He had a sharply defined face with few muscles, giving the impression of a falcon.With a smart face and a critical face, in martial arts novels, he is the master of the punishment hall, and in historical novels, he is the Shaoqing of Dali Temple. No wonder the students dare not laugh when they see him.Hearing what he said in the library just now, I thought he was a teacher of classical philology, but now he appeared in Bakhtin's seminar again, which is a bit strange.

This teacher Ji spoke aggressively for 10 minutes, and Rainbow felt a thorn in his back.She has seen such cutting-edge academics, eloquent and defiant, playing with theories like peeling an onion, peeling off petal by petal, decomposing layer by layer, people who listen to it feel dizzy and dizzy, think about it carefully , I can't find the main point, and I don't know where the center is.You will be very inspired, but at the same time feel that he is unconventional and unfounded.Like this kind of "epiphany" scholar, you have to stand at a high level with him to keep up with his thinking.Of course, they are the most disgusting of the old gentlemen.Sure enough, the young teachers off the field whispered happily, but the old professors in the front row were expressionless and noncommittal.Caihong's academic views are not conservative, but he also can't understand the domineering aura of this teacher Ji, probably sent by a foreign school to put on the stage, right?

I casually flipped through the brochure in my hand and found his profile: Dr. Ji Huang, Department of Literary Theory, Faculty of Arts, F University.She couldn't help being secretly surprised, yo, isn't this a colleague?And also colleagues.How come I haven't heard of this person?Thinking about it again, she was relieved. She had only been here for a month, and the Faculty of Arts was so big, and it was catching up with a wave of retirement.

After the report, it's time for questions.He Caihong raised his hand gracefully and asked: "Teacher Ji's speech is very intriguing. However, I have a small question, which is actually a series of questions: Excuse me, how can the works of male writers express women's experiences? How can we be sure that the women in these works are not the product of male writers’ obsession? In a word, how can novels full of male imagination and male perspective represent real women?”

Caihong said in her heart, Teacher Ji, accept the move.

There was a commotion in the auditorium.The people in the front row turned around and looked at her, their eyes full of approval.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The microphone squeaked, and the person named Ji Huang said flatly: "This teacher must have read "Dream of Red Mansions". May I ask if Lin Daiyu can represent women? Can Wang Xifeng represent women? Is Cao Xueqin a male writer? Are you Too obsessed with gender essentialism? That is, believing that male and female writers also have obvious sexual characteristics in creation because of biological differences? Don’t you think that creation itself is asexual?”

Rainbow took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: "I don't think creation is a sexless activity. You underestimate the stipulation of ideology on the subject of creation, and you ignore the operation of power factors in literary works. Women's voices must come from Find it in the works of women."

"I don't deny that there are many female voices in women's works. However, please don't forget that under the influence of patriarchal consciousness, it is still a huge challenge for women to abandon discourse control and imagine a purely free self. From this point Said, even if it is a female work, there is no shortage of male voices..."

The host coughed, implying that Rainbow's question took up too much time.

But Rainbow still wanted to speak. As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard the host calm down and said: "Actually, this is a chicken-and-egg question. What is a female voice needs to be carefully studied and defined. The next person to speak It’s Teacher Tian from E University—”

Rainbow was very angry. It was a good topic, but less than half of the discussion was choked by people.When did the academic world become so evasive and superficial?She regretted entering this conference room, then drank the coffee, stuffed the cake into her mouth, and left midway.

On the first floor, she met an acquaintance and had a chat.Just as she was about to go out, a figure suddenly stopped her.

Looking up, it was Teacher Ji.

"Who are you?" he asked bluntly.

It turned out that this person was not only aggressive, but also very rude.

He Caihong looked back and sneered: "I think you should at least change the sentence just now to 'what's your name' or 'your surname'."

"who are you?"

Rainbow stared, turned his face, and said fiercely: "I am your uncle!"

After a sloppy lunch in the cafeteria, Rainbow started to yawn.The habit of napping developed in college, four years of undergraduate and three years of postgraduate, is deeply ingrained and cannot be eradicated.So Rainbow's mother said, good girl, don't look for other jobs, you are really destined to be a professor.Apart from being a professor, which job makes you feel relieved to take a nap?Therefore, Rainbow must sleep for an hour at noon. It is best to have a bed, a quilt, and a pillow, so that you can straighten your legs and feet when you lie down.If it doesn't work, you have to make do with lying on the table or leaning on the chair for a while.Not sleeping at all is absolutely impossible.Although she is a teaching assistant, Caihong does not have her own office in the department, nor does she have a temporary dormitory on campus. F University is located on the south side of F City, which is the area with the highest housing prices.The school is backed by mountains and lakes, occupying all the scenery of the city, and has nowhere to expand, so it has to buy a lot of land in the suburbs, build two branch schools, and shuttle buses between the branch schools and the main school every day.It is said that during the planned economy period, housing allocation at F University was a persistent problem.Now it is a market economy, the situation is simpler.The school never solves the housing problem, and households without a house can get a monthly subsidy of 600 yuan.Except for a few who can afford the down payment, most young teachers rent houses within five stops from the campus.Of course, the luckiest ones are people from the city like He Caihong, who live in their parents' house for free, and the 600 yuan becomes a bonus.

There is no class in the afternoon, and Rainbow wants to show off to participate in the volleyball match organized by the department.She is not keen on sports, but she still has the ability to stand aside and yell.The game time was one o'clock in the afternoon. She was tired and wanted to fall down on the ground. She was thinking whether to go home to sleep or participate in the game when her phone rang suddenly.

"Little He?"

"Teacher Chen?"

Hearing this sound, Rainbow's already confused brain suddenly woke up halfway.The caller was Teacher Chen Jingfen from the Ancient Literature Teaching and Research Office.Rainbow had taken her class before and was one of her proud students.Caihong asked her when she was looking for a job. Mr. Chen made several phone calls and wrote countless letters of recommendation.

"Please! Today my son has a high fever and needs an injection. Can you help me with the afternoon class? That's right. I originally wanted to cancel today's class, but last month my son's appendicitis surgery has been cancelled." Twice, if I cancel it again, I'm afraid there will be opinions in the department."

"Okay! Which class is yours?"

"Ancient Literary Theory."

Rainbow almost fainted.

It's really a pot that doesn't open.Ancient Literary Theory is one of the most boring courses in the Chinese Department.When I was a student, Rainbow only took this class once, and I never went again after listening to "Si Wu Xie" and "Xing Guan Qun Yuan".Although she put in a lot of effort to prepare for her exams and papers, the teacher—a good-natured old gentleman—angrily gave her a score of [-], which prevented her from getting an outstanding scholarship that year.

Just as he was looking for a reason to decline, Teacher Chen at the other end had already begun to explain the details: "For the class at [-]:[-], you have two hours to prepare for the lesson. Don't be nervous, your skills are good, there will be no problems. And you just It takes one hour to talk, and in the rest of the time, let the students discuss several issues in groups, and then let them send representatives to the front desk to report. I just finished talking about "Confucius", and this section is "Mencius' Literary Thoughts". You Just focus on explaining 'knowing people and discussing things' and 'reversing one's will with one's will'."

Mencius, my god!Rainbow secretly went crazy. If it was really Confucius, she still had notes from her college days in her computer, so she would be able to make a few nonsense.Mencius, oh my god...that was completely blind.Rainbow cried out in his heart: Teacher Chen, do you know that I got sixty points for this course!Your old man is really inhumane!

Even though he thought so, he still had to be brave: "Okay! Okay! No problem!"

"The classroom is in Building 403, East District, Room [-], that auditorium."

Rainbow hurriedly took out a ballpoint pen and wrote on the back of her hand: "Remember."

"Thank you and please!"

On the other side of the phone, Teacher Chen was visibly relieved.Here, Caihong ran to the library as fast as he could, rushed into the ancient books reading room to check the information, and sharpened his gun before the battle.For two full hours, I copied and wrote again, drew up an outline, and calculated the approximate time to finish all the main points. I was so nervous that I even forgot to yawn.Anyone who teaches knows that lesson preparation is endless, and no amount of time is enough.At that time, for an illustration on PowerPoint (t presentation), Rainbow spent a whole day on Baidu.Seeing that the time is coming, I glanced at the messy teaching plan, I can't control the mule or the horse, let's take it out for a walk!So, I stuffed a bunch of loose-leaf papers into my bag, hurriedly picked up a few more reference books, trotted all the way to Building No. 403, and rushed to Room 9 out of breath, [-] minutes before the start of class.

There were only seven or eight people in the classroom, and each of them had a copy of Guo Shaoyu's "Selected Chinese Literature Theory of Past Dynasties" on their desks.Rainbow found a table in the front row, sat down sweating profusely, and suddenly realized that he was not a student and should sit on the podium, and stood up quickly.Fortunately, the students were reading and chatting, but none of them paid attention to her seriously.But she was so nervous that her legs trembled and her palms were sweaty, as if she was not standing on the podium but on the top of the Himalayas. In a hurry, she completely forgot the lesson she had just prepared.Although called a teaching assistant, Rainbow has never officially taught a class.She is just a counselor, and her usual work is to lead students to search for information, organize discussions, and tutor papers.Before that, she had only tried speaking a few times during interviews.

On the day of the first trial lecture, she was so scared that she didn't fall asleep all night.Woke up in the morning, pale, top-heavy, rinsing mouth and breaking water glass, eating steamed stuffed buns and dripping oil onto shirt.Seeing her in a trance, Rainbow's father was afraid that she would not be there on time, so he insisted on driving her off.Before getting out of the car, the old man patted her shoulder hard and said, "Daughter, I have nothing to say in today's interview, as long as you remember one sentence."

"What, what are you talking about?"

"Go to the battlefield, once the gun is fired, I will die on the battlefield today!"

Rainbow's father sang these words in the tone of a model opera, and the words are correct and full of style.Rainbow calmed down on the spot, and immediately became excited, as if he had been injected with chicken blood, he went to the venue with arrogance, and successfully completed the interview.

She remembered this sentence every time she interviewed.

Now, Dad is not around, Rainbow is silently thinking in his heart, go to the battlefield, the gun is fired, the gun is fired, go to the battlefield...

Instead of the gunshot, the bell rang.The students filed in.The huge classroom was full of seats in no time.

Looking at the eyes eager for knowledge under the stage, He Caihong was moved!People say that only children are squeamish, but today's only children have to support four elderly people and pay mortgages, so they don't need to work hard!I think of the ancient literary theory class a few years ago, usually there were at most ten students, but today the lecture theater has all 110 seats occupied, and there are still some who have no seats and sit on the steps.

He Caihong suddenly felt a sense of pride. More than 100 students gathered together to listen to her lectures. What a magnificent and dignified sight it was!Even if professors from Peking University give lectures, they may not be treated so enthusiastically!
Teacher Chen is really good. She can teach a boring class like this. Next time, I must attend her class!

She stood up, went to the blackboard, and wrote her name on it.Then he smiled slightly, his eyes swept majestically across the crowd, and when he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly changed his face.

Discovered something new.Most of the students are holding another book - "Western Literary Theory in the Twentieth Century".what happened?How is this going?Did some students go to the wrong classroom?
Could it be—so many students went to the wrong classroom?

She cleared her throat, and was about to ask a question, when a person walked in calmly from outside the gate.

A snow-white shirt, washed white jeans, a thin face, and falcon-like eyes.

It's not that enemies don't get together.He Caihong frowned, his face darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Teacher Ji?"

Ji Huang still had that poker face.Rainbow eyed him disapprovingly.Well, it's so cool, I don't bring anything, not even a piece of paper in my hand.Being arrogant and foolish, what is this?Teachers, preaching and teaching karma to solve doubts.Did you think you came here for coffee?
Seeing the scene in front of him, Ji Huang was slightly taken aback, and asked forward: "This teacher, what's your name?"

"Surname He."

"Ms. He, I believe you are in the wrong classroom. This is my classroom."

"No, this is Mrs. Chen's classroom. Her son is sick, so I will substitute a class for her. The classroom must be right, she has been teaching here for a month."

"Mr. Chen? Which Mr. Chen?"

"Teacher Chen Jingfen."

"The situation is this: because there are too many students registered for my course, I applied to the Academic Affairs Office for a larger classroom. They told me last week that my classroom is 6-403. There will be no Two 403s, right?"

"Academic Affairs Office? Are these administrative staff just for nothing?" Rainbow smiled, "Then, it's obvious that they made a mistake. Teacher Ji, you can figure it out yourself."

"I have more than 100 students, and you only have a dozen students. I think you should be the one who finds a way."

"Mr. Ji, there is a word called 'gentlemanly demeanor'."

"Mr. He, you are proficient in feminism, you should know that the word 'gentleman' has already been criticized."

Although the voices of the two were very low, and even though their expressions were still polite, the students could smell the tense atmosphere.There was a small commotion under the podium.

He Caihong could only continue to smile at the students, then lowered his voice and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Ji, we are all new here. Arguing in front of more than 100 students is not good for our image. I might as well put it down Here..." She stared into his eyes and said word by word, "This is my classroom, and I will start class now. You can grab it if you want! You have to step over my dead body! I think Teacher Ji Your original intention is not to turn the contradictions among the people into contradictions between ourselves and the enemy, right?"

In normal times, Rainbow wouldn't have the guts to say that.However, the rabbit will bite when it is anxious!What's more, his father's words were echoing in her ears.Only then did Rainbow find the sense of a teacher and power.She held her head high and smiled, her lips trembling slightly from the provocation hidden in her heart.

This battle must not be lost!Especially in front of students.This group of children spread word of mouth and rumors are flying everywhere. In a few days, all the students in the Chinese Department will know that she is easy to bully. In the future, those who want to ask for leave will come to her, those who want extra points will come to her, and those who fail will come to her She, she will be in constant trouble.Therefore, Caihong must establish an image of sticking to principles in front of students.

She even thought that if this man didn't leave, she would punch him and knock him to the ground as a last resort.

After a few seconds of silence, Ji Huang slowly turned around and said to the audience: "Students, today the air is very good and the sunshine is good. I know there is a big lawn in the garden downstairs..."

The class went very well, very well!No hands were raised, no questions were asked.Among the sixteen students, one-third were secretly reading novels, one-third were doing homework, and the remaining one-third were staring at the teacher's face, but their eyes were very confused, as if they were doing nothing. Day dream.In the meantime, she clicked a boy to answer the question, and the boy lazily answered irrelevant questions while sending text messages with his fingers.There is a sense of frustration in the rainbow.Although she knew that most of the first lectures were like this, she was still very depressed.She regretted not taking this class before, so regretful that she felt sorry for the teacher who gave her sixty points.People's anger is justified, at least she wants to give this group of people zero points now!

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, she was exhausted.When I went downstairs, I received another call from Chen Jingfen.

"Xiao He, how is it? How is the class going?"


"For the first time, are you a little nervous?"

"Ah... um."

"Don't worry, I had a lot of embarrassment in my first lecture. Thank you for helping me!"

"By the way, Mr. Chen, someone was arguing with me about this classroom just now. I think you may need to report it to the Academic Affairs Office."

"Oh—" There was a moment of hesitation over there, "Who is competing with you for the classroom?"

"Ji Huang."

She briefly explained the situation.

"Oops, Xiao He," Chen Jingfen said, "I think it's my fault."

"Your fault?"

"My classroom was originally Room 407. Because it was too hot in September, the electric fan in the classroom was broken. I checked and found that Room 403 was always empty, so I changed to Room 403 without telling the Academic Affairs Office. .”

"Huh?" Rainbow was dumbfounded.

"It's okay, it's okay, I know Xiao Ji, I will meet him tomorrow and explain to him. We are all colleagues, so we don't care about such things."


Rainbow went downstairs listlessly, with her head drooping all the time.When class was over, she deliberately packed things slowly, thinking that some students would come up to ask questions.In the past, she often approached the teacher like this.If it was the old man's class, she would even carry the bag and teacup for him.However, as soon as the bell rang, the students picked up their schoolbags and left, slipping faster than the wind.In the huge classroom, she was left alone, wiping the blackboard alone, and turning off the lights alone, as if this was not a classroom, but a morgue.

The sweet-scented osmanthus downstairs is in full bloom, and there is a refreshing fragrance floating in the campus.Rainbow put her schoolbag on her back and walked towards the garden involuntarily.That Ji Huang is also a new teacher, right?Except that he has a Ph.D., his situation is similar to his own, but he looks very sophisticated.I heard from the professors that the best teachers will arrive in the classroom at the last second, which is called dragging.Grandma, Rainbow scolded in her heart, Ji Huang, what are you!Without your trouble today, the first class in my life would not have been such a disastrous failure, and my pure and upward heart would not have suffered such a big trauma.

Rainbow was whipping Ji Huang happily with her own unconsciousness, and she saw him again after crossing a row of sweet-scented osmanthus trees.It turned out that he had finished his lecture, and before he left, several students surrounded him.

She stopped and stood behind him, waiting quietly.

"...Teacher, I still don't understand what a polyphonic novel is. Do you mean that several completely different ideologies or voices appear in the same novel?"

"Well. I mean the author is not critical of these voices. He doesn't want to edit different voices to form a unified voice as a mouthpiece for his own consciousness, but to let these voices appear naturally."

"Teacher, I have another question, about the orgy theory..."

"Don't worry, I will explain this in detail in the next class."

"Master, Bakhtin and Torodov..."

Rainbow folded her arms and waited quietly for 10 minutes before the students left one after another.Ji Huang turned around and wanted to leave. When he saw her, he was slightly startled, and stopped: "Mr. He, do you have any questions?"

Rainbow stared at him, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm fine. Are you talking about Russian formalism?"


"So, you've been teaching 'New Criticism' for a full month? Did you take this course all by yourself?"

Rainbow calculated in his mind that the course would usually start with "New Criticism" and then "Russian Formalism".According to the speed of this old man's one genre for one month, this is a school year's class.This kind of theoretical class is a blockbuster in every university's liberal arts college. It is difficult to prepare lessons, and there are few cute points. It is not easy to please students. It is generally taught by the most experienced professors. In most cases, teachers who are proficient in various genres take turns.Caihong remembers that when she took this course, it was taught by seven professors separately. In the end, she gave a merciless evaluation to the teacher who taught "Deconstructionism": "Dear teacher, you have successfully confused me. I think You really don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes. Teacher He has any comments on my outline?"

"No problem. I just wanted to take the opportunity to strike up a conversation with you."

"Hit up?" He looked at her suspiciously, "Why?"

"Well... I just made a phone call to confirm that the classroom is indeed yours."

"Oh." He looked down at his watch.

"I was wrong, and I apologize. To express my apology, I invite you to dinner."

"You're welcome, I'm not hungry."

"At the same time, I still have academic questions to ask."

"Next time."

"That's right. I really don't like others taking advantage of my guilt. In order not to give you this chance, I must invite you to this meal."

"I never take advantage of other people's guilt."

"It's just a light meal, just order a few side dishes in the cafeteria."

Rainbow felt that her tone was a bit like begging at this time, but this man's attitude was really shameless. She smiled stiffly, but she blocked his way like a robber in the forest.

Ji Huang lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally said: "Okay."

Ji Huang pushed out a Merida from the parking lot. It seemed that he was a mountain bike enthusiast.

Rainbow also likes to ride a bike. Just like his father who is in the taxi business, Rainbow likes to play with mechanical things.But since her third new car was stolen on campus, she has given up cycling and commuted by bus instead.

"Which cafeteria do you like to go to? The one in the east district, the one in the north district, the one in the west district, or Changchunyuan?" Caihong asked.

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course there are! The Sichuan cuisine and stir-fries in the east area are good; the soup and hot pot in the north area are good; the pastries and seafood in the west area are better; Chang Chun Yuan is mainly northern dishes. Where is Teacher Ji from?"

"I'm from the north. But I like Sichuan food."

Rainbow couldn't help but glanced at him.Northerner?Not quite like it.He would be a handsome man if his expression were not so dark and his eyes were not so sharp.But he is not very tall, no more than 1.8 meters, and his body is thin, with slender legs and arms.Rainbow’s brothers from the north are all big-hearted, fat, and burly. In comparison, she feels that Ji Huang’s appearance is the same as his name.She even thought of a poem: Sitting alone in the secluded huang, playing the piano and singing.People in the deep forest don't know, but the bright moon comes to shine.

"Then let's go to the canteen in the East District. I know the East District very well. It's close to my former dormitory. During the postgraduate entrance examination, I went to eat small fried dishes every day. I ate two meals with one dish. The price is the same as a big pot dish. I suggest you I often go to eat." As a local, Caihong strode forward to lead the way.

Ji Huang said: "I think the taste of the cauldron here is quite good, better than my previous school."

Rainbow couldn't help but want to ask, which university are you from?I also think that sooner or later we will know about this matter, why bother to ask the bottom line in front of people?If it doesn't work out, it will make people misunderstand that they are interested in him.Besides, F University is a national key university, and those who can be assigned here after graduation are by no means ordinary people.

The cafeteria has arrived in the talking room.It was four o'clock in the afternoon, before dinner time, and there were not many people in the stir-fry department on the second floor.

I found a seat by the window, and the waitress poured tea and handed over the menu.

Rainbow is a gourmet lover. When he saw the delicious dishes, he immediately felt better and said with a smile, "Mr. Ji, what do you like to eat? Please order whatever you want."

"I'm not familiar with the dishes here, so you should come."

"Then I'll make the decision for you." Caihong was not polite, let alone looking at the menu, and said directly to the waitress: "Sixi meatballs, spicy beef, watercress crucian carp, stir-fried lotus root slices, um... what soup? Come to think of it, the pigeon soup here is pretty good, let’s have a bowl of ginseng pigeon soup. This is good, it can replenish vitality, it was very popular for a while, and everyone called it Zhuangyuan soup.”

When it comes to the allusions of this school, Rainbow is really old.After all, I've been here for seven years, and I'm a local again.She has a detailed experience and research on the history, current situation and atmosphere of F University.

"I think two dishes and one soup are enough for two people. Spicy beef and watercress crucian carp are not needed. Miss, please cross these two out, okay?"

Rainbow hurriedly stopped her: "You're welcome, you can pack if you can't finish eating."

"It's really unnecessary, please don't spend too much money."

Rainbow is a little embarrassed.She has too many senior brothers and sisters, so she seldom treats guests. She mostly goes to restaurants to grab meals.Apparently this guy is from a different cultural area... understands understands.

She took a sip of tea, smiled and said, "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is He Caihong, and I work in the Department of Modern and Contemporary Literature."

"You are Guan Ye's student, right?" he said.

Rainbow frowned: "How do you know?"

He laughed: "Where there is a teacher, there must be a disciple."

"You mean talent, right?"

"What else does she have?"

"" He Caihong said in his heart, Ji, haven't you heard of the famous Professor Guan Ye from the Chinese Department?Talented and notorious, at the age of 45, he successfully "seduced" many male students. One of them committed suicide because of love and anger. It became the headline news of F University three years ago. His angry parents sued the court for sexual harassment. She almost went to jail and lost her Ph.D. supervisor qualifications for it.

"I like Guan Ye very much, I mean, academic."

"I adore her. If she was a guy, I would go after her like hell."

As soon as the words came out, Ji Huang was dumbfounded, and she quickly said: "Don't be nervous, it's just a joke."

"Mr. He, academics and love are two different things."

"One thing. They both require passion."

Obviously, this is an inappropriate topic, and Ji Huang moved it away calmly: "Speaking of passion, Mr. He, is there any good book full of passion that you can recommend?"

""Sherlock Holmes"."

When the dishes were served, Ji Huang's chopsticks paused: "Then, wouldn't I be able to guess the password you often use because of this?"

Rainbow smiled and said, "What is my usual password?"

"221B, right?"

He Caihong raised his face and narrowed his almond eyes, "Mr. Watson's favorite cigarette is——"

"Ship card."

"One of the most philosophical words ever uttered by Holmes is—"

"'We go for it, we want to grab it. What's left in our hands? A phantom, or worse than a phantom—pain.'"

"The Retired Paint Merchant."

Jingle.Rainbow's mind was mysteriously struck.She suddenly blushed, and a lot of words rushed to her chest, but Ji Huang suddenly stopped abruptly, pointed to one of the dishes and said, "This tastes very good, what is it called?"

He Caihong opened his mouth, closed it again, and called the delivery lady: "Waiter!"

"What else do you want?" the student-looking waiter came over and asked.

"I ordered Sixi meatballs."

"This is Sixi Balls."

"I ordered the famous Lu cuisine Sixi meatballs made with mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, eggs, green onion and ginger, soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, refined salt, and star anise. These are not Sixi meatballs, but braised yellow meatballs."

"They're all meatballs. The price is the same."

"They have different essences. One essence is Sixi, and the other essence is stew."

"The essence of them is pork." The waiter blinked his bright eyes.

Rainbow turned his face sideways, and said: "Miss, you are working in a restaurant but you can't tell the difference between Sixi meatballs and yellow stewed meatballs. This is because you are not good at learning, and the basic concept is wrong. I won't quarrel with you, call your manager .The dish was wrong, and I didn’t pay for it.”

"Hmm... don't call the manager, okay?" The waiter's voice softened immediately, and he raised his index finger wrapped in a Band-Aid, "My hand was burned by oil when serving the food just now, it hurts too much, I was distracted , forgot the name of the dish..."

"Miss, do you think I am silly and loving? Yes, I have love, but my love is not to be played with. Don't make excuses, I want to see your manager."

The waiter entered the back hall with a bitter face.After a while, he came back with a sad face and brought them a plate of Sixi meatballs.

"Correct it if you know it's wrong, that's right." Rainbow inspected the meatballs, and put one on his plate.

Then she saw the girl's tears falling down, falling more and more, and she just started crying.

Rainbow was suddenly dumbfounded: "Hey... classmate... you don't have to cry like this for such a trivial matter, do you?"

"Woo... Our manager fired me... Boo... I can't get my salary... Boo... I have to pay the rent next week... I'm going to sleep on the street... Boo..." She got more and more Crying more and more sadly, he sat down on the same table.

"Are you... a student of this school?"

"...just graduated, can't find a family is in the countryside."

"Ant tribe! You should have said it earlier..." Rainbow stood up, "I will tell your manager that it was just a misunderstanding."

"The manager has long disliked me, and has always wanted to drive me away..."

Ji Huang sighed and took out his wallet: "Student, how much is your rent?"

"Three... 300 yuan."

"This is 300 yuan, you can use it first."

"Teacher, you are very kind, thank you!"

Everyone has such a style, Caihong felt that his performance should not be too bad, and quickly took out his wallet: "This is 200 yuan, you can use it too. Find a better job, why can't college students do it?" , do this, find a professional."

"Teacher, you are so kind, I will lend you the money."

"No, no, no, don't pay it back, don't cry. Your hand is burned, go back and rest early!"

The girl took the money and walked away sobbing.

Rainbow turned around, took a breath, and stared at Ji Huang with wide eyes: "Mr. Ji, please tell me that what this person said just now is all true, and she didn't lie to us for 500 yuan!"

"I think it's true..."

"Then, Teacher Ji, please promise me that you will pay for this meal, because I gave her all the money."

"Mr. He, if you weren't so obsessed with Sixi meatballs and yellow stewed meatballs, our wallets would still be bulging..."

"Mr. Ji, I still want to say that the difference between Sixi meatballs and stewed yellow meatballs is really essential! These two kinds of meatballs should not be confused."

Ji Huang looked at her, took a breath slowly, and refused to argue any further.

At this moment, Rainbow glanced at the window, and she suddenly said: "Mr. Ji... is that orange bicycle yours? Someone downstairs is stealing your bicycle!"

Together they rushed downstairs.

The bike thief had already driven a hundred meters away on Ji Huang's bike.

He Caihong chased him and shouted: "Hey! Hey! Everyone stop him! Someone is stealing a bicycle!"

She wanted to run forward, but Ji Huang's arm was suddenly grabbed, and she heard him say: "Stop shouting, no one can steal my things in front of me." Stop it: "Student, I am a teacher at the school. Here is my work permit. Let me borrow your bicycle."

A shadow chased after him and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The boy who was stopped whistled and said to Rainbow: "Is he from the Department of Physical Education?"

"It's from the Chinese department."

The boy turned his face to look at her: "Chinese department? Then he will definitely not be able to catch up. Most of the people who steal cars are from the sports department. Such a thick lock can be broken by twisting it with your hands."

"Student, have you watched too many kung fu movies?"

But Rainbow couldn't help thinking about it, she was pulled by Ji Huang, his hand was very warm and strong, she didn't expect it to be so powerful.And his calm demeanor also calmed her down.She suddenly found that he was thin, but very muscular, and he looked very handsome riding a bicycle.

After 10 minutes, Ji Huang appeared from the end of the road, riding his own bicycle with one hand and dragging another bicycle with the other hand.

Rainbow's face turned into a flower with a smile: "Mr. Ji, you are really good!"

"Sorry, it took a few minutes longer, I sent the person to the security office."

" even caught the thief?" Rainbow and the boy were dumbfounded at the same time.

"It's not difficult. The campus is so big. How far can he run?"

Returned the car and returned to the restaurant, the food was already cold.Rainbow is not used to cold dishes, so he took a few mouthfuls of rice with soup.Ji Huang was hungry, so he swept away all the food on the table, and saw that there was a Sixi meatball in Rainbow's plate, and asked politely, "Do you mind if I eat it?"

Rainbow froze.Although she didn't move the meatball, she put it on her own plate, and at least she picked it up with her own chopsticks.Of course, this is not a problem, and such good Sixi meatballs should not be wasted.Is it because he loves meatballs, or does he feel like a waste?Rainbow shook her head a little embarrassingly: "No...don't mind."

The person in front of him slowly ate the huge Sixi meatball known as the lion's head bit by bit. Caihong felt that his appearance was very joyful. After a pause, she suddenly said, "Mr. Ji, can I ask you something?" Is it a more personal question?"

"Just ask."

"Why don't you ever smile?"

"...It's not that I don't smile, it's just that I laugh less."

"How many times a day do you usually laugh?"

"I might laugh once in three years."

When saying this, Rainbow was drinking tea, and then sprayed.

(End of this chapter)

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