Chapter 3
When Rainbow was a child, one of the stories her mother Li Mingzhu liked to tell most came from "Andersen's Fairy Tales", and the title was "What the Old Man Does Is Always Right".In the story, a foolish old man traded a horse for a cow, then traded the cow for a sheep, the sheep for a goose, and the goose for a chicken. apple.Everyone bet that his wife would laugh at him for being stupid, but his wife was [-] percent satisfied with his decision, because she firmly believed that what the old man did was always right, and the old man got a bag of gold coins for it.

It took a long time for Rainbow to understand the subtext of this story: what the old lady said is always right.

There are countless experiences of this rainbow from childhood to adulthood.For example, when she was a middle school student, Li Mingzhu told her that she should make friends in this way: First, the focus of dealing with people is not friends, but principles.If you put principles first, you will have more friends; if you put friends first, you will only have more pressure.The second is to treat your friends sincerely, and break up with those who have deceived, used, or damaged you.Because you must never give him a second chance to hurt you.Third, if a friend keeps you discouraged, lost, depressed or depressed for a long time, making you feel that the world is too dark to be worth living, stay away from him!Fourth, your friend also has his own space, don't cling to him all day long.The fifth is to be loyal to friendship and not speak ill of friends behind their backs.Rumors would reach his ears sooner or later.Sixth, friends hope that they are well, and they also hope that you are well.People who don't like you better than him, are not your friends.Seventh, with ordinary friends, you know what you want as soon as you tell them, but with good friends, you know what you want even without telling them.Eighth, friends have stages.This means that the old is going and the new is coming.For a real confidant, one or two is enough.

These ways of being a man come from Rainbow's grandpa's prominent family. After implementing the "Eight Basic Principles", Rainbow finds that he has many friends, but only a handful of girlfriends.In the first semester of freshman year, Han Qing was added, and in the next semester, Guo Lili was added.Han Qing and Cai Cai share the same dormitory, both majoring in Chinese.Guo Lili lives next door and is the No. [-] flower in the Department of Communication.The two of them met in the college chorus and hit it off.But Li Mingzhu likes Han Qing but doesn't like Guo Lili. He only sees her once and tells Rainbow to stay away from her.

"Good girl, how can you be just a foil? This child is so good-looking and from a good family background, there are countless boys chasing her. I can't understand her being so arrogant, and I can't understand you following her obediently. Nodding and bowing behind him. He Caihong, your grandfather is famous in this city, you are as good as her! Standing with her, you straighten your waist, raise your chest, and raise your chin."

Rainbow feels wronged for Lily.Isn't she just a little bit prettier, even middle-aged women are jealous of her, not to mention Rainbow doesn't think he is inferior to her.To her friends, she has always been clear about grievances and grievances, and has both sides.So she argued vigorously: "Mom, Guo Lili is talented, she can play the guitar!"

"You can play the piano!"

"Guo Lili can rock!"

"You can swim!"

"I just like Guo Lili."

"Don't you listen to your mother? If my mother puts her words here, you two will collapse sooner or later."

Less than a month after saying this, it really collapsed.

The reason is that Guo Lili fell in love with a boy.Of course, that boy is not an ordinary person. He is Wei Zhe, the sports minister of the student union. He is handsome and can play ball and dance Latin dance. Guo Lili has a hot fight with him.Caihong doesn't like Wei Zhe, knowing that he smokes and drinks, and has changed girlfriends one after another; knows that he cheated on exams, canvassing votes in elections, and rarely fulfills his promises.Rainbow felt that this person might be able to do well in a short period of time after graduation, but his greatest promise would be to be a corrupt official.

So, she spent the whole night writing a letter to Guo Lili, explaining her analysis and judgment in detail, and also said some negative news from others.The most important piece of evidence she cited was that Wei Zhe once lent her 20 yuan and promised to pay it back the next day, but he never mentioned it again. I don't know if it was true or fake.She thought it was dishonest and irresponsible. As a good friend, she had to remind Lily.

Before handing over the letter, she hesitated for a long time and asked her mother for advice.

"Don't hand it in." Li Mingzhu's attitude was clear, "She will definitely lose face after handing over the letter."

"I don't believe it, Lily will listen to me!"

"That's the problem, she never listens to you, you always listen to her."

At that time, Rainbow was in a state of anger, and sent the letter away that night, and was scolded the next day. Guo Lili, who was furious, actually forwarded the letter to Wei Zhe.

"I know you want to break us up." At that time, Lily had learned to smoke with Wei Zhe, and sprayed a puff of smoke on Rainbow's face, "Because you are jealous of me! You like Wei Zhe too, don't you? It's a pity that people don't like you because You and I are not on the same level at all! I wanted to give you a hand before, but since you are such a sinister villain, forget it!"

In consternation and aphasia, their friendship ended in a storm.

Rainbow returned home despondently, hid in the quilt and cried all night.When she went to school again, she began to be harassed by Wei Zhe's buddies one after another.She was involved in the vortex of rumors: some people said that she lived with others outside the school, that she had an affair with the teacher, that she was once pregnant...someone even saw her sitting on the table in the bar...

Guo Lili rolled her eyes when she saw Rainbow, and when Rainbow saw Guo Lili, she detoured far away.

Months later, the rumors were self-defeating.But that period of times when the cup bowed and the snake was shadowed and criticized by thousands of people left a huge scar on her heart.She finally understood that making friends is a very careful and prudent thing, and she had to admire her mother's foresight.

Half a year later, the words in Rainbow's letter came true.Wei Zhe likes the new and dislikes the old, and abandons Guo Lili for a girl from the English department.Lily was so painful that she wanted to commit suicide.After thinking about it, I finally realized that only Rainbow was trustworthy by my side, so I desperately pulled Rainbow and cried, pouring out my sadness to her endlessly.She regards Rainbow as a life-saving straw. In order to comfort her, Rainbow has to skip class to talk to her, take her to relax, and even help her with her homework.

We were friends after all.Rainbow has a soft heart and forgives others easily.Lily, who got out of the shadow of her heart, apologized to Rainbow and asked to regain her friendship.

Mother Li Mingzhu kept watching the development of the situation with cold eyes, until one day Rainbow started to take Lili home for dinner again.Li Mingzhu saw Guo Lili after get off work, put the bag away, opened the door, and threw Guo Lili's schoolbag up the stairs: "Lily, don't come to our house in the future."

Lily fled out the door in fright. With a bang, the door slammed shut exaggeratedly.

"Mom, you are too much!" Rainbow roared.

"Who is going too far? Don't think I didn't hear you crying in bed! She bullied you once because you are inexperienced. Want to bully you again? Under my nose, Li Mingzhu, there is no way!"

"Then let me talk to her! How rude, how embarrassing, and embarrassing you are!"

Li Mingzhu rolled her eyes, grunted contemptuously in her throat, poured herself a cup of tea calmly, and sat down on the sofa gracefully: "Oh, rude? Rainbow, embarrassment and embarrassment are also learned, A ignorant person will become sensible after a few embarrassments. I call it helping her grow up, you know? When she grows up and matures, she may even offer a gift to thank me for teaching her this lesson early!"

Years later, Rainbow and Lily are still friends, but that trust is gone forever.They also sometimes make appointments to go shopping and watch movies together.They were also very affectionate at parties and joked with each other, but they both knew that the old days were gone forever.

Yes, mother's words are always right.

After handing in the homework for correction, Caihong returned to the department and met the head of the department, Pang Tianshun, in a corner of the corridor.

The old man was in a good mood, so he greeted Rainbow from afar, and asked her kindly: "How is it? Xiao He, is your work going well? Are you getting used to the environment? Are there any difficulties?"

Rainbow thought to himself, since you asked me, I will say it.

"Director, I'm full of work now. I go to school every day. I'm really sleepy at noon and I don't have a place to rest. Can you give me an office? Even if it's a small one, or you can share it with others!"

"Oh... this..." The director looked down at her, and Rainbow held her heart in both hands, like a flower fairy.

The director smiled, unmoved: "Xiao He, do you know the land price here?"

"Land price?"

"The land price in this area is [-] per square meter, and the land is more expensive than gold. I know you mean the former counselor's lounge in the department, which has now been converted into a gym. This is also everyone's request. It's okay at noon, The teachers play billiards together, exercise, invigorate the atmosphere, and promote camaraderie. Recently, there is really no vacant house. One of the reasons for recruiting you here-of course, you are very good at school-is that you have the ability Municipal hukou. There are a lot of counselors in the department now, so we can’t open this opening. We can barely provide each lecturer with an office. Xiao He, please work hard and try to get a lecturer as soon as possible.”

Rainbow is not a doctor yet, and he is far away from the lecturer, so he said: "Ah... Director, you really have the heart to let me sit in the library and snore every day?"

"Hey, you should overcome it, try to overcome it."

Rainbow left dejectedly, went to the cafeteria to have lunch, was about to find a place to take a nap, and received a call from the director: "Xiao He."


"I discussed with the secretary just now. We have to pay attention to the difficulties of young teachers. How about this, you share an office with Teacher Ji for the time being. Teacher Ji only has two classes a week, and the rest of the time is at home. His office is always It’s empty, you can take a nap at noon, and you can also put your lesson preparation books and student homework there.”

"Teacher Ji?" It's over, why is it him again?

Rainbow was struck by thunder, and asked, "Which Teacher Ji?"

"Teacher Ji Huang. He is also new here."

"No, no, no..." Rainbow said more than a dozen "nos" in a row, and complained repeatedly in his heart: Teacher Ji, I really didn't mean that, I really didn't know they would arrange it like this.That Luo Xiaoxiong and I are really not of the same virtue.

"Director, I firmly disagree with occupying Teacher Ji's office. I just tentatively asked if there is any vacant room in the department. If not, I can overcome it. At worst, I will go home at noon and take a nap before coming back. No problem Yes! You must never mention this to Teacher Ji!"

It was finally arranged, but she didn't appreciate it, and Pang Tianshun's tone was a little cold: "What are you afraid of? We haven't asked Teacher Ji about this, can he come to inform you? I told Teacher Ji just now, and he agreed. Come to me now and get the key."

It was only after hanging up the phone that Rainbow figured it out. The bad thing was that he had listened to Guan Ye's suggestion last time and reported Fang Zhiqun to the director.The director then thought that Rainbow was not easy to mess with, and she might as well give her what she wanted earlier, otherwise there would be endless trouble.

Don't dare not take the key, or else you don't know how to flatter.Rainbow hurriedly went to the director's office to get the key, and then went downstairs to Ji Huang's office.She wanted to sneak the key into the crack of the door and slip away quickly, but unexpectedly the door of the office was wide open, and she bumped into Ji Huang in the corridor.

Rainbow had no choice but to grin: "Mr. Ji, where are you going for lunch?"

"Haven't eaten yet, cleaning up."

"Oh, so diligent."

"Can you let me clean first before moving your things?" He held a washbasin in his hand with a rag in it.

In fact, Ji Huang said this in a very normal tone, and Rainbow could hear the sarcasm: "Hey, Teacher Ji, I came here to talk to you about this. Don't get me wrong, I'm not coveting your office, the key I’ll return it to you, and we’ll talk about it later when there are vacancies in the department.”

Ji Huang looked at her strangely, and said: "I have two subjects this semester, so I only have two classes a week. I won't come on the day when I don't have classes, and the rest of the time is yours. You helped me change that Too many test papers, I haven't thanked you seriously yet, I really don't mind."

His appearance is very sincere, and Rainbow's heart is moved.

She licked her lips, but before she could speak, Ji Huang pointed to the two large bookshelves on the opposite wall and said, "One of the bookshelves belongs to me, and the other belongs to you. I usually don't have any books, and all the books are at home. There is only one desk. There are four drawers, two for you and two for me."

He even gave her the top two drawers.Rainbow moved.

"I never take a nap. If you want to rest, feel free, there's a three-seater sofa that's big enough for you to lie down on. I usually go to the library after dinner."

Ah, that's amazing, this Ji Huang's politeness can scare people to death, especially when those indifferent eyes suddenly stared at her with a cold light.Rainbow couldn't believe that a pair of hands could be stretched out from inside, as if to hug her.

She shook her head quickly: "No, no, how can that work? This... This is your office after all. "

"It's everyone's responsibility to take care of women."

"I won't bother you very much. Then... um... thank you." Rainbow took out his mobile phone, "By the way, what is your phone number? I can contact you in case something happens."

"I don't have a cell phone."

"Then...the landline at home?"

"No landline. I don't use the phone much."

"Okay, what about email?"

"I don't use email."

Her mobile phone almost fell to the ground: "Mr. Ji, you don't even have a computer, do you?"

"I have a computer, very old fashioned, but I don't have a network cable, so I rarely check email."

Rainbow almost thought that this person was from the religious department.After thinking about it, that's right. I've only been here for a month, and I don't know the way. Isn't it normal that I don't have a mobile phone or a network cable?But she turned to an adjective—very old-fashioned.Computers can only be divided into old-fashioned and new-style. The new-style becomes old-fashioned in half a year, and there is a word "very" on top of the old-fashioned. Isn't that an obsolete product?
So, she quickly emphasized: "The network cable must be installed. I know there is a very cheap one, and I will call you tomorrow. Now all important notices in the university are released through the Internet, and the College of Adult Education has also established an online teaching and research section this year. In the future, all students' exams and published scores will be conducted online. This is the trend of the times, Teacher Ji."

Ji Huang frowned, and said "Yes" noncommittally: "I have class later, I'm going to eat."

He went to the tea room next door, and not long after, he brought a lunch box over.

Rainbow was moving some papers in his schoolbag to the bookshelf, and helped him wipe the table and mop the floor flatteringly. He sat down, opened the lunch box, and ate with relish with a stainless steel spoon.

Rainbow couldn't help but glanced at the dishes in the lunch box: a chicken leg was added to the rice, and the chicken leg seemed to be boiled in plain water, without any color.

She couldn't help sighing in her heart.This dish must have no taste, because there is no fragrance in the room, and the inside of the lunch box is white, as if it is not rice, but a pile of twisted foam boards.

But he was chewing slowly, as if the number one scholar was enjoying a Qionglin banquet.The way he eats is also very strange, with a focused expression and no distractions, as if he is not eating but worshiping a certain god.Finally he gnawed on the chicken leg, gnawed the chicken leg very clean, and left a bare white bone that could be hung up as a specimen right away.The lunch box is also clean, no grains of rice left.He wiped his mouth, took out another cucumber from nowhere, and chewed it slowly.

She noticed that a "4" was written on the lid of the lunch box with a marker, and it happened to be Thursday.

She asked curiously, "Miss Ji, are you cooking your own lunch?"

He nodded.

"How many times a week?"

"Once." He said, "make five servings at a time, put them in five lunch boxes, and take one a day. How about it? Isn't it very efficient?" He was obviously very proud of this, with a smile in his eyes.

"Then do you cook the same food?"

"Almost, there will be changes every other day."

Not daring to ask more, she smiled: "Mr. Ji, you are actually quite approachable."

Ji Huang did not attend the regular meeting in the afternoon.Rainbow squeezed close to Guan Ye and spoke quietly.

"Teacher Guan, why doesn't Ji Huang stay in school for such a powerful person?"

Guan Ye said: "He originally contacted to study abroad, the full scholarship of the University of California. Before going abroad, his mother suddenly became seriously ill, so he had to cancel the plan. He was supposed to stay in school, but he chose here. First, our university is not bad, and second Come here to be closer to his hometown, if there is anything to take care of."

"Oh, so. Where is his hometown?"

"In Zhongbi."

"Zhongbi Coal Mine?"

"Probably so."

"Then he..." Rainbow hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is the family difficult?"

"Hmm. His father died in a coal mine accident, his mother is in poor health, and he has two younger brothers."

"Is this what he told you?"

"No, I heard what my tutor said. Rainbow, you and him are colleagues, so don't inquire about these family matters."

Rainbow was surprised: "Why?"

"Ji Huang is not usually arrogant."

If you regard all the men you have dated with as a book, Rainbow believes that these books can be roughly divided into two categories: one is readable, and the other is unreadable.

After the meeting, as usual, take the No. [-] bus, which stops on a quiet path on the right hand side of the school gate.In autumn, the streets are covered with sycamore leaves, and the shops lined up have no business. The peddlers play chess boredly, guarding the dazzling array of stalls empty-handed. F University is really a different home in the busy city, where the hustle and bustle and fatigue of the city are washed away.Rainbow walks on the road and thinks that his life is going smoothly. Ever since he was admitted to university, he has dreamed of staying here for the rest of his life, looking at the blue sky and clear water, looking at the faces of young people, and living in the house with red cornices where Guan Ye lives by the lake. doctoral supervisor building.

While thinking, a Volvo slid quietly to a stop in front of her.The car door opened, and a man in a black suit stepped out from inside. Seeing her, he smiled and calmly lit a cigarette.Stiff suits, tapered ties, shiny fabrics, expensive Brioni, understated elegance.Rainbow stopped and chuckled.

Su Donglin likes Brioni because Su Donglin likes 007.James Bond, starring Brosnan, wore Brioni after suit.

Although not as sensitive to fashion as her mother, Rainbow's libido index becomes unstable whenever she sees a beautiful man, especially Su Donglin who has the dual temperament of a man and a boy.He belongs to the kind of transparent readable, predictable man, cheerful, active, simple temper.Unlike Ji Huang.Ji Huang is an inert gas, aloof and exclusive, and it is difficult to react with other substances.

Donglin never smokes indoors because Rainbow doesn't like the smell of smoke.But he couldn't quit smoking either, and whenever he came to an open space, he would touch the lighter immediately.Rainbow likes to see the way he lights his cigarette from the side. His profile looks more mature than the front, and there is a shrewd smile in his smile.He lit the fire and then turned to talk to her, with a trace of smoke in his conversation.

That's how the atmosphere was created.

"Hi," he said.

Rainbow subconsciously checks her clothes. The beautiful and bright pink windbreaker is bold and avant-garde. Inside is an ironed gray dress. Grab an S number.After graduation, Li Mingzhu has always positioned her daughter's image as a pure and cheerful Japanese girl like Akana Rika in "Tokyo Love Story".The rainbow's spring and autumn flagships are black stockings, woolen skirts, plus a plain tight sweater or light-colored linen shirt with dark flowers and crystal buttons, and a pink or checkered jacket.With the coat off, she is an elegant lady and a respectable university teacher; with the coat on, she is a pure, lovely, scholarly female student.

"Donglin," she asked with a stack of books in her arms, "when did you come back?"

"Just arrived."

"What's up?"

"Xiaoqi and Datou made an appointment with me to have dinner at Xuezhuzhai. Han Qing and Xiaoyu also went. We haven't met for a long time. I want to take you along. After dinner, we will play billiards. There are bowling and coffee shops next to you. Chat with Han Qing if you don't want to play bowling."

Really put everything together.This is also Su Donglin's characteristic: every time he goes out, he has a detailed charter, what time to eat, what time to karaoke, what time to drink, and what time to go home.Everything is on time, if there is an accident, he will immediately change the regulations: "Oh, so, our original plan is... that's okay, but the following arrangement will be changed to this, I suggest that the karaoke's The time is shortened by half an hour, and you can't enjoy yourself while drinking, do you think it's okay?"

Who made him a computer science graduate?

Rainbow heard that there was Han Qing, and answered very readily: "Okay."

I knew Su Donglin because of Guo Lili.

One year after falling out with Wei Zhe, Su Donglin became Lily's boyfriend.At that time, Donglin was a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science. He was an ignorant boy who was famous for writing spoof programs.He saw Lily when he was performing in the school model team, and when he got home, he wrote a small program. As long as it was an email he sent to Lily, after clicking on it, there must be a screen full of lilies, and then a paragraph from "Here" flashed word by word. The love letter of "The Youth": "You dance on the stage in your own pride and beauty, and I am silent in the silent darkness outside your stage. I have been willing to use up my limited time, just staring, staring, staring, until I turned into a sculpture or dust with the passage of time. But when I could no longer bear the solitude and loneliness in this darkness, I picked up the bunch of lilies that had not withered for many years and placed them next to the only lamp. Seeing this A petal blown by the wind? Please look into my eyes before the last petal falls to ashes..."

Of course Lily would not be tempted by these little tricks.Among her long line of suitors, Su Donglin is neither experienced nor discerning, and it is difficult to grasp the true and false.After hearing about his rich second-generation family background, his eyes turned green.After dating for a month, I met Donglin's older brother, the mature and personable Su Dongyu, at a party at Donglin's house.At that time, Dongyu had just returned from studying abroad and had already taken over part of the family business.The previous generation of the Su family started with building materials, and later turned to real estate and investment with strong capital, which perfectly matched Lily's scholarly and famous family.The elder brother was interested, but the younger brother gave way to Yin, Donglin broke up with Lili happily.After graduating, Lily got married and had children, and stopped working, so Rainbow seldom saw her in public.There was only one time when I passed by a beauty shop after school, and met Lily who had just come out of the shop, looking like a rich woman, with a high bun and a sparkling diamond ring.She is still so beautiful, her waist is so thin that she seems to have never given birth to a child, but her eye sockets are sunken and slightly tired. When she sees the rainbow, she doesn't care about it.Finally, he lit up a cigarette and smoked it faintly, and said with a smile: "Rainbow, look at me, isn't there a lot of vicissitudes?"

Caihong was worrying about writing a dissertation and looking for a job at the time. When she got annoyed, she couldn't help but pat her: "You're called vicissitudes? You're called leisure, okay?"

Lili lit a cigarette: "The end of leisure is vicissitudes. Rainbow, I have a car, a house and money, and my husband treats me well, and the blessings of ordinary people are enough. This is here, and it has always been empty."

She pointed to her heart.

"What about you? What have you been up to lately?" Lily asked.

Rainbow wants to say that her graduation thesis is about the mother-daughter relationship in Zhang Ailing's novels, involving Freud, Lacan, gender, space and feminist theories.When the words came to his lips, he held back.They no longer have a common language, so why bother her with these technical terms?It seemed that she was showing off her knowledge, and others laughed at her for dropping her book bag, so she simplified it: "I am writing a graduation thesis and want to graduate early."

Lily didn't ask carefully, lit another cigarette, and complained: "It's tiring to take care of the children."

She began to talk about how naughty the two-year-old boy was, how he was never able to nurse at night, how he had eczema for half a year, how he liked to watch TV and refused to sleep.The mother-in-law is busy with business and doesn't want to help, the husband travels every day, and the nannies change again and again, no one can rest assured.

Rainbow sighed in his heart, the distance between the lives of the two was so far away.

"Dong Lin likes you very much." Lily said suddenly, "The second young master of the Su family is not confused. He opened a software company that also makes parts, and now it is getting bigger and bigger. He makes more money than his elder brother by speculating in real estate. After all, he is a science major. Students, concentrate on doing things, and know how to count.”

Perhaps married women always feel that their husbands are not good enough.Su Dongyu studied statistics, but she didn't mention it at all.

Speaking of this, Caihong finally understood why he and Donglin have always been in harmony for so many years.She also received the prank love letter. On the first date, she was forced by her mother to go to the hair salon to get oil, and went to see Dong Lin with a fragrant body. Dong Lin grinned at her, showing a deliberately blackened front tooth, she was angry No, no annoyance, when will this boy be serious?So everything can't be taken seriously, and now he doesn't even count as a boyfriend.Even if it was true, wouldn't marrying him be the same as being Lily's sister-in-law?That would be really big.

Let's say Su Donglin is confused, he always remembers to call Han Qing every time he gathers, because he knows that Caihong is not interested in such occasions as gatherings, and if he is not accompanied by old friends, he will definitely not be willing to accompany him.

In the car, Su Donglin asked, "Are you busy recently?"

"For newcomers, you have to be active in everything. Substitutes are really busy from morning to night."

In fact, it's not that busy, but if I don't say that, it seems that I can't explain why Dong Lin's repeated phone calls were dismissed by her with a few words.When Rainbow thinks of him, the frustration of the leftover woman comes to him.Is marriage so important to women?Is it okay not to get married for a lifetime?She was forced by her mother to meet strange men one after another, and when she came back, she had to compare them all with Su Donglin.He is a diamond boy, she is a poor girl, and her mother, who is nearly fifty years old, believes in Cinderella even more than she does: "My good girl, raise your hands and use your brains, Su Donglin is not a cockroach, he won't crawl into your house by himself. The golden turtle son-in-law wants to catch it! Look at you! We have been dating for three or four years, but if it were someone else, the children would be born. Not to mention, Guo Lili took care of his eldest brother in less than a month! You What? You haven’t even established a romantic relationship yet... Do you have low EQ or something? Stupid, really stupid!”

Thinking of this, Rainbow's mind immediately flashed his mother's struggle to climb the stairs every day, thinking of his father leaving the car before dawn, and eating two rolls and a bag of mustard at noon.Although I work, my salary is not high. I pay 2000 yuan a month to my family, and my family does not take any money. I have to save for her as a dowry and change my family to a house with a lower floor. It is impossible to do it within five years. .

Why does everyone want to marry a diamond man?Just because of two words: convenience.

It is not easy for people in the city to think about convenience.The price of convenience is too high, do you want to be convenient without having to climb five floors every day? 30.Do you want to live conveniently in the city center without waiting for the bus every day? 100.Do you want to be close to the park lake and can breathe fresh air in your sleep? 300.Do you want to have a quiet and spacious place in the busy city away from the traffic? 1000 million.

In deep thought, Rainbow glanced at Su Donglin who was driving, and suddenly felt that his whole body was shining brightly.

The car made a deft turn on the road.

Rainbow heard Su Donglin ask: "Last time you said you wanted to learn to drive from your father, have you learned it well?"

"Well," Rainbow sighed, "my dad didn't have time to teach, so he learned it twice. But I'm talented in this area, and I can already go on the road. Driving is really easy, but parking is difficult. Teach me a few times and it will be fine."

"Well. But why do you want to learn to drive? Taxis are everywhere, and you can call me in case of emergency."

This is the most embarrassing thing about Rainbow.Once He Dalu came back from a long journey in the middle of the night, and at three o'clock in the morning, the car broke down on a remote mountain road.At that time, it was the cold winter, and every day should not be heard, and the earth and the earth were not working well. He Dalu was so cold that he called home.In desperation, Rainbow had no choice but to ask Su Donglin for help.The second young master was quite cheerful, he drove the mother and daughter all night to find someone, and finally brought He Dalu home who was half frozen to death.From then on, Li Mingzhu had an infinite affection for Su Donglin, saying that this kid is a hero at critical moments, despite his usual idleness.

"My father is not in good health. He found out that there is a problem with the cervical spine a few days ago, and sometimes one leg will suddenly go numb. I think... I can't do it. I will start a second job. By next year, I will not have to sit when I start teaching. I can help my dad drive a taxi and give him the top job."

"Didn't you say you still want to study for a doctorate?"

"That's on-the-job, and my studies have always been fine."

"If you drive, it will delay your studies."

"I can't delay, I'm a genius."

Su Donglin turned to look at her, and smiled silently.

There is a large parking lot in front of Xuezhu Zhai. Su Donglin looked at his watch, and it was too early to leave for dinner, so he said, "Rainbow, there are still 10 minutes left, why don't I teach you how to park now?"

"Ah?" Rainbow looked at him in surprise, pointed to the car, and then pointed to himself, "Is this car expensive? What if it crashes?"

"Collision requires speed, parking does not require speed, so don't worry, there will be no collision."

Rainbow grinned, gearing up: "Do you really believe me?"

"of course."

"Then I will try."

"Let me demonstrate first." He reversed the car skillfully out of the parking space, and said while parking, "Slow down when approaching the parking space. Turn the steering wheel in the direction so that the front of the car moves away from the parking space. Make full use of the width of the road and try to make the car and the road form a larger angle, and then gradually approach, just like this, turn the steering wheel quickly. Pay attention to the rearview mirror, At this time, the car body is in the correct position, and then slowly put the car into the parking space."

She tried several times but couldn't pour it in, and she couldn't get it right.Su Donglin had no choice but to get out of the car to direct.

Then she tried again, barely able to get in, and didn't dare to drive in rashly, for fear of rubbing against the car next to her.

"No problem, the distance is enough, you can drive in boldly!" Su Donglin answered the phone while gesturing at the back of the car.

She drove in with all her might, keeping the brakes half-pressed.The front of the car entered the parking space, only to find a black Mercedes-Benz parked opposite the "non"-shaped parking space, next to a silver Lexus, all brand new as if just out of the dealership.She thought in her heart that no matter which one she came across, the repair bill would cost tens of thousands of dollars.Being nervous, she shifted to reverse gear and wanted to back the car.Stepping on the foot, the car suddenly rushed backwards, only to hear a "bang", and one person fell down.Shocked, she looked down and realized that what she had stepped on was not the brake but the accelerator!

Nonsence!He Caihong, you pig!She stopped the car and rushed to the back of the car recklessly, and saw Su Donglin lying on his back, with his hands folded on his chest, panting hard to the sky.His face twisted in pain.

"Donglin! I'm sorry! Where are you hurt?...Did I hit... hit you?" Seeing her panicked, Su Donglin made a gesture to sit up, Rainbow pressed him down, "No, no! Don't move !Keep this position, I'll call an ambulance!"

She dialed 110 and 120 anxiously, the police came, and the ambulance also came, and Su Donglin, whose face was pale with pain, was carried to the first aid.

The result of the diagnosis was a closed single rib fracture, the injury was not serious, and the chest and lungs were not touched. The doctor said that if there were no complications in the respiratory system, it would usually heal within five weeks.Although it was not as serious as Rainbow imagined, when she saw Su Donglin, whose chest was wrapped in bandages, turn out of the emergency room, she was still sad and guilty, and almost cried.

The second young master is the second young master. When I called back, within a quarter of an hour, my brother came, my sister-in-law came, and my secretary came.Another hour later, Su Donglin was transferred to the VIP ward on the fourth floor.

Dong Lin's chest hurts and he didn't speak much, but Rainbow still honestly explained the cause of the accident to Dong Yu and Li Li, and kept apologizing for his recklessness.

"Don't take it to heart," Dongyu said politely, "I should be blamed for this matter. I called him for business matters. I guess he didn't pay attention to what he said, otherwise it would be impossible to avoid a car based on his reaction. something wrong."

"I'm really sorry...I will come to see him every day." Rainbow whispered.

"No, no, it's not a serious injury. The nurse is on duty 24 hours a day." Lily said, "You are busy with your studies, so just come here once in a while."

"It's okay. It's all my fault. I must come to accompany him. Only when he recovers can I rest assured."

After everything was settled, Su Dongyu and Guo Lili chatted with Rainbow for a while, and then left.Su Donglin's secretary, Chen Hainan, stayed to answer all the calls for him.

Rainbow sat down on the sofa next to the bed in frustration, and when she raised her eyes, she found that Su Donglin, who was half lying down, had been staring at her face.

She looked at him, smiled wryly, and made a gesture of hanging himself.

Su Donglin took out a ballpoint pen from the table, wrote a few words on the palm of his hand, and held it out for her to read. She glanced at it, and her face flushed suddenly.

"Rainbow Rainbow I love you like a mouse loves rice."

This person's words should never be taken seriously, and he still doesn't forget to tease her when he is so ill.

Rainbow stood up and said to the secretary: "Mr. Chen, I'm leaving first, and I'll come back tomorrow. Call me if you have anything to do."

Back home, Rainbow reported today's embarrassment to her mother. Li Mingzhu smiled and said, "Rainbow, your chance has come."

"Me? What chance did I have?"

"Starting tomorrow, you will cook a bowl of soup for Donglin every day. Let me think about it, didn't Master Qian's son also have a broken rib last month? Well, let's make a red date and pigeon soup first, and then pork bone soup , Tianqi soup, perch soup, and deer tendon soup, all of which are exchanged."

"Mom, I can't cook soup—"

"Fool, of course I will cook it for you and send it to you, but you have to say that you cooked it yourself."

"Won't people buy it if they have money?"

"This is called mind, understand? The soup outside is not clean, which patient dares to eat it casually?"

"Mom, isn't this a little bit of courtship?"

"You hurt someone, this is not courting, this is an apology. Rainbow, everyone in this family is watching you. You haven't seen his father and mother, right? This is the time for you to appear on the stage. "

"Mom, have you watched too many Qiong Yao dramas?"

"Oh, you just don't see too much." After finishing speaking, I couldn't help but spit at her, "If you don't grow up, you should not learn what you should learn, and what you shouldn't learn. What kind of feminism are you learning, and you are still in love now?" I want my mother to help. Why did I raise you, a useless girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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