the gravity of the rainbow

Chapter 6 Ximen Fuxue Package

Chapter 6 Ximen Fuxue Package
That's the way it is with strangers.You will fall in love with someone because of a sentence, and you will hate a person because of a sentence, and decide not to have a close relationship in the future.

But Rainbow claims to be a rational person, and a rational person will not let irrational factors influence him.She remembered the words of her mentor Guan Ye: Ji Huang is not usually arrogant.

Maybe Ji Huang has always been arrogant, but she didn't notice it.If this was an important aspect of his personality, the sooner she knew about it, the better, and it wasn't the first time they had quarreled over academic issues.

Rainbow decided to define the holiday as an "academic disagreement".Given that Ji Huang's performance in front of her has always been positive, and now there is a sudden negative score, he should be given a chance to correct himself.

I went to the library to borrow a few books, and then went back to the lounge to heat up the meal. Rainbow returned to the office with the lunch box in his hands and found Ji Huang sitting at the table having lunch.

Still the same, Rainbow has already given a nickname, called "Ximen Fuxue set meal": a chicken leg, half a bowl of rice, a cup of boiling water, and a cucumber.He ate slowly and earnestly, as if enjoying himself.

Rainbow couldn't help sighing quietly: "It doesn't matter if what a person writes is rubbish, but if what he eats is also rubbish—his life is too sad."

Confirming that the intention of these words was just to tease, Ji Huang looked up at her, lowered his head and continued to eat.

She walked up to him, bent down, and said in his ear: "Mr. Ji, no one has ever thrown my thesis into the trash can, never."


"No one has ever denigrated my work and my research ability like this." She said sternly.

Ji Huang calmly picked up the ball of paper from the trash can, smoothed it out, and gave it back to her: "Go and contribute. The editor-in-chief is Su Shaobai, I wish you good luck."

"Su Shaobai?" When the academic circle heard this name, it was like seeing a ghost, and Rainbow, who had never seen the world, suddenly turned pale.

"If you become so angry after listening to my opinion, you must want to hang yourself after listening to Su Shaobai's opinion."

After all, he lowered his head and continued to eat, but his eating with relish angered her again.

She snatched his lunch box and threw it into the trash can with a bang.

Ji Huang frowned: "Throw my lunch? I thought we were just having an academic discussion. Is it necessary to rise to the form of violence?"

"Garbage should be put where the garbage is."

"Mr. He, you just said that you don't need to take care of your self-esteem—"

"You don't have to take care of my self-esteem too much, but you can't ignore my self-esteem. Ji Huang, I'm your colleague, not your student."

He spread his hands: "I thought you wanted to hear my opinion. I also told you that my opinion may not be professional. If you don't like to hear it, just pretend I didn't say it."

She took a few loud breaths in the air: "Okay, very good, Ji Huang, are very interesting. Tell me, what actions will you use to make up for your mistakes?"

He didn't understand, and said, "I? Is it at fault?"

"Academically speaking, you insulted me."

"is it so serious?"

"Yes! You must apologize to me!"


"You have to revise this paper for me, enough to be published."

As soon as the words came out, even Rainbow herself felt that she was making trouble out of no reason, even a bit blackmailing, but she was frightened by her impromptu performance.


"You have to revise this paper for me."

He stared at her face, looked at his watch, thought for a while and said, "I can modify it, but I am the first author."

"You can't sign it."

"Why? This is equivalent to me writing a new article."

"No matter how you change it, this paper is mine, and you must adopt more than 70.00% of the original manuscript."

"Mr. He, do you think I look like a magician?"

"Why not? Didn't you say that this article is not good? Isn't turning stone into gold the specialty of magicians?"


She noticed Ji Huang's strange expressions.Because in this case, using "no way" is too rude, using "no" is too firm, and using "no" is too weak, so he used an English "No" to summarize the above three expressions.

"It won't be very tiring, I have already written 70.00%, you only need to add 30.00%."


She stared at him wide-eyed and motionless, which was called a maiden's prayer.No one can resist such a gaze.Sure enough, Ji Huang was also hit by the shining eyes of this flower fairy.

"Well," he said at last, "you write it yourself, and I'll show you."

Caihong yelled unreasonably: "Hey, pay attention to your tone of voice. We are colleagues. We joined the work in the same year and have exactly the same length of service. No one is younger than the other. How can it be 'instructing'? At most it is 'between peers'." Discussion of '—"

He shut up and started packing his things.

Rainbow rolled her eyes in despair, core journals, how can I not rely on them for future promotion, fortune and job evaluation?Why should she cling to face so hard?
"Okay, Teacher Ji, give me some pointers."

He took a big sip of water: "I have class in half an hour, can I discuss your thesis after class?" After finishing speaking, he drank the remaining half glass of water in one gulp.

She couldn't help asking: "Why do you keep drinking water? Are you thirsty?"

"I'm not full."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Rainbow stuffed his boxed lunch into his hand, "You can eat my lunch, spiced beef, tiger skin green pepper. I'm on a diet recently, and I just ate an apple. Not hungry, really!"

He was startled, and shook his head: "Thank you, I can't eat it, I... am allergic to pepper."

Rainbow froze for a moment, she had never heard of anyone allergic to peppercorns.However, she remembered another thing.

Ji Huang never writes on the blackboard, not a single word.He would verbally repeat key sentences and ask students "Have you got it down?", but he almost never got chalk on his fingers.

Because of this, the students thought he was cool.

"You're allergic to chalk too, aren't you?"

"I have asthma," he said, "mild."

"Will this affect your editing of my thesis?"

"It doesn't affect."

"Then what do you like to eat?" Rainbow leaned on the table and smiled softly, propping up his cheeks, "I'll buy it for you. Do you want to eat chicken for nothing? The East Canteen is doing a great job. You must eat it, I treat you! "

"Why do you laugh when you hear that I have asthma?" Ji Huang asked.


"Remember," he said, "Teacher He likes men who are easily hurt."

He looked at her with a strange expression, half a smile but not a smile, his eyes were everywhere.

ridicule?ridicule?Satire?tease?She tried to tell, but found nothing.When he stared again, the smoke disappeared, and his gaze was as deep and peaceful as before.Thoughts rise and fall inadvertently, the moon sets and the stars sink, slight waves rise, and there seem to be countless fish swimming in the bottom of the water.

She looked at him in bewilderment, never seen such eyes in her life.

"I'm going to buy food," she said.

After eating the boiled chicken and fruit platter bought by Rainbow, Ji Huang went to teach.Rainbow took out a blanket from the cabinet and lay down on the sofa to take a nap.She recalled the verbal battle just now, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that she was trying to get close to Ji Huang under the guise of academic exchanges.She thought that sharing an office would create many opportunities, but a month passed without any progress.Except for class, Ji Huang seldom comes to school. In order to let her take a nap comfortably, he almost avoids coming to the office.Even if we meet once or twice a week, it's still in a hurry, nodding to each other, like a couple of old-fashioned gentlemen, talking about the weather, flowers and plants, that's all.

Such a mint-like cool man made Rainbow bewitched, waiting for the next intercourse of souls.

Half an hour later, she was woken up by her mobile phone, and Han Qing's name was displayed on the incoming call.

"Rainbow, can I ask you one thing?" She cut to the point.

"what's up?"

"Xia Feng has an interview on Friday, and Taiyu Media is recruiting a planning manager." She paused and said, "I checked on the Internet, and Taiyu belongs to Yuanyou Group. Can you say hello to Su Donglin?"

"Taiyu Media?" Caihong said, "Is Xia Feng uncomfortable at the provincial newspaper? It's a serious public institution. Going to this kind of media company has high wages and high risks, and the pressure may be several times." double?"

"Rainbow, the mortgage is so heavy, and my salary is so low, it is very difficult to rely on his income in the advertising department. Besides," Han Qing hesitated, and said in a low voice, "Xia Feng's boss made a statement a few days ago. His performance is not satisfactory, and he may be transferred to the labor union. The labor union is definitely an idle job for them, and those who are about to be laid off will be sent there."

Rainbow hesitated for a moment, and said, "I can call for you, but I don't know Su Donglin's attitude."

"As long as you ask him, he will definitely agree." Han Qing said, "That's where your friendship lies."

At this time, I have to help, Rainbow nodded and said: "Okay, I will call right away and call you back later."

After hanging up the phone, she suddenly felt an inexplicable nervousness.The reason why she and Donglin have been close for many years is that she has never asked him for anything, or entrusted him with anything, even though she knew that the Su family was rich and powerful.Even if she has a small deal with Donglin - such as writing love letters on behalf of her, tutoring and so on - it is always fair.It is not difficult to borrow and repay. After several years of friendship, no one owes anyone.Looking for a job after graduation is such a big deal, so you need a helping hand, Caihong just clings to Guan Ye tightly.Mentor, if she doesn't make a fuss, who will make a fuss?

The wonderful balance carefully maintained was broken by a phone call from Han Qing today.After a moment of hesitation, she dialed Dong Lin's cell phone.There was a lazy "Hi" from over there.

Rainbow went straight to the tunnel: "Donglin, I have something to ask of you."

"what's up?"

"Xia Feng went to Taiyu Media to interview the planning department manager on Friday, can you say hello to the boss over there?"

"How do you say hello?"

"Xia Feng wants to change jobs, can you talk about it for him?"

She asked directly, and Su Donglin answered simply: "I don't like this person, and I don't welcome him to Taiyu."

"Hey, what's Xia Feng hindering you? Taiyu is just your subsidiary company, even if he's at work, he won't come to meet you. What do you care about him?"

"This person is ambitious, self-willed, narrow-minded and seriously emotional. No one can cooperate with him."

"Han Qing has been very difficult recently." Caihong had no choice but to slow down his tone, "The mortgage pressure is heavy, and the couple always quarrels."

"What does this have to do with me? This is Xia Feng's own business, right?"

"Well, you don't like Xia Feng, so you can help Han Qing with this matter, okay?"

"I don't know Han Qing very well, and I'm not enthusiastic enough to help people find jobs. Rainbow, you've never been solicitous. Xia Feng, if you help him, he won't appreciate it, and if you don't help him, he will blame you. Why? It won't end well if you do it. Don't make trouble for yourself."

Cleared up so quickly.Even though he knew that this person has always been like this, Rainbow's heart still shuddered, and he couldn't help but say: "Su Donglin, why do you become so shrewd when it comes to interpersonal relationships?"

It's not just Su Donglin, Caihong feels that the people around her - including her mother - are all sharp-eyed and amazing when it comes to the world and the world, which alone makes her a fool.

"That's because you're too stupid."

"If you don't help them, the family will be finished. The couple fought yesterday!"

"Depend on!"

"Help Han Qing, I beg you!"

There was silence for a few seconds, Dong Lin said: "Let's do this, I am short of people in the administrative department here, if Han Qing is willing to come to work, let her come to me tomorrow. The application for this position is closed today, and three One hundred resumes, if she doesn't come tomorrow, I will choose someone else."

"Hey, I mean Xia Feng!"

"Xia Feng doesn't want it, but Han Qing can."

"Huh?——huh?" I didn't expect Donglin to turn so fast, and with this move all at once, Rainbow was stunned.

"But... what about Xia Feng?"

"You can be a housewife." Dong Lin smiled proudly over there, "The times are different, men and women are the same. Rainbow, aren't you a feminist?"

Without further ado.Rainbow didn't sleep anymore, her cell phone was out of battery, so she went straight downstairs to look for Han Qing in the reference room of the library.

There are quite a few of Rainbow’s undergraduate and postgraduate friends in this city, and they often see each other during the holidays, but when it comes to intimacy, no one is as close as Han Qing.Han Qing, who is good at calligraphy, used to be a key member of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union, and a well-known bosom sister in the dormitory. She has a good personality, good temper, modest and obedient, gentle and reserved, strict family education, and traditional concepts.When the sisters have conflicts, she is always the peacemaker, such as "it's better to settle enemies than to tie them up", "take a step back", "be patient with a knife in your heart", and "harmony makes money, and it's a loss." Blessing" are all the theories she has exported to everyone for many years.In a word, Han Qing is like Liu Gongquan in his own pen, horizontal and vertical, thick and dignified.It is said that Han Qing fell in love with Xia Feng because he fell in love with his round and charming Zhao style calligraphy.As the saying goes: "First learn Yan, then learn Liu. If you don't learn Zhao Ti, you can have it yourself." She has both Yan and Liu, but she can't copy Zhao Ti anymore.So they asked Xia Feng for advice. The two first discussed calligraphy, then literature, and finally gave each other a self-carved stone seal.

People in the dormitory laughed at her for falling into "classical love".

Today, the biggest function of calligraphy for Han Qing is to copy the "Reading Rules", "Certificate Procedures", "Book Management Regulations" and other regulations and notices of various departments of the library, put them in glass photo frames, and hang them on the big wall at the entrance.

The Department of History of F University used to be very leading in the research of the [-] Revolution, but with the death of a certain national scholar and no successors, even the reference room of the Republic of China period that was established to cooperate with the research was left in the cold.The reference room has been moved and moved like an outdated bestseller in a bookstore, from the main hall to the corner of the building, next to the toilet, and there are more than [-] mahogany armchairs in it—it is said that it was donated by an old overseas Chinese— — were also moved to the conference room, and replaced with cheap green velvet aluminum alloy flip-flop chairs.

When Rainbow found Han Qing, Han Qing was carefully cleaning the decorative tiles on the wall with a rag.

After saying hello, Han Qing looked behind him, confirmed that the director was not there, and whispered, "Rainbow, please sit down."

She went to the back room and brought a cup of chrysanthemum tea.

"Is there any honey?" Rainbow asked.

"I added it for you, Miss." Han Qing twisted her face, "Can you drink chrysanthemum tea without honey?"

"Thank you." Rainbow took a sip from the cup and said, "Where's your perverted director? Not at work?"

"It was still there just now. It was said that there was a meeting. I scouted around and left."

The location is safe, Rainbow immediately went mad: "Damn, crazy, let you wipe the wall in broad daylight! Look at this place and this table, it's as bright as a mirror... She still thinks it's not clean! Sick! Have this time It would be nice for you to sit and read a magazine."

Han Qing covered her mouth: "Hush—keep your voice down! People don't want me to be idle. Young people, it's okay to do more."

"You are so good at teaching! Just her? First, she has no culture, and second, she has no quality. When she speaks, she speaks in a strange voice, 'Xiao Han, have you had any new trends in your thinking recently—'Uh!" Rainbow vomited.

"Please stop shouting—walls have ears."

"Then let's be serious. I just called Su Donglin. Taiyu Media is under the management of his elder brother, so he can't talk. But there is a shortage of people in his administrative department. I asked if you would like to go."

Han Qing took a step back: "What? Ask me?"

"Yes. You know Donglin's company, right? Yuanyou Group's Taiyu Hi-Tech is located in the Yuanyou Building in the city center. The office conditions are very good. Working with him is definitely not low salary, and the mortgage must be settled."

Han Qing stared, didn't speak for a long time, and suddenly grabbed her hand and begged: "Chongqing, since the office conditions are so decent and you earn a lot, you can tell me for me and let Xia Feng go!"

"Ah? This—" Rainbow swallowed, and prevaricated, "He said... only women."

"What about Xia Feng? I can't earn more than him! Does he still have face?"

Hearing this, Rainbow almost spit out a sip of tea: "Oh my God, it's the 21st century, and you still say this? Are you a college graduate? Han Qing, this is not a feudal society! Now it is Tickets are important, you can’t control your face! Besides, husband and wife are equal, and everyone who earns money will spend the same. Think about it, don’t you want Duoduo to enter a key elementary school? Don’t you want him to learn piano? Don’t you still want to pick up your parents? Come and live here? With this salary, work hard, and you will have a down payment in a few years, you can enjoy your house with peace of mind, and the whole family will be happy with you, how great it is!"

Han Qing sighed: "I haven't worked seriously for three years. Do you think Su Donglin will want me? I'm nothing now, just a mother of one child. I can't do anything but housework."

I really hate iron but steel, Rainbow was so anxious that she almost yelled out: "You must not say that to Dong Lin, you will destroy your prestige by making others arrogant. I will write your resume for you. I think you were an outstanding student union cadre back then! Your calligraphy competition is still the No.1 in the school! You have won the People’s Scholarship! Your English has passed CET-[-]! You have also published prose! Even in this kind of broken reference room, aren’t you an advanced worker? ? If Xia Feng hadn’t asked you to stay back then, wouldn’t you have also become an editor at the TV station? Han Qing, I didn’t say you, why are you so useless? People are muddy and can’t stick to the wall, you are obviously a big brick If you don't hit base, you're worthless! Really worthless!"

Dazed by these words, Han Qing looked down and said, "Oh... I think, I still have to think about it, go home and discuss it with Xia Feng, and listen to his opinion, after all, he is the head of the family In the past month, he has been submitting resumes everywhere, and he is determined to find a department manager. In fact, he is just an ordinary employee in the provincial newspaper... I think he is quite promising in Taiyu Media. Or I'd better wait, Talk to Dong Lin and ask him to wait for me for a week before calling back."

"You can't miss this opportunity. Time never comes. You have to make a decision now, and go see Su Donglin tomorrow. This position is open for recruitment, and [-] resumes have been received, and the deadline has passed. Donglin said, if you don't go tomorrow, choose someone else." Yes. Aren’t you short of money? Isn’t Ye Gong good at dragons? Money comes and you can’t live with it, really.”

Han Qing's eyes flickered, and he suddenly said: "The director is here, you go back to the office first. I will call Xia Feng immediately and wait for my reply."

Rainbow went downstairs to buy a bottle of soda, and walked slowly back to the office after drinking. Han Qing's phone came after him.

"Rainbow, thank you for helping me figure it out. Let's forget about this matter." She sighed heavily, and said weakly, "Xia Feng disagrees with my going to Donglin's company. I hate this person, I don't want to have anything to do with this person, let alone accept his favor."

"Oh—" This surprised Rainbow, "Why? Is it just annoying?"

"Do you know about Chen Xiaofen?"

"Chen Xiaofen, the one from the Music Department? The one who sang "Shandandan Flowers Bloom Red and Bright"?"

"Yes. Xia Feng chased after her when she was a freshman, and the two got along for a while. Later, Chen Xiaofen joined Su Donglin. They even had a fight over this matter."

"I didn't hear about the fight." It turned out that there was such a festival, no wonder Xia Feng would not show up whenever Su Donglin came out to play, and Rainbow still didn't give up. "Isn't this a long time ago? Donglin Afterwards, I wasn't with Chen Xiaofen either."

"At that time, it was considered a cross-cutting. Xia Feng said that Donglin just drove Chen Xiaofen for a few times in a Mercedes-Benz, bought her two beautiful clothes, and Chen Xiaofen turned against him."

"Doesn't this just prove that Chen Xiaofen is unreliable? What if I thank Dong Lin for helping me recognize this person."

"This is Xia Feng's first love. Hey, Rainbow, you have never been in love and you don't know what it's like to be in love. When you fall in love with someone, you feel that you owe him your whole life, just like when I met Xia Feng...he was quiet Sitting quietly at the table and carving a stone seal, the pagoda tree flowers fell outside the window. From that moment on, I knew that this was my man."

Whenever recalling his sweet first encounter, Han Qing would always say this, his eyes sparkling, as if he had been enchanted by someone.

"Han Qing, be more nervous, don't be confused by Xia Feng, okay?" Caihong couldn't laugh or cry, "Tell me what you look like now? An upright talented woman with a bachelor's degree, who was beaten by her husband at home and raped at work." Director bully, go home on all fours to wipe the floor, turn the pot, and nurse the child. It’s been three years! Don’t you have a dream? Don’t you desire success? If you are willing to be like this for the rest of your life, I have nothing to say, and I will replace you immediately Reject. Now please tell me plainly, are you willing?"

Han Qing bit his lip and remained silent for a long time.

Rainbow still remembers the scene of going to Han Qing's house a year ago.The child fell asleep, and she knelt on the ground with a large rag, wiping the floor with both hands like a monk Yixiu.Asked why the mop was not used, saying that the mop was not clean and could not wipe the corners.The glass vases in her house are washed twice a day, the table is free from dust, the stove is shiny, and even the lid of the pot is shiny with a wire brush.Han Qing was sitting on the spotless sofa in his pajamas and watching soap operas episode after episode.Rainbow laughed at her with five or four accents: "Don't sink, show your fighting spirit!" Han Qing raised his face, folded his hands on his waist, and smiled strangely: "Who said I have no fighting spirit? I fight with dust every day. Fight to the death."

Then, standing barefoot on the bright floor, she suddenly covered her face, tears slipped from her fingers: "Xia Feng always said, do housework every day, take good care of the family and children, and be the strongest backing for a man. A woman's greatest happiness and satisfaction...why I can't feel this kind of happiness, why do I always feel dissatisfied? Am I a greedy woman?"

Rainbow looked at her in surprise.I can't believe that a woman will be rewritten like this by a man after marriage.After a moment of silence, Rainbow gave her a strong hug and said, "Han Qing, happiness and feelings in this world will always belong to you alone. No one can define happiness for you, and no one can decide your feelings."

After saying this, she suddenly froze.

She felt that the reason why she was able to point out the country with certainty was only because she was single and had no spouse, so she didn't have to compromise with anyone.

After an hour of class, Ji Huang came back on time.Sitting on the sofa, he re-read Rainbow's paper in 15 minutes and made a few marks with a green pen.

The sofa is not big, and Rainbow is too embarrassed to sit on it, feeling too intimate; even more embarrassed to sit across the table, like meeting students, after all, I still ask for help from others, and I still need to be humble.After thinking about it, he simply moved the chair out, moved it to the side of the sofa, and sat down face to face with Ji Huang.

The conversation will certainly not be easy and may mean a new contest.After a few questions and answers at that meeting, they seemed to have a tie, but after all, they were young and vigorous, and Ji Huang chased them down unconvinced.

Now, he finally has a chance to find his way back.Rainbow was still beating drums in his heart, and the attack began.

Ji Huang asked: "Mr. He, in the thesis you kept saying the words 'subject', 'individual' and 'self'. What do they mean? What is the difference? Can you explain in detail?"

A master is a master.Rainbow was embarrassed for the first time.She thought he would ask about Zhang Ailing's narrative techniques, about the unique spatial composition in her novels, or, at least, about Zhang's views on love or kinship.These rainbows are all good at it, and they can talk about everything.However, the rainbow has the fault of the rainbow, and it is very difficult to change it if you know it well.Like many young teachers who have just entered the profession, Rainbow likes fashionable terms: "deconstruction", "postmodern", "signifier", "grand narrative", "close reading", "thick description", "defamiliarization", "parody", "cultural capital" "Symbol violence"'s always going to be brought into the paper to talk about things.She has a preference for abstract induction: "Beauty is the perceptual presentation of ideas"—look, how well and concisely Hegel said it.

Struggling with my brain a few times, Rainbow licked my dry lips, and had to flood the seven armies when they approached the city. Although guilty, the voice must be high and the tone must be strong. Academic debate is like playing volleyball. It is the subconscious side of people, that is, the level of desire.”

"Agreed." He said, "What about the subject?"

"Subject and individual mean the same thing, which means self." She spread her hands, "I don't like to repeat words when discussing, so I said it differently."

Ji Huang looked at her and sighed.

"Hey, why are you sighing?"

"Although my major is literary theory, and your major is literary criticism, ahem, in general terms, we are considered colleagues."

"totally agree."

"Then I won't talk in layman's terms, okay?"

"What do you mean?" Caihong's face turned pink, "Is what I just said in layman's terms?"

"How about this. Let me ask you first, what is the English language of the subject?"


"The linguistic interpretation of Subject is—"


"The primary function of the subject in a sentence is—"

"The leading verb is the master of the action."

"That's right. Then tell me, what is the subject?"

"The capacity of man to act, the capacity of man to articulate his experience."

"So, looking back, what is the individual's English?"


"We often say that we should believe in collective wisdom and not engage in individualism. What do you mean?"

"Hmm..." Rainbow blinked, "It means that a person can't think that he can do everything, and he can do things beautifully by himself."

Ji Huang sighed again.

"What, wrong again?"

"That's right, the lack of theoretical depth. Put it another way, put it another way."

"Individual refers to an ideal, romantic interpretation of one's own behavior and psychological motivation. Sometimes the interpretation is too much to be realistic, and it becomes individualism."

"What a clever analysis! It can be seen that 'self', 'subject' and 'individual' are three different concepts. You have analyzed them all at once, which is very clear and thorough."

"Mr. Ji, don't you have a special sense of accomplishment, and you feel that I can teach you..."

"Don't dare—"

"Can I ask you a further question?" Rainbow said with a smile.

"Go ahead."

"May I ask what is the relationship between the subject and the object? Under the pressure of reality, as the subject, can we still act and have the courage to explain?"

Ji Huang slightly raised his eyebrows: "Of course."

"Shakespeare said: To be or not to be, that is a question!"

"Rainbow, the key word in this sentence is 'not to be'. People live in the world, but what they strive for is an identity. Identity gives us security, and gives us the meaning and value of existence," Ji Huang said lightly, "And what we have to do is to resist the temptations brought by identity and be brave enough not to be."

Not to be! This is very abstract.Rainbow stared at him blankly, his mind was confused and he couldn't keep up.

"What kind of relationship is that?"

"There is no exact relationship, just the sum of some positions."

It’s better not to say this, as soon as it is more abstract, Rainbow’s brain freezes immediately, and he can’t help asking: "Wait, are you sure we are talking about literary theory and not theoretical physics?"

"For example, between you and me, there is one position; between you and your family, another position; between you and Teacher Guan, the situation is different. Therefore, it is the sum of positions."

"This sounds like Marxism. Didn't Marx say that the essence of human beings is the sum of all social relations?"

"It's Marxism, The Theses on Feuerbach."

"Pfft——" Rainbow was drinking water and almost choked, "That is to say, I reviewed the Marxist-Leninist principle again with you?"

"Can't you? Let's see how much you forgot."

Pfft—another mouthful of water sprayed onto the ground.

Ji Huang is wearing a very ordinary white T-shirt today, still paired with a pair of washed white jeans.His clothes are obviously limited, and there are only a few pieces that are turned over and over.White shirts, T-shirts of various colors and jeans.He has two pairs of leather shoes and two pairs of sneakers, and has only changed them a few times. He likes plain shoes.I have never seen him in a suit, but I believe he must be handsome in a suit.Turning his eyes, Rainbow changed the subject: "Ji Chun, do you have yoga class today?"

"Yes, it's another class, the intermediate class."

"Can I participate?" Caihong pretended to speak casually while concealing her blushing.

"This...intermediate class is almost all boys."

"There are men and women in this class?"

"I didn't make any special assignments...but there are no girls in this class." He also looked a little embarrassed, "I also found it strange, and thought it was specially arranged by the Children's Palace. They said it was not true, maybe the girls are all enrolled in the junior class gone."

"Can I still sign up now?"

"It's full early."

Rainbow said in her heart, Teacher Ji, can't you take advantage of the opportunity and invite me?Or just let me join a class?Her heart was beating wildly, remembering her mother's advice, no matter how wishful thinking she was, she couldn't easily deliver it to her door.

So he shrugged and smiled: "Hehe, I think yoga is a special exercise for the body. There are so many handstand movements, which can promote brain circulation."


"Also, being really fit is great for keeping in shape."


"It even—it can improve people's self-cultivation and sentiment."


"Even the background music has the effect of calming the mind and improving the mood."

"is it?"

"Really, yoga is very good and suitable for me." Rainbow looked at his face and said seriously.

Ji Huang stood in front of her and didn't speak for a long time, as if he didn't know what she meant. After a long silence, he said: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you liked this, and I will inform you next time when the class starts. But," he paused, " I have a reading group, currently there are three people, we read theoretical books together, get together once a week, talk about experiences and experiences. This is very helpful for professional training, is Mr. He interested?"

Rainbow's eyes lit up: "Theory book? Which one?"

"Currently it is Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit", which has just begun. If you have any books you are interested in, you can also propose it, and we will read it together next time."

"Then... how long will it take to read this book?"

"Well...about a year."

"My God, one year to read a book... what the hell..."

Ji Huang looked at her and corrected: "It's intensive reading."

Rainbow hurriedly raised her hand: "Okay, count me in!"

After get off work, Caihong called Han Qing three times in a row, giving advice face-to-face, and encouraging her to accept the position of Donglin Company.Rainbow feels that since Han Qing is so weak in making decisions, as a friend, she has the responsibility to urge Han Qing not to miss the opportunity.What's more, this is not the first time to make up for Han Qing.Back then, she was able to enter the reference room because of Rainbow's planning.Just such a small position, because it is leisurely and stable in a big city, it is also a warm sweet pastry in the eyes of college students who have just graduated.Caihong feels that Han Qing, who is also a city girl, does not lack experience in dealing with people, nor is she ignorant or ignorant, on the contrary, her problem is that she is too sensitive and accepts hints from others too much.In other words, if the problem of most people in this city is due to their low level of civilization, then Han Qing's problem is that both parents are teachers, too much education, resulting in a high level of civilization.She is embarrassed to do some things that many people are embarrassed to do, such as sarcasm when they are unhappy, a friend who slaps her, snatches it up ahead of her interests, and invites guests to a dinner party to hit a big family.That's why Han Qing is loved by everyone.It's safe to be with her: she doesn't grab anything, and she is willing to dedicate everything. She is born with a "vulnerable" physique.And her view of men is still at the age of 17: girls at that age only know love, not defense.When they know how to take precautions, love will no longer taste like 17 years old.

To borrow a sentence from an American drama: There are countless emotional landmines buried in this city, which will be blown to pieces if you don't pay attention.

Unexpectedly, even if she said something with anxious lips and dry mouth, Han Qing would not let go: "Rainbow, I know you are thinking of me. But for this matter, I have to take Xia Feng's feelings into consideration, right? After all, family is the first priority. One. Alas, you may not understand now, but you will understand when you have a child. You should decline this matter for me."

"What a brain, Han Qing! It's not like you haven't dealt with Su Donglin before. Can he eat you?"

"Him? The famous playboy, whoever stays with him will inevitably have scandals. I think... If Xia Feng is so concerned, I really can't go, and I have to avoid suspicion, not to mention that they have a festival. "

"Then let's not talk about Donglin, let's talk about Duoduo!" Caihong changed his strategy, "Didn't you say that you want Duoduo to enter a bilingual kindergarten? Also, didn't you say that you want him to learn piano? After going to work, he has money. , the mortgage is easy, and the children's education is also up to date. How wonderful! Didn't you keep saying that you don't want to stay in the reference room? Besides, Duoduo can't always follow you every day, so he has to go to kindergarten and learn to follow Dealing with other children. Compared with children's education, what is the prejudice between adults? Besides, this happened many years ago. I know Dong Lin, and he will never provoke you."

These words really moved her.Han Qing's voice hesitated for a moment: "Why don't I think about it again?"

"What are you thinking! I'm going to call back today."

He faltered on the phone and fell silent.

Rainbow sighed: "Why don't you discuss with Xia Feng again and call me at night?"

Han Qingru was granted amnesty: "Okay, okay, that's it, Rainbow, thank you."

Rainbow bag went downstairs to catch the bus, and it was rush hour, and the bus moved forward slowly.After a while, the phone rang happily again.It was still Han Qing.

"Rainbow, where are you?"

"In the car, what's the matter?"

"I...just met a colleague of Xia Feng's." Han Qing's voice was a little trembling. "He said that last Tuesday Xia Feng had a big fight with his boss and almost got into a fight. The boss...the boss ran to the leader After the complaint, everyone felt that something was wrong."

"The big thing is not good? Don't worry, don't worry, if it's just a disagreement about work, it won't be a big deal."

"Don't you know Xia Feng's temper? Once the fire started, how could he control himself! That colleague refused to tell the truth at first, and he was forced to ask me for a long time before he would tell. The specifics of how to deal with it haven't been officially notified yet, gossip It is said that the agency decided to give him a little face, which is not dismissed as resignation. Give him two weeks to find a job, and complete the resignation procedures before the end of the month."

Rainbow couldn't help but said, "He didn't tell you about such a big thing?"

"No, Xia Feng is very face-saving, and he and his director have long been at loggerheads." Han Qingdao, "No wonder he is in a bad mood, and his face is dark every day when he goes home. Actually, if you tell me, I will blame him." Is he? Am I that kind of person? My Xia Feng is so talented, he has published so many articles, there are so many newspapers in the city, and there are a lot of cultural units, where can he not go? Just resign!"

"Well... your mortgage is tight and you are in debt, you still need to find a job as soon as possible."

"Yes. So I'm here to beg you, can you try to talk to Dong Lin again and let Xia Feng go to Taiyu Media?"

"Well——" Rainbow thought for a while, and said, "I know Donglin. If he can do it, he will definitely agree to it. If he can't do it, he will definitely not be able to do it. Don't try your luck with Taiyu Media. But Donglin Here... I'll ask him later to see if I can let you go to work, but change to another department and not be with him, so Xia Feng won't be upset if you don't see each other. "

"Ah? Is this the only way? The question is, what about Xia Feng's work?" Han Qing said anxiously, "He is a rural person, and no one can rely on him in this city. He has a quick temper and an arrogant temperament. It’s not easy to find a job that satisfies you in every way. I’m a housewife and I can do anything.”

"You are so confused. You do it first and let Xia Feng find a job slowly. At least there is no financial pressure!"

"If I go to work, he will take Duoduo at home, how can I have time to find a job?"

"Then let him take care of the baby for a while. I'm not talking about you, you dote on him too much. Since this uncle has a son, he hasn't even changed a diaper. Isn't he too much of a shopkeeper? Let him take care of him for a few days Duoduo, I also taste the hard work of being a mother!"

"No, no, he can't take Duoduo. It's fine for an hour. If it exceeds, he will be annoying. I don't feel sorry for him, but I'm afraid he will yell at Duoduo."

After talking about it, until Rainbow got off the car, Han Qing was still repeatedly defending the fact that Xia Feng could not take care of the child.Rainbow finally got impatient: "Okay, Han Qing, don't talk about it. People have to change, and the family structure also needs to be flexible, especially in times of crisis. Now don't talk about temper or not, get used to it or not, you Do it first, wait for Xia Feng to find a better job, you can continue to work if you want to, or you can continue to take a lot at home if you don’t, it’s up to you. I’ll take this idea for you! I’ll contact Donglin immediately and promise for you first Come down, and then I'll lobby him to change your department, is that all right?"

"Oh... Really, I'm bothering you for this kind of thing... No matter if it works or not, thank you in advance. Oh my god, Xia Feng is home, I'm dead."

Rainbow followed the crowd out of the car, and suddenly remembered that there were two tickets for tonight's football league in his wallet, which were given by a teacher. Rainbow didn't watch football, and planned to leave it to his father. With an idea, he dialed Su Donglin's number.

"Donglin, are you free tonight?" Caihong said enthusiastically, "I have two tickets and I want to invite you to watch football."

"Do you... watch football?"

"I didn't watch it before, but I watch it now."

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

"No, it's football, let's save face." Rainbow thought, can we talk in the cinema?
"That's fine. What time?"

The rainbow said the time.

"I'll pick you up."

"No, just meet at the entrance of the gymnasium."

"Just watch football? Nothing else?" Su Donglin asked.

"Well——" Rainbow thought for a while, and felt that asking for help still has to pay a price, so he said, "Watch football first, then eat. I treat guests, you tell me the place, let's go to a restaurant!"


After returning home, he tidied himself up as quickly as possible, Caihong changed into another outfit, put on some light makeup, and went to the meeting on time.

When the taxi arrived at the entrance of the gymnasium, Rainbow caught sight of Su Donglin under the shade of the tree, and suddenly took a breath. The person who came was not alone, and beside Su Donglin stood a well-dressed Qin Wei.

Rainbow was embarrassed for the first time.

"I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to promise you. I forgot to make an appointment with Qin Wei at this time. Anyway, you know each other, why don't you watch the ball together." Su Donglin smiled lightly.

Rainbow looked at the two tickets in his hand, and just about to open his mouth, Su Donglin said, "We bought another ticket, the seat is good. Rainbow, do you want some popcorn?"

"Yes, thank you!"

Dong Lin turned to the canteen to buy some snacks, leaving Rainbow and Qin Wei staring blankly at each other.Qin Wei's brows were tightly furrowed, without saying a word, as if he was thinking about something.

Rainbow felt cold, so he had to say: "Mr. Qin also likes football?"

"See it sometimes."

"Are you and Donglin... um... colleagues?"

"No. There are business contacts."

"Oh. What line of business does Mr. Qin do?"


It's better not to answer, this line is too big.

Obviously he didn't like to be questioned, Qin Wei showed an impatient expression on his face.

"The traffic is really congested today, and the road ahead is in a mess. I really don't know how you drove the car in." Caihong quickly changed the subject.

"I didn't drive." Qin Wei said flatly, "How can I drive in this kind of traffic and at such a time? You can't drive in this city."

Rainbow dumbfounded: "Then you...take the bus?"

"I have a driver."

"Donglin loves to drive, even when the traffic is crowded." Rainbow smiled.

Qin Wei said: "No way, who made him so poor."

(End of this chapter)

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