Chapter 4
daily daily; daily. daily; every day, daily
everyday every day, daily / dawn dawn, breaking dawn / morning morning, morning / noon noon, noon / midday noon, noon 1 2 o'clock / evening evening, evening / night night, night / today today; now; present; contemporary / tonight tonight/tomorrow/yesterday yesterday
damage damage, damage, z.damage, damage, loss
The camera was___by his son.
A. hurt B. damaged C. wound D. destroyed
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: The camera was broken by his son. damage means to damage something. Wound refers to (a person) being injured in a battle or an attack, and there are obvious wounds on the body. Hurt refers to (a person) being injured in normal times or in accidents, and has a strong sense of pain. It also often refers to the unintentional and minor damage caused to someone's emotions by other people's words and deeds.In addition, destroy can also refer to "destroy", often referring to complete damage.Such as: The cy-clone destroyed many houses yesterday.yesterday.The cyclone destroyed many houses.From the above analysis, we can see that the correct answer is B.
danger danger, threat
in danger in danger
One of the safety measures says, “Training by yourself in a gym can be____.”
A. high dangerous B. high dangerous
C. highly dangerous D. highly dangerous
Parse answer C.例句:A safety measure states that it is dangerous to train alone in a gym.This question examines the use of adverbs. The missing words are used as predicatives in the sentence to indicate the state. Adjectives should be considered, and items B and D can be excluded first. High is used as an adverb to indicate the specific high in orientation, and highly is mostly used in abstract methods. " Highly", so C should be selected.
cleinds dangerous
danger (dangerous) + Ous (adjective suffix) dangerous
danger/safe/safety/unsafe/life/die/dead/death/hang/drown/kill/murder/starve starve
He____through the forest alone.
A. dare to walk B. dare to walk
C. dares to walk D. dares walking
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: He dared to walk through the forest alone.Examine the usage of the special modal verb dare. Both dare and need can be used as modal verbs and substantive verbs. The modal verbs and substantive verbs of dare are not used together with doing, so option D is wrong. Dare, like the predicate verb, must be consistent with the subject in terms of person and number, so A and B are also wrong.
dare is used as a modal verb only in the present tense.When used in the past tense, it must be used according to the rules of general action verbs.Example: He didn't dare to come last night.He dared not come last night. I dare say means "I think, I think it is", and it is only used with I.Example: I dare say you are British But you still need a passport to prove it.I think you're British, but you'll have to show your passport to prove it.
dark, dusk, night
in the dark
goodness goodness, beauty/likenes#similar/greatness great/friendli-ness friendly, friendly/kindness kindness, kindness/emptiness emptiness, hollowness/likeness similar, similar/softness softness/weakness cowardice, fatigue/blindness blindness
It's difficult for us to see things____.
A. dark B. in blackness
C. on black D. in the darkness
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: It is difficult for us to see things in the dark. in the darkness is an idiomatic expression in the dark. dark - generally refers to the darkness of light; black - generally refers to the color black.
out of date outdated (style), obsolete/to date up so far/up to date modern, keeping up with the times, in line with the latest developments/date back to can be traced back to, is the beginning of the era/date from. ,.has existed since a certain period of time (has)
Mary had a___with her new secretary.
A. dateB. dailyC. daytimeD. daylight
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: Mary has an appointment with her new secretary. date means appointment; daily means daily, daily; daytime means daytime (often used in conjunction with the); daylight means dawn, daytime.
dawn breaks dawn, (the sky) lights up, dawn, dawn
The book is about the___of civilization.
A. downB. daybreakC. sunriseD. dawn
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: This book is about the beginning of human civilization. Dawn means "dawn, dawn", which can be used as a metaphor for the beginning of a new life or a new era; down means "T, downward"; daybreak means "dawn", emphasizing the moment when the morning light first emerges; sunrise means "sunrise ", emphasizing the moment when the sun appeared.
day (one) day; daytime, daytime
by day during the day; during the day/day and night/in those days in the past; in those openings/one day (past or future) a certain day/the day after tomorrow/the day before yesterday/the day before yesterday/the a few days before other day/to this day until today/a rainy day may encounter a difficult day; rainy day/by the day counted by the day/day after day day after day, day by day/some day someday, someday /to a day exactly, exactly/one day (past or future) a certain day
daybook running book/break dawn/daydream fantasy, daydream/daylight daytime, daylight/daylong all day/dayman casual worker or day shift person/dayroom lounge, entertainment room/daystar morning star/daytime daytime, daytime/ chairday old age/fullday full day/halfday half day/layday loading and unloading day/midday at noon
daylight dawn, daytime, daylight
bring into daylight make... public
dead dead, inanimate; bad.useless; numb
He___for ten years
A. diedB. was deadC. has been deadD. has died
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: It has been ten years since he died.Among the above options, die is a transient verb and is not used together with the adverbial expressing a period of time. For ten years expressing a period of time should use the perfect tense, so only C is correct.
deadly extremely dangerous, deadly, lethal
The shock was____to him.
A. dead B. deadly C. deal D. debt
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: This blow was fatal to him. Deadly refers to "extremely dangerous, which can cause death"; dead means "dead, insensitive"; deal is a verb, meaning "processing, arrangement", often used in conjunction with with; debt means "to owe a debt" .
deaf; unwilling to listen to other people's opinions, pretending to be deaf
turn a deaf ear ignore
deal treatment; processing; distribution, t.quantity
a good ( great ) deal many, a lot, ... much / deal in management / deal with processing, discussing, involving / a great deal of equivalent
The problem of____become a serious one.
A. dealing with waste plastics have
B. deal with waste plastics have
C. dealing with waste plastics has
D. to deal with waste plastics has
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: How to deal with waste plastics has become an important issue.Examine prepositional objects.Neither option B nor D can be used as a prepositional object, and the predicate verb in option A uses plural by mistake.
a great(good)deal of only modifies uncountable nouns, and a large(great)number of or a good(great)man can be used when modifying countable nouns. Example: They talked a great deal about the problem.They talked a lot about this subject.
sentence sb. to death sentence someone to death
death expresses general sense or abstract sense.die. , is an uncountable noun; if it indicates a certain type of death or how many people died, it is a countable noun.
decide: make up your mind
de (indicates strengthening meaning) +cide (cutting, cutting off) decision, ruling
She___buy a color TV.
A. decided
C. determined
B. decided to
D. made up her mind
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: She decided to buy a color TV. decide - generally refers to making a decision after discussing, thinking or asking to eliminate differences or eliminate hesitation, and can only be directly used as a guest training with the infinitive. de-termine determines, decides, stipulates. make up one's mind make up your mind, make up your mind.
decision decision; determination
make a decision about make a decision about...
deed behavior, deeds
do a good deed do a good deed/do the deed put into action, take effect
defeat defeat, defeat, setback, failure ij.defeat, defeat, overcome
He seldom____you in the game, did he?
No. he didn't.
A. bestB. defeatC. lostD. won
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning:—he rarely beats you in the game, does he?one yes.Among the above options: beat sb.Defeat someone; defeat defeat, beat, and then usually followed by words such as competition, debate; lose (lost) - generally followed by words such as competition, competition, which means "lose...". win to win, to win, followed by words such as competition, debate, battle, prize, money, etc.Based on the meaning of the question, A should be selected.
defense, defense, protection (p/.) fortification, protection
in defense of defending..., defending for...
fenceless undefended, defenseless
We must strengthen our____on the western border.
A. defenses B. defects C. defeats D. defenders
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: We must strengthen the fortifications on the western border. Defense means fortification, protection; defect means shortcoming, defect; defeat means victory, defeat; defender means defendant.
defend; defense (sports)
de (= away away from) + fend (fight) to defend, defend
defend sb. from sth.protect... from... /defend against - defend against... against
undefended solitary/defender; defender, defender/pro-tect protection/guard
The dog____the child night and day.
A. defends B. defended
C. guards D. guarded
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: The dog guards the child day and night. guard guards, vigilance, from the meaning of the question, the past tense should be used, so D is the correct answer.
degree degree: degree
take/receive a degreeGet a degree/by degrees gradually
delay delay, delay, c.delay, delay, delay
without delay immediately, without delay
late/slow/put off delayed
Mary decided to delay____until next month.
A. her to leave B. her leaving
C. her to be left D. for her to leave
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: Mary decided to postpone her departure (date) until next month. When delay is used as a verb, the object followed by it must be expressed in the form of a gerund, so the correct answer to this question is B.
delay (used as a noun) is usually followed by in doing sth. , but not to do sth.Or of doing sth. . When delay is used as a transitive verb, its object can be a noun or a gerund, but the infinitive cannot be used.
delight happy, happy; fun one c7.make happy
delight in like to do..., take pleasure in.../to be delighted at(by) hear...and be delighted to do/be delighted to do/take delight in to...for pleasure/to our delight We are happy/with delight gladly, happily
delightful/glad/please make happy/pleased/merry/gay/enjoyable/happy/satisfied
Margaret's parents were delighted____the news that their daughter had pas-sed the exam.
A. on B. at C. with D. in
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: Margaret's parents were delighted to hear that their daughter had passed the exam. Be delighted at is a fixed phrase, which means "to be happy for...", so choose B.
deliver deliver, deliver; release, save; make (lecture), express; deliver, give birth to...
de (intensify meaning) + liver (= liber liberty) release, deliver
deliver from rescued from... to get rid of/deliverover(up)(to) handover, hand over
We can___goods to your door.
A. pass B. relay C. deliver D. release
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: We can deliver goods to your door. Deliver means "delivery, transmission", mostly referring to sending letters, parcels, etc. or delivering them to a certain place; pass mostly refers to "delivering items or messages by hand or mouth"; relay - generally refers to "transmitting or delivering by radio Pass the message to a place in equal distance"; release means "release".
demand: need, need, need
meet the demand of meet the requirements of ... / in demand have demand, good market
ask request/beg beg, request/request request/require requires/com-mand command/order command/obey obedience/disobey disobedience/application application/need requirement/requirement needs
I demanded that Bob___there at once.
A. went B. to go C. go D. goes
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: I ask Bob to go there immediately.In the object clauses behind the verbs such as demand, suggest, or-der, require, and request, the predicate should use the subjunctive mood, that is, (should) + the original form of the animal. The correct answer is C. When demand is followed by that clause, the subjunctive mood is used. In addition, demand can be followed by an infinitive, but it cannot be followed by a form of a verb.
When demand is followed by that sentence, the predicate of the clause uses should plus the original form of the verb, or omit should and keep the original form of the verb. demand+ sb. +to do is wrong usage, but it can be said demand of sb. to do sth. ; The infinitive form of the verb can be used after demand, but the -ing form of the verb cannot be used.Example: She demanded to speak to the manager.She asked to speak to the manager.
depend on, depend on; believe, trust
de (below)+pend (suspension) depend on, depend on
depend on(upon)depend on, depend on/dependon(upon)it no doubt, yes
Dependence relies on /support support, maintains /oppose against, resists /against against; disagrees with /battle, campaign, struggle, battle /fight; combat /struggle struggle; struggle; struggle /war war /peace peace; quiet
Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?
A. all depends B. all depends
C. is all dependent D. is all dependent
The analytical answer is B. It all depends.It is a fixed usage, meaning "depending on the actual situation".
Depend is followed by the preposition on or upon, indicating.Rely on, I believe that depend on /upon cannot be directly followed by the object clause guided by that. If you want to follow the that clause, the it form object usually precedes it.Example: Whether he comes or not depends on it that if he is free.Whether he comes depends on his availability.But depend on /upon can be followed by an object clause guided by a connecting adverb, which means "depending on...". "Depend on" constitutes a fixed collocation. When expressing a passive meaning, the preposition on/upon cannot be omitted.Example: Japanese industry depends on foreign countries for natural materials.Japanese industry is dependent on natural resources from abroad. 0depend on The object clause guided by the face cannot be guided by the conjunction if but by whether.Example: It depends on whether you are willing to pay a high price for it.It depends on whether you are willing to pay a high price for this thing.
depth deep, depth
dep (= deep) ten th (noun suffix) depth
in depth/out of one's depth can't understand
describe describe, describe, narrate
described to describe/described to... 一. as_ describe as/be described as
deion describe, describe, describe
de (enhance meaning) + (=scrib, write) + ion (noun suffix) describe the narrative
beyond deion indescribable
The scenery was beautiful beyond___.
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: The scenery is indescribably beautiful. Beyond deion refers to "indescribable, indescribable"; demonstration means "demonstration, performance"; instruction means "teaching, instruction, instruction"; designation means "appointment, appointment, name".
flee from (a place), escape/escape escape, escape/hide hide; hide/avoid avoid/abandon abandon
design design; drawing
designable distinguishable, identifiable /designedly intentional, planned /designer designer, cartographer
desire desire, desire, want, require
It is desired that Mr. Li____his plan.
A. carry out B. can carry out
C. carries out D. has carried out
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: Everyone is eager for Mr. Li to carry out his plan. it is desired, it is suggested, it is requested, it is necessary, it has been decided. it is a shame, it is strange. The predicate verbs in the clauses after it lS no wonder and other structures often use the original form of the verb or should+the original form of the verb, so choose A.
desk desk; writing desk
Desk refers to a table used for reading and writing. table refers to a table for eating.Example: They were at table when l went in.They were eating when I went in.
destroy destroy, destroy; eliminate, put out; break, crush
de (opposite) + stroy (= struct build) destroy, destroy
cdestroyer destroyer/ruin destruction, destruction/damage damage
All his hopes were___.
A. damagedB. rainedC. spoiledD. destroyed
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: All his hopes were dashed. Destroy means "breaking, shattering", and is often used as a metaphor for the shattering of hopes, plans, etc., and is often used in passive structures; damage mostly refers to the destruction of appearance, value, usability and integrity, and it cannot be said that all his hopes have been damaged; ruln mostly refers to something damaged to the extent that it can no longer be repaired; spoil refers to the use of something that is completely destroyed due to "damage" or "spoilment".
determine decision, determination
determinatlon determination/decide decision
To be an effective teacher, one needs to know how to convey the material and___it has been understood.
A. know how to determine whether or not
B. he needs to determine whether or not
C. how to determine whether or not
D. how determine whether or not
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: As an influential teacher, you must know how to impart knowledge and how to prove whether it is understood by students.This sentence examines the understanding of the structure of the sentence, and connects the two how to. . .The same structure, so that only the keyword how needs to be repeated, but know does not need to be repeated.So choose C.
de (enhancing meaning) + term (limitation) +ation (noun suffix) limit, decide
develop development; growth; development
de (not, not, on the contrary) + velop (package) unfold, develop
developing country developing country/developed country developed country
Land animals are believed to have____sea animals.
A.been developed fromB.beendeveloped
C. developed from D. developed into
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: Land animals are thought to have evolved from sea animals.The development of animals is active, and the passive voice cannot be used. The option AB should be excluded first; it means from... (development), use from instead of into, option D is also a wrong option.The correct answer is C.
development development, development
He was concerned for the___of the country's science.
A. develop B. develop
C. development D. developments
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: He is concerned about the development of science in the country.The definite article the should be followed by a noun. A, B, and D are all inconsistent, and only C is the most suitable for the meaning of the question.
Devote to... Dedication; Dedicated to... Concentrate on; Dedicate
Devote to dedicate to... Dedicated to; use... to; dedicated to/devote oneself to (= be devoted to) dedicated to..., dedicated to...
Her son, to whom she was so___, went abroad ten years ago.
The parsed answer is C.In this question, to whom she was so devoted uses non-restrictive attributive clauses.Devote to in this sentence means: I like it very much. Love is a transitive verb and does not need a preposition.
devoteto yes.Put...into, in this structure, to is a preposition, so the infinitive cannot be used after to, but the gerund is required.Example: They devote them-selves entirely to the study of science.They are completely dedicated to scientific research. Odevote is a transitive verb. Note that its object is usually a noun of time, money, energy, labor, life, etc. It can also be a reflexive pronoun, but it cannot be something done with time or energy.Example: Some of them were
devoted to the study of natural science.Some of them specialize in natural sciences.
dia (between the two) + log (speech, language) dialogue
Address Speech, address /say, talk /speak; speak (a certain language) /tell tell; tell about /talk talk, talk /chat chat /conversation talk; talk /whisper whisper; whisper; whispered /shout , shouting/cheer (for...) cheering/scream high-pitched screaming (sound)/pronounce pronunciation/accent accent; pitch/read reading; recitation/recite recitation; narrative/oral oral oral; oral/spoken oral, Spoken /repeat repetition; re-speak, redo
Plays are written in___.
A. speakB. conversationC. dialogueD. talk
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: A script is written in dialogue. Dialogue mostly refers to the written dialogue between characters in dramas and novels or the negotiation or exchange of opinions between two or more characters. This sentence refers to the dialogue in the script; conversation means "conversation", in which people exchange information and communicate Feelings, etc.; talk means "speech, speech"; speak means "talk, talk".
die, die; wither;
die away gradually disappears/die down gradually weakens/die for dedicates to...; dies for.../die from dies in.../die of dies in.../die out disappears; perishes; extinction; ceases to exist
cover cover/page shell, page number/leaf (books, etc.) page
How many people does the doctor know who____of the disease?
A. is dying B. dies C. has died D, are dying
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Doctors know how many people are going to die of disease?The antecedent of the sentence who should be people, and the predicate verb should be consistent with the subject. A, B, and C are all incorrect, and only D fits the meaning of the question.
Die is an intransitive verb, emphasizing action, and its past tense and past participle forms died cannot be used with linking verbs.Indicates the fact that "someone dies", emphasizes the state, and uses the "be dead" family table structure. Die is a terminating verb, that is, the action expressed by the verb is short-lived.Common such verbs are go, come, arrlve, leave, start, begin, join, borrow, lend, buy, return, etc.The present perfect tense of finite verbs cannot be used with adverbials expressing a period of time.If you need to use the present perfect tense
When , the predicate verb should be replaced with a continuous verb expressing the state.The predicate verb can also be changed to the simple past tense, and the adverbial of time can be adjusted accordingly.Example: His mother has been dead for three years. His mother has been dead for three years.
difference difference, difference
dif (separate) + fer (take, hold) + ence (noun suffix) different, difference
make some (any, no) difference some (any, no) relationship / make a (some) difference to meaningful, work / make a difference between. . , right... the difference
Treat/difference of. . .There is a difference in ... /difference with and ... There is a difference, there is controversy
extra special; extra /extremely pole, very /special special, special /particularly special, especially /curious weird; wonderful /strange strange; strange /type type; style/kind kind/sort kind; category /variety variability; diversity/different/identical is exactly the same, the same/same, the same/like; the same as.../as the same/similar
different different; another
dif (separate) + fer (take, hold) + ent (adjective suffix) different, different
different from is different from...
difficult. difficult, difficult
Difficult in (doing) in (doing) ... Difficult / difficult of (doing) (doing) ... / in difficult / on difficult
hard/easy/troublesome/difficult/tough; difficult/heavy/trouble/worried
dig digging
dig in to dig trenches/dig into to study deeply/dig out to dig out, to find out/dig up to turn over, to dig, to dig out; to dig out, to find out/dig for to find out
digest summary, abstract
He sent her a(an)____of the two-volume novel including the most exciting scenes.
A. summary B. outline C. digest D. conclusion
Parsing the answer Co sentence meaning: The abbreviated version of a two-volume novel he gave her has the most fascinating scenes. Digest means "summary", which means that after the unimportant details of a book or an article are omitted, only the original exciting parts are kept; summary means "summary", which means to summarize the main content in words different from the original text, The outline does not necessarily contain details; outline means "outline, outline", and the outline will not include details such as the most fascinating scenes; conclusion means "conclusion, end".Obviously, A, B, and D are all wrong.
dinner dinner
have a dinner for lunch
Generally speaking, the daily three meals a day are not modified with articles.But a specific meal must use a definite article, and it can also be modified with a possessive pronoun.Example: When do you have the/your dinnercl When do you have dinner?
direct management; command, command; director; pointing, pointing, - straight, direct; the nearest "c, u. directly
dir (= through) + rect (positive, correct) instruction, pointing to the direction
direction direction, location/director director; director/directory name and address book/redirect to change, to change/redirection transfer call mouth 1/interview interview, meet/visit visit; visit/introduce introduction/conduct guide, lead/guide guide, Guide; lead, guide/lead lead, guide; lead to/show instructions; guide, guide/indirect directly directly directly/form form, shape/shape shape, form/figure shape, graphics/round round, spherical/ around 茌... around, in... around /circle circle, circle/surround, enclose /square square/bend; bend down/bow bow; bend/straight straight; straightly; always
Light travels____lines unless it is reflected.
A. by directB. at directC. with straightD. in straight
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Unless it is reflected, light always travels in a straight line. In here means "in the form of..."; straight lines straight line; direct (adj.) direct, not appropriate here; with cannot express direction.
direction direction; orientation
east east/west west/south south/north north/above on.../over on...above (above)/on on.../up up, upwards/upstairs to upstairs, upstairs/up-wards Upwardly/below in...below/under in...below;underneath,beneath/beneathbeneath/downdown,downward/leftleft;left/rightrightright;right/inin ...inside, in...inside/indoor /into of the interior to...meat; become /outout (out); in the outside /outward to the outside /bottom bottom, bottom; rear /border edge, boundary /limit boundary, limit/edge side, edge/corner corner, corner/centre center, center/middle middle, middle/among in...middle/between between...(both)/before in front of.../front front, front; front/forward forward, forward
director director, factory director, dean, etc.; director, instructor
direct (guidance) +or (...) the instructor, the director
composer film composer/cartoonist animation painter/make-up artist makeup artist/conductor band conductor/producer producer/assistant producer assistant producer
As one of the____of the company, he often had to attend Board meetings.
A. headmastersB.directorsC.governorsD.officers
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: As one of the directors of the company, he has to attend the board of directors frequently. Directors can refer to "(management company's) directors". Headmasters means "(secondary or elementary school) principal"; governors means "provincial governor, governor"; officers means "staff, civil servants".
dirt filth, dirt, dust
fling(throw)dirt at(on) speak ill of (person), slander/treat sb. like dirt treat someone as worthless
dirtwagon garbage truck/dust dust/ash ash/rubbish garbage/waste waste
Dusty is full of dust/smelly smelly/clean wipes clean, cleans up... cleans up/clear; cleans up, makes clean/neat neat, tidy/tidy neat, neat
disagree different opinions; do not agree
dis (remove, not) +agree (agree) do not agree to dispute
disagree about disagree with something/disagree with sb. (sth.) with opinions
disagreeable unpleasant/disagreement argument/disapprove disapproval/oppose against/be against against
The difference between disapprove and disagree is that disapprove is used as a transitive verb "not to approve, not to agree", which generally refers to the authority's "disapproval" of a measure, the opinion of the superior to the subordinate, and the request of the elder to the younger; disapprove is followed by the preposition of , meaning "disapproval, disapproval", expressing the outsider's opinion based on the person concerned; disagree is used for disapproval between equal relationships, followed by common-eye prepositions with, about, on (disagree is an intransitive verb) and disagree is followed by with Means "inconsistent, inappropriate, (food, climate, etc.) inappropriate".
disappearance disappears, disappears/lose loses/miss loses/absence is absent, not in
Disappoint to disappoint; make (plans, etc.) fail
Dis (no) + appointment (appointment) not appoint a disappointment
Dis (not) + appointment (appointment) + ed (adjective suffix) disappointed
disappointed disappointed /disappointment disappointment; disappointing person or thing /disappointing disappointing /despair despair/hopeless hopeless
The film made all of us___.It is really___.
A.disappointing; disappointed
B. disappointed; to be disappointed
D. fell di Sappointing; disappointing
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: This movie let us all down, it really is too disappointing.Master the usage of past participle for passive and present participle for active.The first item of options A and D cannot express our relationship with disappointment (passive relationship), and only item C is consistent with the meaning of the sentence.
Disppointing is often used as an adjective, meaning.disappointed. , its subject is often a thing or thing; disappointed is also often used as an adjective, meaning "disappointed", and its subject is often a person.Its usage is similar to interesting and interested.
discover discovers; discovers
dis (remove, remove) + cover (cover) found, see
The corn, potato and tomato are plants that were first___in America by Columbus.
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: Corn, potatoes and tomatoes were the first plants discovered by Columbus in America.The purpose of this question is to test vocabulary analysis. Invent is "invention", which means that it did not exist before; discover is "discovery", which means that it has existed before but has not been discovered.According to the meaning of the sentence, the three plants were not invented for the first time, but discovered for the first time, so the answer is C.
discovery discovery
discovery/discoverer/find/recover/find out/find up/realize/notice/invent/create
discuss; discuss
The chairman insisted that we____the question again.
A. will discuss B. to discuss
C. should discuss D. will be discussed
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: The chairman insisted that we discuss this issue again. suggest, order, demand, propose, command. The object clause predicates after verbs such as request, desire, and msist often use the original form of the verb or should+the original form of the verb.So choose C.
discuss is a transitive verb, and the preposition about cannot be added, for example: They discussed selling the house.They discussed selling the house.But the noun discussion requires the preposition about.Example: We held a discussion about our future plans.We discuss our future plans.
ill disease/illness disease/trouble disease/cold cold/fever fever/ache pain/cough cough/pain pain
The business of doctor is to prevent and cure___.
A. sicknessB. illnessC. diseaseD. sick
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: The bounden duty of a doctor is to prevent and cure diseases. sickness - generally only means an abstract disease or sick state. Disease and illness are often used synonymously; illness actually refers to the state of "illness"; disease refers to "disease" and may be contagious.Therefore, what is popular is disease, and the result of contagious disease is illness.
dislike dislike, dislike, dislike, dislike
dis (not) + like (like) hate, don't like
have a dislike of(for) dislike, hate/likes and dislikes likes and dislikes/take a dislike to hate
like like; hope, want/fond favorite/love love, like/admire admiration; envy; praise/respect respect, respect/worship worship, admiration/appreciate gratitude; appreciation, appreciation/honour respect/hobby hobby/bored /hate hate, unwilling, dislike/envy envy; jealous
Some women have a____of snakes.
A. disasterB. disgrace
C. disable D. dislike
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Some women hate it. have a dislike of exhaustion means "hate, dislike, dislike"; disaster means "disaster, disaster"; disgrace means "shame"; disable means "to disable" and is a verb.
distance distance
at a distance separated by a (small) distance/in the distance in the distance;/keep a certain distance away(from)keep a certain distance/quite a distance quite a distance
equidistance equidistance/outdistance far behind/pace-step distance/way distance/route road, route
distant; far away
faraway far away/far far/near near...; near/nearby near/close near/next nearest/by near, beside.../beside beside...
disturb disturb, disturb; disturb
disturb about because of ... trouble / be disturbed about to ... feel disturbed / be disturbed in disturb
dive diving; dive; dive, swoop
He ran towards the seaside and____into the water.
A. divedB. sank
C. headed D. bathed
The analytical answer is A.The meaning of the question is "he ran to the beach and dived into the sea". dived into the water dived into the water.
divide, separate; divide; divide
divideand will...separate/divide...among... between.../
divide...into divide...into.../divide...from with.../dividewith_with.../divide up
They___the money____from a rich man in half.
A. divideup; stealB.divided; stolen
C. divided; stealing D. separate; stealing
Parsing answer B, sentence meaning: They divided the money they stole from a rich man equally.Examine the difference between verbs. divide mostly refers to the average "separation", separate refers to "separation"; the past participle stolen is used as a post-attributive here, indicating stolen money.Therefore, options A, C, and D are wrong, and option B is the correct answer.
do one's best do one's best/do sb. a favor to help someone a favor/do some sight—seeing tour/do with deal with; disposal/do wrong doing bad things; crime/do some cleaning (cook-ing/shopping) do some cleaning (cooking/shopping)/do well in doing well in / do_a—bout taking some kind of action on / do away with abolishing, removing / do fine doing well and living well / do good is good / do harm is harmful and bad / do sb. good is good for .../do sb. the hono-ur makes someone have a special honor/do a good deed to do a good deed/do up tidy up, tidy up; bag, bundle, pack/be done with thread bundle/do without... also OK, will do/have nothing to do with
have nothing to do with ... have something to do with have (dot) relationship with ...
Mike's biggest headache is____with his old bike.
A. what to do B. what to deal
C. how do D. how he should do
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: Mike's biggest headache is what to do with his old bicycle. Both do with and deal with mean "to deal with" and "to deal with", but do is a transitive verb and can take an object, while deal is an intransitive verb and cannot take an object. It is customary to express "how to deal with it", and what to can be used do with and how to do with.
Often used when talking about an activity that takes a while or is repeated, the form do+verb-ing, eg: do some shopping.There is always a "determinant" before the verb -ing at this time.Example: This evening I think I'II stay at home and do some reading.I want to stay at home and read some books tonight. "It is good for someone and something", English is "do somebody or something-thing good", or "do good to somebody or something".Similar structures include "dosomebody, something harmful (harmful to someone and something)", "do wrong to somebody (wronged someone)".Such phrases are often used in such constructions that the verb needs to use the corresponding passive construction. do/does/did is used as an auxiliary verb to strengthen the tone in an affirmative sentence, and the verb behind it should be restored to its original form. "do" can also be used in imperative sentences to the same effect.Example: Does your brother get upat six?Does your brother get up at 6 o'clock?
door door; passage
out of doors
doorbell doorbell/doormat doormat/doorway door
double doubles t, doubles, doubles
doul (=) + ble (plus) = double, double
The number of the students___in this school.
A. have doubled B. has doubled
C. are doubled D. were doubled
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: The number of students in this school has doubled.Subject-verb agreement in this question. The number is used as the subject in the sentence to indicate "total quantity", and the predicate verb should be in the singular third person form.In options C and D, double should not use the passive voice, so only option B is correct.
doubt doubt; doubt, suspicion; doubt
down down; down. along...and down
up and down back and forth; back and forth
We don't doubt___he can do a good job.
A. whetherB. thatC. howD. why
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: We have no doubt that he can do a good job.Noun clauses behind interrogative sentences and negative sentences are guided by that, and noun clauses behind affirmative sentences are guided by whether or if.
dozens A dozen (+ two)
Mrs Green went to the market and bought____eggs.
A. dozens of B. several dozen
C. several dozens D. two dozen of
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: Mrs. Green went to the market and bought several dozen eggs. Dozen is used after numerals or many, several, etc. without adding s, and after that, of is not used. Only dozens of (many, dozens) use plurals.
drag drag
drag and draw both mean "drag one, "pull". draw means to drag (in a calm manner), and drag means to drag a child, and the action is slow. drag= draw(a heavy thing) slowly esp. along the ground.
draw, draw; drag, pull; set aside, take out; deduce; make; cause, attract (to a certain direction) move, come
draw in (car or train) arrive at the station/draw on use, use; suck, smoke (cigarette)/draw up draft, formulate; (make) stop/draw a conclusion draw a conclusion/draw a veil over avoid talking , to hide/draw back retreat/draw from(out) out of words/draw near close, near/draw to a close is about to end
The "picture writing"___long long ago is hard for us to understand today.
A. drawing
C. to draw
B. to be drawn
D. drawn
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: The hieroglyphs of long, long ago are difficult for us to understand now.When the relationship between the verb and the noun it modifies is passive, if it refers to an action that happened in the past, use the past participle as the attributive; if it refers to the action that is happening now, use the passive form of the present participle as the attributive; if Refers to a future action, using the passive form of the infinitive as an attributive.
drawing drawing, graphic, mechanical drawing, sketch
dream dream, want to dream, dream, desire
dream of/dream about
To dream, English is used to use "have. dream.. But there is also the usage of the cognate object dream a dream, which means "what kind of dream did you have?" Example: I had a dream last night. I had a dream last night.
dress dress; wear; women's clothing
dress in wear/dress up dress up
blouse blouse/skirt skirt/miniskirt mini skirt
Mary____her little sister every morning.
a. wears B. puts on
C. was dressed in C}.dresses
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Mary dresses her little sister every morning. dress sb.To dress someone; be dressed in state.
dress dress someone. , English is. dress sb. be dressed in(colour)" means "wearing clothes of...color", emphasizing a state. When expressing the action of "putting on clothes of...color", get dressed in... is often used. Example: He is old enough to dress him-self.He grows up and can wear clothes by himself. Example: Who's the old lady dressed in green9 Who's the old lady in green clothes? When dress is a countable noun, it means what women and children wear Clothes. When it is an uncountable noun, it is mainly used to refer to some special types of clothes, and it does not distinguish between men and women.
Drill drills (holes) on...; drills
It takes a lot of___to play the piano well.
A. practiceB. drillC. trainD. exercise
Parse answer A.It takes a lot of practice to play the piano well. Drill means systematic and guided repeated training on a single skill or technique; train refers to systematic training on a certain aspect, the purpose is to enable them to master a certain skill or industry knowledge proficiently, and prepare for a certain future. to prepare for this kind of work; exercIse refers to physical and mental exercise, sometimes as "schoolwork exercises"; practice mainly as "practice" explanation.
drink drink, drink ". drink; drink
wine red wine/beer beer/rice wlne rice wine/tea tea/juice juice/cof-fee coffee
The past tense and past participle of drink are respectively drunk. drunko drunk (=having drunk too much alcohol) is used as an adjective; in addition drunken (= caused by drinking too much alcohol) is only used as an attributive adjective.Such as: drunken driving drunken driving, a drunken brawl drunken quarrel.
drive driving; open (car, etc.)
drive at slam / drive away get rid of, drive away / drive out of drive out / drive to drive / drive off drive away; drive away
You didn't let me drive. If we____in turn, you____so tired.
A. drove; didn't get B. drove; wouldn't get
C. were driving; wouldn't get D. had driven; wouldn't have got
The analytical answer is D.The meaning of the sentence expresses the subjunctive mood of "contrary to the past facts", the subordinate clause should use had done, and the main clause should use the form of would/should/could/might have done.Therefore, the correct option for this question should be D.
When drive is used as a verb, it can be followed.Object + to do.or.Object + adjective". When drive means "ride, drive", it is followed by nouns that represent modern means of transportation. ride means "ride, ride", and it is often followed by bicycle. Example: He drives the bus from Shanghai to Hangzhou. He drives the bus The bus travels from Shanghai to Hangzhou. When drive means "force, force", it is followed by an infinitive as a compound lonely sentence. "drive somebody mad" means "to make people crazy", and mad is an adjective, which is used as an object complement.
drop down, drop; drop, a drop; bit by bit
Drop in (by) drop by/drop out exit (learn)/drop behind fall behind/drop off fall asleep, fall asleep; (let...) get off, put...down; drop, reduce
I dropped____on some friends of mine on my way home.
A. on B. at C. to D. in
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: On the way home, I stopped by to see some of my friends. drop in (on sb.) means "stop by (someone)", and other prepositions cannot be matched with it.
duck duck; duck meat
take to sth. like a duck to water like a duck to water, yes... I really like it
due; payable; expected, payable; fee
due for should get/due to be attributed to, should belong/in due course(time) after a certain time, to the proper time/give sb. The people who want to be fair/be due to pre-determined
___friend's help, we are flinging to Japan.
A. Due to B. Owing to
C. Thanks to D. Due
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: Thanks to the help of our friends, we are now able to fly to Japan. Owing to is followed by a noun component, and it is often used as an adverbial in a sentence. At this time, a comma is usually used to separate it from the main part of the sentence, because what owing to modifies is the entire sentence. Owing to can sometimes be used as a predicative, meaning "caused by...", at this time it can be used interchangeably with due to. Due to is an adjective phrase, often used as a predicate, and sometimes as an attributive. Thanks to thanks to, thankfully, mostly used for commendation.
There is not much to do there___Sundays.
A. during B. on C. for D. in
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: There is not much to do there on Sunday. on Sunday(s) on Sunday.When expressing a specific day, the preposition on is often used instead of in.
duty obligation, responsibility; task
on duty/off duty off duty, not on duty/do one's duty fulfill one's duty, perform one's duty/fail in one's duty dereliction of duty
(End of this chapter)
daily daily; daily. daily; every day, daily
everyday every day, daily / dawn dawn, breaking dawn / morning morning, morning / noon noon, noon / midday noon, noon 1 2 o'clock / evening evening, evening / night night, night / today today; now; present; contemporary / tonight tonight/tomorrow/yesterday yesterday
damage damage, damage, z.damage, damage, loss
The camera was___by his son.
A. hurt B. damaged C. wound D. destroyed
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: The camera was broken by his son. damage means to damage something. Wound refers to (a person) being injured in a battle or an attack, and there are obvious wounds on the body. Hurt refers to (a person) being injured in normal times or in accidents, and has a strong sense of pain. It also often refers to the unintentional and minor damage caused to someone's emotions by other people's words and deeds.In addition, destroy can also refer to "destroy", often referring to complete damage.Such as: The cy-clone destroyed many houses yesterday.yesterday.The cyclone destroyed many houses.From the above analysis, we can see that the correct answer is B.
danger danger, threat
in danger in danger
One of the safety measures says, “Training by yourself in a gym can be____.”
A. high dangerous B. high dangerous
C. highly dangerous D. highly dangerous
Parse answer C.例句:A safety measure states that it is dangerous to train alone in a gym.This question examines the use of adverbs. The missing words are used as predicatives in the sentence to indicate the state. Adjectives should be considered, and items B and D can be excluded first. High is used as an adverb to indicate the specific high in orientation, and highly is mostly used in abstract methods. " Highly", so C should be selected.
cleinds dangerous
danger (dangerous) + Ous (adjective suffix) dangerous
danger/safe/safety/unsafe/life/die/dead/death/hang/drown/kill/murder/starve starve
He____through the forest alone.
A. dare to walk B. dare to walk
C. dares to walk D. dares walking
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: He dared to walk through the forest alone.Examine the usage of the special modal verb dare. Both dare and need can be used as modal verbs and substantive verbs. The modal verbs and substantive verbs of dare are not used together with doing, so option D is wrong. Dare, like the predicate verb, must be consistent with the subject in terms of person and number, so A and B are also wrong.
dare is used as a modal verb only in the present tense.When used in the past tense, it must be used according to the rules of general action verbs.Example: He didn't dare to come last night.He dared not come last night. I dare say means "I think, I think it is", and it is only used with I.Example: I dare say you are British But you still need a passport to prove it.I think you're British, but you'll have to show your passport to prove it.
dark, dusk, night
in the dark
goodness goodness, beauty/likenes#similar/greatness great/friendli-ness friendly, friendly/kindness kindness, kindness/emptiness emptiness, hollowness/likeness similar, similar/softness softness/weakness cowardice, fatigue/blindness blindness
It's difficult for us to see things____.
A. dark B. in blackness
C. on black D. in the darkness
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: It is difficult for us to see things in the dark. in the darkness is an idiomatic expression in the dark. dark - generally refers to the darkness of light; black - generally refers to the color black.
out of date outdated (style), obsolete/to date up so far/up to date modern, keeping up with the times, in line with the latest developments/date back to can be traced back to, is the beginning of the era/date from. ,.has existed since a certain period of time (has)
Mary had a___with her new secretary.
A. dateB. dailyC. daytimeD. daylight
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: Mary has an appointment with her new secretary. date means appointment; daily means daily, daily; daytime means daytime (often used in conjunction with the); daylight means dawn, daytime.
dawn breaks dawn, (the sky) lights up, dawn, dawn
The book is about the___of civilization.
A. downB. daybreakC. sunriseD. dawn
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: This book is about the beginning of human civilization. Dawn means "dawn, dawn", which can be used as a metaphor for the beginning of a new life or a new era; down means "T, downward"; daybreak means "dawn", emphasizing the moment when the morning light first emerges; sunrise means "sunrise ", emphasizing the moment when the sun appeared.
day (one) day; daytime, daytime
by day during the day; during the day/day and night/in those days in the past; in those openings/one day (past or future) a certain day/the day after tomorrow/the day before yesterday/the day before yesterday/the a few days before other day/to this day until today/a rainy day may encounter a difficult day; rainy day/by the day counted by the day/day after day day after day, day by day/some day someday, someday /to a day exactly, exactly/one day (past or future) a certain day
daybook running book/break dawn/daydream fantasy, daydream/daylight daytime, daylight/daylong all day/dayman casual worker or day shift person/dayroom lounge, entertainment room/daystar morning star/daytime daytime, daytime/ chairday old age/fullday full day/halfday half day/layday loading and unloading day/midday at noon
daylight dawn, daytime, daylight
bring into daylight make... public
dead dead, inanimate; bad.useless; numb
He___for ten years
A. diedB. was deadC. has been deadD. has died
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: It has been ten years since he died.Among the above options, die is a transient verb and is not used together with the adverbial expressing a period of time. For ten years expressing a period of time should use the perfect tense, so only C is correct.
deadly extremely dangerous, deadly, lethal
The shock was____to him.
A. dead B. deadly C. deal D. debt
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: This blow was fatal to him. Deadly refers to "extremely dangerous, which can cause death"; dead means "dead, insensitive"; deal is a verb, meaning "processing, arrangement", often used in conjunction with with; debt means "to owe a debt" .
deaf; unwilling to listen to other people's opinions, pretending to be deaf
turn a deaf ear ignore
deal treatment; processing; distribution, t.quantity
a good ( great ) deal many, a lot, ... much / deal in management / deal with processing, discussing, involving / a great deal of equivalent
The problem of____become a serious one.
A. dealing with waste plastics have
B. deal with waste plastics have
C. dealing with waste plastics has
D. to deal with waste plastics has
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: How to deal with waste plastics has become an important issue.Examine prepositional objects.Neither option B nor D can be used as a prepositional object, and the predicate verb in option A uses plural by mistake.
a great(good)deal of only modifies uncountable nouns, and a large(great)number of or a good(great)man can be used when modifying countable nouns. Example: They talked a great deal about the problem.They talked a lot about this subject.
sentence sb. to death sentence someone to death
death expresses general sense or abstract sense.die. , is an uncountable noun; if it indicates a certain type of death or how many people died, it is a countable noun.
decide: make up your mind
de (indicates strengthening meaning) +cide (cutting, cutting off) decision, ruling
She___buy a color TV.
A. decided
C. determined
B. decided to
D. made up her mind
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: She decided to buy a color TV. decide - generally refers to making a decision after discussing, thinking or asking to eliminate differences or eliminate hesitation, and can only be directly used as a guest training with the infinitive. de-termine determines, decides, stipulates. make up one's mind make up your mind, make up your mind.
decision decision; determination
make a decision about make a decision about...
deed behavior, deeds
do a good deed do a good deed/do the deed put into action, take effect
defeat defeat, defeat, setback, failure ij.defeat, defeat, overcome
He seldom____you in the game, did he?
No. he didn't.
A. bestB. defeatC. lostD. won
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning:—he rarely beats you in the game, does he?one yes.Among the above options: beat sb.Defeat someone; defeat defeat, beat, and then usually followed by words such as competition, debate; lose (lost) - generally followed by words such as competition, competition, which means "lose...". win to win, to win, followed by words such as competition, debate, battle, prize, money, etc.Based on the meaning of the question, A should be selected.
defense, defense, protection (p/.) fortification, protection
in defense of defending..., defending for...
fenceless undefended, defenseless
We must strengthen our____on the western border.
A. defenses B. defects C. defeats D. defenders
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: We must strengthen the fortifications on the western border. Defense means fortification, protection; defect means shortcoming, defect; defeat means victory, defeat; defender means defendant.
defend; defense (sports)
de (= away away from) + fend (fight) to defend, defend
defend sb. from sth.protect... from... /defend against - defend against... against
undefended solitary/defender; defender, defender/pro-tect protection/guard
The dog____the child night and day.
A. defends B. defended
C. guards D. guarded
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: The dog guards the child day and night. guard guards, vigilance, from the meaning of the question, the past tense should be used, so D is the correct answer.
degree degree: degree
take/receive a degreeGet a degree/by degrees gradually
delay delay, delay, c.delay, delay, delay
without delay immediately, without delay
late/slow/put off delayed
Mary decided to delay____until next month.
A. her to leave B. her leaving
C. her to be left D. for her to leave
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: Mary decided to postpone her departure (date) until next month. When delay is used as a verb, the object followed by it must be expressed in the form of a gerund, so the correct answer to this question is B.
delay (used as a noun) is usually followed by in doing sth. , but not to do sth.Or of doing sth. . When delay is used as a transitive verb, its object can be a noun or a gerund, but the infinitive cannot be used.
delight happy, happy; fun one c7.make happy
delight in like to do..., take pleasure in.../to be delighted at(by) hear...and be delighted to do/be delighted to do/take delight in to...for pleasure/to our delight We are happy/with delight gladly, happily
delightful/glad/please make happy/pleased/merry/gay/enjoyable/happy/satisfied
Margaret's parents were delighted____the news that their daughter had pas-sed the exam.
A. on B. at C. with D. in
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: Margaret's parents were delighted to hear that their daughter had passed the exam. Be delighted at is a fixed phrase, which means "to be happy for...", so choose B.
deliver deliver, deliver; release, save; make (lecture), express; deliver, give birth to...
de (intensify meaning) + liver (= liber liberty) release, deliver
deliver from rescued from... to get rid of/deliverover(up)(to) handover, hand over
We can___goods to your door.
A. pass B. relay C. deliver D. release
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: We can deliver goods to your door. Deliver means "delivery, transmission", mostly referring to sending letters, parcels, etc. or delivering them to a certain place; pass mostly refers to "delivering items or messages by hand or mouth"; relay - generally refers to "transmitting or delivering by radio Pass the message to a place in equal distance"; release means "release".
demand: need, need, need
meet the demand of meet the requirements of ... / in demand have demand, good market
ask request/beg beg, request/request request/require requires/com-mand command/order command/obey obedience/disobey disobedience/application application/need requirement/requirement needs
I demanded that Bob___there at once.
A. went B. to go C. go D. goes
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: I ask Bob to go there immediately.In the object clauses behind the verbs such as demand, suggest, or-der, require, and request, the predicate should use the subjunctive mood, that is, (should) + the original form of the animal. The correct answer is C. When demand is followed by that clause, the subjunctive mood is used. In addition, demand can be followed by an infinitive, but it cannot be followed by a form of a verb.
When demand is followed by that sentence, the predicate of the clause uses should plus the original form of the verb, or omit should and keep the original form of the verb. demand+ sb. +to do is wrong usage, but it can be said demand of sb. to do sth. ; The infinitive form of the verb can be used after demand, but the -ing form of the verb cannot be used.Example: She demanded to speak to the manager.She asked to speak to the manager.
depend on, depend on; believe, trust
de (below)+pend (suspension) depend on, depend on
depend on(upon)depend on, depend on/dependon(upon)it no doubt, yes
Dependence relies on /support support, maintains /oppose against, resists /against against; disagrees with /battle, campaign, struggle, battle /fight; combat /struggle struggle; struggle; struggle /war war /peace peace; quiet
Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?
A. all depends B. all depends
C. is all dependent D. is all dependent
The analytical answer is B. It all depends.It is a fixed usage, meaning "depending on the actual situation".
Depend is followed by the preposition on or upon, indicating.Rely on, I believe that depend on /upon cannot be directly followed by the object clause guided by that. If you want to follow the that clause, the it form object usually precedes it.Example: Whether he comes or not depends on it that if he is free.Whether he comes depends on his availability.But depend on /upon can be followed by an object clause guided by a connecting adverb, which means "depending on...". "Depend on" constitutes a fixed collocation. When expressing a passive meaning, the preposition on/upon cannot be omitted.Example: Japanese industry depends on foreign countries for natural materials.Japanese industry is dependent on natural resources from abroad. 0depend on The object clause guided by the face cannot be guided by the conjunction if but by whether.Example: It depends on whether you are willing to pay a high price for it.It depends on whether you are willing to pay a high price for this thing.
depth deep, depth
dep (= deep) ten th (noun suffix) depth
in depth/out of one's depth can't understand
describe describe, describe, narrate
described to describe/described to... 一. as_ describe as/be described as
deion describe, describe, describe
de (enhance meaning) + (=scrib, write) + ion (noun suffix) describe the narrative
beyond deion indescribable
The scenery was beautiful beyond___.
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: The scenery is indescribably beautiful. Beyond deion refers to "indescribable, indescribable"; demonstration means "demonstration, performance"; instruction means "teaching, instruction, instruction"; designation means "appointment, appointment, name".
flee from (a place), escape/escape escape, escape/hide hide; hide/avoid avoid/abandon abandon
design design; drawing
designable distinguishable, identifiable /designedly intentional, planned /designer designer, cartographer
desire desire, desire, want, require
It is desired that Mr. Li____his plan.
A. carry out B. can carry out
C. carries out D. has carried out
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: Everyone is eager for Mr. Li to carry out his plan. it is desired, it is suggested, it is requested, it is necessary, it has been decided. it is a shame, it is strange. The predicate verbs in the clauses after it lS no wonder and other structures often use the original form of the verb or should+the original form of the verb, so choose A.
desk desk; writing desk
Desk refers to a table used for reading and writing. table refers to a table for eating.Example: They were at table when l went in.They were eating when I went in.
destroy destroy, destroy; eliminate, put out; break, crush
de (opposite) + stroy (= struct build) destroy, destroy
cdestroyer destroyer/ruin destruction, destruction/damage damage
All his hopes were___.
A. damagedB. rainedC. spoiledD. destroyed
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: All his hopes were dashed. Destroy means "breaking, shattering", and is often used as a metaphor for the shattering of hopes, plans, etc., and is often used in passive structures; damage mostly refers to the destruction of appearance, value, usability and integrity, and it cannot be said that all his hopes have been damaged; ruln mostly refers to something damaged to the extent that it can no longer be repaired; spoil refers to the use of something that is completely destroyed due to "damage" or "spoilment".
determine decision, determination
determinatlon determination/decide decision
To be an effective teacher, one needs to know how to convey the material and___it has been understood.
A. know how to determine whether or not
B. he needs to determine whether or not
C. how to determine whether or not
D. how determine whether or not
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: As an influential teacher, you must know how to impart knowledge and how to prove whether it is understood by students.This sentence examines the understanding of the structure of the sentence, and connects the two how to. . .The same structure, so that only the keyword how needs to be repeated, but know does not need to be repeated.So choose C.
de (enhancing meaning) + term (limitation) +ation (noun suffix) limit, decide
develop development; growth; development
de (not, not, on the contrary) + velop (package) unfold, develop
developing country developing country/developed country developed country
Land animals are believed to have____sea animals.
A.been developed fromB.beendeveloped
C. developed from D. developed into
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: Land animals are thought to have evolved from sea animals.The development of animals is active, and the passive voice cannot be used. The option AB should be excluded first; it means from... (development), use from instead of into, option D is also a wrong option.The correct answer is C.
development development, development
He was concerned for the___of the country's science.
A. develop B. develop
C. development D. developments
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: He is concerned about the development of science in the country.The definite article the should be followed by a noun. A, B, and D are all inconsistent, and only C is the most suitable for the meaning of the question.
Devote to... Dedication; Dedicated to... Concentrate on; Dedicate
Devote to dedicate to... Dedicated to; use... to; dedicated to/devote oneself to (= be devoted to) dedicated to..., dedicated to...
Her son, to whom she was so___, went abroad ten years ago.
The parsed answer is C.In this question, to whom she was so devoted uses non-restrictive attributive clauses.Devote to in this sentence means: I like it very much. Love is a transitive verb and does not need a preposition.
devoteto yes.Put...into, in this structure, to is a preposition, so the infinitive cannot be used after to, but the gerund is required.Example: They devote them-selves entirely to the study of science.They are completely dedicated to scientific research. Odevote is a transitive verb. Note that its object is usually a noun of time, money, energy, labor, life, etc. It can also be a reflexive pronoun, but it cannot be something done with time or energy.Example: Some of them were
devoted to the study of natural science.Some of them specialize in natural sciences.
dia (between the two) + log (speech, language) dialogue
Address Speech, address /say, talk /speak; speak (a certain language) /tell tell; tell about /talk talk, talk /chat chat /conversation talk; talk /whisper whisper; whisper; whispered /shout , shouting/cheer (for...) cheering/scream high-pitched screaming (sound)/pronounce pronunciation/accent accent; pitch/read reading; recitation/recite recitation; narrative/oral oral oral; oral/spoken oral, Spoken /repeat repetition; re-speak, redo
Plays are written in___.
A. speakB. conversationC. dialogueD. talk
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: A script is written in dialogue. Dialogue mostly refers to the written dialogue between characters in dramas and novels or the negotiation or exchange of opinions between two or more characters. This sentence refers to the dialogue in the script; conversation means "conversation", in which people exchange information and communicate Feelings, etc.; talk means "speech, speech"; speak means "talk, talk".
die, die; wither;
die away gradually disappears/die down gradually weakens/die for dedicates to...; dies for.../die from dies in.../die of dies in.../die out disappears; perishes; extinction; ceases to exist
cover cover/page shell, page number/leaf (books, etc.) page
How many people does the doctor know who____of the disease?
A. is dying B. dies C. has died D, are dying
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Doctors know how many people are going to die of disease?The antecedent of the sentence who should be people, and the predicate verb should be consistent with the subject. A, B, and C are all incorrect, and only D fits the meaning of the question.
Die is an intransitive verb, emphasizing action, and its past tense and past participle forms died cannot be used with linking verbs.Indicates the fact that "someone dies", emphasizes the state, and uses the "be dead" family table structure. Die is a terminating verb, that is, the action expressed by the verb is short-lived.Common such verbs are go, come, arrlve, leave, start, begin, join, borrow, lend, buy, return, etc.The present perfect tense of finite verbs cannot be used with adverbials expressing a period of time.If you need to use the present perfect tense
When , the predicate verb should be replaced with a continuous verb expressing the state.The predicate verb can also be changed to the simple past tense, and the adverbial of time can be adjusted accordingly.Example: His mother has been dead for three years. His mother has been dead for three years.
difference difference, difference
dif (separate) + fer (take, hold) + ence (noun suffix) different, difference
make some (any, no) difference some (any, no) relationship / make a (some) difference to meaningful, work / make a difference between. . , right... the difference
Treat/difference of. . .There is a difference in ... /difference with and ... There is a difference, there is controversy
extra special; extra /extremely pole, very /special special, special /particularly special, especially /curious weird; wonderful /strange strange; strange /type type; style/kind kind/sort kind; category /variety variability; diversity/different/identical is exactly the same, the same/same, the same/like; the same as.../as the same/similar
different different; another
dif (separate) + fer (take, hold) + ent (adjective suffix) different, different
different from is different from...
difficult. difficult, difficult
Difficult in (doing) in (doing) ... Difficult / difficult of (doing) (doing) ... / in difficult / on difficult
hard/easy/troublesome/difficult/tough; difficult/heavy/trouble/worried
dig digging
dig in to dig trenches/dig into to study deeply/dig out to dig out, to find out/dig up to turn over, to dig, to dig out; to dig out, to find out/dig for to find out
digest summary, abstract
He sent her a(an)____of the two-volume novel including the most exciting scenes.
A. summary B. outline C. digest D. conclusion
Parsing the answer Co sentence meaning: The abbreviated version of a two-volume novel he gave her has the most fascinating scenes. Digest means "summary", which means that after the unimportant details of a book or an article are omitted, only the original exciting parts are kept; summary means "summary", which means to summarize the main content in words different from the original text, The outline does not necessarily contain details; outline means "outline, outline", and the outline will not include details such as the most fascinating scenes; conclusion means "conclusion, end".Obviously, A, B, and D are all wrong.
dinner dinner
have a dinner for lunch
Generally speaking, the daily three meals a day are not modified with articles.But a specific meal must use a definite article, and it can also be modified with a possessive pronoun.Example: When do you have the/your dinnercl When do you have dinner?
direct management; command, command; director; pointing, pointing, - straight, direct; the nearest "c, u. directly
dir (= through) + rect (positive, correct) instruction, pointing to the direction
direction direction, location/director director; director/directory name and address book/redirect to change, to change/redirection transfer call mouth 1/interview interview, meet/visit visit; visit/introduce introduction/conduct guide, lead/guide guide, Guide; lead, guide/lead lead, guide; lead to/show instructions; guide, guide/indirect directly directly directly/form form, shape/shape shape, form/figure shape, graphics/round round, spherical/ around 茌... around, in... around /circle circle, circle/surround, enclose /square square/bend; bend down/bow bow; bend/straight straight; straightly; always
Light travels____lines unless it is reflected.
A. by directB. at directC. with straightD. in straight
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Unless it is reflected, light always travels in a straight line. In here means "in the form of..."; straight lines straight line; direct (adj.) direct, not appropriate here; with cannot express direction.
direction direction; orientation
east east/west west/south south/north north/above on.../over on...above (above)/on on.../up up, upwards/upstairs to upstairs, upstairs/up-wards Upwardly/below in...below/under in...below;underneath,beneath/beneathbeneath/downdown,downward/leftleft;left/rightrightright;right/inin ...inside, in...inside/indoor /into of the interior to...meat; become /outout (out); in the outside /outward to the outside /bottom bottom, bottom; rear /border edge, boundary /limit boundary, limit/edge side, edge/corner corner, corner/centre center, center/middle middle, middle/among in...middle/between between...(both)/before in front of.../front front, front; front/forward forward, forward
director director, factory director, dean, etc.; director, instructor
direct (guidance) +or (...) the instructor, the director
composer film composer/cartoonist animation painter/make-up artist makeup artist/conductor band conductor/producer producer/assistant producer assistant producer
As one of the____of the company, he often had to attend Board meetings.
A. headmastersB.directorsC.governorsD.officers
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: As one of the directors of the company, he has to attend the board of directors frequently. Directors can refer to "(management company's) directors". Headmasters means "(secondary or elementary school) principal"; governors means "provincial governor, governor"; officers means "staff, civil servants".
dirt filth, dirt, dust
fling(throw)dirt at(on) speak ill of (person), slander/treat sb. like dirt treat someone as worthless
dirtwagon garbage truck/dust dust/ash ash/rubbish garbage/waste waste
Dusty is full of dust/smelly smelly/clean wipes clean, cleans up... cleans up/clear; cleans up, makes clean/neat neat, tidy/tidy neat, neat
disagree different opinions; do not agree
dis (remove, not) +agree (agree) do not agree to dispute
disagree about disagree with something/disagree with sb. (sth.) with opinions
disagreeable unpleasant/disagreement argument/disapprove disapproval/oppose against/be against against
The difference between disapprove and disagree is that disapprove is used as a transitive verb "not to approve, not to agree", which generally refers to the authority's "disapproval" of a measure, the opinion of the superior to the subordinate, and the request of the elder to the younger; disapprove is followed by the preposition of , meaning "disapproval, disapproval", expressing the outsider's opinion based on the person concerned; disagree is used for disapproval between equal relationships, followed by common-eye prepositions with, about, on (disagree is an intransitive verb) and disagree is followed by with Means "inconsistent, inappropriate, (food, climate, etc.) inappropriate".
disappearance disappears, disappears/lose loses/miss loses/absence is absent, not in
Disappoint to disappoint; make (plans, etc.) fail
Dis (no) + appointment (appointment) not appoint a disappointment
Dis (not) + appointment (appointment) + ed (adjective suffix) disappointed
disappointed disappointed /disappointment disappointment; disappointing person or thing /disappointing disappointing /despair despair/hopeless hopeless
The film made all of us___.It is really___.
A.disappointing; disappointed
B. disappointed; to be disappointed
D. fell di Sappointing; disappointing
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: This movie let us all down, it really is too disappointing.Master the usage of past participle for passive and present participle for active.The first item of options A and D cannot express our relationship with disappointment (passive relationship), and only item C is consistent with the meaning of the sentence.
Disppointing is often used as an adjective, meaning.disappointed. , its subject is often a thing or thing; disappointed is also often used as an adjective, meaning "disappointed", and its subject is often a person.Its usage is similar to interesting and interested.
discover discovers; discovers
dis (remove, remove) + cover (cover) found, see
The corn, potato and tomato are plants that were first___in America by Columbus.
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: Corn, potatoes and tomatoes were the first plants discovered by Columbus in America.The purpose of this question is to test vocabulary analysis. Invent is "invention", which means that it did not exist before; discover is "discovery", which means that it has existed before but has not been discovered.According to the meaning of the sentence, the three plants were not invented for the first time, but discovered for the first time, so the answer is C.
discovery discovery
discovery/discoverer/find/recover/find out/find up/realize/notice/invent/create
discuss; discuss
The chairman insisted that we____the question again.
A. will discuss B. to discuss
C. should discuss D. will be discussed
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: The chairman insisted that we discuss this issue again. suggest, order, demand, propose, command. The object clause predicates after verbs such as request, desire, and msist often use the original form of the verb or should+the original form of the verb.So choose C.
discuss is a transitive verb, and the preposition about cannot be added, for example: They discussed selling the house.They discussed selling the house.But the noun discussion requires the preposition about.Example: We held a discussion about our future plans.We discuss our future plans.
ill disease/illness disease/trouble disease/cold cold/fever fever/ache pain/cough cough/pain pain
The business of doctor is to prevent and cure___.
A. sicknessB. illnessC. diseaseD. sick
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: The bounden duty of a doctor is to prevent and cure diseases. sickness - generally only means an abstract disease or sick state. Disease and illness are often used synonymously; illness actually refers to the state of "illness"; disease refers to "disease" and may be contagious.Therefore, what is popular is disease, and the result of contagious disease is illness.
dislike dislike, dislike, dislike, dislike
dis (not) + like (like) hate, don't like
have a dislike of(for) dislike, hate/likes and dislikes likes and dislikes/take a dislike to hate
like like; hope, want/fond favorite/love love, like/admire admiration; envy; praise/respect respect, respect/worship worship, admiration/appreciate gratitude; appreciation, appreciation/honour respect/hobby hobby/bored /hate hate, unwilling, dislike/envy envy; jealous
Some women have a____of snakes.
A. disasterB. disgrace
C. disable D. dislike
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Some women hate it. have a dislike of exhaustion means "hate, dislike, dislike"; disaster means "disaster, disaster"; disgrace means "shame"; disable means "to disable" and is a verb.
distance distance
at a distance separated by a (small) distance/in the distance in the distance;/keep a certain distance away(from)keep a certain distance/quite a distance quite a distance
equidistance equidistance/outdistance far behind/pace-step distance/way distance/route road, route
distant; far away
faraway far away/far far/near near...; near/nearby near/close near/next nearest/by near, beside.../beside beside...
disturb disturb, disturb; disturb
disturb about because of ... trouble / be disturbed about to ... feel disturbed / be disturbed in disturb
dive diving; dive; dive, swoop
He ran towards the seaside and____into the water.
A. divedB. sank
C. headed D. bathed
The analytical answer is A.The meaning of the question is "he ran to the beach and dived into the sea". dived into the water dived into the water.
divide, separate; divide; divide
divideand will...separate/divide...among... between.../
divide...into divide...into.../divide...from with.../dividewith_with.../divide up
They___the money____from a rich man in half.
A. divideup; stealB.divided; stolen
C. divided; stealing D. separate; stealing
Parsing answer B, sentence meaning: They divided the money they stole from a rich man equally.Examine the difference between verbs. divide mostly refers to the average "separation", separate refers to "separation"; the past participle stolen is used as a post-attributive here, indicating stolen money.Therefore, options A, C, and D are wrong, and option B is the correct answer.
do one's best do one's best/do sb. a favor to help someone a favor/do some sight—seeing tour/do with deal with; disposal/do wrong doing bad things; crime/do some cleaning (cook-ing/shopping) do some cleaning (cooking/shopping)/do well in doing well in / do_a—bout taking some kind of action on / do away with abolishing, removing / do fine doing well and living well / do good is good / do harm is harmful and bad / do sb. good is good for .../do sb. the hono-ur makes someone have a special honor/do a good deed to do a good deed/do up tidy up, tidy up; bag, bundle, pack/be done with thread bundle/do without... also OK, will do/have nothing to do with
have nothing to do with ... have something to do with have (dot) relationship with ...
Mike's biggest headache is____with his old bike.
A. what to do B. what to deal
C. how do D. how he should do
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: Mike's biggest headache is what to do with his old bicycle. Both do with and deal with mean "to deal with" and "to deal with", but do is a transitive verb and can take an object, while deal is an intransitive verb and cannot take an object. It is customary to express "how to deal with it", and what to can be used do with and how to do with.
Often used when talking about an activity that takes a while or is repeated, the form do+verb-ing, eg: do some shopping.There is always a "determinant" before the verb -ing at this time.Example: This evening I think I'II stay at home and do some reading.I want to stay at home and read some books tonight. "It is good for someone and something", English is "do somebody or something-thing good", or "do good to somebody or something".Similar structures include "dosomebody, something harmful (harmful to someone and something)", "do wrong to somebody (wronged someone)".Such phrases are often used in such constructions that the verb needs to use the corresponding passive construction. do/does/did is used as an auxiliary verb to strengthen the tone in an affirmative sentence, and the verb behind it should be restored to its original form. "do" can also be used in imperative sentences to the same effect.Example: Does your brother get upat six?Does your brother get up at 6 o'clock?
door door; passage
out of doors
doorbell doorbell/doormat doormat/doorway door
double doubles t, doubles, doubles
doul (=) + ble (plus) = double, double
The number of the students___in this school.
A. have doubled B. has doubled
C. are doubled D. were doubled
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: The number of students in this school has doubled.Subject-verb agreement in this question. The number is used as the subject in the sentence to indicate "total quantity", and the predicate verb should be in the singular third person form.In options C and D, double should not use the passive voice, so only option B is correct.
doubt doubt; doubt, suspicion; doubt
down down; down. along...and down
up and down back and forth; back and forth
We don't doubt___he can do a good job.
A. whetherB. thatC. howD. why
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: We have no doubt that he can do a good job.Noun clauses behind interrogative sentences and negative sentences are guided by that, and noun clauses behind affirmative sentences are guided by whether or if.
dozens A dozen (+ two)
Mrs Green went to the market and bought____eggs.
A. dozens of B. several dozen
C. several dozens D. two dozen of
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: Mrs. Green went to the market and bought several dozen eggs. Dozen is used after numerals or many, several, etc. without adding s, and after that, of is not used. Only dozens of (many, dozens) use plurals.
drag drag
drag and draw both mean "drag one, "pull". draw means to drag (in a calm manner), and drag means to drag a child, and the action is slow. drag= draw(a heavy thing) slowly esp. along the ground.
draw, draw; drag, pull; set aside, take out; deduce; make; cause, attract (to a certain direction) move, come
draw in (car or train) arrive at the station/draw on use, use; suck, smoke (cigarette)/draw up draft, formulate; (make) stop/draw a conclusion draw a conclusion/draw a veil over avoid talking , to hide/draw back retreat/draw from(out) out of words/draw near close, near/draw to a close is about to end
The "picture writing"___long long ago is hard for us to understand today.
A. drawing
C. to draw
B. to be drawn
D. drawn
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: The hieroglyphs of long, long ago are difficult for us to understand now.When the relationship between the verb and the noun it modifies is passive, if it refers to an action that happened in the past, use the past participle as the attributive; if it refers to the action that is happening now, use the passive form of the present participle as the attributive; if Refers to a future action, using the passive form of the infinitive as an attributive.
drawing drawing, graphic, mechanical drawing, sketch
dream dream, want to dream, dream, desire
dream of/dream about
To dream, English is used to use "have. dream.. But there is also the usage of the cognate object dream a dream, which means "what kind of dream did you have?" Example: I had a dream last night. I had a dream last night.
dress dress; wear; women's clothing
dress in wear/dress up dress up
blouse blouse/skirt skirt/miniskirt mini skirt
Mary____her little sister every morning.
a. wears B. puts on
C. was dressed in C}.dresses
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Mary dresses her little sister every morning. dress sb.To dress someone; be dressed in state.
dress dress someone. , English is. dress sb. be dressed in(colour)" means "wearing clothes of...color", emphasizing a state. When expressing the action of "putting on clothes of...color", get dressed in... is often used. Example: He is old enough to dress him-self.He grows up and can wear clothes by himself. Example: Who's the old lady dressed in green9 Who's the old lady in green clothes? When dress is a countable noun, it means what women and children wear Clothes. When it is an uncountable noun, it is mainly used to refer to some special types of clothes, and it does not distinguish between men and women.
Drill drills (holes) on...; drills
It takes a lot of___to play the piano well.
A. practiceB. drillC. trainD. exercise
Parse answer A.It takes a lot of practice to play the piano well. Drill means systematic and guided repeated training on a single skill or technique; train refers to systematic training on a certain aspect, the purpose is to enable them to master a certain skill or industry knowledge proficiently, and prepare for a certain future. to prepare for this kind of work; exercIse refers to physical and mental exercise, sometimes as "schoolwork exercises"; practice mainly as "practice" explanation.
drink drink, drink ". drink; drink
wine red wine/beer beer/rice wlne rice wine/tea tea/juice juice/cof-fee coffee
The past tense and past participle of drink are respectively drunk. drunko drunk (=having drunk too much alcohol) is used as an adjective; in addition drunken (= caused by drinking too much alcohol) is only used as an attributive adjective.Such as: drunken driving drunken driving, a drunken brawl drunken quarrel.
drive driving; open (car, etc.)
drive at slam / drive away get rid of, drive away / drive out of drive out / drive to drive / drive off drive away; drive away
You didn't let me drive. If we____in turn, you____so tired.
A. drove; didn't get B. drove; wouldn't get
C. were driving; wouldn't get D. had driven; wouldn't have got
The analytical answer is D.The meaning of the sentence expresses the subjunctive mood of "contrary to the past facts", the subordinate clause should use had done, and the main clause should use the form of would/should/could/might have done.Therefore, the correct option for this question should be D.
When drive is used as a verb, it can be followed.Object + to do.or.Object + adjective". When drive means "ride, drive", it is followed by nouns that represent modern means of transportation. ride means "ride, ride", and it is often followed by bicycle. Example: He drives the bus from Shanghai to Hangzhou. He drives the bus The bus travels from Shanghai to Hangzhou. When drive means "force, force", it is followed by an infinitive as a compound lonely sentence. "drive somebody mad" means "to make people crazy", and mad is an adjective, which is used as an object complement.
drop down, drop; drop, a drop; bit by bit
Drop in (by) drop by/drop out exit (learn)/drop behind fall behind/drop off fall asleep, fall asleep; (let...) get off, put...down; drop, reduce
I dropped____on some friends of mine on my way home.
A. on B. at C. to D. in
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: On the way home, I stopped by to see some of my friends. drop in (on sb.) means "stop by (someone)", and other prepositions cannot be matched with it.
duck duck; duck meat
take to sth. like a duck to water like a duck to water, yes... I really like it
due; payable; expected, payable; fee
due for should get/due to be attributed to, should belong/in due course(time) after a certain time, to the proper time/give sb. The people who want to be fair/be due to pre-determined
___friend's help, we are flinging to Japan.
A. Due to B. Owing to
C. Thanks to D. Due
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: Thanks to the help of our friends, we are now able to fly to Japan. Owing to is followed by a noun component, and it is often used as an adverbial in a sentence. At this time, a comma is usually used to separate it from the main part of the sentence, because what owing to modifies is the entire sentence. Owing to can sometimes be used as a predicative, meaning "caused by...", at this time it can be used interchangeably with due to. Due to is an adjective phrase, often used as a predicate, and sometimes as an attributive. Thanks to thanks to, thankfully, mostly used for commendation.
There is not much to do there___Sundays.
A. during B. on C. for D. in
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: There is not much to do there on Sunday. on Sunday(s) on Sunday.When expressing a specific day, the preposition on is often used instead of in.
duty obligation, responsibility; task
on duty/off duty off duty, not on duty/do one's duty fulfill one's duty, perform one's duty/fail in one's duty dereliction of duty
(End of this chapter)
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