Emiya Ilya

Chapter 286 6-92. The Noble Phantasm of Heroic Spirits

Chapter 286 6-92. The Noble Phantasm of Heroic Spirits

However, Ilya still made a response, constantly shooting bows and arrows.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There are continuous bursts of light explosions,
The huge explosion blocked the progress of the black shadow giant.

However, after the giant in front was blocked, the giant behind rushed up, and there was no end in sight.

What Illya did was just a drop in the bucket, and the torrent of the shadow giant was irresistible.


Seeing the crowd of giants rushing towards her, Ilya said nothing, but her face was not very good-looking.

"Hahahahaha! Tremble before this power! Despair—!"

Seeing Illya struggling to cope, Zouken Matou was genuinely excited.

"It doesn't matter how many times you watch other people struggling and suffering, you won't get tired~"

As the opening performance of realizing one's own wishes, it is quite good.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"


The black shadow giants got closer and closer to Illya, and the sound of explosions became less and less.

If you use it at a long distance, you can use "Fantasy Collapse", but if you use it at a short distance, it is undoubtedly suicide.

Although the holy relic cloth inherited from Emiya can improve some physical defense, it is not high.

(Otherwise, he wouldn't have been stabbed by Saber in the original book.)
So Illya would not make such a choice, it would be too reckless.

Unknowingly, Illya's way of thinking became more and more rational, perhaps influenced by Emiya's power?

Or, did Illya realize that that naive idea would kill more people around her?

Closer to home,
A large number of shadow giants surrounded Illya.

However, they didn't seem to be eager to attack, but slowly closed the encirclement.

You don't need to think about it, you can tell at a glance that it is Matou Zouken's idea again.

"Isn't it a pity to die like this?"

The despair of human beings is an excellent spiritual food for Zouken Matou.

"Come! Despair! Fear! Then cry out and beg!"

However, Illya disappointed Matou Zouken.

There was no trace of fear or despair on Illya's face.

Because the most hopeless things have been experienced...

I saw Ilya whispering plainly:
"Trace Overedge!"

Following Illya's words, the twin knives in Illya's hands grew longer and thicker as if scales were attached to them.

The final length was close to a meter long.

"Do you still want to do unnecessary struggle?"

Seeing this, Matou Zouken just smiled.

However, the next moment, Ilya suddenly appeared outside the circle surrounded by black shadows.


Matou Zouken didn't understand for a moment why Illya came out?

However, Matou Zouken didn't feel sorry for his age, and he understood the next moment, this is——

"Transfer? There is indeed a bit of skill!"

Matou Zouken continued to dispatch new shadow giants to rush towards Illya without haste.


At this time, Tong Zouyan seemed to have noticed something.

There are the same swords attacking him in four directions around him.

And Elijah...


Two long knives passed in front of Matou Zouken,

Blood gushed out from the wound on "Sakura"'s chest.


Before Matou Zouken could react,

Ilya actually went around behind him and launched an attack.

And after Illya succeeded in two hits,

"Pfft! Pfft!"

The scimitars coming from four directions hit Matou Zouken.

In other words, Illya's current speed is faster than the physics she throws.

"How come? Cough!"

In the blink of an eye, Matou Zouken found that his body was covered with wounds.

If he only fights in close combat, he is indeed no match for the followers now.

The best metaphor for Matou Zouken's current strength is that both "Noble Phantasm" and "magic power" have absolutely crushed followers, but in terms of physical fitness, they are no higher than ordinary followers.

But it's not so weak that you can't even catch the figure of a follower.

The only reasonable explanation is—

Ilya's speed is enough to step into the field of treasures, and it is no longer a simple physical fitness.

Even the fastest Servant of the Lancer class will not please him in front of this speed.


As if realizing that something was wrong, Matou Zouken let a black shadow completely surround him to protect him.

Originally, Matou Zouken didn't have to do this at all.

With the number of his shadows, even if Illya's speed is extra fast, it is impossible to get over the encirclement and take Matou Zouken's life.

However, he ordered that huge group of black shadows to encircle and suppress Illya.

And they are all behind Illya now.

No matter how much magic power you have, replenishing hundreds or thousands of black shadow giants at one time will not be completed in a flash.

So Matou Zouyan now has a "defenseless" state around him, and this state only lasts for half a second!
So Matou Zouken only needs to survive this half a second.

Just because you can't fight in melee doesn't mean you can fight Zouken Matou in melee

In the next moment, the ground under his feet will be covered with black mud and shadows.

Servants who are in close combat with it will lose their magic power instantly, and so will other life forms.


Half a second is enough!


Illya cut through the shadow barrier of Matou Zouken with a single knife.


"How is that possible?! The servant's treasure...!"

Matou Zouken was shocked when he saw that his shadow barrier was cut open by Illya.

How could the servant's treasure be the opponent of Sombra?

After cutting through the barrier, Illya's other knife pierced Matou Zouken's heart, or rather - Matou Sakura's heart.

"This is the treasure of the heroic spirit."

Elijah said lightly.


Hearing what Illya said, Matou Zouken seemed to understand something.

"That's impossible! Didn't you get your power from Archer?"


Illya did not answer Matou Zouken's question.

The heart was pierced and he was still breathing?

Illya will not hold back this time, and the mistakes she made cannot be repeated.

Raising the long knife in the other hand, Illya slashed at the neck of "Matou Sakura".

As long as it takes form from the Holy Grail system, it is impossible to resist the current "Matou Sakura".

The reason Matou Sakura didn't absorb Illya immediately was not that she couldn't bear it.It's because Illya's "Heroic Spirit Power" does not take the Holy Grail, so Matou Sakura will have to work harder to absorb Illya than the servants in the Holy Grail War.

It is also because of this that Illya's Noble Phantasm can get close to "Matou Sakura", and it won't even quickly turn into scrap iron.

And as for why Illya's treasure turned into scrap iron in the first place.That's just Illya deliberately doing it~ With the ability of "Matou Sakura", even if it is a Noble Phantasm that is not under the Holy Grail system, if it is just some E-class and F-class defective Noble Phantasms, it can be easily obtained. Absorb its magic.

And Illya's goal is to make Matou Zouken think that she is not a threat, and win that half second.


As the voice fell, Illya's knife also fell towards "Matou Sakura"'s neck.


And at this moment, a huge force knocked Illya away.


It was the darkened Saber.

Why did Saber suddenly appear in front of him?She's not with Berserker...

"Command spell..."

In an instant, Elijah figured it out.

"Ha~ You are really capable~ Emiya Ilya..."

"Since this is the case, the Little Holy Grail is no longer needed to absorb magic power."


"Come out! Justesa!"


(End of this chapter)

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