Emiya Ilya

Chapter 291 6-97. End?

Chapter 291 6-97. End?

Until that figure became the size of a red bean,


It was only after Liudong realized that he was being led down the mountain by the black giant.

Along the way, the giant also carried many monks on his shoulders.

On the other side, after noticing that there is no one around him,
Ilya said softly:

"Sure enough, I still can't do nothing to save the people around me."

Then Illya put the "sword" on the crossbow with peace of mind.

And at the moment Ilya put the "sword" on the bow, the golden light also restrained a lot.

But the bleakness at this moment is for better blooming!
Angled towards the sky!

Full bow!
let go--

"Shoot Nine Lives!"

It was obviously a "sword", but after being fired, it turned into nine slender rays of light.

Dragging its long golden "tail", the nine-glowing sword flew towards the sky, and finally drew an arc and fell into the hole where the black mud gushed out.

Compared with the big hole with a diameter of more than 200 meters, these nine rays are nothing at all.

1 seconds,
The black mud is still pouring out.

2 秒

The black mud is still pouring out.

These nine rays of light were like silver needles caught in the sea, without making any waves.


"Hey! Big guy! Illya is still there! Let me down!"

Looking at Mount Enzang from a distance, Liudong Yicheng finally realized the horror of the black mud.

The whole mountain was dead silent, without any life.

This also made Liu Dong uncontrollably worried about Illya's safety.

But he seems to have forgotten the fact that he can't move his feet at all now.

Berserker also ignored Liu Dong Yicheng's request, but rushed him and the dozen or so monks on him to a further place.

"Hey! You can't understand people..."


A loud sound interrupted Liu Dong Yicheng's cursing.


Looking towards the direction of Mount Enzang where the sound came from, Kassei Ryudong didn't say anything.


"Wow wow wow wow!"

The baby was woken up, crying and shouting.

"Who is it! It's so late at night! You can't let anyone sleep!"

The scolding of women!
"Wow wow wow wow!"

The barking of dogs!
"It's so noisy!"

"Who is it!"



Residential houses that had already turned off their lights were turned on again, and countless complaints spread in the city.

In an instant, Fuyuki City returned to its bustle during the day,

However, the excitement only lasted for two or three seconds, and Fuyuki City fell into silence after a while.

Because all the people who woke up did not see that——

Soaring golden beam of light!
People in Miyama Town had to poke their heads out and walk to the balcony to get a glimpse of the golden beam of light.

Otherwise, all you see is a piece of golden light.

That golden beam of light is too big,
It directly replaced the original location of Enzang Mountain.

Not only is it big, but people can't see how high the beam of light is.

Looking up, I saw that it reached the sky without end.


International Space Station,
"Huh? What's that?! Jack! Come here!"

An astronaut looked out of the window at the Earth and seemed to find something.

"What's the matter, John? What do you see?"

"This... what is this?!"

Through the window of the space capsule, looking at the Earth.

The two astronauts actually saw a golden "needle" growing on the earth, and this golden needle broke through the earth's atmosphere and reached the outer space.

"Quick! Jack! Take a picture! Quick!"

Another astronaut hurriedly said in a panic.




The golden beam of light rose upwards and lasted for several seconds before slowly disappearing.


Even though the soaring beam of light disappeared, people remained silent.

It seemed that everyone was in shock and didn't react.


"Ahhh! Why didn't I bring a camera!"

A voice broke the silence.

As if contagious, people began to complain.

"Ah, I didn't bring it either!"

"I didn't even take a picture!"


It's just that among them, Youdao's voice is a little different.


A certain black ponytail in the Fuyuki City Church was scratching his long hair with both hands in despair.

"It's over! It's over! How do you cover it up!"

Two rows of waterfalls hung on the girl's face helplessly.

"Ahhh! It's all your fault, false priest!"

The girl really wanted to kick the man in the monk's uniform on the ground.

But seeing the injuries on his body, the girl stopped her feet.

I finally rescued him from the ruins. Wouldn't it be a waste of work if I was kicked to death by myself?

The girl squatted down again to heal the man's injuries, but—

"I'm really not good at healing magic!"

The girl's desperate screams were mixed into the noisy night, but no one heard it.



In Miyama Town, Fuyuki City, a little loli dressed in red and with long silver-white hair walked forward with difficult steps.

That was the "culprit" that caused the golden beam of light - Ilya.

However, Illya's complexion doesn't look very good now.

There were also many scars on his body, as if he was too close to Excalibur and was affected by his own attack.

Her long hair was loose, and her petite face was haggard.

If the face was tender and white before, it is completely pale now.

It is also true, after being deprived of most of Illya's magic power by Justesa and projecting Excalibur, the original result should be death directly, but now it is only in poor health, which is already fortunate.


Seeing that the original location of Enzang Mountain turned into a huge pothole with a diameter of one thousand meters, Illya nodded with satisfaction.

The body of the Great Holy Grail is directly wiped from this world, and [all the evils of this world] cannot be spared.

Fortunately, Illya's goal is the Great Holy Grail, which is a kilometer underground. If it is used directly on the surface, it probably won't be a big pit of a kilometer that can solve the problem.

That's the end of the incident.

The magic power is exhausted, and the vitality is exhausted. Illya wants to take a good rest now.

However, just as the upper and lower eyelids were about to close together, a flame shone into Illya's eyes.

"This is?"

Stronging her spirits, Illya walked towards the direction of the fire.

Not far away, around a corner, Ilya came to the place where the fire came from.


Seeing everything in front of her eyes, Ilya was stunned.

Flames, burnt houses, ruins...

It seems that before Illya destroyed the Great Holy Grail, a small part of the black mud flowed into the residential area.

Elijah also realized the problem.

"No! No! No!"

screamed miserably,

Regardless of her overloaded body, Illya ran towards the ruins with her remaining strength.

Turning over the rubble, Illya tries to find survivors.

However, all the people buried under the gravel turned into black charcoal.



Feng Wuyou

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(End of this chapter)

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