Emiya Ilya

Chapter 341 7-49. Transforming God Body

Chapter 341 7-49. Transforming God Body

Seeing Ilya's surprised face, Aizen seemed to feel that the time had come, and explained:
"This is one of the most important special spiritual tools for stealth maneuvers. It's called the Zhuan Shen Body. And its function is to visualize the Death God's Zipping Knife."

"Zhanpaku knife imagery?"

Hearing Aizen's explanation, Illya repeated the words again.

After Aizen's explanation, the doubts in Illya's heart were completely solved.

"Are you really my Zanpakuto?"

Since she could see the impact of her Zanpakuto happen in front of her eyes, Illya's attention was all attracted by the 1.4-meter-high red figure in front of her for a while.

He didn't think about the origin of this "transformation body" at all, and the so-called "most important" means that even the team members who are secretly maneuvering don't know that there is such a thing in their own organization.

Including the current top boss - Broken Bee!
Otherwise, such a good thing would have been promoted in the Goutei Thirteen team long ago.

This thing is so rare, where did Aizen get it?
Elijah didn't notice this problem at all.


Regarding Illya's question, her Zanpakuto didn't say a word.

For some reason, although the hood covered most of her face, Ilya still felt that her Zanpakutō seemed to be unhappy?
Aizen continued to explain:
"Shijie needs [dialogue] and [coherence] with Zanpakuto, while Swastika needs Zanpakuto's [concretization] and [surrender]."


Hearing this, Illya seemed to understand something.

"How about this gift from me?"

Aizen laughed.

"It's...so good!!!"

Ilya stuttered a little because of her excitement.

This gift was really a "surprise" for Illya.

Although he had already learned from other people that he was Xie Jie who defeated Ichimaru Gin.

But no matter how Illya thinks back, she can't remember how she solved it, let alone defeated Captain Ichimaru Gin.

Now I don't even know the name of Shijie.

Originally wanted to ask about his Zanpakuto through Zen Blade, but he was kicked out of the world of mind image by the other party, and he was not even allowed to enter his own world of mind image.

Without seeing his own Zanpakuto, there is no way to ask about his real name.

As for Illya's situation, Captain Yamamoto didn't know what to do, and gave a guess that "Zanpakuto hasn't [surrendered] to you yet".

After using the swastika, but completely forgetting it afterwards, it may be because Zanpakuto did not recognize Illya herself.

For this guess, Illya also quite agrees, after all, when she saw her Zanpakuto for the last time, she seemed not very friendly.

However, after a year of hard work, Illya still couldn't hear any voice about her Zanpakutō.

Obviously, his strength has reached the peak of the vice-captain.

And Aizen's "transformation body" just solved the problem that had troubled Ilia for a long time.

I can't get in, why don't you come out?

Just thinking about it, Illya will use this thing to call her Zanpakuto out every day. Even if she can't ask her real name, at least she can make friends, right?
However, Aizen's next explanation broke Illya's fantasy in an instant.

"However, using this method can indeed forcefully visualize your Zanpakuto, but it can only be used once, and the time limit is three days!"

Hearing this, Ilya couldn't help being a little disappointed.

But then he was relieved, after all, there is no good thing, it is not easy to see his Zanpakuto again now.

With Aizen's explanation, Illya's Zanpakuto was naturally heard.

"I thought that by shielding you from the world of mental imagery, you would not be able to enter the world of mental imagery. I didn't expect there to be such a method."

Illya's Zanpakuto sighed.

Hearing Zanpakuto's remarks, Ilya couldn't help asking:

"Why are you doing this? Aren't you my Zanpakuto?"

Hearing Illya's question, her Zanpakutō just replied coldly:
"Give up on becoming a god of death, I already said it, didn't I, Illya?"


Illya was also a little dissatisfied with the attitude of looking at her Zanpakuto.

Ilya, who rarely gets angry, can't help being a little angry now.

In a fit of rage, Ilya didn't care about any mental images, and directly spoke out what was in her heart.

"Why are you pointing fingers at my future!"

"It's up to me to decide who I want to be."

"You are my Zanpakuto, shouldn't you support me? Isn't Zanpakuto the same heart as the god of death?"

Ilya, who has heard many stories about the relationship between Reaper and their Zanpakuto, is also full of expectations for her Zanpakuto.

However, this is not the case. My own Zanpakuto is like a corrupt parent, aloof and aloof to decide the path I should take in the future.

This made Elijah extremely bored.


Hearing this, Illya's Zanpakutō fell silent.

Illya thought that her Zanpakuto might have "changed her mind".



Aizen on the side felt the transmission from Illya's Zanpakutō——

"Murderous intent?!"

Aizen, who noticed the abnormality of Illya's Zanpakuto, wanted to help Illya, but had a second thought.

This is very likely to be the "test" of Illya's Zanpakutō. As long as she passes this level, Illya should be able to make her Zanpakutō [surrender] and truly master the 卍解.

Besides, if Illya dies, Zanpakutō itself will die too.The essence of Zanpakuto is the soul power of the gods of death, but it is quoted in the form of a "sword".

So Aizen decided to let the situation develop.

"You are so obsessed with obsession, then please die now!"

The first sentence after Illya's Zanpakutao was silent was such an angry roar.


Feeling the killing intent and anger of her Zanpakuto, Illya was stunned for a moment.

But Illya's Zanpakuto was not slow at all, and the black and white Zanpakuto appeared in her hand.It was Mo Xie!

With a flash of the two sword lights, two parallel huge wounds appeared in front of Illya.


Blood spurted from Illya's wound.

That's right, it just spewed out.

Aizen even saw Ilya's blood-stained internal organs.


Seeing this, even the usually calm Aizen was stunned.

Is this really a "test"?

Illya's Zanpakutao directly cut Illya with two knives to a fatal wound, and directly lost her ability to fight.

If such a wound is left alone, Illya may bleed to death in 3 minutes!
'Doesn't she know?If you kill Illya, she will die too! '

From a certain point of view, Zanpakuto is Shinigami himself.

Kill yourself? !
Aizen couldn't understand Illya's Zanpakutō at all.

He thought that Illya's Zanpakuto would stop here, or heal Illya's wounds, but...


Her knife continued to swing down on Illya, who was lying on the ground, dying.


Seeing this, Aizen quickly stopped Illya's Zanpakuto.


Seeing that her attack was blocked, Illya's Zanpakuto looked dissatisfied at the figure that blocked her.

"Get out! Aizen, this is a matter between us, if you meddle in other people's business, I will kill you together!"



(End of this chapter)

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