E-sports god is sweet and pet

Chapter 103 Breakup Incident

Chapter 103 Breakup Incident
These days, Cheng Yiyi's mood is a little impatient. It has been a week since she met Lan Duo in the shopping mall. She went to her cousin's house on the second day of the "war" with Lan Duo, and got her cousin I will tell my friend in the personnel department of the 'Suyou' company to fulfill Cheng Yiyi's request.

But after waiting for so many days, I didn't see Lan Duo go to the company to submit a resume. Cheng Yiyi was worried all day long, and she didn't dare to relax at all. She was afraid that if she didn't pay attention, Lan Duo would come into the company and become a colleague with herself. .

An annoying person is by his side every day, that day is enough to think about.

When Cheng Yiyi was worried about Lan Duo's work every day, Lan Duo stayed at home leisurely, playing games, and spared a few hours every day to carefully prepare her resume.

Her goal is a well-known big company like 'Suyou' in the industry. If she doesn't prepare well, she might not even pass the initial test.

Lan Duo was not in such a hurry to submit a resume, and perhaps it had something to do with the suggestion of the local tyrant.

Slow down for a while and calm your mind so that you can devote yourself to work better in the future.

These days, in addition to waiting for the announcement of the lucky players who will be selected for the player meeting of the second anniversary celebration of the 'Speed ​​Tour' company in a week's time, there is another big event happening in the game.

Some time ago, the parties involved in the "Little Three Incident" that caused a great deal of trouble, "Blood Red Beauty" and "Tsing Shirt" separated!
No one seemed to know exactly why the two separated. They just knew that one day, when everyone was playing games, they saw the daily news of marriage and divorce scrolling by on the system channel.

The player 'Green Shirt' and the player 'Bloody Beauty' chose to divorce because of their personality differences. I wish them each a happy ending in the future...

As soon as the news came out, players all over the world were filled with question marks.

Love to eat small rice cakes: "What's the situation? Aren't the Goddess in green shirt and the goddess in red and red face deeply affectionate and a match made in heaven?"

Dapeng spread his wings: "Let's gossip, what happened between the Goddess of Qingshan and the Goddess of Beauty? Does anyone know?!"

Pure Love Sponge: "As a gang member of the Sanctuary Gang, a model couple in my gang got divorced, and I didn't even know anything about it beforehand!!"

Mandarin Duck Grass: "The Great God and the Goddess are separated, could it be because of the trouble of the mistress?"

These words were somewhat suggestive, and soon reminded many people of the existence of the suspected mistress 'Lan Duoduo'.

Although the NPC gods have already come forward to promise that Lan Duoduo has a good character and will never do such a thing, but if not, then why would the blue shirt and the bloody beauty be a good pair, but now suddenly Separate?
Many people have not forgotten that Qingshan and Bloody Hongyan are teammates on a regular team. They have been together for such a long time, and they will not feel that their personalities are inconsistent, and they even got married in the game.

But now after the mistress incident, they separated not long after.

So everyone took it for granted that this matter must have something to do with Lan Duoduo!

Lan Duo went online, and when she learned about this from her friend Xiao Huaxian, she felt how innocent she was! ?

The last "little three incident" had nothing to do with me. Now that the two are getting divorced in the game, should I force it on my head?

She really felt that getting to know Qingshan, a scumbag master, was the worst thing she had ever done since playing games.

(End of this chapter)

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