Chapter 532

The friends around her began to urge the marriage one by one, which made Shen Biyao feel extremely embarrassed, and at the same time, couldn't help but blushed slightly.

But the person involved hasn't spoken yet, so what's the use of urging everyone?

Shen Biyao wanted to see the expression on 'A Glance of Heaven's Secret'.

So she looked up secretly, and saw that 'A Glance of Heaven' was looking at her with an expectant expression after listening to everyone's words, as if waiting for her to agree.

Shen Biyao: "..."

She suddenly felt that the always shrewd 'Tianji' could be stupid sometimes?
What's the use of expecting now?If he didn't open his mouth, did he let himself confess his marriage to him?
'A Glance of Heaven's Secret' suddenly came back to his senses after being stared at by 'Bi Shui Yao''s reproachful expression, and only then did he realize what he should do at this moment.

So, everyone saw that 'A Glance of Heaven's Secret' was contrary to the calm normal state, and he couldn't hide his excitement and said to 'Bishui Yao', "Bishui, will you marry me?"

Shen Biyao: "..."

Why do you suddenly feel like a marriage proposal?
Is this kind of occasion where you have a dinner before someone else's wedding suitable for a marriage proposal?
What's more, the two of them haven't started talking about their relationship yet, so it's too early to propose like this!

Everyone has a different attitude towards the reaction of "a glimpse of the secret".

Some felt that Tianji Commander was too strong, so daring!She actually proposed to the goddess of clear water directly!
Most of the girls present felt that straight male cancer was a serious problem!

This kind of situation of proposing marriage after a disagreement is simply too hasty!
How can it be possible to omit the romantic proposal scene that girls fantasize about?
Shen Biyao could see that 'Tianji' was sincere to her. She knew very well what kind of person 'Tianji' was from the game over the past year.

And at the player meeting more than half a year ago, after just a few days of getting along, she actually fell in love with "A Glance of Heaven" first...

Shen Biyao looked at "A Glance of Heaven's Secret" and looked at her expectant eyes. She took a deep breath and replied in a joking tone, "Okay, I agree to your marriage proposal on the game."

It's just a wedding in the game, not reality.

But from this moment on, the love between the two can begin.

As for the marriage proposal in reality, Shen Biyao felt that "Tianji" needs to make persistent efforts in the future~!

Hearing that it was just a wedding in the game, 'A Glance at the Sky' felt a little bit disappointed, but soon, this feeling was thrown away by him.

They are all married in the game, is it still far away in reality?

Didn't see that Lan Duo and the NPC master got married first in the game, and then developed into reality~
He believes that sooner or later he will catch up with 'Bi Shui Yao' and let her marry him willingly, not a game, but a reality.

Everyone ate and chatted lively, and it didn't end until very late.

Before leaving, Yan Su drove to pick up his fiancée home.

Tomorrow is the wedding of the two of them. Today, Yan Su has been going through the wedding process all day long, and he just finished all his work. He has time to pick up Lan Duo and send her back.

Seeing the NPC master, everyone couldn't help being jubilant for a while and couldn't calm down.

Especially for 'Little Flower Fairy', it was the first time she saw Yan Su in person, and she immediately had a conversation between fans and idols to Yan Su.

"My god, you are so handsome! My god, I am your fan! My god, you are my idol! My god, please sign!"

Finally, the signed 'Little Flower Fairy' waved goodbye to Lan Duo contentedly.

Tomorrow, her little friend, her idol NPC master, will really be together.

Seeing the two of them happily holding hands and leaving together, 'Xiao Huaxian' really felt that the feeling of being in love is really sweet.

She really wants to fall in love~~!

(End of this chapter)

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