Chapter 2
Cousin is too hypocritical.

This is what I think of him after he wakes up. He doesn't like me undressing him, changing his dressing, and even less waiting for him to go to the toilet. There's no way, I can only tell him, "Now there are only four servants available in the palace. One has to prepare three meals a day in the kitchen and boil your medicine, and the other is responsible for washing clothes, sheets and quilts. They are too busy to keep up."

He was lying on the bed with an unhappy look on his face, "How about two more?"

"The other two are mother and daughter who have nowhere to go. I asked. Although Liniang is pretty, she has no intention of remarrying, and her daughter is only seven years old, so young. These two I can't take care of you either."

Cousin's face was very ugly, "Do you think I would still be interested in doing flowers and grass at this time?"

I didn't answer, it's really because his character is not trustworthy, when he was in good health, even the maids in his aunt's yard could be taken into the room, who knows if he will lay hands on Liniang?
My cousin looked very angry, and I didn't know why he was angry. In the end, he seemed to compromise and said, "I want to go to the toilet."

I thought to myself, wouldn't it be better for him to be honest earlier?If he had to be so awkward, I untied him, but he didn't make a fuss this time. When I helped him out of the bed, he lost his balance and took a step back. I supported him.

The cousin looked down at his right arm and remained silent for a long time.

I urged, "If you don't want to go to the latrine, I'll get you the chamber pot."

He obviously didn't want me to get things. When he walked out of the room, he looked at the dark night outside, and the palace was quieter than any time in his memory. He suddenly asked: "What am I like now? Isn't it ugly?"

"Almost." I replied honestly, but seeing him pursing his lips and his face turning pale, I suddenly felt that being too honest was not a good thing.

Cousin doesn't like me helping him, he wants to go forward by himself, I let go of his hand, but I still follow him closely.

The imperial doctor came again, he took the pulse for my cousin, and said that my cousin still needed rest, but it was fine. I saw my cousin was just leaning on the bed and motionless, so I asked again The Imperial Physician asked about the situation in the palace.

The Imperial Physician was a little bit taboo, he only said that it was not very good, so he refused to say more.

Not very good, that is very bad.

I don't believe my cousin would have any plans to murder His Majesty, even if he knew that his two elder brothers, His Majesty and Prince Rui, both had a crush on Lan Li, he would just sit in the yard drinking to relieve his worries, saying that he was going to conspire Well, he's not stupid, he doesn't have military power, and he doesn't have the support of people in the court, so it's amazing that he can rebel.

I know that His Majesty in the palace is not stupid, and he will not believe that his cousin is planning to rebel. After all, His Majesty's biological mother died young, and he was taken care of by his aunt a lot when he was young, so his relationship with his cousin is not bad, but I am a little worried If His Majesty knew that his cousin also liked Lan Li, would His Majesty have a different thought?
Although I didn't go out, I can guess that people outside must be guessing that the Yongwang Mansion is about to suffer. If it's just stripped of the title and demoted to a commoner, that's fine. Since His Majesty has accepted the aunt into the palace, then Saying that he still misses the past, he is afraid that His Majesty will exile his cousin and let him go to that barbarian land.

On this day, I went into my cousin's room again with the medicine in hand. My cousin sat on the bed, staring at the blue handkerchief in his hand in a daze. At this moment, he put away his spines like a hedgehog.

Noticing that I came in, he quickly put away his things, and said to me with a bad face: "Who let you in!"

"It's time to drink the medicine." I walked over indifferently, thinking that he had a sudden change, I let him have a cloudy temper, let him scold him, as long as he doesn't beat people, everything will be fine.

My mother taught me that there is another sentence behind the one-day husband and wife hundred-day grace, "If the husband dares to do something to his wife, you don't care about the grace, just go back to your mother's house, and your parents will help you chop him with a knife!"

However, although my cousin doesn't like me, he hasn't done anything to me.

Cousin turned his head, "No matter how much medicine I drink, it won't help me, I won't drink it."

"Drink if you don't want to drink." I handed the medicine bowl to his eyes, "If you don't drink, then I'll come and feed you."

His body was slightly stiff, but he took the medicine bowl reluctantly.

When he just woke up, he had a personality and didn't eat or drink anything. Later, I got angry and tied him to the bed, regardless of whether the food was hot or not. In short, it was all right He poured it all into his mouth, and after doing this several times, he finally behaved a little bit.

His wounds have finally healed, and the burns on his face have begun to grow new flesh. It's a bit itchy, and he can't help scratching. The imperial doctor said it can't be touched, so I can only tie him up and sleep , he yelled at me angrily, "Tao Yuan! You crazy woman!"

Every time I finished tying him up, my hair was all messed up by him with one hand. Since I really looked like a crazy woman, I didn't refute his words. I felt proud. He ignored me for the past two years. The women dared not criticize me in front of me, but they laughed at me behind my back how many times. Now the man who was robbed by those women has been tied up by me so many times, and he can only show his tongue. I think I feel comfortable all over.

In fact, my cousin is not in good health yet. He fell asleep yelling that he had no strength. I covered him with a quilt and left his room. Another hard day was over.

A few days after the cousin woke up, a long-lost visitor came to the palace. It was Prince Rui, the gentle and gentle son who was regarded as the white moonlight in his heart by the girls who hadn't left the court and who had left the court.

The wonderful idea in my mind came out again, he is the "male lead", Prince Rui also likes Lan Li, but Lan Li is still wavering between Prince Rui and His Majesty, I don't know why I would Knowing so much, probably I have awakened some kind of consciousness, after all, my cousin didn't know that he was actually a male supporting role, but I knew that I was just an outsider.

Prince Rui was not surprised to see that I was still in Prince Yong's Mansion, maybe everything in our Palace could not escape his attention, so I took him into my cousin's room, but my cousin turned his head and refused to look at Rui Wang, indeed, with his current appearance, he is like dust in front of the heavenly-looking Prince Rui.

The brothers had something to say, so I found an excuse to pour tea and went out. I wasn't interested in what they had to say, and naturally I wasn't interested in eavesdropping, but when I brought the tea over, I still vaguely heard it outside the door. Then a sentence: "Third brother, if you hadn't saved Xiaoli, you wouldn't be like this... I still want to thank you."

Cousin did not speak.

"Also, I also want to thank you for this fire incident..."

I thought about it, and decided not to deliver tea, and turned to leave, knowing that I shouldn't listen to some things.

(End of this chapter)

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