Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 108 Spirit Crystal

Chapter 108 Spirit Crystal
There are as many martial arts in the world as there are stars in the sky. When Ye Chen was young, because of his status and talent, he entered the Ye family's library more than once.

The Ye Family in Da Luo City is just a drop in the ocean in this world, but there are hundreds of martial arts and martial arts in the library!

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to use the number of stars to describe martial arts in the world.

Although there are many martial arts, most of them are just common stuff. The Fengshen Jue that Nie Guan talks about, even if it is a martial arts at the spiritual level, it is difficult to attract people's interest.

The so-called spiritual level martial arts. . . .The division of various martial arts in the world is exactly the same as the division of martial arts cultivation, mortal level, spiritual level, higher martial level, and even more desirable ones. . . .

This division is just for clarity, and it does not mean that warriors in what realm can only practice martial arts of the corresponding level.

Spirit-level martial arts is already considered pretty good. In some small sects, such as the three major families of Da Luo City, spiritual-level martial arts are extremely precious, and some ordinary clansmen are qualified to browse them there.

As far as Ye Chen knows, the entire Ye family possesses no more spiritual-level martial arts than the number of hands. The Primordial Splitting Sword he used is just one of them, and being able to practice the Primal Splitting Sword is also due to his monstrous skills back then. cultivation talent, and his father Ye Tianxiang.

Otherwise, he is not qualified at all, not to mention practicing the Primordial Splitting Sword, even if it is to watch, there is no need to think about it.

It's just that, with Ye Chen's current vision, he already looks down on spiritual-level martial arts. The Xuanmen Heart Sutra and Cangxuan Hualongjue are all top martial arts in the world. With these by his side, spiritual-level martial arts Learning is really hard to get.

And the Fengshen Jue was actually recorded directly in the booklet. It is conceivable that even if it is a martial arts at the spiritual level, it is also the most common type.

If it is a martial art with terrifying power, it will not be recorded in this way, it will be recorded on the jade slips like Cangxuan Hualongjue, or recorded in some other special way.

The main reason for doing this is not only to test whether others are eligible to obtain it, but more importantly, it stores the experience of predecessors in it, so that this martial art can be passed on to the greatest extent.

Although there is a saying that blue is better than blue, after all, this is only a minority.

"Brother Ye, are you tempted?"

Zi Xiao's thoughts seemed to be all on Ye Chen, so Zi Xiao was not concealed from this extremely small move.

Ye Chen nodded, he couldn't be tempted, because that Fengshen Jue is a martial art of body skills!
In this world, there are not a few martial arts of attack and full defense, but martial arts of body training and body skills are extremely rare.

This Fengshen Jue, even if it is just an ordinary martial art of the spiritual level, as long as it is a martial art of the body style, it has extraordinary value.

Possessing a good body technique martial art, when fighting with others, can better take the initiative in the battle, even if the strength is not as good as the enemy, you can also use this kind of martial art to make yourself safe.

Bodywork is different from speed, bodywork requires skill!
The speed can be broken by others, but if you want to break the body, it is rare to be even bigger.

Nie Guan continued: "So, the starting price of this Fengshen Jue is three thousand spirit crystals!"

"Three thousand spirit crystals?"

Ye Chen took a deep breath, the price is a bit too expensive, right?

The so-called spirit crystal is a special kind of product, it is not raised naturally, but artificially refined.

The refining method is also very simple, as long as you are a warrior, you can do it, but the conditions are a bit harsh, not only need your own spiritual power, but also need a crystal ore.

This kind of crystal ore contains extremely pure aura, and after being refined, it becomes the so-called spirit crystal!

In the spirit crystal, there is pure spiritual power, which can be directly absorbed by people, and can be integrated with one's own spiritual power without too complicated refining. It is really the best auxiliary thing in the path of cultivation.

Therefore, Lingjing has become a product sought after by the world, and thus, it is also regarded as a currency for trading by warriors.

Although every warrior can extract spirit crystals theoretically, the qualities of spirit crystals extracted by warriors with different cultivation levels are not quite the same.

For example, spirit crystals can only be refined by warriors who represent the realm of the spirit level, while masters of the realm of martial arts can refine them to be martial crystals, and the quality is much better.

Even so, spirit crystals are still the common currency in the whole world!
Three thousand spirit crystals, this number is quite a lot. As far as Ye Chen knows, the entire Ye family can refine no more than [-] spirit crystals throughout the year.

The starting price of this Fengshen Art occupies one-tenth of the Ye family's annual income. Ye Chen knows whether it is expensive or not. As far as he is concerned, he does not have many spirit crystals in his hands.

When he left Da Luo City that day, he escaped, and even if he didn't escape, with his status in the Ye family, he wouldn't get many spirit crystals.

In the eyes of warriors, Ye Chen is a poor man.

However, since it is martial arts of the agility category, it is worth the price.

"Three thousand and one spirit crystal!"

This type of martial arts is really popular, and just after Nie Guan's words fell, someone immediately quoted the price.

As soon as this person's voice sounded, his price was immediately surpassed by others. In just a few minutes, the bidding sounded one after another, and the final price also reached six thousand spirit crystals.

At this time, the voices of bidding gradually decreased a lot. After all, although body skills martial arts are precious, they are only spiritual-level martial arts after all, and their power will not be that great. Moreover, after exceeding the price of six thousand spirit crystals, , it is not something ordinary people can afford.

Six thousand spirit crystals, that is enough for ordinary people to practice for several years!
Ye Chen also wanted to get Fengshenjue at first, but after hearing its starting price, he didn't think much about it. Although Fengshenjue was good, it was only good.

Obtaining it is a kind of harvest, if you can't get it, there is no need to be too sorry.

"Ten thousand spirit crystals!"

When Ye Chen gave up Fengshen Jue, Zixiao's voice beside him rang faintly.

"Brother Purple!"

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback, the price and quantity of [-] spirit crystals were too high, and Zixiao said it without hesitation, although the latter had a rich family and didn't care, this friendship made Ye Chen Can't help it.

"As long as Ye family brother wants, he must get it." Zi Xiao turned his head and chuckled, and there was a sense of happiness in his eyes. In his opinion, being able to help Ye Chen, It will make him very happy.

[-] spirit crystals may not be too much for the big forces present, but no one continues to bid, and the value of Fengshen Art has reached its peak.

Not long afterward, Nie Guan announced the ownership of Fengshen Jue!
"Next, it's the second auction item!"

Nie Guan flipped his palms over, and a faint luster emerged, inside which turned out to be a blood-red coral.

"This is blood-colored coral. It is taken from the deep sea. It has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind. It is used as medicine. It is also an excellent item. The starting price is also [-] spirit crystals!"

The blood-colored coral is indeed a treasure, so the atmosphere in the field has also been raised.

Fengshenjue, Bloody Coral. . . .The quality of the Eagle Knife Gate auction was indeed not small. After the blood coral was auctioned off at a good price, the next sale attracted many people's bidding.

However, not to mention Zi Xiao, even Ye Chen was not very interested in what appeared next. The two of them seemed a little bored. If they hadn't had to wait for the so-called Huayang Alkyne, they might have taken the Fengshen Jue leave.

As time went by, the auction items that appeared in Nie Guan's hands on the auction stage gradually became more and more important, so the atmosphere in the venue was also mobilized to become more and more heated.

This also made Ye Chen feel what it means to spend a lot of money!
To be able to enter the auction venue, everyone has extraordinary strength, and strength also represents wealth. Spirit crystals and the like are not lacking here.

"The golden stones outside the sky are the fallen stars. The stones turned into stones after the fall are excellent materials for refining weapons. The starting price is [-] spirit crystals!"

Ye Chen and Zi Xiao, who were in a state of mind wandering, had some interest in that day's outer gold and stone. Of course, the so-called interest was just to see this day's outer gold and stone, not intending to auction it off.

After all, neither of them is a craftsman, and it is useless to obtain this extraterrestrial gold and stone.

A craftsman, like an alchemist, is a noble profession for those who transcend martial arts in this world.

For example, the Purple Flame Armor that Ye Chen owned in the past was made by a craftsman, and the quality of the Purple Flame Armor has already been recognized by Ye Chen. If the item at the peak of the spiritual level is put up for auction, it will be worth a lot !
The gold and stone from beyond the sky come from beyond the sky, so they are naturally precious, and it is very lucky that Yingdaomen can get them!
This stone is extremely hard, not to mention using it as the main material, even if it is used as an auxiliary material, the weapons made out of it can be unparalleled sharp!
The scramble for gold and stones outside the sky was undoubtedly extremely fierce, and in the end, more than 3 spirit crystals were sold.

But these are all worth it. If a weapon is refined, its quality can at least reach the peak of the spirit level. At that time, it will not be something that can be purchased with more than 3 spirit crystals.

What's more, it would be too wasteful to refine a weapon that is as big as a baby's fist.

Of course, if you are sure and use all of them to refine weapons, if you are lucky enough, maybe you can refine a weapon that exceeds the category of spirit level, then you will be lucky.

When it was still interesting, Ye Chen and Zi Xiao heard a very familiar voice, which belonged to Shen Xuan, among the voices vying for gold and stones from beyond the sky!
In Dazzling Fire City, one of the three well-deserved factions of the Shen family, it is not surprising that Shen Xuan will appear in this auction, the two of them have expected it for a long time.

It's just that the current Shen family still has enough strength to be listed among the three major forces in Xuanhuo City?
(End of this chapter)

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