Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 110 The Fall of the Stars

Chapter 110 The Fall of the Stars
"The golden stone outside the sky is exactly what I got outside the region where the stars fell."

At this point, everyone probably understood what Nie Guan meant when he specifically mentioned what happened a few months ago.

On the auction stage, Nie Guan said: "That area, because of the falling stars, has formed an extremely terrifying chaos, even I can't break in, and the gold and stone outside the sky are my good luck. Picked up outside the area."

"Although that area is very chaotic and has an extremely strong magnetic field, it is difficult for people to break into it. However, after several months of observation, I found that the huge magnetic field covering that area has a cycle. When this cycle comes At that time, the magnetic field will weaken, and at that time, masters above the spiritual source realm can enter."

Looking at everyone from a distance, Nie Guan said again: "Although the magnetic field has weakened, the area is still too dangerous. With my Yingdaomen's strength, I can't inquire about it safely. Therefore, I will inform you of this news. If you are interested, You might as well try your luck. According to my inference, after five days, the next cycle will come."

Nie Guan's last words dispelled all doubts in the hearts of the people. Yingdaomen didn't dare to act recklessly on the land where the stars fell. clearly.

Although there is an intention to take advantage of it, no one can refuse it.

Everyone believed that in that chaotic area, there would be more extraterrestrial gold and stones, and even more believed that besides the extraterrestrial gold and stones, there were other precious things.

Although it was dangerous, who among the people present had not experienced danger before!

Even Ye Chen had an expression on his face.

"Brother Ye, do you want to go too?" Zi Xiao asked with a light smile.

Ye Chen nodded, not because he really wanted to go, but because of the Demon Emperor Bell!

When the four words Tianwai Jinshi appeared, the Demon Emperor Bell had already given Ye Chen enough reaction, but at that time, Nie Guan didn't mention the matter of the falling stars in detail, and Ye Chen couldn't give the Demon Emperor Bell an accurate answer. .

But the actions of the Demon Emperor Bell made Ye Chen somewhat suspicious!
The last time the Nether Demon Eagle, the Demon Emperor Zhong reacted the same way. In the end, Ye Chen did get enough benefits, not only the Nether Demon Fire, but also recovered the Nether Demon Eagle.

Once the Nether Demon Falcon evolves successfully, Ye Chen will have an extremely powerful partner.

However, if Luo Xingtian didn't have the misery that Luo Xingtian used, perhaps in the end, the Demon Emperor Bell would drive the Nether Demon Falcon to the point of madness. At that time, how could the Demon Emperor Bell resist the Nether Demon Flame?
However, Ye Chen didn't think too much about it. No matter what, the Demon Emperor Bell had such a request, and he would do it no matter what, and the Demon Emperor Bell would not harm Ye Chen. Ye Chen was absolutely sure of this!

"Then Ye family brother, let's go, there are still five days, Fengshenjue, you should practice hard."

Ye Chen got up immediately, and walked out together with Zi Xiao.

"Both of you, please stop for a while, my lord, please tell me!" An old man walked quickly, it was the same old man that he had seen outside the meeting place before.

"what's up?"

The old man said politely: "The head of my family said that the two of you have made me a lot of money in the Eagle Sword Sect this time, so I want to thank you both in person, and at the same time said that I want to have a good relationship with you about the Fengshen Jue and the Fall of the Stars." talk about it."

If it's just the previous sentence, Ye Chen and Zi Xiao would never pay attention to it. Even if Nie Guan's status is extraordinary, it's not worth the two of them rushing over just because of each other's words.

It's about Fengshen Jue and Starfall. . . .This Nie Guan also has a scheming, grasping people's hearts so accurately.

I believe that even if this is just Nie Guan's excuse, there must be other explanations.

After the venue, in the quiet secret room, Ye Chen and Zi Xiao saw Nie Guan again, maybe they were specially invited to come over, and Nie Guan seemed much more polite.

However, when seeing the two of them, even though Nie Guan had already had some guesses about the two of them, he was still shocked. Ye Chen and Zi Xiao were really too young, especially the latter, who was so young. , actually still has the spiritual sea realm cultivation base.

Although it is not clear what kind of power is behind the two of them, such characters are indeed qualified to fight with Shen Xuan!
Of course, if there is not enough power behind it, it will not be enough to shake the Shen family, but Nie Guan can sense that this young man dressed as a beggar can shake the Shen family by himself.

This kind of induction is not the induction of strength, but what Nie Guan naturally produced, it is the sixth sense, perhaps it is the gaze that Zi Xiao shot at during the auction, which made him feel this way.

Otherwise, Nie Guan would not have such an invitation.

"You two, please sit down!"

After politely inviting the two to take their seats, Nie Guan said again: "You two, I'm sorry, I offended you as a member of Yingdaomen, who looked down on people with a dog's eyes, and please don't take it to heart."

Ye Chen smiled unconsciously, this Nie Guan is a character, if it were someone else, Shen Xuan would definitely not be able to say the same thing.

"Master Nie is being polite. It's just a misunderstanding. I wonder if Master Nie asked us two brothers to come over. What can I give you?" Ye Chen said immediately.

Nie Guan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Is there any advice to talk about, I just want to meet the two young heroes."

While speaking, Nie Guan took a jade box and handed it to Ye Chen.

Opening the jade box, after a while, Ye Chen's eyes flashed, and he immediately asked, "Master Nie, what does this mean?"

In the jade box, there is a booklet. If it is just this booklet, it is not too precious. However, if Fengshen Jue is added, this booklet is too valuable.

The brochure is written, Yunshuang will decide!

Just these three words, of course, can't show the preciousness of Yunshuang Jue. Open the booklet and read on the title page, The wind and cloud gather, the world is shocked!
Obviously, this Yunshuang Jue and Fengshen Jue are connected martial arts!

Nie Guandao: "Since the Fengshen Jue is in the hands of the little brother, since the Yunshuang Jue belongs to you, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste."

Ye Chen is not polite, Yunshuangjue and Fengshenjue complement each other, there is absolutely no reason not to, he glanced at Zixiao, who flicked his fingers, and a pile of spirit crystals appeared on the table next to Nie Guan.

"Thank you, Master Nie." Ye Chen cupped his fists.

Nie Guanlue was taken aback, and smiled wryly: "Don't get me wrong, you two, please come here, it's not to sell this Yunshuangjue."

Ye Chen and Zi Xiao knew this, and if they wanted to sell it, they would sell it at an auction. The combination of the two would lead to a higher price. Therefore, the spirit crystal that Zi Xiao gave was far above Fengshen Jue.

Although Nie Guan didn't intend to sell Yunshuang Jue, but he didn't reject the spirit crystal on the table. The other party had already taken it out, so he could only accept it. Both sides did not lack this spirit crystal. At the same time!

This is only the first official meeting between the two parties, so it is too reckless to send each other off with the Yunshuang Jue. The Yunshuang Jue is taken out just for the sake of a happy start between the two parties.

The wind and cloud gathered, and the world was shocked!
These six words, Nie Guan has never practiced Fengshenjue and Yunshuangjue, but he can understand the meaning of them. After all, he is the peak master of Linghai.

"Master Nie, please speak up if you have something to say!" Ye Chen said again after finishing Yunshuangjue.

"It's very simple, I want to cooperate with you two!"

Nie Guandao: "The falling of the stars formed a huge magnetic field in a radius of tens of miles, causing the space to be filled with a large amount of destructive aura. Although the Eagle Sword Gate is strong, it still cannot go deep."

"With the two of you, it's also impossible to go deep. However, if the two of you can successfully practice Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue in five days, we can get enough benefits in that space."

"My Yingdao family, including me, can't successfully cultivate these two kinds of martial arts!"

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, Nie Guan spoke directly enough, and even directly pointed out the reason for cooperating with them, so straightforward, it is indeed difficult to arouse suspicion.

However, Nie Guan has too much confidence in himself and Zixiao!
Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue are just ordinary martial arts at the spiritual level, but if the two can be combined into one, it is for people to know, and the mystery in it may not be understood by ordinary people.

Nie Guan seemed to see what Ye Chen was thinking, and immediately said: "Since my little brother is interested in Fengshen Jue, he must have a certain amount of confidence..."

Ye Chen said lightly: "Master Nie really thinks highly of me. Before that, I didn't know that there was Yunshuangjue. Even if there was no Yunshuangjue, I can't guarantee that in five days, Fengshenjue can be defeated." The cultivation is successful. I'm afraid that the so-called cooperation of Master Nie will disappoint you."

Hearing this, Nie Guan laughed and said, "Even if you two haven't successfully cultivated your two great martial arts, since Nie has proposed cooperation, he will not give up for any reason, unless you don't agree."

"With the Yingdaomen as the backer, it is naturally the best. I agree to the cooperation."

Ye Chen got up immediately, and said: "Five days later, we will meet at the place where the stars fell, and we will say goodbye first!"

"Okay, I'll give you two!"

Outside the auction venue, after bidding farewell to Nie Guan, Ye Chen and Zi Xiao quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Brother Ye, how much do you believe what Nie Guan said?"

Ye Chen was silent for a while, and then responded: "I dare not say that I believe it completely, at least, I believe in Nie Guan."

Zi Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded after a while. In front of them, Nie Guan said everything without asking the two of them. Although this is the level of conversation, it also shows that Nie Guan View as the human atmosphere.

People with grandeur have always disdained to use conspiracy and subterfuge. For the sake of Yingdaomen, Nie Guan may use some means. These means should be understandable.

As for, Nie Guan came to them with the intention of taking advantage of them, and wanted them to be cannon fodder for the striker. . . .To be honest, if the area where the stars fell is really as chaotic as Nie Guan said, unless the people from Yingdaomen don't go in, otherwise, those who go in will be cannon fodder, and no one can avoid it.

If not, how could Nie Guan announce such a place to the world?

"Brother Zi, after we go back, let's do a good job of studying how this Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue can achieve the gathering of wind and cloud, and the world will be shocked!"

(End of this chapter)

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