Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 113 Suicide

Chapter 113 Suicide
When the bitter mountain wind blows, Zixiao's body seems to tremble a bit!
Zigan's eyes tightened suddenly, he had never seen Zixiao with such nervousness.

After contemplating for a while, Zigan said: "Young master, it is not uncommon in the world for two different attributes to be perfectly integrated. For example, an alchemist is a fusion of fire attributes and wood attributes, and a craftsman is a combination of fire and finance." combine...."

Before Zigan finished speaking, Zixiao waved his hand and said: "I know these things naturally. Alchemists and weapon refiners are mainly based on the attribute of fire, and the attributes of wood and metal are only auxiliary. What I want to ask are two When there is no distinction between attributes, can they be integrated?"


Zigan said resolutely: "Any creature in the world, even if it has more than three attributes, will have a primary and secondary. It is absolutely impossible for the same primary attribute to occur."

"Really do not have?"


"Then, did Mr. Qian know that there is a theory of cloud attributes in the world?" Zi Xiao asked again.

Zigan didn't even think about it, but shook his head and said, "It's impossible to have cloud attributes."


Zigan explained: "Young master, all kinds of attributes in the world, including the known mutation attributes, and the carriers of these attributes are all real in the world, even the most weird dark attribute. But the cloud attribute!"

"The cloud, although it exists between the heaven and the earth, but the cloud itself cannot be called a real thing. Without a carrier, it is impossible to derive attributes."

At this point, Zigan asked: "Young master, why did you mention the cloud attribute?"

Zi Xiao said: "I have come into contact with a kind of martial arts, Yan Ming, practitioners must have cloud attributes!"

"how can that be?"

Even though Zi Gan is considered an extraordinary master in this world, he still couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this. It is impossible for the cloud attribute to exist in the world. Why would there be such a requirement in martial arts?
"I also don't think it's possible, so I asked you for advice."

Zi Xiao's eyes suddenly dimmed.

In the world, it is impossible for two attributes to be the main attribute, so there is no fusion, and the cloud attribute does not exist at all.

These are not real situations, but they all happened to Ye Chen, how can this not make Zixiao worry!
Appearing on others, maybe it will be regarded as a great thing, and it can be gathered together to exert great power, how can it not be a good thing?Zi Xiao would not be so superficial.

Because, it's too abnormal!

It is impossible for the cloud attribute to exist, but Ye Chen can actually practice Yunshuangjue. . . .Naturally, the martial art of Yunshuangjue can be created, which means that the founder will definitely use Yunshuangjue.

No one can create a martial arts out of imagination!Any martial art can only be passed on to future generations after it has been tempered and honed.

But the cloud attribute does not exist!
Zigan's opinion may be too one-sided, the world is so big, there are so many wonders, maybe there really are cloud attributes, however, wind and cloud are both main attributes, how can the two great martial arts blend together?

This is common sense, every martial artist knows it, and Zi Xiao knows it too. The reason why he asked Zi Gan was just to make sure of the answer in his mind, because it was about Ye Chen, and Zi Xiao couldn't be careless.

The addition of all kinds of strangeness made people feel worried. Judging from Ye Chen's reaction, Zixiao knew it well, but he himself didn't quite understand it.

That is to say, Ye Chen didn't know much about his own body. As a warrior, it was too scary.

After being silent for a long time, Zi Xiao slowly sank his thoughts. He was too worried and couldn't change the status quo. Ye Chen possessed the most mysterious power of yin and yang in his body. Perhaps this was the reason.

The power of yin and yang is enough to determine the universe!

"Old man, go back!"

Zixiao immediately headed down the mountain. After such a short time, he realized that he already missed Ye Chen very much.

"Go back? Hey!"

Zi Xiao had just lifted his footsteps, but a loud laugh was full of coldness, like a gust of wind, rolling over from the edge of the sky.

"Little bastard, I thought you would stay hidden in Xuanhuo City and never come out. Today, I want you to die without a place to bury you."

When the cold sound like a strong wind came, several figures could be seen flying towards the sky in the distance, and the terrifying killing intent shrouded the sky like a blanket.

Zi Xiao looked up and saw the figures that appeared in his pupils, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, there are really many people in this world who are willing to die.

"Little bastard, you'd better kill yourself before I catch you, otherwise, I'll cut off your flesh inch by inch and feed it to the dogs until you shed the last drop of blood!"

Looking at Zi Xiao, Shen Xuan, who is the leader, has extreme coldness and ferocity. This little bastard not only almost destroyed the entire Shen family, but also caused him to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in the auction venue. Psychic.

After finding out who was against him in the auction venue, Shen Xuan's seven orifices almost smoked, and he finally understood why he was so impatient in the auction venue.

At that time, even though Zi Xiao and Ye Chen concealed their aura, the former's voice gave people a sense of deja vu.


In the distance, Zigan shouted sharply, the young master of Ziji Holy Land, even if Zixiao is poisoned by the evil spirit, as long as he is not dead, he is one of the most noble people in this world, a little ant, unexpectedly so bold .


Shen Xuan's eyes swept over Zigan lightly, with his strength, he naturally couldn't see the depth of the latter, so he didn't care at all.

On Zigan, Shen Xuan did not sense the slightest energy fluctuation. This result can prove two situations. In addition, Zigan's cultivation base is pitifully weak, making it difficult for people to sense the fluctuation of spiritual power in his body.

Although Shen Xuan was not arrogant, he didn't think that this old man, who seemed to have nothing special, would be a very great master. If he wasn't, then there was only another reason.

"Since you are that little bastard's accomplice, don't blame me for being cruel, chop up this old guy and feed it to the dogs!"

Shen Xuan waved his hand and shouted sharply.

There was a sneer on Zi Xiao's face, and he said lightly: "I don't know whether I will live or die..."

"You really don't know how to live or die!"

Shen Xuan grinned grimly, but just as the laughter resounded, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw that the old man who was a thousand meters away appeared in front of him as if teleported.

"Such a speed!"

Shen Xuan was shocked, and the spiritual power in his body immediately began to circulate by itself, and then broke out of his body. . . .It's just that Shen Xuan never expected that as soon as the spiritual power appeared outside his body, he was forcibly suppressed and returned to his body as if he had met a ghost, and immediately!

In front of him, the seemingly inconspicuous old man just slightly raised his hand and patted it casually.


Not only was Shen Xuan unable to dodge the seemingly random slap, but his face immediately turned pale. When a mouthful of blood spurted out, his whole body sank towards the ground, and only his head was exposed in the end.

At the same time, the bodies of the masters he brought exploded out of thin air in space.

"Wu...a master in the realm of martial arts!"

With a head protruding from the ground, Shen Xuan looked as miserable as he wanted, but at this moment, he couldn't care less about these things, he never thought that this humble old man would actually be a master of martial arts.

"Martial realm master?"

Zixiao glanced at Zigan and smiled irrefutably.

"Pre...Senior, the villain has eyes but can't see Mount Tai. All this is a misunderstanding. The villain didn't intend to offend the senior. The villain just wanted to take revenge on that little bastard..."

Zi Xiao smiled silently, this Shen Xuan, the head of the family after all, is so blind.

"Get old!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Shen Xuan's eyes were blank, and endless fear suddenly surged. This old man is actually Zi Xiao's subordinate?

With a martial arts master as his subordinate, what is this Zi Xiao's identity?
"Grand...Master, Shen has eyes but no pearls, eyes but no pearls..."

"Since you have eyes but no pearls, why do you still keep them?"

Zi Xiao smiled lightly, his fingers were like lightning, and the purple spiritual power in Shen Xuan's eyes directly dug out that pair of pupils. He was in a bad mood today, and Shen Xuan came back in time, giving him some a way to vent.

A pair of eyes, exuding heat and the smell of blood, wandered in Zi Xiao's hands. He looked at Shen Xuan who was screaming in pain, and said indifferently: "Tell me, is there anything superfluous on your head? Let me help you." You take it all away!"

"Young master, spare your life, spare your life!"

Shen Xuan didn't care about the pain of his eyes being gouged out, even if he couldn't kowtow, he kept nodding his head.

"In this way, your whole head is superfluous, since this is the case..."

Before he finished speaking, a blood arrow shot straight into the sky!

In the distance, sadness flashed in Zigan's eyes, he hadn't seen Zixiao for several years, but he never thought that the latter's temper had become so ruthless.

Living in the world, being more ruthless, will undoubtedly live longer. However, no matter where it is, today's Zixiao is only fifteen years old, and he is only a teenager!
With his identity, why did he have to become like this in order to survive in the world?
With a faint smell of blood, Zixiao returned to Xuanhuo City!
In front of the inn where he was staying, Zi Xiao looked around, threw something in the cloth bag in his hand, and said calmly, "Take this back and give it to Nie Guan!"

Inside the cloth bag was Shen Xuan's head.

Handing it over to Nie Guan is not only to give the other party a favor, but now that Shen Xuan is dead and the Shen family has no leader, Yingdaomen can accept all the resources of the Shen family earlier and get enough benefits from it.

Although Fengshenjue and Yunshuangjue were purchased, it is undeniable that if Ye Chen can practice successfully without any accidents, the two will take advantage of it, and it doesn't matter to give Yingdaomen a benefit.

On the other hand, this is also a warning to Nie Guan, the cooperation between the two parties, Yingdaomen must not make any bad intentions, otherwise, Shen Xuan and the Shen family will be a lesson from the past!

(End of this chapter)

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