Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 119 Cruel

Chapter 119 Cruel
In the quiet secret room, surrounded by the ghost fire, Ye Chen lay quietly on the ground!
The high temperature of the magic fire is already extremely scorching hot, and the icy aura revealed in this scorching heat makes this flame, at this moment, have the ability to destroy heaven and earth!

Even the seal set by Zigan himself could not cut off the infiltration of all cold masters, causing this secret room to become a different kind of ice sculpture.

Outside the secret room, Zi Xiao stood quietly, sensing the icy cold and high temperature, he couldn't help it, and slapped himself hard several times.

He had once absorbed a ray of Nether Demon Fire, so not only could the freezing cold and high temperature not harm him, on the contrary, the freezing cold and high temperature actually made his body feel indescribably comfortable, stimulating the spiritual power in his body flow speed.

For cultivation, this is undoubtedly a great benefit.

But this is not the point, not the point of Zi Xiao slapping himself!
He clearly knows that Ye Chen is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. For the sake of his friends, he is willing to try any danger, even to make a breakthrough. He knows all of this. . . .Why did he not pay attention to his actions at such a critical moment, and finally let him face Shen Changxing's self-destruction alone.

Thinking of this, Zi Xiao's hatred is overwhelming, he hates himself, why is he so careless!

"Young master, don't blame yourself!" Zigan said respectfully in the distance.

"Reproach yourself?"

Zi Xiao smiled silently: "I even want to kill myself!"

"Little Lord...."

Zi Xiao waved his hand violently, and said calmly: "I won't do anything to myself, because I believe that Brother Ye will be fine."

Zigan was silent, of course he didn't believe that, that young man's soul had been lost, how could he recover, but at this time, he absolutely couldn't say such a thing.

"Old Gan, why are you so worried about me? Don't those old guys in the family, as well as many people, want me to die earlier so that they can re-establish the successor of the Purple Holy Land?" Zi Xiao said suddenly.

"Young master, my subordinates dare not!"

Zigan immediately bowed and said, trembling was inevitable in his voice.

"rest assured!"

Zi Xiao looked at the sky and said: "I will not die, I will never die, I want to let those old guys know that what they have done will definitely regret it in the future, and what they did to me, my young master In the future, it will be repaid a hundredfold, and I will let them taste it for themselves, what kind of pain it feels like."

"Little Lord...."

"You can pass these words back. I don't mind my young master. They made some small moves secretly. You just need to tell them that in the future, don't regret it."

"You go down!"

Zixiao waved his hand, lost interest, for those old guys at home, he couldn't let go of all the things that happened, but he was not at home for these years, but it was slowly pressed in the depths of his memory.

If Ye Chen hadn't appeared, maybe in this life, he would never have anything to do with Ziji Holy Land.

Now, it is also because of Ye Chen that that memory quietly appears in my mind, but nothing is as important as Ye Chen. The past and the future will be counted. Now, I only care about Ye Chen. wake up!

After a while, Nie Guan strode into the courtyard, looked at Zigan who hadn't left yet, and after bowing quickly, he came to Zixiao and said respectfully: "My lord, Tang Shang has brought Come, wait for the young master to leave."

Hearing this, Zi Xiao looked at Zi Gan, without saying a word, the latter understood what he meant, and at the moment, his face was involuntarily embarrassed.

Zi Xiao is telling Zi Gan that everyone in Ziji Holy Land regards him as a ghost and dare not approach him, even if he gets close, so what?

"Lead the way ahead!"

The main hall of the Yingdao Gate is undoubtedly the most sacred place in the entire Dazzling Fire City.

Even if Yingdaomen has not yet started to dominate Xuanhuo City, it is already the master of this city. Even if there are people or forces that can block Yingdaomen's footsteps, but they have no strength, block that, and easily kill people including That super expert including Liu Qing.

In the hall, many people were standing, only one person was kneeling on the ground in despair!
"Your name is Tang Shang?"

Suddenly, a crisp sound rang in his ears. The person kneeling on the ground quickly raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him. He could never have imagined that this young man dressed as a beggar actually had such a strong personality. big energy.

"Tell me, why did you help Shen Changxing escape? Is he your relative or your friend?" Zi Xiao bent over and asked with a smile, as if there was no intention of blaming him.

Tang Shang's lips moved. He really wanted to say that Shen Changxing had a deep relationship with him. In this way, there would always be enough excuses to help relatives and friends, which was justified.

But this is not the case!
"From this point of view, you have nothing to do with Shen Changxing, it's just because of interests, right?"

Zi Xiao smiled, and the smile became more and more lively: "Because of your attack, my Ye family brother is now in danger of life and death. What do you think I should do to relieve the hatred in my heart?"

In Zi Xiao's heart, he never doubted that Ye Chen would definitely wake up, but it was really unimaginable that the Nether Demon Fire would go against the soul, what kind of pain Ye Chen suffered during this process, and he couldn't even kill himself. Yes, let alone Tang Shang.

"Young master, spare your life, spare your life!"

"I spare your life, who will relieve my brother Ye's suffering?"

Zi Xiao smiled lightly, there was no chill in his eyes, but it made people shudder, and there was an inexplicable pain hovering in Tang Shang's heart.

In fact, this pain was real, and with that chuckle, his two palms were cut off neatly.

The cut was as smooth as a mirror, but no blood flowed out, as if it was all sealed inside. Such a strange appearance made Tang Shang forget the pain of breaking his wrist.

"Breaking off your hands is a punishment for using your hands to do something you shouldn't do. Can you accept it?"

Before Tang Shang could answer anything, he felt another pain. After a moment, his eyes could no longer see everything because the eyeballs were gone.

"Gouging your eyes is because you have blind eyes and can't even see the situation clearly. Are you convinced?"


Zi Xiao smiled and said: "If you are willing to blew yourself up, you have some courage. In that way, you can suffer less and die more happily. Do you dare?"

Even though losing his eyes and hands made Tang Shang feel that life would be worse than death, but after hearing these words, he still felt that these were not important anymore and blew himself up. . . .
The so-called self-explosion means to use one's own soul as the main factor, exploding one's body, exerting a power several times higher than one's own cultivation, and using it to kill the enemy, it couldn't be better.

However, after the self-explosion, the soul will be destroyed along with the body. In that kind of ending, unless you are like Shen Changxing, who has nothing to love in life, no longer has any expectations for the future, and only wants to accomplish one thing, he will go bear.

Other people can't reach this level, who would, who would dare to do this!

In this world, there are legends of the six realms of reincarnation. After death, one can enter the six realms of reincarnation, waiting to be reincarnated. However, if one blew himself up and lost one's soul, one would be disqualified.

"Young master, kill me! If you are not relieved, keep me, no matter how much you torture me..."

Listening to Zi Xiao's words, Tang Shang is usually considered a fierce master, but he can't afford the slightest bit of fierceness. Even if it is the roar before death, he dare not come out unscrupulously.

"Okay! This is what you asked for, and I will do what you want. If you want to torture, I will give you a life that would be worse than death!"

Zi Xiao smiled softly, and above the palm, purple light jumped like an elf, and immediately turned into purple lightning, which sank into Tang Shang's eyebrows.


At this moment, there was a cry of pain resounding, and everyone nearby saw that Tang Shang's pale face was covered with a layer of light gray for some reason.

Gray is like a small snake, moving quickly, swimming all over his body in an instant, screaming in pain, so it never stops.Tang Shang's vitality is gradually dissipating, but it has never been cut off, and there is always a thread so that he will not die.

The gray glow didn't disappear until it spread all over his body, and Tang Shang didn't seem to be in so much pain anymore. However, when he relaxed and his spiritual power wasn't blocking him, the gray glow would appear again, and then, it was extremely painful. The pain in the past is reappearing.

Everyone was terrified, and Tang Shang's behavior made them understand that this character who was once rampant in the city of dazzling fire will not be able to relax for a moment from now on.

Doing so might not be considered a bad thing. After all, being forced to run spiritual power without interruption will be of great benefit to cultivation. However, who can not rest?
The moment will exist, and it will be remembered for a lifetime!
"Take it away!"

Zi Xiao waved his hand, and immediately said: "Master Nie, do something for me!"

"Sir, please order!"

"Help me find anything that contains the most rigid and yang power, such as Huayangyne, the more the better!"

In the past, she didn't want to die, but after meeting Ye Chen and having her heart attached to him, Zi Xiao didn't want to die even more, and wanted to be with Ye Chen, in this life, forever.

"My subordinates have already sent people to search, and I believe that some will be collected soon." Nie Guan replied respectfully.

After glancing at Nie Guan, Zi Xiao said flatly: "You are indeed smart enough!"

"This subordinate can't afford to be praised by a son, this is the subordinate's business."

After a short pause, Nie Guan said anxiously: "Master, it's because of his negligence that his subordinates are so tired that Mr. Ye looks like this..."

Zi Xiao smiled lightly, and said: "I told you, Brother Ye will be fine."

"Whether you believe it or not, I know that Brother Ye will definitely wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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