Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 127 Entering the Moyuan Mountain Range at Night

Chapter 127 Entering the Moyuan Mountain Range at Night
Under the night, the majestic mountains are like giant dragons entrenched in the sky and the earth. The strange black color of the mountains, especially under the night, makes people shudder.

As it gradually approached, a fierce force from the Moyuan Mountain Range could not be ignored!

In the huge mountain range, natural monsters are rampant. There should be many powerful monsters. Now the castle in the mountain is about to open. As an aborigine, it is unlikely that these monsters will still be robbed by humans. all resources in .

Therefore, these monsters may be the biggest obstacle before everyone opens the castle!
When there were still thousands of meters away from the Moyuan Mountain Range, Ye Chen's eyebrows suddenly tightened. Under the distant night, there was an extremely obscure energy fluctuation, which quietly spread in the world.

This is the aura of human beings. Obviously, in front of that, it is indeed the Great Wilderness who sent people to seal off all the Moyuan Mountains.

Although the Moyuan Mountain Range is extremely vast and extends thousands of miles away, it is not too difficult to block it with the overall strength of the Great Deserted City.

That wave of energy seemed to be there, as if it had merged with this world. It wasn't Ye Chen's soul, but it was re-gathered, and it was stronger than before.

Ye Chen took a deep breath. Even with the help of the Demon Emperor Bell to hide his breath perfectly, it is still not so easy to enter the Demon Origin Mountain Range.

This blockade is a natural moat that cannot be easily crossed!
It's just that he can't give up naturally. In comparison, it is easier here. Even if Ye Chen is not afraid of the so-called competition for places, he still has self-knowledge. It is impossible to win one of the places.

In this way, it is his last chance to enter the Moyuan Mountain Range in advance, wait for the castle to open, and take the opportunity to break in.

With this in mind, under the cover of the night, Ye Chen accelerated his forward speed.

The distance is only a few thousand meters. Normally, it can be crossed very quickly, but because of the blockade ahead, Ye Chen's forward speed is not too fast, and as he gets closer, the energy fluctuates, and the perception becomes clearer up.

This kind of blockade was not done by one person or several people, maybe it was a huge barrier set up by all the rulers in the Great Deserted City.

Although he hasn't sensed it yet, Ye Chen has to be careful whether there are masters hiding outside the Moyuan Mountain Range.

With the mountains stretching for thousands of miles, when the line of sight was widened, Ye Chen swept forward along the edge. After all, such a long geographical line, even the forces of the Great Deserted City, could not do it. There are masters guarding everywhere.

Relatively speaking, the more conspicuous the place, the place directly facing the Moyuan Mountain Range, the defense will probably be stricter, even if it is an enchantment, there will always be weak points.

Ye Chen may not be able to find the weakest point of the barrier, but he can find the gap in the defense.

The forward pace stopped immediately after a few seconds, not because it was approaching the Moyuan Mountain Range, but because the huge barrier had already appeared and extended from here.

"What a great handwriting!"

Looking ahead, Ye Chen couldn't help being amazed. From here to the Moyuan Mountain Range, there is still a full 500 meters away. An enchantment was set up from here to the vicinity of the mountain range.

Such a huge enchantment, even an ordinary martial arts master, can't do it, right?

Ye Chen immediately frowned. He thought that the barrier only existed outside the Moyuan Mountain Range, so even if someone found out after breaking the barrier, Ye Chen was not worried, because at that time, he had already entered the mountain range In the middle, are you afraid of someone chasing you?
It is different now, the range of the enchantment is so large, the distance of 500 meters, at his speed, it may only be a few seconds, but this time is enough to protect the master here, and cut him down.

He wanted to penetrate one part of the barrier silently and let him enter the mountain range. . . .Even at this time, Ye Chen is still not sure that he can break through the barrier.


When he tried to touch the invisible barrier in the void in front of him with his palm, a powerful energy surged immediately. Although Ye Chen was prepared, he was still shaken hundreds of meters away.

Ye Chen finally understands the power of the barrier!

"Next, it's up to you!"

After resting for a while, and dispelling all the suffocation in his heart, Ye Chen appeared in front of the barrier again, with his palm slightly raised, a forest of white flames exuding icy high temperature, dancing lightly on his palm like an elf.


As soon as the ghost fire appeared, a mouthful of blood gushed out of Ye Chen's mouth uncontrollably.

"I didn't expect that the backlash of this Nether Demon Fire would be so terrifying!"

Such an enchantment, I don't know how many masters of the Martial Realm jointly set it up, how can it be so terrifying that the current Ye Chen can break through it?
Only by releasing all the ghost fire, perhaps, can there be a glimmer of chance.

Now that he had used all of it, it was extremely normal for Ye Chen to have a backlash when Ye Chen's cultivation was not enough, but Ye Chen didn't expect that the level of backlash was still so terrible.

Of course, it was quite different from the previous two backlashes, but it was precisely because of two such terrible backlashes that Ye Chen felt that the current situation was surprising.

In the body, the body, bones, and even the meridians are all distorted like twists and turns in a very short period of time. Even the recent continuous practice of Cangxuanhualongjue has made his muscles and bones reach the level of surprise. Under the backlash of the magic fire, he couldn't resist it at all.

The severe pain that followed couldn't make Ye Chen's heart tremble. Even the meridians seemed to be directly burned by the ghost fire, but it made him very dignified.

For the first time, the Nether Demonic Fire backfired, and the whole body was about to collapse. There were no bones and meridians there, but now, the Nether Demonic Fire was directly targeting it. The situation was different.

If this situation cannot be stopped in a short period of time, when the meridian is broken and can never be healed, Ye Chen's life may be considered useless.

With this in mind, Ye Chen raised his hand, and the cluster of white flames that had been compressed to the extreme burst out suddenly.


Under the terrible high temperature, even if the enchantment is strong, there is still a shallow trace, and immediately, there is an energy breath, which quickly spreads out.

However, before these energy fluctuations had time to go far, they were frozen on the spot by the icy high temperature. When the ice shattered and fell, these energy fluctuations also disappeared without a trace.

The ghost fire is different from other flames, it does not have extreme violent feeling, the power of ice cold can also freeze the world, what it brings out is weird and silent.

This is the main reason why Ye Chen dared to attack the barrier, otherwise, let alone whether the barrier is broken or not, just a slight movement is enough to attract the masters defending here.

That shallow trace gradually turned into a tiny crack under the continuous burning of the Nether Demon Fire.

Ye Chen frowned tightly, as expected of the seal jointly set by many masters of the Martial Realm. After releasing the full power of the Nether Demon Fire without any concealment, unexpectedly, there was only such a small crack appearing here. .

When this tiny crack becomes big enough for Ye Chen to enter, I am afraid that the backlash of the ghost fire in his body has destroyed all his meridians.

"I can only take a risk!"

Ye Chen murmured in a low voice, the ancient castle in the Moyuan Mountain Range must be entered, because Ye Chen had to do so because it was related to the recovery of the Demon Emperor's Bell.

As the voice fell, while controlling the Nether Demon Flame with one hand, the Cangxuan Hualong Jue began to spin rapidly in his mind, and a golden light appeared in the blink of an eye and merged into his other palm.

Ye Chen immediately clenched his palm into a fist, and punched hard towards the crack created by the Nether Demon Fire.

At this moment, there seemed to be the sound of a dragon chant resounding, and that golden light turned into an iron fist, and rushed directly into the place where the gap appeared.


Before the void began to tremble, Ye Chen waved his palm again, and the ghost fire lingered upwards, freezing all the surrounding lands. At the same time, billowing dragon energy surged from the blood of the real dragon out, continue to melt into the golden light.


The sound of space shattering resounded, Ye Chen looked overjoyed, and immediately rushed in under the wrap of the Nether Demon Fire.

When his figure disappeared into the barrier, the part that was broken was also closed immediately. From the outside, it looks the same as before.

After all, Ye Chen only broke an insignificant point of it, and didn't shake the entire barrier, so naturally he couldn't make the barrier completely collapse.

And not long after Ye Chen's figure disappeared, two figures rushed over.

"It's strange, I obviously felt something moving, why is there nothing strange?"

"Don't be suspicious. This enchantment was set up by many adults. How can it be broken by idlers? And if such important figures appear here, those adults in the city must have sensed it. Stop looking, go back!"

"It's better to be careful, if something goes wrong, our lives will be lost." The person who spoke first carefully inspected the barrier.

It's just that neither the Nether Demon Fire nor the Dragon Qi can be seen by ordinary people. Even if this person is placed in Lingcang Continent, he can be regarded as the overlord of a party, but he can't see anything strange from this enchantment.

Entering the enchantment, Ye Chen let go of his speed, piercing through the space like an arrow, 500 meters away, after a few breaths, he crossed over, and then fell headlong into the majestic mountains.

Carefully shuttled through the mountains, until he found an extremely hidden area, and the whole person was submerged in it, Ye Chen felt relieved, and immediately sat down cross-legged, to deal with the unstoppable backlash of the Nether Demon Fire!
(End of this chapter)

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