Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 141 Dual Source Point

Chapter 141 Dual Source Point

In the world, people, demons, demons, and even gods, no matter how powerful they are, actually have fear in their hearts!

Perhaps these fears would not appear at all on weekdays, and would only emerge when they reached a certain level or under certain events, just like Ye Chen's impact on the spiritual level. . . .
How can the fear from the heart be suppressed, dispelled or overcome?

I'm afraid that all creatures in this world have thought this way, but there are not too many things that can really be done. If fear can be easily overcome, how can it be called fear?

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that overcoming fear can be so simple!
Ignore it, ignore it at all, ignore the existence of fear, fear will not affect itself, it's that simple!
In fact, it is easy to say, but how difficult it is to do it, and how many people can completely ignore the existence of fear?

If it wasn't for being forced to be helpless and desperate, how could Ye Chen easily suppress the fear in his heart. . . .Human potential is always endless.

Laughter resounded in my heart, and the fear that shrouded my mind receded like a tide, and all the spiritual power that my mind passed, lost its rage, and appeared again under the control of my mind.

While the spiritual power was circulating through the meridians, the injuries caused by their impact were gradually recovering. . . .When Ye Chen was in good condition, Ye Chen, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly changed his printing method in both hands.


The majestic spiritual power surged wildly, and under the traction of the exercises, it rushed into the dantian like a surging river!

Transforming mortals into spirits is a process from the mortal realm to the spiritual realm, and the so-called transformation of mortals into spirits is to use one's own spiritual power to construct a source point in the dantian!

If one's own spiritual power is not enough to support the spiritual power to forge the source point, the impact will fail. Therefore, every warrior who is about to attack the spiritual level must store his spiritual power to an extremely thick level before preparing for the impact. will proceed.

This process cannot tolerate any mistakes. Once it fails, it may not affect the future path, but it is very likely that the cultivation base will go backwards, and when it hits again, the difficulty will be much greater.

Even Ye Chen had prepared for it for two full months back then, and only then did he start to hit the spiritual level.

Back then, when everything was ready and the majestic spiritual power was about to condense out of the source point, Ye Chen suddenly went mad!

What happened back then is reopened today!
However, when the majestic spiritual power entered the dantian, Ye Chen suddenly thought of something.

In his dantian, there is already a heart of Taoism, that is to say, there is already one source point, so how to construct another source point?
According to the rules of martial arts, today's Ye Chen, as long as the water is ripe and the spiritual power is majestic enough, he can naturally enter the realm of the spiritual level. After all, the source point already exists in the dantian, and there is no need to spend time and energy to find it. Construct source.

But this is not the case, the heart of Xuanmen can replace the source point, and has the wonderful function of the source point, however, it cannot replace the source point.

That is to say, another source point must be built!
It's just that a new source point has appeared, what should I do with the heart of Xuanmen?Could it be that the new source point will be integrated into the heart of Xuanmen, or the heart of Xuanmen will be integrated into the new source point.

No matter what the situation is, the current actions cannot be stopped, and Ye Chen doesn't want to stop, he wants to see what will happen when the spiritual power enters the dantian.

The heart of Xuanmen closes on its own, and all the spiritual power is crowded in the dantian!


The spiritual power spun rapidly and turned into a terrifying vortex of spiritual power, and the rest of the spiritual power that followed poured into this vortex of spiritual power.

As the practice continued, more and more spiritual power rushed in. . . .This whole process is very similar to the condensed heart of Xuanmen, but it is different.

The reason is that the heart of Xuanmen has already opened up the dantian, and now there is no need to open it again, so the spiritual power can be directly in the dantian to construct the source point.

In the rotating vortex of spiritual power, at a certain moment, when the spiritual power reached its limit and it was no longer possible to hold it any longer, the entire dantian trembled at this moment.

"Buzz, hum!"

The vortex of spiritual power trembled, and began to smelt at an extremely fast speed!

Ye Chen has experienced this process before, so he is not unfamiliar at all, and he still does it by himself with spiritual power, and this process does not require Ye Chen to take the initiative to do it, and at the same time, it goes very smoothly.

In the vortex of smelting spiritual power, the spiritual power like a drop of water gradually seeped out and melted into the dantian, just like when the heart of Xuanmen was condensed, in the depths of the dantian, gradually, it was as big as a grain of rice The source point, began to gradually take shape.

The majestic spiritual power constantly rushes past, not to defeat this source point, but to scour the newly formed source point to make it more perfect.

This is a necessary process!
And in the process of scouring, spiritual power is constantly pouring into this source of new life!

If there is no Xuanmen heart, when this source point appears, there will be an induction anywhere in the body, before the spiritual realm, there will be spiritual power in every part of the body.

The so-called Qi Refining Realm and Mortal Realm mean that when spiritual power exists in the body, it continuously strengthens the physical body. This is also a kind of cultivation, and when the source point is formed, these spiritual power will return to the sea like a thousand streams, concentrated to one place!
When all the spiritual power in the body enters the source point, the spiritual level will come in response to the situation!

Now that there is a heart of Taoism, this process is naturally gone, so it seems much simpler.

The majestic spiritual power was injected into the source point little by little. After the spiritual power washing away at the source point was also absorbed by the source point, Ye Chen clearly sensed that a feeling he had never had before emerged in his mind .

"Is this the feeling of the spiritual realm?"

With his mind in the source point, he sensed a different feeling. Ye Chen felt extremely comfortable all over his body. That kind of powerful feeling was far beyond the comparison of the mortal realm.

"and many more!"

Ye Chen suddenly calmed down, but the source of new life had already taken shape, and when it started to play a role, the heart of Xuanmen still existed.

These two big source points, like two big scorching suns, were suspended in the dantian at the same time. Not only that, but after a while, my mind became aware that the spiritual power in the new source point began to surge out. The place is exactly the heart of Xuanmen.

All the spiritual power has entered the heart of Xuanmen, and there is nothing left in the source of new life!
Ye Chen felt it quietly, he wanted to see what would happen.

In less than a moment, the heart of Xuanmen has contained all the spiritual power, but these spiritual powers are not lying quietly as usual, but, like a wandering dragon, in the heart of Xuanmen After swimming around for a while, it immediately swept out and rushed into the source of new life.

After a while, these spiritual powers will enter the heart of Xuanmen from the source of new life, and this cycle will continue. . . .Ye Chen observed for more than half an hour. This process has been going on and there is no sign of stopping.

Ye Chen was dumbfounded. Although he had been exposed to too many incredible things, this scene still made him feel incredible. What happened?
The two sources exist at the same time, and the spiritual power does not belong to either source, but keeps surging back and forth between the two sources, forming a unique cycle!

In such a cycle, the amount of spiritual power is decreasing, and the extent of the decrease can be clearly detected, but it is more pure.

Quantity for quality!

Ye Chen's heart trembled. As we all know, the purer the spiritual power, the more powerful the burst of power. Some masters, when their own cultivation is difficult to improve, are trying to find ways to improve the purity of spiritual power.

In this way, although the cultivation base is not improving, the strength is improving.

Unexpectedly, the dual source points exist at the same time, and the benefits produced will be like this, it is really unexpected.

Of course, there are pros and cons to everything. If the amount of spiritual power decreases and is replaced by pure energy, the progress of cultivation will slow down a lot in the future. After all, the two major sources are there, and the two major sources must be satisfied at the same time before the cultivation can be improved. promoted.

In the future, Ye Chen's cultivation will take two days to achieve the result of one day in the past. . . .However, compared to the benefits obtained, these disadvantages are acceptable.

With the purity of his spiritual power, not to mention the same level, why not leapfrog, or even leapfrog to fight?
Thinking in this way, Ye Chen's mind left the source and continued to practice. Although he had successfully reached the spiritual level, it still needed some time to stabilize his current cultivation.

This has nothing to do with the purity of spiritual power, but with one's own perception. After all, they are already two different worlds.

While Ye Chen was stabilizing his own cultivation base, the Demon Emperor's Bell hovering above Ye Chen's head suddenly trembled, and the rays of light that emanated from it fell down quickly at this moment, covering his whole body. shrouded in.

Surrounded by a faint light, the energy breath contained in the dark light, which does not belong to the Demon Emperor's Bell, actually entered Ye Chen's body along with the aura of heaven and earth along with Ye Chen's breathing.

"what is this?"

Even in the deep level of cultivation, Ye Chen still sensed this sudden energy breath, it is not the aura of heaven and earth, so Ye Chen could clearly sense it in the first time.

However, before he had too much reaction, let alone to investigate what kind of energy aura, there was a slight tremor in the depths of his body, and these energy auras disappeared out of thin air.


Ye Chen's mind was concentrated. Although he didn't realize what those energy breaths were, he sensed that it was his own spirit that absorbed these energy breaths.

The changes in my body are becoming more and more difficult for me to control!
(End of this chapter)

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