Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 154 Ancient Ruins

Chapter 154 Ancient Ruins

Above the sky, the jade tablet controlled by Mei Aoxue released all the energy and poured it into it, causing the world to change color.

Looking around, the terrifying cyan light swept across the entire sky, and the radiance was so strong that it directly covered up the Yaoyang's light, making this land present an indescribably strange feeling.

Not long after, under the cover of the green light, the entire sky suddenly seemed to turn into a huge vortex. From a distance, it was a black hole in the universe!
Powerful power, hovering in that black hole, surged crazily!

Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue were even more impressed. They didn't know about other places, but in the entire castle space, all the auras of heaven and earth were forcibly absorbed by the black hole.


The huge black hole that swept across the entire sky seems to have absorbed enough energy. At this moment, under the gaze of countless people, it should explode with a bang.

A feeling of tingling in the scalp immediately flooded the whole body. If the energy in the black hole swept down, everyone in this castle would probably die with hatred under the impact of this energy. Death.

Fortunately, the terrifying energy that surged out of the explosion was not aimed at anyone in the castle. Its target was the hidden powerful barrier that guarded the ancient ruins.

The surging and roaring energy turned into a huge energy dragon in the mid-air, and when the green light flickered, it wrapped the dragon and descended from the sky.


The huge green dragon directly tore open the void, and then, under the gaze of countless eyes, it slammed down towards the main hall of the ancient castle.

Such an astonishing impact did not make any loud noise. Although the sound was overwhelming, the place where it was impacted was no different from the clouds and the wind. , has been releasing its energy to its heart's content.

Under the impact of such energy, the main hall of the ancient castle has long been turned into nothingness, and an empty area is presented under the eyes of countless people.

There, the mighty energy, wrapped in the green awn, exploded down violently like hitting a yellow dragon.

However, even with such a terrifying bombardment, there was still no big movement in the space, and even the slightest ripple of energy never came out.

The energy rolled down, and the earth, more like a black hole devoured by one side, absorbed all the energy.

Such a scene made everyone nervous. Although they had never personally experienced the power of these energies, there was no need to doubt whether they were strong enough.

Such energy, unexpectedly, is not enough to defeat the seal?

With the disappearance of the main hall of the castle, the space where the castle is located has also become extremely chaotic. The feeling of violence is like a hurricane. Although everyone present is not an ordinary person, facing such violence, everyone's face changes drastically. .

If the seal of the ancient ruins cannot be destroyed, then these people must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, when the space of the ancient castle is really broken, these people will also be strangled by the space crack.

When everyone was at ease, the roaring energy storm never dissipated in the sky. That is to say, at least in a short period of time, the surging energy impact would be continuous.

Now I only hope that under the continuous bombardment, the sealing barrier that has gone through countless years has long been eroded by the years and is no longer too strong.

"Boom, boom!"

Waves of energy kept impacting down, and the land remained as before. However, everyone finally noticed that a crack had quietly surfaced on the surface of the earth since no one knew when.

"The seal is about to break?"

Ye Chen's face shook slightly, and he held Mei Aoxue's catkin tightly in his hands. In today's world, except for the master of magic, no one knows what the ancient ruins are like.

His father, Ye Tianxiang, is dead, and those masters of the Yanyang Sect were beheaded by his father and that master of magic.

Since it is unknown, it is impossible to predict the danger. Once the ancient ruins appear in the world, no one knows what will happen. Ye Chen feels a little worried, even though Mei Aoxue's strength is far above him.

Feeling Ye Chen's affection, Mei Aoxue couldn't help but smile a little, the smile was full of joy and happiness, no matter how much hardship he had suffered, today, he is willing to be by her side, even more willing to protect herself, It's all worth it.

After the crack appeared, it spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the ground on that side was covered with shocking cracks, the ground started to collapse with a bang.

Looking around, the land seemed to have been corroded, and after an instant, there was nothing left, and the emptiness presented was jaw-dropping.


A breath suddenly spread out from the depths of the collapsed earth. It was the breath of time, the vicissitudes of life that emanated from the passage of time.

In that moment, it makes people feel that the years are passing by quickly on their body, and in just a blink of an eye, it makes people feel that this life has passed.

And when this real world is enveloped by such an aura, not only space, but even time seems to be swallowed up, and that indescribable horror slowly floats in the hearts of everyone.

"Aoxue, be careful!"

When the breath was released, although the ancient ruins had not appeared in the eyes of everyone, everyone sensed that the ancient ruins should have been opened.

One after another silhouettes, from all directions, flew towards the empty land like lightning. When their bodies appeared above that space, they disappeared strangely. Presumably, they should have entered the ancient ruins.

At this time, even if Ye Chen was discovered, no one was interested in him anymore. Compared with this ancient relic, what is the secret Ye Chen possessed?
"I know, you should be more careful."

After all, no one has ever entered the ancient ruins. Entering from the remaining seal does not guarantee that the two of them can still appear in the same place together.

"Let's go in too!"

Ye Chen took Mei Aoxue's jade hands, and both shot out.


When they came to the space where the seal exists, the vicissitudes of life became more and more intense. When the two of them were wrapped in, they could feel that the space was rotating, as if they were teleporting, and the vision in their eyes suddenly blurred .

When he woke up again, the foreground had changed drastically, appearing in another unknown space.


Ye Chen's heart trembled violently. He knew very well that he had been holding Mei Aoxue's hand tightly until he was teleported in, and he never let go. Even at this moment, he still kept holding Mei Aoxue's hand tightly. However, Mei Aoxue is not by her side.

Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, as expected of an ancient relic, he was able to do this.

After a while, Ye Chen calmed down and went to look at the so-called ancient ruins.

Perhaps because of the passage of countless years, the place that entered the eyes has a feeling of desolation, a piece of land, a piece of void, all directly present the shape of nothingness, like an illusion.

Although there are no living beings in this space, there is still a terrifying sense of violence in the space between heaven and earth. In this nothingness, there is a dark red color everywhere, as if soaked in blood.

Undoubtedly, the area of ​​the ancient ruins was so large that Ye Chen didn't notice the presence of other people from nearby.

It seemed to be quite a peaceful place, except for the feeling of berserk, there was nothing special about it. However, when a breeze blew over, an indescribably terrifying scene clearly appeared in Ye Chen's eyes.

It's just a light breeze, but it makes the entire ground that seems to be nothingness shake. When the dark red color in the space surges, it is like a wave of blood.

And a light wind turned into a terrible hurricane in an instant, sweeping across the earth, bringing up dust all over the sky, and everything that was swept in by the hurricane turned into dust in an instant.

Ye Chen had no doubt that if he was involved in that hurricane, maybe it was the Demon Emperor Bell, it would be difficult to protect him.

Because after entering here, the Demon Emperor Bell seems to have entered a deep sleep. When you enter your body, you will find that the Demon Emperor Bell is lying in a place in the body, with a faint glow, wrapping itself tightly, as if it is wrapping it. breath, completely isolated from the outside world.

Obviously, the Demon Emperor Bell is afraid!
What is it afraid of?
The Demon Emperor Bell appeared from here, and now that it is back here, logically speaking, it should be very happy, just like a wanderer who has been away from home for a long time has returned home, and tears should be in his eyes.

However, the Demon Emperor's Bell behaves completely differently, which makes Ye Chen more uneasy. Since he got the Demon Emperor's Bell, he has never seen it have such emotions, even when the Demon Emperor's Bell is extremely weak, facing the Nether Demon The fire has never retreated.

This ancient ruins may be full of rare encounters, but likewise, there are crises everywhere.

After looking at it for a while, Ye Chenfang withdrew his gaze, dodged the gust of wind that was blowing in front of him, and then quickly swept towards an area on the left.

It was a hilly place, and only in the hills could it be possible to find a hidden place.

No matter what kind of dangers the ancient ruins are full of, you must heal your injuries before you have enough energy to deal with them. Similarly, if there are benefits and injuries, you can't beat other people, and you can't win this world.

In this ancient ruins, there is something unknown, which makes the Emperor Zhong feel fearful and fearful. Ye Chen doesn't even need to think about it. Since he has appeared in the ancient ruins, there must be someone who will meet him one time.

At that time, what will happen is not what Ye Chen can predict. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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