Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 187 The King

Chapter 187 The King


In mid-air, Jin Ling shouted in a deep voice, even if he could kill Ye Chen with his hands at will, he had to give up killing Ye Chen now, and his mind was all on the front.

The palm that came out of nowhere was not very powerful, but it easily destroyed his two attacks. Although it was suspected of a sneak attack, it was so powerful, but there is no doubt about it. At least Jin Ling felt that he was in a different place. , he may not be able to do it.

How could such a master not make him very dignified!

This world has also become extremely quiet, and many people present are even more curious, who is the person who claims to be the king?

Dahuang City 180 City Lord of the Five Cities, although Jin Ling is not the best among them, but today he shot to kill, he is just a strange young man, if he wants to come to other City Lords, he will never publicly slap Jin Ling in the face, even if he wants to stop him, he will Be gentle.

"Hey, I haven't appeared in this world for a long time, but the world has already forgotten me!"

The wild and unruly laughter resounded in the sky once again, the overbearingness contained in it turned out to forcibly dispel the darkness that filled the sky, leaving nothing behind.

Hearing the sound of laughter again, Jin Ling seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed drastically.

At the same time, the faces of those people in the Great Wilderness City also changed drastically. They obviously guessed who this mysterious master is!

In a land with a radius of ten thousand miles, there is only one person who can be called the king, and that is, the king in the Moyuan Mountain Range!
Anyone who has entered the ancient ruins knows that Ye Chen has a good relationship with the Yaozu, but it is only good, a Ye Chen can't afford to be friends with the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range.

But now they know that Ye Chen can not only discuss friendship with this king, but also let the latter come forward to help him resolve the crisis!

This kind of friendship is very scary!
The Great Wilderness City is adjacent to the Moyuan Mountain Range, real neighbors, and the relationship between the monster race and humans makes these two neighbors always fight each other, never ending!

The power and strength of the Great Wilderness City can be regarded as a first-class force in the entire northern continent. Although the Moyuan Mountain Range is not weak, it still cannot suppress the Great Wilderness City.

After many years of fighting, the two sides naturally tried their best. However, if there is no major event, the top experts of both sides will never intervene in the following battles. The natural law of survival is survival of the fittest!
If these top experts participated in every battle, then the Moyuan Mountain Range and the Great Wilderness City would have declined long ago!

So everyone was shocked. For Ye Chen, the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range actually made a move himself!
Knowing who this mysterious expert is, Jin Ling's expression was cold, and disappeared without a trace after a moment. Although he can be regarded as a high-ranking authority in the Great Wilderness City, he is the lord of the city after all.

But in front of the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range, his status is nothing!

The only person who is qualified to have a dialogue with such a huge deserted city is the owner of the deserted city.

But now, the Lord of the Great Deserted City has been missing for many years. To put it bluntly, if the king wants to launch a war against the Great Deserted City, no one can stop the king from advancing.

Therefore, Jin Ling was very cautious. If it was because of him that the Moyuan Mountain Range was led by the king to attack the Great Wilderness City, then he would be the sinner of the Great Wilderness City.

At that time, no one can keep him, even if he is the master of Yaoguang City.

"It turned out that it was the Lord Demon King who arrived, so please don't blame me for being rude just now!" Looking into the distance, Jin Ling clasped his fists and said.

"Demon King!"

Ye Chen's face was also shocked, but he didn't expect that the Demon King would come out to rescue him himself.

"Excuse me? Haha!"

The space in the distance twisted sharply, and in an instant, a huge space crack was forcibly torn open, and immediately, a burly figure appeared from the inside!

Since he is a demon king, his strength is of course enough to transform into a human being!

Looking around, it was a middle-aged strong man with scarlet eyes and a burly body like an iron tower. He stopped there without intention, but naturally there was a surge of peerless ferocity, which made him The surrounding world was shaking violently.

Compared with Jin Ling, the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range is much stronger in strength. With Ye Chen's current cultivation base, it is impossible to observe his true strength, but at least he is a top master in the Xuanwu realm.

"Being rude to this king, I will beat you up at most. For the sake of King Xiao Ming's face, I won't make things difficult for you, but now you want to kill my brother Ye Chen. Hey, how can this king spare you!"

"Demon King?"

Jin Ling's face suddenly changed, and the faces of other people present also changed drastically, and they were called brothers by the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range. . . .

Ye Chen was also surprised to see the demon king in mid-air, possessing pure dragon aura, which can indeed make it easier for him to establish a relatively good relationship with the demon clan, and even make low-level and low-level people The fire python and tiger king are the best example.

However, Ye Chen never thought of making the demon king call him brother and brother!
At least the masters in the Xuanwu Realm, looking at the entire northern continent, are all superior. Ye Chen thinks that his potential is unlimited, but it is not enough to make the Demon King look so high.

"Yao Wang, everything is a misunderstanding!" Jin Ling said quickly: "The relationship between Cai and the little brother was just a joke, and there is absolutely no malice in my heart."

Such a change is very fast.

However, no one was laughing at Jin Ling's change. In front of more powerful masters, if he lost some face, he could get his fortune back. Anyone would do that.


The demon king smiled lightly and said: "I seriously injured my brother Ye Chen. If it hadn't been for this king to appear, my brother Ye Chen would have died. I have never heard of this king's life as a joke. Do you think this king is a fool? "

"And even if it's a joke, how can you make a joke about my brother?"

"The demon king's forgiveness is just a misunderstanding, really it's just a misunderstanding..."

The demon king waved his hand and said calmly: "Even if it is a misunderstanding, this king will not let you go. My brother has always been hurt by you, so I will accept your life."


When the demon king's voice fell, the sky and the earth began to change color, and above the sky, a huge phantom suddenly appeared. It seemed to be the demon king's body, but when the space was distorted, people could not capture the existence of its body .

In just a moment, he appeared in the space where Jin Ling was.

At this time, even Jin Ling couldn't help being startled, but now is not the time to talk nonsense, black lights burst out of his body continuously, instantly turning into rounds of slaps The size of the black full moon.

It was the Dark Moon!

Of course, compared to Qiu Huaxuan, the power of the Black Demon Moon released by Jin Ling is undoubtedly countless times greater.If Jin Ling used this method at the beginning, no matter how many cards Ye Chen had to save his life, unless the man in green robe appeared, he would die without a place to die.

The whole world became dim because of the appearance of the Black Demon Moon, as if the night was coming, but only the space above Jin Ling's head remained the same without any change.

"Dark demon destroys the world!"

Jin Ling raised his hand and waved heavily, and the palm-sized Black Demon Moon shot out at the huge phantom with a lightning-like afterglow. When the spiritual power swept across, the space shattered.


A round of black full moon swept directly into the huge phantom, and then, a terrifying storm of spiritual power exploded crazily in that phantom.

However, the terrifying energy that was enough to destroy a city could not make the slightest ripple in that phantom.

It is not surprising that the boulder was thrown into the lake, but there was no ripple in the water!
After the huge phantom devoured all the energy, a giant fist protruded out of it like lightning, and then slammed it down fiercely.


Even Jin Ling, under the bombardment of that punch, fell to the ground like Ye Chen just now, smashing a huge deep hole, and obviously the demon king did not show mercy, although he never killed Jin Ling with one move , but it also made him no longer have the power to fight again.

The whole field was silent, and with one move, Jin Ling had no power to fight back. The strength of the demon king was so terrifying, and this was the difference in strength!

Just now, in front of Ye Chen, Jin Ling was so invincible, the former was like an ant in his eyes, but not long after, he was also an ant in the eyes of the demon king.

Such a quick change is unavoidably ridiculous!
The huge phantom did not disappear. After seriously injuring Jin Ling, it still descended from the sky with an arrogant aura, enveloping Jin Ling.

Obviously, the Demon King must kill Jin Ling!

In the deep pit, Jin Ling's face was like gold paper. Now he seemed to have no way out except to wait for death. Of course, if he blew himself up, he might be able to hurt the Demon King, but that was only possible.

If he really wanted to blow himself up, Jin Ling didn't have the guts yet.

Death is just the loss of the glory and wealth of this life, and everything can be started again, but self-explosion is a gamble of eternal life. Not many people can afford this price.

All eyes were on Jin Ling who was in the deep pit, and sympathy slowly emerged. In this world, all masters who can cultivate to the realm of martial arts have paid an unimaginable price for ordinary people.

In one night, he was about to die in Huangquan, which makes people sigh, how difficult it is to survive in this world, Jin Ling is the lord of a city, how high-spirited he is on weekdays, but because of a small incident If you want to die, you will die. . . .
In the eyes of many people, killing Ye Chen was nothing more than a trivial matter, but they didn't expect that his backstage would be so strong.

"Demon King, please be merciful!"

When the huge phantom was about to devour Jin Ling, a rather old voice sounded from the Great Desolation City, and immediately, figures shot out of the city like lightning, between breaths, Appeared under this sky.

(End of this chapter)

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