Chapter 206
Ye Chen laughed loudly, wrapped his palms with a silver light, and grabbed the Dayu Divine Cauldron that came violently!
When the palm of the hand touched the Divine Dayu Cauldron, a silver glow flickered, and powerful power surged out of it, and the space around him suddenly burst into a ripple of energy visible to the naked eye.


The Dayu Divine Cauldron oscillated rapidly, and the majestic spiritual power on it from Tu Xiong continued to collapse under the flickering of the silver light. In less than a moment, the Dayu Divine Cauldron immediately became quiet.

Countless eyes, fixed on this point, were shocked by Ye Chen's sudden burst of power.

As soon as Tu Xiong made a move, he was fighting for his life. In fact, it was true. With his spiritual power, there would not be the slightest temptation. With his strength, the blow just now, perhaps even a master of the same level, could It was difficult to resist head-on, never thought that Ye Chen would do it.

Of course, the Divine Dayu Cauldron belongs to Ye Chen, and the energy acting on the cauldron will be more or less melted by the Divine Dayu Cauldron. If Tu Xiong came directly at Ye Chen, he might not be able to resist it. so easy.

But this is what Tu Xiong wants to see, which makes Tu Xiong feel the gap between the strength that Ye Chen can display and his own cultivation.

This strength does not rely on any external objects, and it is completely different from the group of people who were forcibly suppressed by using the Great Yu Divine Cauldron just now.

When Tu Xiong's mind was spinning rapidly, a cold laughter, accompanied by the overwhelming darkness, shrouded the space with the force of lightning.

"Tu Xiong, since you are so interested in the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, I will give it to you. I don't know if you dare to accept it."

Ye Chen stepped on the tripod, and the silver light shone above the darkness, giving people an extremely domineering feeling, as if Ye Chen had forcibly controlled the darkness with his own power.


Tu Xiong yelled coldly, and when the light flashed across his eyes, he stomped the sole of his foot on the ring, and under his foot, there was a piercing sonic boom in the air, and deafening sound waves rippling from his feet .


With Tu Xiong's foot stomping down, everyone present could see that the terrifying spiritual power swept out from the space behind him, like an incomparably huge wave, in the turbulent world, making the space tremble at this moment.

Tu Xiong stood on top of the boundless waves, his seemingly insignificant figure, like a giant, was suppressing this space, and that kind of spiritual coercion belonged to the category of Spirit Sea Realm.

In other words, Tu Xiong has already touched the gate of the realm of martial arts.

Although he is not considered a master of the martial arts realm, it is difficult for an ordinary peak martial artist of the spiritual sea realm to become Tu Xiong's opponent.

"As expected of the leader of the Canglong Army..."

Not only the other warriors who were watching, but also in the eyes of Xu Baxian, Jin Ling, Yang Jun, and the other three leaders of the Heavenly Army, this Tu Xiong could already be regarded as number one.

In this world, only warriors above the realm of martial arts can walk in the world, and only such warriors can be called martial arts masters.

Under the so-called Martial Realm, everyone is an ant!

Tu Xiong has already touched the gate of the Martial Realm, that is to say, his comprehension has already appeared in this world. It only takes a process, and in time, he can become a real Martial Realm master.

Ye Chen also felt the coercion from Tu Xiong, and his heart tightened immediately. Apart from facing Jin Ling that day, this Tu Xiong was his most powerful enemy.

"Ye Chen, maybe you have a combat power that ordinary people can't match. Considering your age, you can be regarded as very remarkable, but... in front of me, your greatness is just a joke."

Tu Xiong stared coldly at Ye Chen on the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, and there was a powerful pride in his voice. Ye Chen had Ye Chen's pride, but he, Tu Xiong, also had it!
"Boom, boom!"

Under Tu Xiong's feet, the spiritual power, which was like a boundless giant wave, let out a monstrous roar, and a moment later, under the control of that absolute coercion, the huge wave surged to the sky, condensing under his palm like lightning.

With the formation of a seal, the terrifying spiritual power turned into a heavy hammer that could split mountains. On the heavy hammer, light patterns connected together, as if forming a scene of stars in the sky.

When the light flickered, an extremely terrifying energy aura swept out crazily.

The heavy hammer hadn't been swung yet, but this burst of energy shot out first, and hit the Dayu Divine Cauldron heavily.


In the next moment, it seemed that the whole world was filled with this sound, and the entire Divine Cauldron trembled violently because of this, and the black light outside the Divine Cauldron was visible to the naked eye because of this.

In this way, no one doubts that Tu Xiong's style is powerful and terrifying.

Just a moment later, the heavy hammer was swung out, and after forcibly piercing through the void in front of it, it unceremoniously blasted towards Dayu Divine Cauldron with unmatched power.

The terrifying aura directly permeated the entire sky, twisting and distorting continuously from where Tu Xiong was, spreading out in all directions. It was only for an instant, and it was already difficult to clearly capture the space of the ring with the naked eye.

This scene directly made everyone amazed, even Jin Ling did not deny that with the power Tu Xiong released now, Dayu Divine Cauldron could not resist it at all.

Because even though Ye Chen controlled the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, he still didn't have enough strength to unleash the power of the Divine Cauldron.

But immediately, everyone's eyes tightened suddenly.

They saw that when the heavy hammer was about to collide with the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, all the darkness disappeared, and only the bright silver light shone brightly in the space between heaven and earth.

Ye Chen actually removed the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, and wanted to use his own strength to resist Tu Xiong's attack!
The silver light flickered, and the silver light patterns were connected end to end, surrounding Ye Chen. From a distance, it looked like a real silver dragon.

Amidst the shocking voice all over the sky, Ye Chen looked ahead and waved his palm violently. The silver light streaks were like photoelectric waves, surging with terrifying domineering power, and the heavy hammer coming towards the front was directly Hard to regret the past.

"Peng, Peng!"

The ferocious impact caused the heavens and the earth to vibrate violently, and immediately the space was distorted, and in the central area, silver light streaks and the blue light swept out crazily.

Ye Chen and Tu Xiong, who were the first among them, were hit directly, their faces were almost pale, and then they were swept out directly, stepping on the ring, and retreating violently.

Fortunately, the arena is big enough, otherwise, they would all be knocked out of the arena.

Down there, countless eyes looked at the two people who were blown away, and they all screamed in shock. They really didn't expect that under such an attack, Tu Xiong didn't gain a suppressive upper hand.

Although Ye Chen retreated farther and looked much more embarrassed, his steps were the same as Tu Xiong's, and there was no sign of disorder. That is to say, Ye Chen may have been injured, but the injury did not affect him. Continue to fight.

If the battle ends here, no one will think that Ye Chen has lost. With his cultivation, he is already proud enough to be able to push Tu Xiong to this point.

At this time, no one questioned Ye Chen's strength. He was indeed qualified to be called a brother by the Demon King.

At such an age, with such cultivation, he is enough to fight against a master who has almost surpassed the peak of Linghai. Who will underestimate him again?
However, the commanders of the four heavenly armies, including Yang Jun and Fang Chen, did not have any opinion of Tu Xiong because of Ye Chen's outstanding performance. They knew Tu Xiong very well, especially Yang Jun, who was his subordinate.

In the beginning, Tu Xiong was the one who provoked Ye Chen. If he didn't have enough strength, Yang Jun would never do this.

Yang Jun didn't object to entering Huatian Army, because it would be good for him and Xu Baxian, but Yang Jun had the final say on how to enter.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tu Xiong's face was a bit ugly, not because he was hurt by Ye Chen, but because the result was so different from what he thought.

Staring at Ye Chen in the distance, Tu Xiong said coldly: "I didn't expect that your own means would be so powerful. I always thought that you relied on external objects. Now, I was wrong."

Ye Chen smiled and didn't speak, but his heart gradually raised a little vigilance. At this time, Tu Xiong should not talk nonsense.

"So, in order to completely defeat your confidence, I have no choice but to use the method that I have cultivated successfully with great difficulty. Ye Chen, you should be thankful, because you are the first person to see my method. "

On Tu Xiong's ugly face, a smile suddenly flashed, but that smile was so cold that it made one's heart shudder, and, faintly, there seemed to be a trace of blood emerging from the depths of his pupils.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the eyes staring at Tu Xiong's body suddenly froze.

Obviously next, Tu Xiong is going to use his most powerful means, he wants to end this battle in the shortest time with the momentum of thunder.

However, this is also what Ye Chen hopes.

No matter what cards and means he has, he can support him in the battle with Tu Xiong, but his cultivation level is still far behind the opponent's. In terms of spiritual power, he is definitely not as good as Tu Xiong.

Although Ye Chen's spiritual power is different from the dual source point and the yin and yang energy, the huge gap is a fact and cannot be made up.

Therefore, Tu Xiong wanted to kill him with one blow, which actually helped Ye Chen. It was in Ye Chen's best interest to decide the outcome of the battle in the shortest time.

Of course, Ye Chen knew very well that if Tu Xiong dared to do this, he must have enough self-confidence.

As Tu Xiong's voice fell, it could be seen that a mark suddenly appeared in the middle of his brow. This mark was extremely bright red, as if it was outlined with blood.

There is actually a vitality, from the imprint, slowly floating, the blood-colored imprint, like a living being, looks very strange. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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