Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 234 Dragon and Tiger Fight

Chapter 234 Dragon and Tiger Fight

"Big guy, if you agree now, it's not too late. If you do something, you should know what the result will be! If I forcibly take away your original power, even if you don't kill you, in this life, you will die!" You won't be able to do anything either."

Looking at the peerless beast from a distance, Ye Chen said calmly.

The eyes of the peerless ferocious beast that had just become tough trembled a little because of Ye Chen's words. The consequences, not to mention it, would be unbearable for any creature.

Without the power of the source, even if you are still alive, it would be worse than death, because it has been abolished.

In this Valley of Burying Souls, if there is no strength, the peerless ferocious beast knows very well what will happen to those waiting for it!
The law of the jungle has been fully implemented here, the weak are preyed on by the strong, and the weak, apart from death, have only one way to go is to be swallowed. As the king of a region, it is undoubtedly extremely sad to end up like this.

The peerless ferocious beast will never allow itself to have such an end. Its arrogance, its status, and everything it has ever done tell it that it cannot accept such an end.

However, this original power must not be lost!

Seeing the eyes of the peerless beast gradually becoming firm, Ye Chen nodded slightly, and said, "Then let's fight!"


As Ye Chen's last word fell, the terrifying sound of the tide, roaring like a wild beast, resounded through the sky, and the sea of ​​white flames rolled up countless waves of fire, sweeping out like overwhelming the sky.

The figure of the peerless ferocious beast trembled slightly, and the fierce light in its eyes closed. Under its feet, there was a sea of ​​blood and purple flames, but it was like an indestructible sharp blade, and it ruthlessly plundered towards the countless white waves of fire.

The two seas of flames collided in one place like meteorites high above the sky.

At this moment, the space is still, and even time seems to be still, there is no deafening sound, there are only terrible energy ripples that are released silently.

These energy ripples released their terrifying power as soon as they swept out of the location of the two big seas of fire. The sky, the earth, and even the depths of the earth were all under the impact of these energies. If there is nothingness.

This side of the valley, after this moment, the mulberry field has become a sea, and there is nothing left!
At high altitude, the two seas of fire collided, directly piercing through the void, and an extreme chaos swept out from it. These natural forces seemed to be unable to bear even the two seas of fire, all within a short period of time. Their respective powers rapidly weakened.

The sea of ​​blood and purple fire, this is probably the biggest trump card of the peerless beast. If it wants to escape from Ye Chen, it can only rely on the former. Therefore, when it sees that the power of the sea of ​​fire is not enough, a blood glow comes from its pupils. , quickly stormed out.

At the same time, the surface of its body, the original purple crystals that had been repaired not long ago, quietly fell off.

This time she fell off, not because of the helplessness after being severely injured, but because of the deliberate intention of the peerless beast!
When the purple crystal fell off, it immediately turned into a shooting star and shot into the sea of ​​blood and purple flames.

Following the entry of these two things, the sea of ​​blood and purple flames roared angrily, not only the light became extremely intense, but even the sea of ​​flames was quietly changing at this moment.


Taking advantage of the overwhelming power, the blood-purple sea of ​​fire forcibly pushed back the white sea of ​​fire, and immediately, a huge sea of ​​fire, like a god, hovered at a higher altitude!

"Roar, Roar!"

The figure of the peerless ferocious beast also appeared on the sea of ​​blood and purple flames, and a stern roar sounded like weeping in its mouth!

Its sharp claws used to attack suddenly changed, and there was a seal formed between its claws, and suddenly, a more dazzling purple awn appeared from the surface of its body, and within a moment, The spread covered the entire sea of ​​blood and purple flames.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen raised his brows, without any so-called seriousness, but in the depths of his pupils, an unknown smile flashed across his eyes.

The more ferocious this peerless beast behaves, the easier it is to achieve his goal!
The purple awns covered the sea of ​​blood and purple flames. Immediately, the huge sea of ​​flames boiled rapidly. Looking around, even the space boiled together.

The blood-purple sea of ​​flames was shrinking, and within a moment, the thousands of meters of sea of ​​flames had condensed to only a few dozen feet in size, but at this moment, Ye Chen's eyes froze.

A sea of ​​blood and purple flames tens of feet in size, behind the peerless ferocious beast, boiled crazily. Every tremor caused a wave that would destroy the world, and amidst the constant boiling, a huge sea of ​​flames emerged. His figure was quietly taking shape.

That figure is no different from the peerless ferocious beast, it is its replica!

A few seconds later, the sky-shattering roar resounded across the sky. It came from the mouth of the colossal creature transformed from a sea of ​​blood and purple flames behind the peerless beast. It was majestic and fierce!

The gigantic monster of tens of feet, like a giant god, stood upright in the void, and before it made any moves, the space it was in began to burst apart inch by inch.

This was just the beginning, when the huge monster transformed by the sea of ​​fire was no longer illusory, but seemed to have become a real body, the figure of the peerless beast immediately shot away, and unexpectedly plundered into the huge monster, and merged into one!

The extremely gigantic figure was the carrier of the peerless ferocious beast. Flames lingered around his body, and an indescribably peerless power swept out crazily.

This is the most powerful hole card of the peerless beast!

Turning into a giant body, on the forehead of the beast, the pattern that symbolizes the king is more obvious and powerful. At this time, it is the real king!
"More than half a month ago, if you used this pose, maybe I would be extremely afraid, but today, you really no longer threaten me in the slightest."

Ye Chen smiled calmly, and shook his palm violently. The white sea of ​​fire under his feet suddenly gathered in his palm, and the sea of ​​fire turned into flames, jumping like an elf.

"Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art!"


The sound of the dragon's chant resounded, and streaks of silver light immediately appeared outside his body, and then began to merge rapidly, and an illusory silver figure slowly appeared above his head.

It's just that the silver figure is too illusory to see why!
"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

The violent energy in the world continuously gathered into Ye Chen's body, and after a while, silver light streaks emerged again. Once these light streaks appeared, they immediately swept up the top of the head and directly melted into the illusory silver figure .

The phantom figure immediately became solid. Although it was impossible to make this phantom like the peerless beast, it was indistinguishable from the real body, but that dragon power was no longer there. It came out of the body, but directly swept out from the phantom figure.

The silver illusory figure also turned into a real silver dragon in this instant!
At this time, Ye Chen made a move with the palm of his hand, and the elf-like white flame shot out quickly, carrying a ray of yin and yang power, and swept into the real silver dragon like lightning.


The entry of the power of yin and yang made the real silver dragon possess spirituality, as if it really transformed into a dragon. However, the Nether Demon Fire couldn't blend in. Forcibly entering, not only did it freeze the real dragon, but the terrible high temperature The body of Ling's real silver dragon was shrinking sharply, as if it was about to be melted.

Obviously, dragon energy cannot exist in the ghost fire!

However, even though it can't blend, the domineering Longwei doesn't want to be in the Nether Demon Fire without the slightest resistance. When it is frozen, the tolerance of the Dragon Qi finally reaches the extreme.


The domineering Longwei rushed out with a frantic impact. At this moment, there were cracks in the frozen world, which continued to collapse, threatening to burst.

Ye Chen's eyes tightened, he waved his hands, and his spiritual power surged away.


The spiritual power affects the yin and yang power already in the dragon aura, enveloping this space completely. Countless dragon power or ghost fire, they all calm down helplessly. Under the traction of spiritual power, they quickly Running, gradually blending!

High above the sky, the peerless beast obviously did not want Ye Chen's move to succeed. The huge figure like a giant god stepped into the air like lightning, rushing towards it with overwhelming power, and the blood-purple light was like When the electricity pierced through the void, it bombarded Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold, this guy is very good at choosing the right time, but unfortunately, he is destined to be disappointed!

Just when the electric glow appeared in front of Ye Chen's body, a simple and simple mirror suddenly appeared, and the electric glow shot towards it quickly and bombarded the mirror.

The pupils of the peerless ferocious beast suddenly shrank tightly. When this all-conquering blow hit the mirror, it was like a rock sinking into the sea, without any ripples, and the mirror was still as clean as before. . . .

This is the immeasurable magic mirror!It was Ye Chen's first time to use the Infinity Mirror, but he didn't expect that the effect would be so good!

Of course, Ye Chen understands that any treasure has a limit. If the peerless beasts attack enough, the Immeasurable Mirror cannot resist it unscathed.

With such a short time blockage, although the Dragon Qi and the Nether Demon Fire have not really blended together, they are still at peace, and Ye Chen has already used it as he pleases!

The sound of the dragon chant became louder and louder. Outside the real silver dragon, white flames swirled and rose, making the real dragon look like a fire dragon!

This high altitude has already boiled like water!
One dragon and one tiger stood facing each other. The monstrous dragon power and the peerless fierce power each occupied one side of the world, just like two true gods.

"Big guy, agree now, my condition just now still counts!"

Standing on the real dragon, Ye Chen said again.


The peerless ferocious beast roared fiercely, it has reached this point, it is no longer allowed to retreat, if it does not advance, it will die!
The huge figure was like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, surrounded by blood-purple flames, and after a moment, it rushed out, and every step it took, the space was plunged into it.

Looking ahead, Ye Chen smiled calmly, stretched out his finger slowly, and then pointed straight at the peerless beast!

The hovering real dragon, like the lightning, shot out immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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