Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 256 Demon Body

Chapter 256 Demon Body

The Xie Chi was tens of meters behind him. Standing here, Li Yin could easily absorb enough energy from the Xie Chi to fight his opponent.

However, the Xiechi at this time, in Li Yin's heart, was like a river of hell, which made him feel great fear, and the greater fear came from Ye Chen!
Li Yin never expected it anyway, how could Ye Chen guess that the evil pool is also a terrible threat to himself?

But now, Li Yin didn't have enough time to think about these things. On the opposite side, the young man more than ten meters away, wrapped in the forest white flames, charged again like a god of war.

The powerful force forced Li Yin to go all out in order not to be injured, but after going all out, the price he had to bear was that he was getting closer and closer to Xiechi.

"Bang, bang!"

A series of dull crashing sounds resounded continuously near the evil pool, and the two figures quickly separated amidst the crashing sounds, but collided again a moment later.

Li Yin wanted to stay away from Xiechi, but that young man had rich combat experience, and his speed was even higher than him. With his powerful strength and the horror of the white flame, the defense line he had set up around here , Li Yin couldn't break through at all.

In such a big battle, although Li Yin was not injured, on the contrary, according to his previous intentions, the boy was constantly being consumed, but Li Yin knew that when the boy was exhausted, he had already been forced into the evil pool. middle.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Looking at the figure of the young man who shot again, Li Yin no longer knew what kind of anger he was feeling. He only knew that it was an indisputable fact that if he continued like this, he would enter the evil pool.

Compared with entering the evil pool, Li Yin couldn't bear it, she was in Ye Chen's hands, so embarrassed!

Li Yin suddenly screamed loudly, and he ignored Ye Chen's terrifying attack. Not only did he not counterattack, he even let go of his own defense.

Only the water in the huge evil pool behind him was more turbulent at this moment, as if the boiling water had reached its peak, and there were bursts of black smoke quietly rising out.

In the depths of the evil pool, there seemed to be a dragon playing tricks, streams of black water shot up into the sky, and then rushed towards Li Yin at an extremely fast speed.


Ye Chen's punch unceremoniously hit Li Yin's chest. The terrifying force directly turned the latter's face into a pale face, and blood gushed out from his mouth.

However, Ye Chen's expression changed, he had no defense, and forcibly endured such a blow from himself, even if he was a martial arts master, it was impossible for him to be safe and sound.

Li Yin was indeed injured, and the injury was not serious. However, at the same time as he was injured, Li Yin's aura suddenly increased, and the power that invaded his body not only could not continue to hurt Li Yin, but was Instantly melted away.

"Evil pool!"

Ye Chen's eyes flickered, and the palm still on Li Yin's chest shook violently, and the ghost fire directly invaded.


Li Yin smiled strangely, still allowing the intrusion of the white flames, his expression was extremely ferocious, but at the same time, he felt very enjoyable.

Ye Chen's expression trembled, he pulled away and retreated violently!

At the same time as he flew back, black streams of water from the evil pool appeared all over Li Yin's body, and then Ye Chen suddenly saw that these black streams directly entered the latter's body.

In the evil pool, there is extremely pure energy of the most evil, which is Li Yin's reliance, but before that, his absorption was just to extract the pure energy from the black water flow, and then absorb it.

Now, the black water flow was directly absorbed into it.

After the black water flowed into Li Yin's body, streams of black dense air began to surge out continuously, and Ye Chen suddenly sensed that the Nether Demonic Fire that had invaded Li Yin's body just now, at this moment, There was nothing left, it was more like being melted and absorbed by Li Yin.

Ye Chen frowned involuntarily, his mind moved lightly, and the chaotic yin and yang decisively began to work quietly. At the same time, the yin and yang power in his body also surged rapidly.

This is the most evil mountain. Although the energy in the space has not been completely corroded by the most evil aura, it is still full of the most evil aura. Now, Ye Chen has no choice but to actively absorb the energy containing the most evil aura into his body. Be careful.

If evil energy enters the body, even if it is not serious, it may be affected by it in this life, leading to unbearable consequences in the future.

A mass of Nether Demonic Fire is rising directly in the dantian. All incoming energy, after being filtered by Yin and Yang Qi, passes through the Nether Demonic Fire to ensure that there is no trace of evil in these energies.

The black dense air is getting thicker and thicker, and the Li Yin in the package can no longer be seen by the naked eye, but the black dense air is getting bigger and bigger, and finally, it is more than ten feet in size, like a statue The giant stands between the sky and the earth.

"Evil body!"

In the black dense air, there was a stern and angry shout, and immediately, the seemingly illusory black dense air seemed to freeze suddenly, and a giant was also transformed from it.

Li Yin is still Li Yin, but now he has become a huge giant, looking around, the dense black air seems to have turned into armor.

Except for a pair of eyes, the rest of the body is covered in armor, and his whole body presents a powerful force and a sense of invincibility.

"Marven Ye!"

The stern sound was like a bell, and when he stepped on it, he appeared in front of Ye Chen. Immediately, he raised his foot, and stepped down fiercely on Ye Chen who looked like an ant now.

Terrifying power, accompanied by a black misty breath, shrouded Ye Chen directly. The strong sense of oppression made Ye Chen's clothes flutter, as if he was in a violent storm.


As soon as one foot stepped down, the ground trembled, and a large pit with a depth of several meters appeared where he stepped, but there was no bloody flesh and so-called bloody smell that Li Yin wanted to see.

A hundred meters away, Ye Chen was standing awe-inspiringly wrapped in the Nether Demon Fire. Although he had never been hit by the frontal blow just now, the oppression of the powerful energy breath had already caused the blood in his body to surge. The current Li Yin, so The displayed strength is no weaker than that of Yang Jun that day.

Li Yin in such a state is even more supported by the energy of Xiechi, and his combat effectiveness is by no means comparable to that of Yang Jun that day.

No wonder he has enough confidence to wait for himself here!

However, this method should be Li Yin's last and strongest hole card. . . .Ye Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a domineering power breath swept out from his body crazily.


That level of power breath is indeed extraordinary, but Li Yin has stronger self-confidence in himself, as long as the opponent is not a super expert at the level of martial arts, he has the confidence to tear anyone into pieces.


The world trembled, the huge giant moved even faster, and appeared in front of Ye Chen again in an instant, hitting Ye Chen mercilessly with a blow like an iron fist.

The dense black aura immediately shrouded it, as if it had turned into a cage, sealing off all Ye Chen's escape routes.


In the dark white color, a pillar of fire suddenly rose into the sky. Surrounded by the flames, there was a huge dragon-like figure, which forcibly rushed out, and finally hit the iron fist heavily.

The deafening roar was accompanied by terrifying energy ripples. The steel-like giant stepped on the ground, kicked back, and left a row of irregular and irregular huge footprints in front of it, a dozen or so steps away. .

A look of shock flashed across his pupils, looking at Ye Chen who seemed to be even more embarrassed than him in the distance, Li Yin's expression couldn't help changing, facing each other head-on, unexpectedly, he hadn't hurt the latter yet.

Although it is also clear that Ye Chen is not Yi Yu's generation, otherwise, Li Yin would not have waited here specially to feel that he has the strength to kill Ye Chen, but Ye Chen's performance still exceeded his expectations.

But Li Yin didn't know that if Ye Chen had appeared here to fight Li Yin before he fought Yang Jun, Ye Chen would never have acted so surprising to him.

After that battle, although Ye Chen's cultivation was not improved, it also strengthened Ye Chen's physical body to a certain extent. The stronger the physical body, the more powerful the Cangxuan Dragon Art can exert.

Perhaps, relying on his own strength alone, it is difficult for Ye Chen to defeat Li Yin in his current state, but the latter wants to kill him, but he can't do it, and Ye Chen also believes that it is absolutely impossible for Li Yin to kill him now. status has been maintained.

Otherwise, Li Yin would never have cast the so-called demon body when she was forced to have no way out!
At this point, Ye Chen burst out, and the sound of the dragon's roar resounded in the world immediately. The overbearing power weakened the darkness in the world, and then the white light shone, and after bullying Li Yin, he directly He punched hard.

Above his fist, a swimming silver light pattern could be vaguely seen. The light pattern trembled slightly, bringing out a terrifying punching wind, which immediately shook the space out of cracks.

This kind of formidable power, even now Li Yin is afraid of it, but now, he is looking forward to such a big battle, only to see him move lightly, punch like steel, and immediately hit him angrily.


The fist wind scattered, and the two figures, one big and one small, retreated violently again, but this time, Li Yin was obviously much bolder, and before the figure stabilized, black spiritual power swept out like a tide.

"Since you're here, don't leave in a hurry!"

Li Yin's figure immediately shot out like lightning, and the fist wind was like a dragon. Every time he punched out, the space would inevitably be shaken out of terrible cracks, and then the fist wind was like a torrential rain, covering all Ye Chen's escape routes. went in.

Obviously, Li Yin wanted to take advantage of his current strength to drag Ye Chen to death. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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