Chapter 258
"Marven Ye!"

After laying on the ground for a long time, Li Yin regained a little strength. He was finally able to support his body and barely stood up. He, who had already failed, looked even more ferocious, faintly filled with a touch of terrifying madness.

"Li Yin, even here, you are nothing!"

Ye Chen has never been a person who shows off, but this time, he is willing to show off in front of Li Yin.

Li Yin, including those who are still hiding in the Great Wilderness City, have already done everything for the sake of power and power. Such people are not worthy of sympathy, let alone respect.

Even though Ye Chen has never been an arrogant person, at this time, he is very willing to be arrogant in front of Li Yin.


A mouthful of blood spewed out from Li Yin's mouth again. I don't know if it was because of Ye Chen's anger or because of the serious injury.

"The road of martial arts has never been smooth. Every master who shakes the world has undergone countless trials before he can reach the peak. Do you really think that using this method can make you reach the peak? "

After a pause, Ye Chen said again, with obvious disdain in his voice.


Li Yin looked extremely ugly, stared at Ye Chen, and said bitterly: "You defeated me, and you didn't rely on real skills. Why do you preach in front of me?"

"It's indeed a bit of a trick, but it's me who stands at the end, not you."

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and said: "Now you are a loser, and you have to pay the due price for your failure."

"Want to kill me?" Li Yin's eyes trembled.

"If you're willing to answer me a few questions honestly, maybe I'll just kill you!" Ye Chen said lightly.

"Just kill me?"

Li Yin was taken aback by Ye Chen's words, and immediately laughed loudly: "Ye Chen, I admit that you are great, but you think too highly of yourself in your words, don't you? If you want to get rid of me, just By you?"

But in the next moment, Li Yin's eyes suddenly tightened, and he suddenly saw that a beam of light quietly emerged from the palm of Ye Chen's hand, and what existed in that beam of light was an illusory figure, and this figure was Yang Jun.

"This? The spirit of Yang Jun's command!"

Li Yin yelled loudly, he would rather believe that such a scene was created by Ye Chen by other means, and he would never believe that Yang Jun's spirit fell into Ye Chen's hands.

If you don't reach the Martial Realm, you can't use the power of the soul, and it is impossible to forcibly retain the soul of others, or obliterate the soul of others.

But Li Yin could see clearly that it was definitely not created by Ye Chen. Yang Jun's soul was indeed imprisoned by Ye Chen.

"How is it possible, how is it possible..."

Li Yin couldn't help murmuring, her gaze was completely dull.

"Tell me, what kind of exercises are you practicing? Besides you, how many other people in the Great Wilderness City, like you, practice the same exercises. Xu Baxian, in this, acts as a What kind of role?"

Ye Chen immediately asked indifferently, a murderous intent surged in front of Li Yin's body, making the latter have no doubts, as long as he didn't say anything, Ye Chen would not only kill him, but also destroy his spirit in the next moment. soul.


Li Yin took a heavy breath and stared at Ye Chen. For the first time, he felt that this young man was really scary.

"Hurry up, I don't have much patience, and I don't think there is any need for you to dissipate in this world because of those people."

Ye Chen said threateningly.

Li Yin won't leave alive, so Li Yin is irrelevant, but this Valley of Burying Souls exists forever, and Ye Chen doesn't have enough strength to destroy Zhixie Mountain.

If the news of Li Yin's death was reported back to the Great Deserted City, those people who were hiding in the dark might jump over the wall in a hurry and do some reckless things.

Therefore, before that, you need to know who those people are hiding in the dark, and you can make all preparations in advance to avoid what happened back then from happening again.

If it happens again, the harm caused will definitely be more serious.

Back then, there was the former Lord of the Wilderness, and the powerful strength of the entire northern continent of Xiaoao in the Great Wilderness City, but now in the Great Wilderness City, the Lord of the Great Wilderness is not there, and the overall strength of the Great Wilderness is not as good as before. . . .
Back then, there was only one Fanggan, which triggered only Changfeng City, but now, there are more than one Fanggan, and more than one Changfeng City. If there is another war, Ye Chen really doesn't know that the Great Wilderness City will survive even in the end. It can still retain some strength.

"Hey, Ye Chen, I can't see it, but you are quite righteous!"

Li Yin laughed strangely.

"It seems that you still think that what I said is not enough deterrent!"

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold slightly, and the murderous intent in front of Li Yin suddenly exploded and swept away.

"Hey! Ye Chen, you are careful enough, but you really don't know enough about this evil mountain, and you don't even know what it means for me to be here."

As soon as the murderous intent erupted, Li Yin's figure disappeared like a ghost, black water flowed up into the sky, and within it, Li Yin's body seemed to be wrapped.

"I reminded you twice, so you don't get too happy, you forgot?"

A huge black shadow fell from the sky and fell directly on the black water flow. The divine cauldron rotated, and the black water flow wrapped Li Yin and rushed towards the cauldron. Now Li Yin has no power to stop Dayu Divine Cauldron.

"Hey, Ye Chen, you're too self-righteous. Here, it's not up to you to have the final say. If you want to know the truth, it's impossible!"

In the black water flow that was about to be brought into by the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, a monstrous beam of light suddenly appeared out of thin air. Immediately, Ye Chen awe-inspiringly saw that Li Yin's figure gradually faded into illusion, and that beam of light was vivid. Resist the power of Dayu's divine cauldron, and then. . . .
The illusory figure fell from mid-air, not to the ground, but, wrapped in the black water, fell into the evil pool.

"Haha, Ye Chen, follow me!"

Loud laughter echoed in the evil pool. Suddenly, the evil pool was no longer boiling. Even when the waterfall above hit it, it showed a terrifying calm state.

even. . . .When Ye Chen's eyes moved up slightly, an inexplicable panic emerged in Ye Chen's eyes!
With the tenacity Ye Chen had cultivated over the years, he actually showed panic at this moment. . . .

In just a few seconds, all the water of the waterfall flowing down was poured into the evil pool. Immediately, the waterfall dried up, and not a single drop of water continued to drip down.

The water in the evil pool did not overflow due to the huge water injection. The evil pool continued to be calm, and the calmness was shocking. After Li Yin entered the evil pool, there was no more sound except for the loud laughter. There were other movements, as if Li Yin had drowned, turned into white bones, and sank at the bottom of the evil pool.


The strange scene lasted for more than ten seconds. It seems that the time is very short, but you must know that the evil pool is not a calm water, but it presents the ultimate calm. Such a situation is not unusual, even for a second. Too much.

On the surface of the blasted evil pool, a black dense aura swept out immediately, covering an area of ​​[-] meters in an instant.

Ye Chen's expression trembled, the black dense breath was filled with extremely pure evil spirit!
Although there is such an aura everywhere in the Zhixie Mountain, and Li Yin has exuded such an aura here, but the current Zhixie aura is completely different from the aura in the space.

"Ye Chen, I didn't want to do this, but you forced me, so don't blame me!"

The evil energy was concentrated in the sky, and the voice of Li Yin slowly spread in the evil energy, as if all these evil energy were the incarnation of Li Yin.

"Boom, boom!"

The space was vibrating violently. With this evil pool as the center, countless evil auras surged like lightning in all directions, and all of them melted into the evil pool.

Then, the evil pool trembled, and the water in the evil pool boiled violently as usual.

One after another black water jets rose up into the sky by themselves, and when they filled the space, all life in the space was directly swallowed by the evil energy in this very short time. After a while, there was no life in the space, and all the matter in the space All were swallowed by evil spirits.

This void, at this moment, is a void transformed by evil energy.

Being in such a space, even with the protection of ghost fire and yin and yang qi, Ye Chen's body felt like it was going to explode. Without air, what he could breathe was only the evil energy in the void.

And the amount of evil energy is too large, too pure, and too rich, so that after entering the body, the power of yin and yang and the ghost fire cannot destroy these evil energy immediately.

"Hey! Ye Chen, how does it taste!"

In mid-air, a huge face suddenly appeared, it was Li Yin!
But the current Li Yin has long since lost the slightest human emotion, and only endless evil shines out from his illusory pupils.

"Ye Chen, I melted into the evil pool with myself, communicated with the evil spirits with my soul, and then merged into the evil spirits. I detonated the evil pool at the cost of my own eternal doom!"

"Ye Chen, I'm looking forward to the day when you turn into a demon. At that time, hehe... Of course, Ye Chen, you can also choose to commit suicide, but in that case, your spirit will be swallowed by the evil pool." Devouring, although it will not disappear forever in the world like me, but it will be suppressed in the evil pool forever."

"Hey, you at that time will become a monster. In the countless years to come, any creature that approaches the evil pool unintentionally or intentionally will become the object of your devouring. If you still have wisdom at that time, Ye Chen, I don’t know how you would feel? Haha!”

The evil spirit swept across the void, and black water jets shot up into the sky. The surrounding land was directly imprisoned, and the evil pool was like a monster. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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