Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 276 Advancement, Linghai

Chapter 276 Advancement, Linghai

The whirlwind with the size of a thousand feet was still spinning rapidly, and terrifying energies swept out of the whirlwind like overwhelming. At this moment, they all rushed into the body of Ye Chen, who seemed to have turned into a black hole in the universe.

Countless energies, like a meat blender, raged wildly at this body, vowing to turn this body into nothingness and return it to heaven and earth.

However, no matter how much or how powerful these energies are, they have not caused fatal damage to Ye Chen, and they are still full of vigor and vitality.

Even, while the power of the whirlwind is constantly raging on the body, if you are careful, you can feel that a little bit of the power of the whirlwind is slowly blending into this seemingly dilapidated body.

The world is always the world, no matter how terrible the energy in the world is, it can only bring endless trauma to the world, but it cannot destroy the world.

As long as the world is immortal, all the terrifying energies will eventually calm down in this world. What Ye Chen needs is nothing more than time to wait.

But here, time is still at Ye Chen's discretion!
Time passed quickly. During this process, the power of the whirlwind was continuously integrated into Ye Chen's physical body. While repairing his physical body, some energy was slowly injected into the dantian, and began to integrate into the dual source point. In spiritual power.

This is a long process. If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be difficult to bear the loneliness of waiting, but Ye Chen was completely immersed in this process.

Because he knows what such a process means to him!
Although he has not transformed himself into heaven and earth, it seems to have happened to him to contain everything. Perhaps in a long period of time in the future, Ye Chen may not be able to transform himself into heaven and earth. The comprehension of such a process is extremely important.

Everything has been accommodated, so it is time to make this world a reality.

Ye Chen doesn't know how the world is formed, but he knows that in such a process, he may be able to comprehend, even if he still can't comprehend, with such a process, he can follow the same pattern when he hits the realm of martial arts in the future. Calabash, achieve your own field.

At that time, maybe you can gradually improve your own world!
This is what Ye Chen longed for!
Only with such a world, with the help of this world, to gain enough strength and power, in the future, can we face the mighty Cang Pavilion, and accompany Zi Xiao to face the even more powerful unknown!


Time passed, and I don't know how many days passed. Ye Chen, who was immersed in the perception, suddenly woke up. It turned out that at this moment, most of the energy from the whirlwind melted into the body, restoring the body to its original state, while the other small part, It turned into pure energy and became his own spiritual power.

That process, so far, is over!

However, Ye Chen still didn't understand how the so-called heaven and earth should be formed. He didn't even grasp the slightest threshold. from?

Being able to obtain these now has made Ye Chen very satisfied.

The mind quickly passed through the body, and it didn't take long for any part of the body to be clearly captured in the mind. Ye Chen was immediately overjoyed. After this experience, the benefits he gained surprised Ye Chen endlessly.

Although it is also clear that as long as it is successful to the present, great benefits are inevitable, but Ye Chen still can't believe it!
In the double source point of Dantian, due to the integration of the power of the whirlwind, the spiritual power has reached a terrifying saturation. The current dual source point is like two bottles filled with water. The water in the bottle is constantly flowing. overflow.

The dual-source point, not to mention continuing to accommodate spiritual power, even the spiritual power you have now cannot be fully accommodated by the dual-source point.

The peak has reached the top, and there is no way to go further, only to turn the source into the sea!
And with such a large amount of spiritual power, even if it turns its source into the sea and achieves the spiritual sea state, the boundless spiritual sea will still not be like other warriors who have just entered the spiritual sea state because of the existence of these spiritual powers. In the spiritual sea, it won't look like it's dried up.

In other words, Ye Chen, who has reached the spiritual sea realm, will stabilize his realm at the first level of the spiritual sea because of the existence of these spiritual powers, and it will not take a period of time to practice before he can be regarded as a real warrior of the spiritual sea realm .

As a result, compared with other warriors, Ye Chen's starting point is already much higher, and his progress is also much faster.

It should not be too late, Ye Chen stopped thinking about other things, his mind immediately calmed down, the chaos of Yin and Yang began to work, and he entered the practice.

Before that, Ye Chen in the spiritual source state, or in the mortal state, relied on his own many means and the treasure, so that he could cooperate with the spiritual sea state, even the peak state of the Linghai state, and even Qin Shi with the help of his own methods. Watching Yang Jun lean over with spirit, this is a battle of masters who surpass the peak of Linghai.

Even though Ye Chen can win such a battle in the end, it is undeniable that because of the difference in realm, even if he has dual source points, the purity of spiritual power far exceeds that of others, but the durability of spiritual power is far superior to that of others. Warriors who are not in the Spirit Sea Realm.

That is to say, if Ye Chen cannot defeat the enemy with all means, no matter how powerful his means are, he will only end up in defeat.

And rushing into the Linghai Realm, and then fighting with the peak masters of the Linghai, or even surpassing the peak masters of the Linghai, the time for him to defeat the enemy will be shortened a lot.

Only after reaching the spiritual sea realm and turning the source into the sea, is the beginning of the road to martial arts!
Whether it is the realm of martial arts in the future or a higher level realm, a strong foundation is needed as the foundation, and Linghai is the foundation, an irreplaceable foundation!

Only an endless spiritual sea can accommodate endless spiritual power, and only then can martial arts masters unleash their heaven-penetrating power!

The spiritual power has been saturated, even overflowing, naturally there is no such thing as reluctance, and it is almost a matter of course to advance to the spiritual sea state!

The so-called almost, not absolutely, is because the process of turning the source into the sea is definitely not something that can be completed naturally.

After the Chaotic Yin-Yang Art came into operation, countless auras from heaven and earth swarmed into Ye Chen's body almost crazily. Under the leadership of his own spiritual power, countless auras were quickly transformed into pure spiritual power.

All these auras, without exception, have not entered the dual source point!

The dual-source point could not hold more spiritual power. After a large amount of spiritual power entered, Ye Chen felt full in just an instant. Even the dual-source point itself could no longer bear it, and it seemed that it would burst at any time. open.

The time has come!

Ye Chen's expression tightened, his hands were sealed together, and he said lightly, "Change!"

When this word resounded in the depths of his mind, the dual source points in his dantian trembled violently, and then, as if they had exploded, they quickly collapsed.


At the moment when the dual source point burst, Ye Chen's body felt as if struck by lightning, and then he started to tremble non-stop. An indescribable pain also spread to his whole body, almost depriving him of his sanity.

Regardless of whether Ye Chen took the initiative to do this or what, it was always the collapse of the dual source point, such a bear, Ye Chen could not avoid it.

After the dual-source point collapsed, the spiritual power in it rushed out like a wild horse running wild. Without the restraint of the dual-source point, these spiritual powers showed signs of breaking away from Ye Chen's control .

If these spiritual powers are still allowed to dissipate, Ye Chen's cultivation will probably be scrapped from now on.

Fortunately, these are all a process, and every warrior who hits the spiritual sea knows it, so Ye Chen also knows what to do next.

"let's start!"

Ye Chen said softly, and immediately saw that countless light spots appeared out of thin air from the collapsed dual source point!

Countless light spots flickered, as if in this dantian, it turned into a vast galaxy.

These points of light are so small that they can be ignored, even if the number is too large to count, compared to the entire night sky, the stars are always a drop in the ocean!
However, it is precisely these tiny spots of light that erupted with extremely powerful attraction, covering any part of the dantian. After that, he quickly became honest.

The countless light spots did not dissipate just yet, when all the spiritual power was melted into one quiet place, the countless light spots began to outline a place at a very fast speed.

From a distance, it looks like countless stars are intertwined with each other, and then slowly, a huge sea of ​​stars is outlined.

Here, the so-called sea of ​​stars is the sea of ​​spirits!
Time passed quickly, and after a full hour, the countless light spots finally disappeared completely, and what was left was a vast and boundless place.


When this vast land occupies the entire dantian, all the spiritual power fused in one place will directly sink in.

With such a large amount of spiritual power, after entering it, this vast land still seems extremely dry. If you want to fill up this boundless land, even the top martial arts masters may not be able to do it. .

This is Linghai!

Now that the spiritual sea has been completed, the spiritual sea realm will naturally come as promised!

Ye Chen's mind moved, and he directly entered the spiritual sea. Looking around, there was only a pitiful little spiritual power in this huge spiritual sea. That spiritual power was like a little spring water in the desert, which could almost be ignored. Excluding.

However, even if there are a small number of pitiful ones, after Ye Chen entered the Linghai Realm, his cultivation has stabilized at the first level of Linghai Realm, which is perfect, and when the spiritual power surges, the breath and power released, It is far from comparable to the previous peak of Lingyuan.

That level of power gave Ye Chen great confidence. If he fought against an ordinary Linghai Ninth Layer master at this time, with his own means, he would be able to kill the enemy without three moves!

Ye Chen's closed eyes opened at this moment!

For Ye Chen, the experience in Fengzhu's stage has only just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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