Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 279 Black Dragon

Chapter 279 Black Dragon
"It's not too late!"

Ye Chen's eyes moved, and after taking several pills, his body moved, and he shot towards the Black Dragon Pool.

At the same time, the Canglong Token floated out from the palm, and a beam of brilliance immediately swept out of the Canglong Token, and then condensed into a beam of light, shooting towards a certain direction of the Black Dragon Pool.

Ye Chen followed the beam of light closely and used the speed to the extreme.

The swamp is indeed dangerous, and although Ye Chen can't walk against the sky for too long, it is not difficult for him to walk here smoothly. Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue's two powerful martial arts can support Ye Chen, even if he can't persist Come on, there is also the supreme treasure of the Great Yu Divine Cauldron.

Now, he only worries about the sergeants of the Canglong Army.

Where is the Black Dragon Pool? Ye Chen has seen it with his own eyes and experienced it personally. Here, the aura and air of the heaven and earth are thinner. Anyone in this place will feel short of breath.

And Black Dragon Pool itself is such a dangerous place, putting a group of Canglong Army sergeants here, even if Xu Ba made proper arrangements first, it is still very worrying. The head of the great danger?
Fortunately, with the guidance of the Canglong Order, although the Black Dragon Pond is large, it is not difficult to find the location of the Canglong Army sergeants!
In the northwest, about ten miles away, the dazzling light beam finally stayed in the midair, and then the light beam shrouded it, covering a swamp. As expected, these Canglong Army sergeants were trapped here.

It's only a few miles away. With Ye Chen's current speed, it won't be long before he can reach it. However, when Ye Chen just entered the swamp area. . . .

"Hey, sigh!"

There were bursts of sharp piercing sounds, which suddenly sounded violently from the depths of the swamp. Immediately, countless black shadows shot out rapidly, and in the sky, there was a strong and tragic atmosphere, sweeping madly.

Standing on the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, Ye Chen's eyes flickered lightly. After entering the main stage, the first real attack finally came.

The army under everyone's command is trapped in one place. Finding these people and rescuing them is considered a mission completed, and it will not be easy to rescue them.

Looking closely, those black shadows turned out to be creatures like snakes.

In the Lord's Terrace, there would not be any creatures. After all, the Lord's Terrace is just a stone platform. It was formed in this way, and it was only the founder of Dahuang who built the current scene with his great supernatural powers.

However, after so many years, it can't be ruled out that someone forcibly captured some creatures and placed them in the lord's platform for the experience of those who came later. This is not considered a violation.

However, these guys can actually live in the Black Dragon Pool, which let Ye Chen know that those thousands of black snake-like creatures are by no means ordinary creatures.

Looking around, these snake-like creatures do not possess any spiritual intelligence themselves, that is to say, they are not monsters, but not to mention the sense of oppression brought by the astonishing number, the bodies of these guys are like fine iron. As hard as a dog, with a small body shape, there is a sense of sharpness all over the body.

When they opened their mouths, two sharp fangs spat out, cutting the space apart with ease, so that their progress was not restrained at all, just like lightning strikes.

At this moment, the black shadows all over the sky shot like thousands of arrows, and a gust of wind directly hit the face, making people sick!

Ye Chen raised his hand and shook it, and a majestic spiritual force surged out from the spiritual sea. In an instant, that burst of energy blasted unceremoniously on these creatures who arrived first.

A dull sound suddenly sounded, but Ye Chen's eyes suddenly tightened. He knew his own strength the most. Ye Chen had no doubts. Just now, even a master of the fifth level of Linghai would have to take it head-on. He was injured, but those black shadows were only shaken back, without any injuries at all.

It really is not an ordinary creature!

The creatures in front were shaken back, and it didn't affect the progress of the creatures in the rear at all. They were still rushing like locusts, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, with a ferocious intent, which was undoubtedly more ferocious than before.

Obviously, the same kind were shaken back, which aroused their viciousness!
"Ghost Demon Fire!"

Ye Chen flicked his fingers, and a cluster of flames flew out quickly, and in an instant, it turned into a sea of ​​flames!
The temperature in the space suddenly rose, and the swamp below seemed to be boiling more intensely due to the impact of high temperature, and denser black clouds of smoke surged out quickly.

A sea of ​​white flames existed in mid-air, and Ye Chen hadn't commanded the sea of ​​flames to attack yet. Those snake-like creatures, all of them fearless of death, rushed over fiercely at the same speed and ferocity.


In the sea of ​​flames, there was a sharp sound, the high temperature of the magic fire, how intense it is now, even a high mountain, will be turned into powder by the magic fire in a very short time.

But these black shadows, although they didn't have the so-called smooth sailing in the sea of ​​white flames, at least, they were not burned by the ghost fire in the first place.

Since obtaining the Nether Demon Fire, no matter what level of master he is facing, no matter how powerful the Demon Fire can be, in Ye Chen's memory, no matter who faces the Nether Demon Fire, more or less, there will be some Very afraid.

When he came out of the Moyuan Mountains that day, he faced Jin Ling, a master of martial arts, for the first time. At that time, Ye Chen was only at the spiritual source, and his control over the Nether Demon Fire was far from what it is today.

But even so, Jin Ling was still a little apprehensive when the Nether Demon Fire appeared.

How can these creatures be compared with Jin Ling, but they are still alive in the monstrous sea of ​​flames.

These guys are not even monsters. Naturally, in terms of martial arts cultivation, they don't even have half a point. Not to mention how long they can survive, it is inconceivable that they can stay in the ghost fire for a second.

"Surviving in this Black Dragon Pond, is it possible that they are still mutated?"

Ye Chen raised his hand and waved, the power of the magic fire increased sharply again!


These black shadows finally couldn't bear the burning of the ghost fire, and after a while, countless shadows exploded. . . .

But Ye Chen's eyes are tight again at this moment!
Under the Nether Demon Fire, as long as they cannot withstand the high temperature of the Demon Fire, they will be immediately dissipated into nothingness and transformed into heaven and earth. But now, those black shadows, after bursting, died of course, but still left behind black powder, Slowly fell into the swamp.

That is to say, even the Nether Demon Fire can only do so much.

This also made Ye Chen unable to help but wonder, what kind of creatures are these guys, who can reach such a level, or that they really mutated because of the Black Dragon Pool?

Ignoring these for now, the monstrous sea of ​​flames moved immediately, sweeping out like a sea, not only covering all the black shadows that had appeared, but also covering the swamp below.

Since these creatures emerged from the swamp, maybe there are still there, and Ye Chen wants them to have no place to stay.

"Give it to me!"

The sea of ​​fire swept down, and countless black shadows gradually collapsed in the sea of ​​fire, turning into black powder and falling into the swamp.

Since the Nether Demon Fire could deal with these creatures, Ye Chen's thoughts were directly placed on the swamp below.


One side of the swamp was boiling. When the ghost fire started to burn directly in the swamp, countless black smoke clouds rose into the sky. From a distance, it seemed that a group of black clouds rose into the sky.

And the swamp is boiling more violently, visible to the naked eye, in just a few minutes, this swamp has disappeared a lot out of thin air, and all the mud in the swamp has been melted, making this swamp land extremely fast. sinking.

It made Ye Chen a little strange. From the swamp, there was no more black shadow looting out of it, and the point of the Canglong Order was right here. Unexpectedly, until now, he hadn't sensed any aura. .

There should be no mistakes in the guidance of the Canglong Order. Could it be that Xu Ba first hid the soldiers of the Canglong Army in the deepest part of the swamp?

This is not impossible. Although the Black Dragon Pool is dangerous, it is nothing to a master like Xu Baxian who has almost half-stepped into the Xuanwu Realm. To build a relatively, temporarily complete place, even if this place is at the bottom of the Black Dragon Pool!
If so!

Ye Chen's eyes sharpened, he stomped his feet heavily, and the Great Yu Divine Cauldron under his feet, with his figure, plundered towards the swamp.

When Dayu Divine Cauldron was about to come into contact with the sinking swamp, a dense white flame erupted again, like a sharp arrow, darting into the swamp.

"Peng, Peng!"

When the magic fire went deep into the swamp, endless high temperature erupted immediately. From the depth to the outside, countless muds were melted away under the high temperature of the magic fire, and Ye Chen himself, with the God of Yu, plundered along the magic fire. The trajectory of the advance, quickly descending.


When entering the swamp, Ye Chen's whole body was covered by the ghost fire, and the white light swept in all directions, and the swamp mud that passed by turned into nothingness in an instant.

In this way, the swamp with a radius of one thousand meters, almost only a few minutes passed, showed signs of disappearing, and accompanied by the ghost fire, Ye Chen finally saw the deepest part of the swamp.


Before Ye Chen could take a closer look, what kind of method Xu Baxian used here, suddenly there was a terrible explosion on the ground under the swamp, sweeping out like a wave of air.

Immediately, under Ye Chen's gaze, a huge black shadow broke through the ground, leaping into the air like a real dragon.

"Real dragon?"

Ye Chen's eyes trembled suddenly!

(End of this chapter)

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