Chapter 300
The silver light shone on the world, and the extremely domineering power shocked everyone in Lu Xing, and their expressions changed again. Only now did they really feel the strength of Ye Chen himself.

Although this kind of attack is based on the fighting spirit of the Canglong Army, if Ye Chen's own strength is too weak, the increase in fighting spirit will definitely not reach such a high level.

If they were not facing the ancestor of the Great Desolation, Lu Xing and others had no doubt that even an ordinary martial arts master would be affected to some extent by such an attack.

In the eyes of Lu Xing and others, this is extremely unbelievable!

Ever since Ye Chen appeared in Dahuang's countless gazes, this young man has been leapfrogging, and even leapfrogging. His performance is astonishing and admirable.

However, it is only amazing and admirable, far from the incredible level.

Under the Martial Realm, the Spirit-level Realm, and the Mortal-level Realm, as long as they have enough cards, it is not impossible to leapfrog or even leapfrog a battle. An outstanding generation like Lu Xing, in their previous record, They have also defeated masters whose cultivation base is above them.

However, the premise of all this is to end at the spiritual level!
Once the cultivation base reaches the realm of martial arts, no matter how ordinary this person is, he does not have any powerful trump cards, but the word "martial realm" is enough to shock countless warriors of the spiritual realm, and they cannot afford to fight at all. meaning.

The supernatural powers possessed by such masters are no longer beyond his power, and anyone who can become an opponent of a martial arts master must also be a martial arts master.

Now, Ye Chen's offensive actually makes people feel that it is enough to face martial arts masters, what a shock it is.

Even with Lu Xing's pride, at this moment, he had to sigh to Ye Chen, because he knew that it was impossible for him to reach such a level in the spiritual realm.

The roaring silver real dragon, with its incomparable arrogance, met the dozens of giant magma dragons that surged in an instant. Facing the attack of the ancestor of the wilderness, Ye Chen never dodged in the slightest the meaning of.

Perhaps, it is probably the best way to use other methods to slowly compete with the ancestor of the wilderness. After all, even after thousands of years, this person's strength is still not matchable by ordinary martial arts masters.

But Ye Chen knows that this method can be used to face other challenges, but not now, because what he is facing is the ancestor of the great wilderness!
Xu Ba first tried his best to put the final test on the Zhenhuang Stone, no doubt, he wanted to use the residual consciousness of the long-sleeping ancestor of the Great Desolation to test the true strength of the latecomers.

If he was opportunistic and passed this level, perhaps the ancestor of the wilderness would not say anything. After all, he understood that with his strength, these latecomers who entered the master's stage to experience would not be able to forcefully defeat him. It is unknown what Xu Baxian will say.

What's more, since the consciousness of the ancestor of the Great Wilderness has appeared, in his heart, he must also hope that the successors in the future will have enough strength, and this strength is not just a manifestation of martial arts.

What is needed is a person's heart to respond to the enemy!

Therefore, Ye Chen has to fight with him forcefully!
Looking at the imminent collision ahead, Ye Chen's eyebrows suddenly tightened. This kind of attack alone is obviously far from enough to face the ancestor of the Great Desolation.

"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

A ripple spread rapidly, and in an instant, the land with a radius of tens of miles was enveloped. Immediately, streams of pure energy were forcibly absorbed from nothingness and entered Ye Chen's body.

Accompanied by the entry of these energies, silver light streaks appeared outside Ye Chen's body again, and these silver light streaks all swept into the real silver dragon at the speed of light and light, making the real dragon's The breath soared rapidly.


In the sky, the pupils of the giant phantom face couldn't help flickering: "It's so exquisite, a strange technique!"

Zhenhuangshi is the resting place of the ancestor of the great wilderness. Naturally, because of him, this place has been completely sealed off. As long as this ray of consciousness persists, the space inside will be isolated from the world.

Unless the strength is enough to break this blockade, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to absorb the energy of the outside world.

But now, Ye Chen not only absorbed the energy of the outside world from this space, but also forcibly absorbed the energy left by the ancestor of the Great Wilderness in the Stone of Desolation.

Such a technique is not only miraculous, but also so domineering that even the top masters on the northern continent, such as the ancestor of the Great Wilderness, couldn't help applauding secretly.

Others might just lament the strength of Ye Chen's hole cards, but Lin Yifan's eyes were fixed. The change in the expression of the ancestor of the wilderness did not escape his observation. interest. . . .
"You can be favored by the master and let him replace me, Ye Chen, you really have enough qualifications!"

When Lin Yifan sighed in his heart, the gigantic silver real dragon, with its ten thousand zhang radiance, enveloped the dozen or so giant magma dragons.


The sky-shattering loud noise resounded throughout the entire void. The sound of the sonic boom alone made Lu Xing and the others feel as if the end was approaching. When that terrifying ripple of energy swept past, this There are signs of collapse in space.

The expressions of Lu Xing's people suddenly changed, and they retreated violently. They clearly sensed that if they were hit by these violent energy ripples, the consequences would be very serious.

The energy ripples all over the sky rushed out overwhelmingly, as if they were going to annihilate the entire space. However, after a distance of tens of feet, a terrifying energy shield appeared in the space, making it impossible for these violent energies to continue. swept out.

Everyone in Lu Xing breathed a sigh of relief. After all, there was one side in the battle who was once one of the few masters on the northern continent, so he could control it to a certain extent.

However, Lin Yifan among the crowd, because he didn't retreat, was forcibly wrapped in by this energy.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Yifan breathed out lightly, and a sword glow shot out dazzlingly. In an instant, it transformed into thousands of sword glows, guarding him in the center. Countless energies swept in, and when they touched the sword glow, they exploded into astonishing horror again. .

Seeing such a scene, everyone in Lu Xing couldn't help but darken their complexions. At this moment, they already understood that only Ye Chen and Lin Yifan were qualified to face these berserk.

Being able to fight against the ancestor of the great wilderness, even if you lose, you can still benefit a lot from it. Such an opportunity is rare!

However, they are not even qualified to touch such an opportunity!
They are all excellent young people from the wilderness, and they are all placed with high hopes in their respective cities. They used to think that they were the pride of heaven, but now, under such a sharp contrast, they realize that the world has always been the same. A mountain is taller than a mountain!

The sound of the explosion continued, and the bright silver brilliance never wavered. Under the wrapping of the ten thousand zhang brilliance, more than a dozen magma dragons began to collapse rapidly, turning into dots of light all over the sky.

But Ye Chen's expression became extremely serious at this moment.

Those dots of light all over the sky that collapsed were not annihilated in the space because of this, on the contrary, they condensed and did not disperse, as if turning into a huge star map of the night sky.

In this star chart, a more powerful aura surged out of it quickly.

In just an instant, the star map quickly enveloped from the sky, not only forcibly defeating the real silver dragon, but even Ye Chen himself was covered.

The light from the star map turned into an invisible barrier, and Ye Chen, who was inside, was immediately imprisoned inside. No matter how he stimulated the spiritual power in his body, the ghost fire, or even the power of yin and yang, it would be impossible for him to move. This star chart cannot be allowed to tremble in the slightest.

In the distance, watching such a scene, everyone sighed lightly, Ye Chen had already lost.

At this moment, Ye Chen also understood that the power of the ancestor of the Great Wilderness had already reached the extreme.

This kind of power is no longer something his level of strength can resist and resolve. Even if he unleashes all the power of the three great treasures, he still can't break the sky-filled star map.

The current situation, in the eyes of others, has become a dead situation!

Ye Chen looked at the star map from a distance, and in his eyes, what remained unchanged was still that insistence!
Even if the opponent is the ancestor of the wilderness, so what?

Although it is a foregone conclusion now, as long as he still has the strength to fight back, Ye Chen will never give up!
In the huge star map, Ye Chen sat down cross-legged!

The eyes of Lu Xing and Cao Feng in the distance suddenly changed. What does Ye Chen want to do at this time?
What Ye Chen had to do was actually very simple. In the whirlwind that day, he transformed into the heaven and the earth, contained all things, achieved the road of domination, broke the huge whirlwind, and created his own rules.

At this moment, although there is no unbearable pain, the power of the ancestor of the wilderness is not the power of heaven and earth in the lord's stage, but the situation is exactly the same.

You must know that the main platform actually existed according to the wishes of the ancestors of the Great Wilderness.

Everything works together!
He wants to turn himself into heaven and earth again to destroy this star map!

In the sky, the pupils of the phantom giant face flickered again. This young man actually brought him more than one surprise!

The main platform is a chaotic world, where anyone can create their own rules. However, this is only a theoretical statement, and how many people can really do it.

This young man has not only achieved it, it seems that the perfection is relatively thorough. The so-called thoroughness is the previous creation, which can still be used today.

The main stage is disorderly, it is because of the ancestor of the Great Wilderness, so everything I have learned here is just a memory, it is impossible to copy it completely for the second time At least, the current Ye Chen should not be able to do this.

But now, this young man has actually done it!

(End of this chapter)

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