Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 302 Inheritance

Chapter 302 Inheritance
The silent world didn't last for too long. After a few minutes or so, once again, there was a violent storm in that space.

Waves of continuous energy shocks compressed the location of the boy's figure to the extreme, and even the place where the boy's figure sat cross-legged could no longer accommodate the boy himself.

As long as it continues, maybe in a second, this small space will explode, and the figure of the young man may disappear forever in the world in such an explosion.

Seeing such a scene, Cao Feng and the others were extremely nervous.

"Let's go help Ye Chen!"

Cao Feng and the others also understood in their hearts that since their opponents were the ancestors of the Great Desolation, they would not have a slight chance of winning. The so-called help, in fact, could not help Ye Chen at all, but they must give it a try!
This is a sentence that Ye Chen taught them in the Valley of the Burial Soul, even if they are in a desperate situation, they can't give up lightly!

Of course, the current situation is too dangerous, so only the four of Cao Feng stepped out. Even if there was an encounter with Du Xiong and the nine of them in the Valley of the Burial Soul, the four of Cao Feng did not invite them.

However, when Cao Feng and the others were stepping forward, not only Du Xiong and the others, but Lu Xing and the others all stepped forward immediately, and the troops under their respective command already had a strong fighting spirit, which was quietly fluctuating.

Only with sincerity and unity can it be possible to pass this test, even if Ye Chen does not get everyone's approval, but now, he is the last hope of everyone, this point, even Lin Yifan can't replace it, because Ye Chen is the ancestor of the Great Desolation s Choice!

After the integration of Cao Feng and others, one after another fighting spirit swept out with the momentum of a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves. They didn't have extravagant hopes that they could defeat the ancestor of the wilderness by doing so. They just wanted to help Ye Chen and win more some time.

What this young man is doing now, everyone does not know, but they understand that time should be extremely needed by the former.

The majestic and violent fighting spirit, when entering the space where Ye Chen was, seemed to have disappeared without the slightest ripple, but it was not without the slightest use.

Cao Feng and the others could sense that the impact from the ancestor of the wilderness on Ye Chen stagnated for a second.

Although it is too short and too short to be of any use in the overall situation, it is still one second longer after all.

"Come again!"

In this way, the fighting spirit of Cao Feng's people was extremely high, and the attacks formed by the gathering of fighting spirits rushed out quickly.


Perhaps with everyone's help, the strange fluctuations in Ye Chen's body became more and more violent. At a certain moment, when everyone's help couldn't hold on, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly opened!

At this moment, the violent fluctuations quickly converged, like a powerful column of energy penetrating the heaven and earth, and went straight to the sky in a mighty manner.


A shocking explosion exploded in the space above Ye Chen's head, and space cracks spread rapidly, like a spider web. In a very short time, the entire space was covered.

Not long after that, the space here completely collapsed.

"Ancestor, thank you! Everyone, thank you!"

That young man's figure shot out at this moment. His figure looked a little thin, but he had an incomparably reassuring demeanor and an indescribable power.

Wherever he passed, the collapsed space quickly stopped its collapse, and healed back at an extremely fast speed. Looking around, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

Cao Feng was stunned by such a miraculous scene. If it was done by the ancestor of the Great Wilderness, it would be a matter of course, but Ye Chen, how could he have such strength?

Could it be that in that short period of time just now, he has already reached the realm of martial arts?

"Haha, it seems that you did it?"

In the sky, the giant illusory face laughed loudly.

Ye Chen clasped his fists and said, "It's just an insight. If you want to really use it, you must at least reach the level of your ancestor."

Everyone at Cao Feng obviously didn't understand the meaning of the conversation between Ye Chen and the ancestor of the Great Wilderness. In fact, even Ye Chen himself didn't quite understand. not very big.

Even with the yin and yang qi in the body, it is still an extravagant hope for the way of heaven and earth.

"Haha, this is already very good. Throughout the ages, I have seen many brilliant geniuses, but no one has ever achieved this level at your age, including me back then!"

The illusory giant face did not hide his love for Ye Chen, he said with a smile: "It is a blessing to have you in the wilderness!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled wryly, and said: "It is also possible that Da Huang will fall into a great crisis because of me. In fact, Brother Lin is the best candidate!"

"Lin Yifan?"

The illusory giant face smiled and looked at the figure still wrapped in countless sword lights, and said after a while: "Everyone's path is different, and the future achievements are destined to be completely different!"

"Maybe if I choose you, there will be certain crises in Dahuang. However, I, Dahuang, have never been afraid of any challenges. Only by constantly experiencing challenges can Dahuang's future be possible and become stronger."

The huge unreal face said in a deep voice: "I know all about your performance on the main stage. Since Lin Yifan gave you the opportunity, it means that both he and the people behind him have already made preparations to deal with it. .”

"Fortunately, if you have reached this point, then don't push back."

Ye Chen's expression froze immediately, and he said, "Please rest assured, the ancestor, the future of Dahuang will definitely surpass the strength of the ancestor when he was alive."

"it is good!"

Unreal's giant face laughed loudly. Although these words were insane, they were exactly what he wanted. Young people need youthful sharpness!

After the laughter fell, the phantom giant face immediately looked at Lu Xing and many others, and said slowly: "Your performance, if it weren't for Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, you are all strong contenders for the Lord of the Wilderness, you can see There are so many outstanding you, I am very comforted, I hope that in the future, for the sake of the great wilderness, you can still continue today's sincere unity."

"Follow the order of the first ancestor, but please rest assured, the descendants of the next generation are born for the great wilderness!" Everyone respectfully said in unison.

The phantom giant face nodded, and immediately beams of light shot out from its pupils, and entered the eyebrows of Cao Feng and everyone without any mistakes.

"This is the only energy I have. It's not too strong anymore. I hope it can be of some help to your martial arts path."

"Thank you, Lord Ancestor!"

Everyone was overjoyed at the past, what a master the ancestor of the Great Desolation was, he was a supreme master who surpassed the realm of martial arts when he was alive. Even if the energy of such a character is not strong, everyone can get enough benefits from it.

The illusory giant face looked at Lin Yifan again. Now the latter, the sword glow all over his body became more and more fierce, and the energy impact from all directions was being forcibly turned into nothingness under the interlacing of thousands of swords.

This alone is impossible not to admire.

Cao Feng and the others were far away from the attack of the Great Wilder Ancestor. With the help of the Great Wilder Ancestor's own power and the help of everyone, Ye Chen turned into the world again at a critical moment, and only then did he break through the Great Wilderness First Ancestor's attack. s attack.

Only Lin Yifan walked out from there relying on his own strength, although Ye Chen was the main character in the space of Zhenhuangshi, what Lin Yifan received was only the aftermath.

"Master Ancestor!"

The sword intent disappeared, Lin Yifan's expression immediately became weak, and the display just now exhausted all his spiritual power.

"You are very good!"

"Thank you for the praise, the ancestor, the younger generation is ashamed!"

The huge unreal face smiled with satisfaction: "You are good, not only your own talent and perseverance, you understand the general situation, know how to advance and retreat, what is rare is that you can be willing, this especially moves me... "

The young master of the wilderness who entered will be the master of the wilderness tomorrow!
Xu Baxian planned for many years, just to ascend to the throne of Lord of the Great Wilderness, such a position, Lin Yifan was willing to do so!

Perhaps others, including Ye Chen, thought that even if Lin Yifan wanted to fight, they were not absolutely sure. Ye Chen's excellence was not inferior to Lin Yifan's. When two tigers competed, it was still unknown who would win in the end.

However, the illusory giant face knew that if Lin Yifan wanted to fight, the young master of the Great Desolation would be in his pocket!
Before the words fell, an incomparably bright light group began to slowly surge from the illusory giant face, penetrating through the bright light, and one could sense that there were strange fluctuations in the light group, quietly is running.

"This is my whole life's cultivation experience. I have kept it for many years. Now, I finally found the most suitable candidate, Yifan..."

The light flickered, like lightning, quickly swept away, and after a moment, entered Lin Yifan's body.

At this moment, even Ye Chen's eyes trembled. The lifelong cultivation experience of the ancestor of the Great Desolation means that Lin Yifan has cultivated from his current state to the height of the ancestor of the Great Desolation. During this process, at least Will not take a little crooked way!
This benefit is much greater than that of the ancestor of the wilderness who directly passed on the energy of his life to a person.

The lifetime energy of the ancestor of the Great Wilderness can create a supreme master, but his experience, combined with Lin Yifan's talent, will definitely allow Lin Yifan to reach the pinnacle of martial arts!
"Thank you for the great love of the ancestor, Lin Yifan will never fail the hard work of the ancestor." Lin Yifan knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully, he has obtained the true inheritance of the ancestor of the Great Wilderness.

"Ha ha!"

The illusory giant face chuckled softly: "After waiting for so many years, now that my merits and virtues have been fulfilled, I should really disperse and merge with the desolation stone, and truly suppress the luck of the Great Desolation. "

"Master Ancestor!"

With this dispersal, the ancestor of the Great Wilderness will disappear forever in this world, and he will no longer have any connection with this world. . . .

"I've been sitting for many years, so you don't need to feel any sadness!"

"Yifan, remember, only yourself is the most powerful. Others, including the experience I left you, can only be auxiliary things. Work hard, don't lose to Ye Chen!"

"Ye Chen, your 'Tao' is unparalleled in heaven and earth, so, remember the words I bestowed on you, and I hope that one day in the future, you will be able to achieve what you have learned in the lord stage. These."

"Goodbye, everyone..."

(End of this chapter)

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