Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 320 Shangguan Pagoda

Chapter 320 Shangguan Pagoda
This is the night sky, but the sky is completely transparent, as if covered by glass. The sky on that side has not changed in the slightest because of the night, and the faint energy fluctuations are left here, as if it has turned into a celestial map!
Lin Yifan's complexion suddenly turned pale at this moment, and blood spewed from his mouth. No matter how sharp his Mountain and River Sword is, how terrifying it is to move mountains and rivers with one sword, his own cultivation is after all only in the realm of the Spiritual Sea, and he can forcibly One strike in front of a true martial arts eighth level master is already the limit.

"Brother Lin, are you alright?"

Ye Chen quickly supported Lin Yifan, and only after experiencing it for himself did he realize how serious the latter's injury was at this moment!
"No problem!"

Lin Yifan wiped away the blood from his mouth, looked at the illusory Zhou Tianxing map, and said indifferently: "As expected of Zhou Tiange, the cultivation technique is mysterious and unpredictable, and its power is so terrifying!"

Ye Chen's eyes tightened. It has been so long since he came to the Great Wilderness. He already knew very well the first-class forces in the northern continent, Zhou Tiange. . . .On the northern continent, there has always been a saying that two pavilions will rule the world!
The so-called double pavilions, one is the Cang Pavilion where Ni Cangtian is located, and the other is the Zhoutian Pavilion!
These two great forces are the longest-existing forces on the northern continent, and the strength of the Shuangge, in comparison, is also the most powerful among the many first-class forces. This is why the Shuangge is famous .

It's just that in recent years, Zhou Tiange's behavior has become more and more low-key, so low-key that for some years, no one from Zhou Tiange has walked on the northern mainland.

The so-called Zhou Tianlu refers to Zhou Tiange's Zhenge kung fu. Looking at the entire northern continent, these kung fu are well-known, and their power is extremely dreadful.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Tiange, who had been hiding from the world for many years, actually sent someone to Dahuang, and tonight, almost let this master of Zhou Tiange break into the back hall of Dahuang.

"Even City Lord Xiao didn't notice his intrusion. Zhou Tiange's technique is indeed worthy of its name!"

Although there have been too many masters coming to the Great Wilderness these days, and Xiao Renlong lacks skills in avatars, and it is difficult to be comprehensive, but he himself is at least a top master who is not weaker than Xu Baxian. Dive here without a breath, which shows the uniqueness of Zhou Tiange's exercises.

Lin Yifan said coldly: "Fortunately, the master has recovered to the last moment, and it won't be long before he will appear in a bright and righteous manner, otherwise, I will be in a wilderness..."

Although he and Ye Chen are extremely good, among their peers, it is almost impossible to find someone who is better than them on the northern mainland, but the training time is still too short, and there is still a long time to go before those who have already become famous. some distance.

In a short time, they can't support the Great Deserted City!
"By the way, why did you come out? Are your injuries healed?" Lin Yifan turned and asked immediately.

"I realized that you were fighting with you, so I came out, but don't worry, the injury is no longer serious, and it will recover in a day or two."

Ye Chen smiled gently, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes. The internal dispute in the Great Wilderness is far from over, and the outside is stalking. The situation makes it difficult to relax.

If the Great Wilderness is still the same as it was a few years ago, with King Xiao Ming sitting in the Great Wilderness, even if the news is shocking enough, who would dare to be so bold as to enter the Great Wilderness Palace at night?

"A day or two?"

Lin Yifan sneered, and said: "In my internal dispute in the Great Wilderness, only Xu Baxian is missing. Ye Chen, let's go into the Huangyuan Garden. Master should also know what happened just now."

On the small island in the middle of the lake, King Xiao Ming was dressed in a green robe, like a sleeping person, and the dense air around him was so thick that his figure was completely blurred.

After listening to Lin Yifan's retelling, King Xiao Ming obviously couldn't calm down. As the Lord of the Great Wilderness, he was trapped in the ancient ruins for many years and was exhausted from the Great Wilderness. Although he has not been torn apart, his strength has weakened a lot. On this point, he is hard Let go of your guilt.

Fortunately, it won't be long before this situation will completely change!

When the mood was completely calmed down, King Xiao Ming shot his gaze away from the dense air, and cast it directly on Ye Chen, saying: "Ye Chen, how much do you know about Zhou Tiange?"

Judging from this, it seems that he is still brooding over what happened tonight.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know too much, I just know that Zhou Tiange is very difficult."

"Ha ha!"

King Xiao Ming laughed loudly, and said: "If the Zhou Tian Pavilion is not difficult to deal with, it will not become a great power that has always been respected by people on this northern continent, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Cang Pavilion."

"However, Ye Chen, Zhou Tiange is indeed difficult to deal with. For us, this may be an opportunity, but in my opinion, it may be a great trouble."

"Senior, what does this mean?" Ye Chen was puzzled.

Zhou Tiange's behavior at night obviously has something wrong with Dahuang. With Zhou Tiange's power, it is of course a great trouble, but what King Xiao Ming means is that it is a trouble for Ye Chen, but not necessarily for Dahuang City. This is really annoying. incomprehensible.

King Xiao Ming smiled, and then asked calmly: "Yifan, you mentioned Shangguan Futu, do you know why Shangguan Buddha seems to have disappeared all these years, and why Zhou Tiange has been hiding from the world for so many years?"

"Disciple doesn't know!"

Lin Yifan also asked suspiciously, with Zhou Tiange's power and Shangguan Futu's talent, neither of these two is a shooting star, it's impossible for them to be just like a flash in the pan in the northern continent, giving people a momentary brilliance before disappearing forever.

In fact, the Zhoutian Pavilion has been standing for many years, and it is precisely because of the coexistence of the two pavilions that other forces, such as the Great Deserted City, have risen from it. If one family dominates, there is no special reason. Under the circumstances, become another first-class force on this continent.

King Xiao Ming smiled again, and when he looked at Ye Chen, he showed a touch of emotion: "Ye Chen, how much do you know about Shangguan Futu?"

"Shangguan Buddha?"

Ye Chen murmured softly, and then shook his head. Although he has become the young master of the Great Desolation and knows many things about the northern continent, he really doesn't know much about the name Shangguan Futu. Perhaps, this is also his first time. Hear the name.

King Xiao Ming said in a deep voice: "Two pavilions rule the world, Cang Pavilion and Zhou Tian Pavilion are like two suns, no matter how powerful other forces are, they will always stand on top."

"Among the two great powers, the Cang Pavilion defies the sky, and the Shangguan Futu of the Zhoutian Pavilion becomes the brightest star under the shining sun, illuminating the entire northern continent, leaving all the same age in the dark."

Ye Chen couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Although he didn't know how good Ni Cangtian was, he was able to reach the realm of martial arts at such an age, making many outstanding young people in the wilderness unable to resist him. This gave Ye Chen a feeling Clear understanding.

That Shangguan Futu is as good as Ni Cangtian!

However, such an outstanding young man, why has no one mentioned it since he came to the Great Wilderness for nearly two years?
King Xiao Ming explained to Ye Chen and Lin Yifan: "When the names of Ni Cangtian and Shangguan Futu resounded in the northern continent, we all knew that Cang Pavilion and Zhou Tian Pavilion would have successors, and the future pattern of the northern continent , because of the existence of these two people, there will be no fundamental changes."

"The fact is also the same. Ni Cangtian and Shangguan Futu, the cultivation base and strength of the two are always in the middle of the middle. They are the same age, and they started to practice almost before and after. Therefore, the speed of their cultivation is astonishingly the same."

"At the mortal level, at the Spiritual Source Realm, at the Spiritual Sea Realm, all the way to the peak of the Spiritual Sea, it's all the same moment."

Lin Yifan nodded silently. Maybe Ye Chen didn't know much, but he knew very well that the two of them back then were really depressing.

"This situation continued until Ni Cangtian announced that he was going to attack the realm of martial arts..."

Ye Chen didn't know why, and trembled slightly. He had heard from Qin Shi that when Ni Cangtian was successfully promoted to a master of martial arts, it was about half a year before the opening of the Moyuan Mountain Castle.

Counting the time, up to now, more than two years have passed.

"Ni Cangtian is so high-profile, and Shangguan Futu is not far behind. At the same time, he announced his retreat and hit the realm of martial arts!"

At this point, both Ye Chen and Lin Yifan understood that in the northern continent, among the younger generation, only Ni Cangtian has achieved the realm of martial arts, and Shangguan Futu is no longer mentioned, so obviously, the attack failed!

"After Shangguan Futu failed to attack the Martial Realm, Zhou Tiange immediately announced his resignation. Presumably, he was doing something for the failed Shangguan Buddha."

King Xiao Ming sighed: "For these years, I have been trapped in the ancient ruins. These things have only been known in such detail since I came out. It's just Ye Chen, do you know why Shangguan Futu and Ni Cangtian became such opponents? "


Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Given the situation where Cang Pavilion and Zhou Tian Pavilion coexist, the two of them are naturally rivals. This is due to the situation and cannot be changed by manpower.

King Xiao Ming actually smiled wryly, and said: "Perhaps becoming opponents is due to their respective positions, and they have to be like this, but what really makes them rivals is not the positions of both sides, but because of one person, one woman!"


Ye Chen said in surprise.

"Yes, it's Miss Mei Ao Xuemei!"

King Xiao Ming said: "With Miss Mei's appearance and excellence, she is naturally sought after by countless people, even monsters such as Ni Cangtian and Shangguan Futu are no exception. However, there is a little difference."

"Shangguan Futu first met Miss Mei, and he came to rescue her when she was in danger. That's how he got to know each other. After meeting, Shangguan Futu didn't use his own identity and the grace of saving his life to do something for his feelings. What, but always treat each other with courtesy."

"Marven Ye!"

King Xiao Ming said in a deep voice: "The reason why Shangguan Futu made Ni Cangtian unable to catch up by one step, this has nothing to do with cultivation talent, but has something to do with Miss Mei herself."

"Because Shangguan Futu knows that only he himself has always been a threat to Ni Cangtian, so neither Ni Cangtian nor Cang Pavilion will make Yanyangzong feel pressure and threaten Miss Mei!"

(End of this chapter)

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