Chapter 322
Changfeng City and the location of the Great Wilderness Palace are just opposite each other, as if two giants stand in the huge Great Wilderness City, becoming a majestic city that is particularly eye-catching.

These represent the two most proud states in the Great Wilderness!
But it's a pity that time has passed, and the so-called majesty and grandeur can no longer be seen in Changfeng City, and some are just broken walls and dilapidated.

From the Great Wilderness Palace to the Changfeng City, one needs to pass through many cities along the way, almost from south to north, and traverse the entire Great Wilderness City vertically. It may take several days to wander around.

Every time they pass through a city, the number of people behind Ye Chen and Lin Yifan will increase a lot. These people are not arranged to go to Changfeng City together, but they are passing along the way. The people spontaneously want to follow Ye Chen, Go and see Changfeng City, which was once like a holy city in their minds.

This is popular opinion, and Ye Chen did not refuse. At the same time, he also thought that it was a good thing for these people to follow, at least let them know that the current Great Wilderness City is not as harmonious as it appears on the surface.

So, gradually, the team that escorted Ye Chen to Changfeng City in name became stronger and stronger.

"Ye Chen, what did you say to City Master Xiao, which made him behave a little abnormally?" Lin Yifan, who was standing side by side, turned his head and asked Ye Chen beside him.

Ye Chen glanced back, of course, in the eyes of others, Xiao Renlong's expression was the same, but Lin Yifan had already sensed something inside, so he knew something was wrong with Xiao Renlong.

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and said: "I just told City Lord Xiao that since Xu Baxian's whereabouts are still uncertain, then you can't imagine Xu Baxian's attitude and position on this matter with ordinary people's thinking."

"Over the years, City Lord Xiao has been very low-key, so low-key that even Xu Baxian has not been able to accurately know what City Lord Xiao is doing and what level of cultivation he has reached. Then, let City Lord Xiao Continue to keep a low profile, even if you want to show it, then use his strength in the eyes of others."

Lin Yifan frowned immediately. This time he went to Changfeng City. Although the protagonist was Ye Chen, Xiao Renlong was the main force who deserved it. If the latter was asked to keep concealing it, it might not be possible. In Changfeng City.

Doing so is undoubtedly too risky!

It's just that Lin Yifan didn't say anything more, and he didn't try to persuade Ye Chen to give up this decision. What Ye Chen could think of, Lin Yifan could also think of.

Now, Xu Baxian is obviously the biggest fisherman if he is going to confront those ghosts and monsters head-on. If he doesn't have enough coping power, Xu Baxian will definitely do it, so as to win the position of Lord of the Wilderness in one fell swoop.

Not to mention that doing so is risking the greatness of the world, and will be spurned by countless people, and after death, you will have no face to see the ancestors of the Great Wilderness!

These are all false, false, only a solid status and identity can set off a person's existence, Xu Ba has been planning for so long, of course he is not willing to fail.

As long as there is any chance to realize the long-cherished wish in his heart, Xu Baxian will not give up!
Whether it's the overall situation, or something else, Xu Ba is a hero first, and he doesn't care about these at all. If he really cared, he wouldn't have done so many infuriating things in the young master's battle.

So today, I have to guard against it!
"Ye Chen, if you have the opportunity to enter Changfeng City without City Master Xiao using all his strength, then I hope you don't have any hesitation. As you said, this is the only chance. It's worth it!"

After a while, Lin Yifan said with a serious face.

Ye Chen was silent, then nodded lightly, he knew that he could only agree.

The mighty team crossed one city after another at an extremely fast speed. After half a day passed, they finally gradually approached. Of course, they haven't reached Changfeng City yet!
In front of him is a city that is equally grand and imposing compared to the cities of the Great Desolation, except for the former Changfeng City, the current Great Desolation Hall, and the Wufang City.

With this city as the center, there are four other cities around it, surrounding the city like stars and the moon, and the five cities, like a natural barrier, block Changfeng City behind them.

Many years ago, after the accident in Changfeng City, in order to eliminate the impact of Changfeng City and the violent shock caused by the existence of this city, these five cities have been modified to form the current geographical location.

"Dagan City, Jiang City..."

The names of the five cities sounded in Ye Chen's mouth one after another. After a while, Ye Chen asked: "Brother Lin, do you have such an idea that these five cities are precisely because they are too close to Changfeng City, so , were they naturally invaded by the evil energy in Changfeng City, and in the end, they became like this?"

The five major cities, in the entire Great Wilderness, are certainly not very eye-catching, but you must know that the Great Wilderness City is originally composed of so many cities, and the lack of one of them will have a great impact on the overall strength of the Great Wilderness.

Back then, it was just Changfeng City, which caused great wilderness and turmoil, but now, it is the five major cities!
Although it is said that the single strength of the five cities is not as good as Changfeng City back then.

Lin Yifan didn't even think about it, shook his head and said: "Master, before going to the ancient ruins, he checked Changfeng City, and the enchantment was still solid, and there was no sign of evil infiltration. During the years when Master disappeared, I also I have been here often, and the enchantment is still intact."

The implication is very clear, Dagancheng and other people in the five cities are willing to degenerate!

"Since this is the case, I don't need to have any psychological burden."

Ye Chen said softly, there was an endless sense of coldness in his voice, all the cities of the Great Desolation built the entire Great Desolation City together, so that they could stand on the northern continent without falling down.

Three-year-old children know this truth, but these people want to dig their own foundations and dig their own graves, how unhateful they are!

Don't they know that doing so not only endangered the whole Great Wilderness, but also caused the entire world to be brutally destroyed because of it?
Thinking back then, Fang Gan was the only one who fell into evil, which would set back the power of the whole Great Wilderness for decades, or even a hundred years. . . .Fang Gan is certainly outstanding, but back then, he was just a young man who participated in the battle for the young master of the wilderness, similar to Ye Chen and Lin Yifan today.

Fang Gan alone caused such terrible consequences, and now Wucheng. . . .Although Ye Chen also knows that the five cities now may not be as good as Fang Ganyi in those days!
"There's no need to think too much about it, these are people who deserve to die." Lin Yifan said indifferently.

Ye Chen nodded slowly, with a murderous intent quietly appearing in his pupils, since he deserved to die, there was no kindness to be merciful, and Ye Chen would never be merciful when facing a damned person.


The huge space trembled suddenly, and Ye Chen's eyes tightened immediately.

Perhaps it was because of his own murderous intent that the people in Dagan City sensed it. Suddenly, a stream of pure energy swept across the sky like fireworks from that distant city, and then exploded.

In this way, it caused the space to tremble slightly.

However, only Ye Chen found out. He had stayed in Zhixie Mountain, and even fought a life-and-death battle with Li Yin in front of Xiechi.

That pure energy did not come from the martial artist's spiritual power, but pure evil spirit!

The evil energy exploded, and in an instant, it filled the entire sky, centered on the five cities of Dagan City, and radiated like lightning. In the end, even the sky above Ye Chen and the others was filled with such evil energy.

The evil energy permeated the sky, formless, shadowless, and without any smell, so even Lin Yifan had never been aware of their existence from the space.

Of course, the so-called imperceptible, that is only a moment!

After a while, the original vitality in this space weakened a lot in an instant. On the ground under the feet, those growing plant creatures lost their vitality in an instant, and immediately withered, turning into an extremely gray color. Shocking.

A master of martial arts, like Yang Jun, can achieve such a level with every gesture, but if he wants to do it so silently and so thoroughly, it is not Yang Jun. Wait for what the cultivation base can do.

"The power of this evil spirit is really strange!"

Looking at the five cities in front of him, Lin Yifan's body was already filled with sword intent. Although the sword intent never left his body and broke through the air, the space in front of him was already shattered because of this. The evil energy in that space , were all wiped out, and did not exist in the world.

"These ghosts and monsters are already waiting for us! You have finally experienced the power of evil spirits for yourself. Are you afraid?"

Ye Chen turned around, looked at the many people who followed, and asked calmly.

"Follow the young master, vow to die without regret!"

Except for the people who joined later, the rest are people who want to follow Ye Chen to eliminate evil and evil. Among these people, there are sergeants of the Canglong Army. How could they be afraid?
As for those who originally just wanted to come over and take a look at Changfeng City, now that they have seen the power of evil spirits, to be honest, they feel apprehensive in their hearts, but when they think of these evil spirits spreading unscrupulously, their families , will cease to exist.

In order to protect the homeland, there is no fear in my heart!
"Okay, since you're not afraid, let's go to Changfeng City with this young master!"

There was a cold arc on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth, looking towards the direction of the five cities of Dagan City, he said lightly: "This young master will tell you in person, in fact, these evil spirits are nothing more than that!"

At that time, there was only one person, and finally invaded the entire Changfeng City, and finally brought unimaginable consequences to the Great Deserted City. The number of the five cities seems to be much more, but if these guys are confident enough, how can they live in the five cities? for many years?

The main reason is that Fang Gan came back from the evil mountain, and these people. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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