Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 337 The Final Battle

Chapter 337 The Final Battle

The third day after leaving the Great Wilderness!
Today's weather is undoubtedly very good, the sky is clear and cloudless, and the dazzling sun's rays fall from the sky, making the two galloping horses on the ground look a little tired.

As for the two figures on the horse, they seemed to have fallen asleep, ignoring the bumps and the pain of the sun, with their eyes closed, moving forward with the speed of the horse.


In the dry and hot weather, a sudden gust of wind made people feel very comfortable, but it made the two horses seem to be frightened, their front hooves were raised high, and they refused to take half a step forward.

But at this moment, the eyes and pupils of the two horses were humanized, filled with endless fear. It seemed that the breeze was like a ghostly wind, making the horses feel a deadly threat.


The young man on the horse on the left patted the horse's back lightly, and then said lightly: "It will be fine!"

This beat really calmed the horse down, and then continued to gallop forward.

But this time, after only tens of meters forward, the steed stopped again, just because, in front of him, at the end of his line of sight, there was a figure appearing like a ghost.

"A young human being actually possesses the aura of a real dragon. Ye Chen, I am really curious. How did you get this encounter?"

Without the breath of a real dragon, the killing intent contained in the breeze just now would have made the horse sit down and dare not move at all. How could it be possible to continue to move forward for tens of meters?

Ye Chen patted the steed and sat down. Immediately, his figure soared into the sky. The steed raised its hooves, and quickly retreated like an arrow. After a while, it disappeared without a trace.

The figure in front of him never looked back. The departure of the steed didn't make him respond in any way. His appearance was not for the sake of the steed, but for the two people on the horse.

"I knew you would appear, but in fact, I really don't want you to appear here. I, Dahuang, have gone through so many years, and finally came to the current situation. As a senior of Dahuang, you are a backbone, and you want to destroy it. Is this situation worthy of the ancestors of the Great Wilderness?"

Ye Chen asked coldly.

"I am wild?"

The figure smiled faintly, and said: "In the old man's heart, you have never been a person from the Great Wilderness. To the old man, your appearance was just an accident. Since it was an accident, it should be erased now." went."

"Ye Chen might have been an accident, but I shouldn't have?"

Lin Yifan stepped forward, and said slowly, before the figure had any doubts, Lin Yifan moved his hands, and a seal clearly appeared, and a pure aura belonging to the wilderness quietly permeated out of the seal.

This aura is exactly the aura that can only be possessed after practicing Dahuang's unique exercises.

The back that had been calm all this time was finally moved by this aura. He suddenly turned around and looked at Lin Yifan with a surprised expression: "Lin Yifan, who are you?"

"You should be familiar with such a seal, do you still need to ask?"

Lin Yifan said indifferently: "Xu Baxian, you leave now, and from now on, return to the Great Desolation. What happened in the past can be ignored."

In any case, Xu Baxian is one of the few top masters in the Great Wilderness generation, and he is also the person who is most likely to step into the Xuanwu realm among the current masters of the ninth level of true martial arts.

Such a master, no matter in which power he is placed, is a rare figure, and he is also a figure that cannot afford to lose. Although Xu Baxian has done many things, he has never done anything that endangers the wilderness. If possible, he does not want to Kill Xu Baxian.


Xu Baxian couldn't help but nodded: "The old man thought that everything was under control these years, but he never expected that King Xiao Ming was more scheming than the old man. No wonder he was the one who became the young master of the wilderness back then, not the old man .”

"Since we know, we should stop immediately." Lin Yifan said coldly.

"Close hand?"

Xu Baxian smiled indifferently, and said: "You are just juniors, how much do you know about the events of those years? In the battle of the young master of the Great Wilderness, I lost to Fang Gan, lost to Xiao Renlong, and lost to anyone. Any complaints, only lost to King Xiao Ming, the old man refuses to accept!"

"Afterwards he became the Lord of the Great Wilderness, and this old man is even more dissatisfied!"

Xu Baxian said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if you don't mention the past, but these years, as the Lord of the Wilderness, he has disappeared, and he has not fulfilled his duties as the Lord of the Wilderness. Responsibility, leading the Great Desolation through all crises, the old man is not wrong."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "You are indeed not wrong. You have taken on the heavy responsibility of the Great Wilderness, and wanting to become the Lord of the Great Wilderness is the desire and ambition of the human heart. As long as it is for the Great Wilderness, you are right. But Mr. Xu Ba , ask yourself, apart from what you said, are you really not wrong?"

Xu Baxian's pupils tightened suddenly, and after a while, he said: "If you want to achieve great things, you must use extraordinary means. The old man does not deny that some things are done too violently. Leading the Great Wilderness back to its former glory, I have a clear conscience."

Looking at Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, Xu Ba first said again: "With you here, the future of Dahuang can be clearly seen, but it takes too long, I can't afford to wait, and Dahuang can't afford to wait, and I have the ability, so I don't need to wait." It will take too long for Dahuang to have the glory it once had, so I don't feel wrong for everything you have done."

"Wrong or right, it's not what you say, it's what you say."

Ye Chen waved his hand and smiled, and said: "There is one thing, I don't know if you know it! Back then, Senior Xiao ventured into the ancient ruins in order to obtain a treasure and purify the evil spirits in Changfeng City. Xu Baxian, you should understand, If the crisis in Changfeng City is not eliminated, it will not be a good thing for Dahuang."

"If it wasn't for this reason, do you think the Demon King would cooperate with Senior Xiao's actions?"

Xu Baxian's expression suddenly changed.

"Perhaps even the Demon King has never thought that Senior Xiao will eventually be trapped in the ancient ruins and cannot leave. City Lord Xu, why Senior Xiao was trapped, do you know the real reason?"

Xu Baxian's expression changed again!
"Since you say that all your actions are for the sake of the great wilderness, and you have a clear conscience, then, in this matter, do you really have a clear conscience?"

Ye Chen asked again, but Xu Baxian's expression changed again and again.

It has already been mentioned here, why Xu Baxian doesn't know, what he did back then can no longer be kept secret.

"So, from the very beginning...or in other words, from the time Senior Xiao became the young master of the Great Wilderness, your heart no longer belongs to the Great Wilderness. Xu Baxian, what qualifications do you have to call yourself a member of the Great Wilderness?"

Ye Chen couldn't help yelling sharply, his voice was suddenly full of killing intent inexplicably.

Such killing intent was not because of Xu Baxian's series of methods against Ye Chen himself. Of course, in the main stage, Ye Chen did have a monstrous killing intent towards Xu Baxian.

But now, this killing intent is for the parents!

Back then, if Xu Ba hadn't attacked King Xiao Ming first, King Xiao Ming might not have been trapped in the ancient ruins.

If that hadn't happened, then the Demon Emperor Bell should have been obtained by King Xiao Ming. In this way, his father would never have conflicts with the Yanyang Sect because of that demon master. Yangzong's master was forced to die in the Ye family.

Everything has a cause-and-effect relationship. In the end, it actually has the most direct relationship with Xu Baxian. How can Ye Chen not hate it!
Xu Baxian frowned slightly. He felt Ye Chen's killing intent, but he didn't understand why this killing intent was so complicated.

But it doesn't matter anymore, no matter it's the schemes in the past or what he did during this time, now that he has appeared today, he must kill Ye Chen and Lin Yifan.

Years of hard work, so much hard work has been put into it, and it must not be lost so easily.

"Ye Chen, I know that you have the Great Yu God Cauldron, and you can bring the entire Canglong Army with you. Even if you add the Canglong Army, you will not be the opponent of this old man, but this old man is not Yang Jun, let alone you, even if it is you Even when facing a rabbit, this old man will go all out."

"Moreover, I believe that with your shrewdness, it is absolutely impossible for the two of you to go to Yanyangzong alone. So, show all your cards. Today, either you will die or I will die!"

As the voice fell, more than a dozen people rushed out from the dark place like lightning.

Looking around, all of these people are the city lords of other cities in the Great Wilderness!

Looking at the crowd, Ye Chen said lightly: "I'm naturally prepared, but I don't know if these people here, City Master Xu, are all your strength now? If so, I can guarantee it, but I'm afraid you can't Get out alive."

"Master Xu, since you have decided to go all out, why don't you show all your cards? Anyway, after this battle, there is no possibility of reconciliation, and it is impossible to hide and make a comeback. "

Xu Ba froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect Ye Chen to be so calm. You know, his lineup is much stronger than Luo Shi and others that day.

"Okay, it seems that you have prepared a lot! Well, let this final battle establish the future of the Great Wilderness!"

Xu Baxian immediately raised his hand and waved it!

All I could see was that a terrifying vortex suddenly formed above the sky, and immediately, figures rushed out of the vortex. They were the four elite troops of Wufang City, and the elite troops from various cities who followed him. army.

Having been the lord of Wufang City for many years, especially these years, as the No. 1 in the Great Wilderness, Xu Baxian's subordinates are already strong enough to control the Great Wilderness.

The lineup present may not be one-tenth of Dahuang's, but if there is no opponent in Dahuang now who can match Xu Baxian, no one can stop Xu Baxian's progress.

"These should be all of Xu Baxian's strength!"

Ye Chen and Lin Yifan looked at each other, and there was a chill in their eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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