Chapter 340

King Xiao Ming's last words directly caused all the confidence in Xu Baxian's heart to disappear completely!

Only then did he realize that everything he thought was just because of his lack of vision!
"Ha ha!"

Xu Baxian laughed loudly, and there was too much self-mockery in the laughter.

As the eldest brother, Xu Baxian never doubted Xiao Renlong's excellence, so he has always been against King Xiao Ming, but now he knows that if King Xiao Ming is not outstanding enough, as the eldest brother, Xiao Renlong, How could you be willing to assist?
Demon King!

The demon clan has always been the most domineering, and has always been innately hostile to human beings. If King Xiao Ming was not outstanding, how could the previous generation of demon kings allow this generation of demon kings to have such a good relationship with King Xiao Ming?

It turns out that it's because I don't see the long-term enough!
"Prince Xiao Ming, it turns out that everything is the old man's fault. For many years, the old man has been doing self-righteous things. In the end, he realized that all of this is empty, because the old man does not have the qualifications."

Xu Baxian laughed sadly, but his eyes became more and more fierce: "But even if it is like this, I don't regret it, because if you don't accept it, you just don't accept it. I don't want to be inferior to others, it's as simple as that."

"That's what you really think, isn't it?"

King Xiao Ming looked past Xu Baxian, looked at the other people behind him, and said indifferently: "I don't want to talk about your affairs, but you were deceived by Xu Baxian, and you are all top figures in the wilderness. You should have your own Therefore, your sins cannot be forgiven by this seat."

"However, if you are arrested immediately, I may not want your lives, and your family members will not be affected, if not..."

The killing intent surged out from King Xiao Ming's body!

"Those who are stubborn, I will use the cruelest means!"

Over the years, King Xiao Ming disappeared because of the Great Wilderness, but he never thought that Xu Baxian took advantage of this opportunity and almost tore the Great Wilderness apart.

"I'm telling you a fact. The reason why I was trapped in the ancient ruins back then was all plotted by Xu Baxian."

Looking at those people, King Xiao Ming said coldly: "I'll give you ten seconds, I'm waiting for you to make a choice!"

"Hey, there is no need to choose, the old man will definitely die, why let them have a choice!" Xu Baxian shouted in a deep voice.

There was a brief silence among the crowd. No matter how many wrong things Xu Baxian has done over the years, there is one thing that cannot be ignored. As a hero, he really treats his followers sincerely.

When Yang Jun committed the crime that day, Xu Baxian also wanted to save his life!
"That's good! Xu Baxian, come on!"

Above the sky, thunder suddenly rumbled, King Xiao Ming stood on top of the thunder, and the thunder suddenly rolled, as if it had turned into an incomparable sea of ​​thunder, terrifying coercion, descending from the nine heavens, covering the world.

Xu Baxian's expression has returned to normal at this moment, because he already knows the ending, and now, he just wants to find the most suitable way to die to end his life.

But when he was about to go to Nine Heavens to fight King Xiao Ming for the final battle, his gaze suddenly turned to Ye Chen!

No matter what the final outcome is, Xu Baxian will never forget that the source of the current situation is Ye Chen!

It was this young man who gradually retreated step by step after he entered the wilderness, until he retreated to the end, there was no way out.

Therefore, the hatred towards Ye Chen is the kind of hatred that Xu Ba has never had before. Even if it is against King Xiao Ming all these years, it is just dissatisfaction, not hatred.

If Xu Ba knew first that it was Ye Chen who brought King Xiao Ming out of the ancient ruins, I'm afraid that hatred would be even colder.

That glance was as cold as a knife's edge, and the coldness in his gaze made Ye Chen's skin tingle deeply, but facing this gaze, Ye Chen's face was always calm.

Don't say it's just a look, even if Xu Ba shot him first, don't let Ye Chen have a frightened look.

In the sky, the fateful battle finally started with a bang.

Xiao Renlong looked away from the sky, looked at the dozen or so masters who followed Xu Baxian, and then asked indifferently: "The end is doomed, I don't know if you want to resist, or go back to the wilderness with nothing?"

The current Xu Baxian already has the will to die, so there is no need to worry that he will escape. Moreover, there are Xiao Renlong and the Yaowang, the three masters of the Xuanwu realm, and their strengths are all above Xu Baxian, so it is even more important. Don't worry about Xu Ba running away first.

Ye Chen came to the demon king, clasped his fists and said, "It turns out that my brother and senior Xiao are very good brothers. This time, I'm worried for nothing."

Although the relationship between Ye Chen and the Demon King was due to chance, they had a brotherly friendship, but Ye Chen asked the Demon King for help to resolve all the disputes within the Great Wilderness. Whether the latter will help, Ye Chen really can't guarantee .

After all, before this, no one knew the relationship between the Demon King and King Xiao Ming, and the stronger the Great Wilderness, the greater the threat to the Moyuan Mountain Range.

If it's nothing to do with him, I believe that the Demon King would be very willing to see the Great Wilderness keep fighting!
The Demon King patted Ye Chen on the shoulder with a smile, and said: "That's why I know that my brother is really a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Even if I don't have a relationship with King Xiao Ming, I will help him."

"It is also a great blessing for the Moyuan Mountain Monster Clan to have brothers sitting in the Great Wilderness."

"Brother, do you want to prepare, in case Xu Ba fights back before he dies, and Senior Xiao's injuries have not recovered, I'm afraid there will be some accidents." Ye Chen said.

"Thank you, Ye Chen."

Lin Yifan walked up and said, "The elixir you gave Master back then was very curative. Now, Master's injury is healed, and he no longer needs to practice in seclusion for a long time."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about leaving Xu Ba to King Xiao Ming to solve it alone."

The Demon King looked at Ye Chen, and immediately said: "I know more about Yanyangzong's martial arts competition and grand meeting. There are not so many twists and turns. Yanyangzong just wants Miss Mei to marry Ni Cangtian, so A so-called grand event arranged."

"Brother, have you ever been sure about going against the sky?"

It is undoubtedly superfluous to ask other people this question, but Ye Chen has a record of fighting against martial arts masters, and Yang Jun's strength is also above the sky.

It's just that the battle, relatively speaking, is not absolute. After all, Ye Chen has the help of the Canglong Army. In the contest to recruit relatives, it is impossible for the Canglong Army to appear. Even if the Canglong Army appears, Ni Cangtian also has elite troops under his command.

After being silent for a while, Ye Chen asked, "Brother, do you know why Aoxue agreed?"

The demon king shook his head and said: "I don't know, maybe I was coerced, brother, don't think too much, I believe Miss Mei's feelings for you."

"Of course I believe that too!"

Ye Chen said in a deep voice: "If it's coercion, why did Aoxue get caught by Yan Yangzong to force her to agree to do this?"

The demon king said: "Brother, don't think about these things for now, let's think about how to deal with Ni Cangtian!"

In fairness, the current Ye Chen is absolutely impossible to be Ni Cangtian's opponent.

Ye Chen smiled, and said: "There may be a battle between Ni Cangtian and Ni Cangtian sooner or later, but this time has not yet come, and there will be no martial arts competitions. Since it does not exist, Ni Cangtian and I will not It's too early to fight."

The demon king raised his brows, obviously not understanding the meaning of this.

Ye Chen didn't explain too much, he immediately looked at Xiao Renlong's side, those city lords who followed Xu Baxian, now, are willing to be imprisoned with their own spiritual power, and are willing to follow everyone back to the big city deserted city.

Without Xu Baxian, plus the strong return of King Xiao Ming, Xiao Renlong, the elder brother who has stepped into the Xuanwu realm, and the brother Yao Wang, a different kind, it is impossible for everyone to have other thoughts. For the safety of the family, they only Can choose this way.

Ye Chen breathed out slightly. For these people, it would be the best if they don't fight. No matter what, these people are the top masters in the wilderness. If they can return to their hearts, it will be good.

Time passed by little by little, and the great war in the Nine Heavens was finally coming to an end. When two figures clearly appeared in the midair, everyone knew that from today onwards, the battle within the Great Wilderness would end soon. A perfect full stop.

Xu Baxian was seriously injured, his breathing was unstable, and even his body shape could no longer be kept stable. In mid-air, he was like a grass in the wind, and he might be overturned at any time.

But at this time, Yao Wang and Xiao Renlong's expressions turned serious.

After all, Xu Baxian is a master of Xuanwu realm, he is not afraid of death, so it is not impossible to do other more drastic things.

Fortunately, after a while, Xu Baxian smiled sadly. After half a lifetime of painstaking efforts, he finally ended in failure today. Naturally, he would not be reconciled, but no matter how unwilling, he also knew that the ending was doomed and could not be changed.

Since it cannot be changed, Xu Baxian himself did not act radically.

He pressed his finger heavily between his eyebrows, and a blood hole suddenly appeared. When the blood spurted wildly, his vitality also quickly disappeared. The figure of Wei An, who was once in the eyes of others, was nothing at this moment.


The spout of blood seemed to contain the unwillingness of Mr. Xu Ba's life, as well as all the remaining spiritual power, causing the blood to spurt into the space, making a sharp and ear-piercing sound.

The blood column was like lightning, flying through the air quickly, so that the whole world was soaked in blood red, and an indescribable sadness swept through the space.

Everyone couldn't help sighing, no matter what, Xu Baxian was also number one.

But in the next instant, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

It turned out that when thousands of streams of blood sprayed in the space, there was actually a column of blood, silently, under the cover of other blood, shooting towards Ye Chen with the speed of a meteorite.

After breathing, he was already in front of Ye Chen, the speed was so fast, and the indescribable weirdness, even the demon king who was not far from Ye Chen, had just discovered it.

Moments later, Ye Chen was covered by a strong smell of blood!

(End of this chapter)

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