Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 342 Molten Blood

Chapter 342 Molten Blood
The bloody light of the blood mist made that space seem to be completely soaked in blood, revealing a feeling of gloomy and icy cold. . . .

Except for King Xiao Ming and the Demon King, no one else knew what the Dafa of Fiendish Blood was, but looking at the expressions of the two of them, they could understand that Ye Chen was going through a catastrophe unimaginable to ordinary people.

Covered in blood mist, others couldn't see Ye Chen's expression clearly. They wanted to help, but even King Xiao Ming and the Demon King couldn't do it.


Suddenly, a shocking sword intent burst out violently.

Lin Yifan didn't have a sword in his hand, but he had a sword in his heart. Therefore, the sword intent was even fiercer, enough to cut the space in front of him neatly into two halves, and then let the sword intent forcefully break through the air and enter the In the space filled with blood mist and light.

At this moment, the sword intent is invincible!

However, it was this invincible sword intent that failed to break through the cover of the blood mist like before. When the sword intent came into contact with the blood mist, it was as if Can Xue met a raging fire and quickly melted away. .

"Yifan, it's useless. If external forces can help Ye Chen, why would you stand by as a teacher?" King Xiao Ming persuaded, with a look of sadness in his eyes. Even if he has such a terrifying cultivation base, so what So, the four words of powerlessness still appeared in the depths of his heart as promised.

Lin Yifan shook his head, and said: "I know that maybe I can't help Ye Chen, but I must do this. I want to tell Ye Chen that no matter what happens, I can't give up."

"Not bad!"

The demon king's eyes brightened suddenly, and he said: "Brother Xiao, no matter what, we are going to give it a try. The horror of the Shaxue Dafa lies in the fact that everything is melted and melted by the blood essence. If we can stop the blood essence from Spreading, even if the time to stop is only a tiny bit, it has won a little time for my brother."

"Okay, let's do it like this, we want to let Ye Chen know, never give up!"

Immediately, a burst of spiritual power surged out, rushing towards the blood mist. Perhaps, the blood mist could not be forcibly broken, but this is no longer the main purpose, just to tell Ye Chen, never give up!

Ye Chen in the blood mist seemed to have fallen asleep!
He didn't know what the evil blood method was. When he was covered by the blood mist, the blood mist seemed to have a shocking power, completely isolating himself from the outside space. Therefore, before the demon He couldn't hear the conversation between Wang and the others at all.

But even though he didn't know what the evil blood method was, when he was shrouded in blood mist, the deadly threat was still shrouded in his heart immediately.

The cloud of blood mist forcibly penetrated the Nether Demonic Fire that defended him, penetrated directly through it, and came into his body.

The blood drops that just entered spread like a spark to start a prairie fire, and spread all over the body in an instant. Ye Chen clearly felt that his own blood was losing its original vitality because of this.

Although the blood is still there, people can no longer feel the original vitality, the vitality is passing away rapidly, and the physical body, also from this moment, seems to be corroded, and there are bursts of severe pain.

At this time, his own spiritual power has no resistance to this change, and even the unparalleled yin and yang power, perhaps because of the small amount, is powerless.

Ye Chen knows that although the power of yin and yang can determine the universe, it is the most mysterious and terrifying power in the world. However, being the most mysterious and terrifying does not mean that the world is invincible, let alone that it can deal with everything .

Again, any strength must be based on its own strength.

An ordinary mortal, even if he is given all the power of yin and yang, he will not be able to display the true power of this power.

Feeling the rapid loss of vitality in the body and the rapid aging of body functions, this level of horror is really a crisis that Ye Chen has rarely encountered in these years.

However, in these years, he has wandered between life and death too many times, so at this time, he did not show any panic, and he was still very calm.

Although it is still very unclear how this horror was formed, it is known that the only way to resolve this crisis is to infiltrate Xu Baxian's essence and blood that has invaded his body, and the blood that has enveloped himself. The blood mist melted away.

However, the ghost fire, his own spiritual power and yin and yang power, as well as the three great treasures, all the means at his disposal, Ye Chen, are still unable to prevent the continuation of this crisis. The essence and blood that belonged to him were melted away.

It seems that it has reached the end of the mountain!

However, Ye Chen didn't intend to give up, because at this moment, he felt Lin Yifan and others' intentions, not for himself, but for everyone who cared about him, for Mei Aoxue who was waiting for him to go in Yanyangzong, For all those who want to live on their own, never give up.

Now that we are at the end of our ropes, we don't need to have any worries anymore. What we wanted to do in the past but couldn't do, just happened to take this opportunity to try to do it again.

And this time what to do is to practice Cang Xuan Hua Long Jue!

When he was in danger that day, Ye Chen tried to raise the Cangxuan Hualongjue to a higher level, reaching the state of melting blood, so as to resolve that crisis, but that time, Ye Chen failed.

With that failed experience, coupled with reaching the realm of the spiritual sea, and after such a long time, Ye Chen's precipitation is already perfect enough, and hitting the molten blood realm should be a matter of course.

In fact, during the ten days of waiting, Ye Chen had the opportunity to attack the molten blood realm, but at that time his mind was too disturbed to practice at all, so he delayed it.

It never occurred to him that the right time to attack the molten blood realm would come so soon.

The so-called melting blood means turning the body into a cauldron to smelt one's own blood essence!

Now that my blood essence has been corrupted by Xu Baxian's blood essence, and has lost its vitality, it is the best time to smelt it. Moreover, with such a smelting, it should be possible to smelt Xu Baxian's essence blood together. .

It is undeniable that Xu Baxian's attack this time was too terrifying, but relatively, because of the terrifying attack, Xu Baxian's blood essence also contained extremely powerful energy.

These energies are not of any help to the practice of Cangxuan Hualongjue, nor will they help Ye Chen obtain unexpected benefits in the Cangxuanhualongjue technique. However, these energies are beneficial to Ye Chen himself. But it has great benefits.

If these blood essences can be smelted, then the energy contained in the blood essence will naturally be absorbed by Ye Chen's own spiritual power, thus greatly improving his cultivation.

Such benefits will be indescribable. You must know what a master Xu Baxian is. In the Xuanwu realm, he may be at the bottom, but for Ye Chen now, he is unattainable and a well-deserved strongman.

Xu Baxian's energy, even if Ye Chen could absorb even a tiny bit, would be enough to raise his cultivation level by at least one level immediately.

If it succeeds, I'm afraid Xu Baxian would never have imagined it in his dreams, and what he thought was a killer move finally fulfilled Ye Chen.

Of course, this is something to say later, it is still unknown that Ye Chen can successfully complete the cultivation of Cang Xuan Hua Long Jue within a limited time.

However, although it cannot be asserted that success is certain, at the moment, it is a great hope.

At the position of the heart, the power of the real dragon has been condensed to the extreme to make the cauldron visible. It has already been experienced once, and it is not too difficult to use it again.

In less than a minute, a perfect cauldron, like a work of art, quietly appeared.

This is condensed by the power of a real dragon, so it is not a real thing. However, the illusory cauldron still presents a beautiful feeling. Naturally, there is no so-called flame in the cauldron. It is not necessary to smelt your own blood. The burning of the flame is required.


Ye Chen made seals with his hands, and shouted loudly in his mind. It seemed that an extremely powerful suction appeared from the inner cauldron furnace, and thus, the blood in his whole body began to rush towards the cauldron furnace quickly. out.

The cauldron is condensed from the power of the real dragon, that is to say, this cauldron is the power of the real dragon. All the fresh blood flows out after being refined by the power of the real dragon. Then, the own blood has the breath of energy.

This process will undoubtedly take a long time. It is unlikely that one's own blood will be smelted in the cauldron for a long time. Otherwise, the human body will suffer from many accidents due to lack of blood. Therefore, it can only be done gradually. It should be carried out in a timely manner, so as to avoid irreversible damage to the body due to ischemia.

But now, Ye Chen doesn't have to worry about these at all. His own blood has been corrupted by Xu Baxian's blood essence, and it is not suitable for human needs. Therefore, he doesn't have to worry about the consequences of ischemia.

For Ye Chen, the most important thing now is to smelt Xu Baxian's blood essence. As long as this is done, he doesn't care about other injuries based on what he has.

Therefore, Xu Baxian's ultimate move against Ye Chen this time, on the contrary, has fulfilled Ye Chen. When he is practicing Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art and hitting the molten blood realm, he can do it without any scruples.

This is something that Xu Baxian never dreamed of!

Time passed by little by little, Ye Chen was completely immersed in the cultivation of Cangxuan Hualongjue, he didn't pay any attention to the changes in his own condition, in fact, he didn't need to pay attention to anything.

As long as Xu Baxian's blood essence cannot be smelted away, he knows what kind of terrible ending he will face in the future, so why should he care about the changes in his current situation?

During the passage of time, blood was continuously smelted and returned to various parts of Ye Chen's body.

Those blood, extremely bright red!
(End of this chapter)

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